Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight, push hands

Dimensional Invasion of Real Earth 1778, Push Hand

1778. Promote

On the moon, the heavenly soldiers and generals brought by Emperor Zhenwu built a replica of the heaven at an extremely fast speed.

The minimum cultivation level of each heavenly soldier is the immortal level. Even if this group of people is not proficient in civil engineering, their productivity is comparable to that of thousands of people.

When there is no shortage of materials, the construction speed can be imagined.

In fact, Emperor Zhenwu did not put real energy into the construction of replicating the heaven. He mostly crossed the lunar passage and entered the world on the other side of the passage.

For that world, this is the beginning of the real arrival of myth.

For a world where even landing on the moon requires the efforts of a country to achieve an achievement, when the myth really comes, they understand that they are not even as good as ants in front of the myth.

The so-called resistance, the so-called wanting to strengthen one's spine are all a joke.

When you have gathered the technological power of the entire star and are as fragile as a blank sheet of paper in front of a small heavenly soldier, you can imagine the despair involved.

When Emperor Zhenwu manifested his close body to the sky of the world, its vastness was even larger than that of the planet. The slightest leak of aura suppressed all the creatures in it and made them unable to move. Many humans knelt down even more quickly, as if it was not so If they do, the only thing waiting for them is death.

It's just that they don't know that in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu and the heavenly soldiers and generals, the population of more than 7 billion on this planet is only over one billion that they really consider to be human beings.

They only care about the billions of their own people. Before that, they had a kingdom in heaven where myths and stories had been spread for thousands of years.

As for other believers, no matter how quickly they kneel down, or even if they cut open their chests and show their hearts, they still have to wait.

They didn't care about the life or death of these people. In fact, they didn't even think about how to deal with these outsiders.

Emperor Zhenwu himself just disbanded the Dragon Kingdom, passed down his true Taoism to it, and published the many basic skills that Liu Hao had already disclosed on the Earth Network in the Dragon Kingdom. He didn't care about the others. , and don’t be in a hurry.

This world, to Emperor Zhenwu, is the foundation of the future Great Heavenly Court in all heavens and all realms. There is plenty of time to train it. Even if it takes tens or even hundreds of years, for Heavenly Court, it is just the blink of an eye. You need to be anxious. ?

Furthermore, Emperor Zhenwu also believed that he had no basic interest in these managements. That was Ren Haotian's business, so why should he make himself uncomfortable? It is also very likely that any decision would cause him to look at him differently.

The relationship between Emperor Zhenwu and Haotian is not so much a superior and subordinate relationship as a cooperative relationship. The real cooperation between the Taoist sage Laozi and his subordinates under the Heavenly Court is a manifestation of the sage Laozi’s support for Haotian. .

There is one thing that Haotian is absolutely comfortable with as a disciple of the sage Lao Tzu, and that is the promotion of ‘inaction’. In other words, Haotian should make the really important decisions by himself, and he will not participate in them and will not object because of them, etc.

This is a world of difference from those under the Chan Sect. Isn't this the reason why Haotian can reuse Emperor Zhenwu so much?

If today it were the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor who was under the Chan Sect, it would be hard to say whether this planet captured by the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals would belong to Heaven or the Chan Sect.

Similarly, if today Emperor Zhenwu is replaced by Emperor Changsheng of Antarctica, only the humans on this planet will understand what the true majesty of immortal gods is.

He will not be like Emperor Zhenwu. He will communicate with the Dragon Kingdom with nice words. Most likely he will just issue an order directly. Just like how Master Yuding and Master Huanglong did in the Transformers world, they were directly transferred from the Dragon Kingdom. Tens of millions of soldiers and horses.

When you meet Emperor Zhenwu, you can only say that the humans on this planet have met a good person.

But sometimes I have to admit that a good person will always give others a feeling that they can still talk to each other, and they will wonder if they can mention their thoughts and thoughts, etc.

Emperor Zhenwu is not interested in this. He is just going through the motions. Compared with these, he is more willing to support the Wudang Mountain Sect, which is the common inheritance place of Emperor Zhenwu in all the worlds.

Naturally, he also realized the real benefits of taking over a world from this experience. If he absorbed the majestic power of faith today, not to mention building a golden body, it would definitely be able to kill him directly. New three corpses.

When he had just stepped into the heavens, Emperor Zhenwu might have thought carefully and considered the pros and cons before making a choice.

But now, he just glanced at it, waved his sleeves, put it in his bag as if collecting a small treasure, and then poured it directly into the statue of Emperor Zhenwu in Wudang Mountain in this world.

He did this not only to give these beliefs a place to go, but also to give the world in the future an excellent gathering place for his belief in Emperor Zhenwu.

This world was captured by his Zhenwu Emperor. This is a fact that no one can deny. Even if Haotian takes over the control of this world in the future, it will be his Zhenwu Emperor's benefit that is the power of these human beings' devout faith;

Haotian still won't make any interceptions. When other immortal gods arrive, they can take a share of the pie, but those who should retreat still need to retreat.

This is not a matter of first come, first served, but a tacit understanding that true masters must have.

Just like the first cave you discovered in the wild world, after you hang up your own sign, it can only be yours, and no other colleagues will snatch it away.

Even if this immortal has become a figure on the list of gods, such as Zhao Gongming back then, isn't there still no one who covets Zhao Gongming's original dojo in Luofu Mountain?

Emperor Zhenwu took over this world in a similar way.

In fact, it is already a luxury for him to use these powers of faith to cultivate his own Wudang Mountain Zhenwu Dharma. If it were any Buddhist monk, he would have used this to gild his body layer after layer.

I have to praise from this, the Taoist sect, especially the disciples of Taiqing Daode Tianzun, are also a group of people with extraordinary character.

These were all stated by Emperor Zhenwu when he returned from that world and came to Liu Hao and Fang Yun to watch the hut. It seemed that Emperor Zhenwu was just going through a formality. He really didn't care much about what happened next.

Compared with taking over the other world, Emperor Zhenwu was even more happy that Zhang Sanfeng had attained the Daluo Dao and obtained the Daluo Dao Fruit.

Who is Zhang Sanfeng? How could Emperor Zhenwu not know about it now?

Before this, Emperor Zhenwu didn't even have a statue in the human world, and he was just a "partner" among many myths and legends.

But since Zhang Sanfeng founded Wudang Mountain, he, the Zhenwu Emperor, immediately became one of the mainstays of the Taoist sect in all the worlds. It can be said that all the benefits came from Zhang Sanfeng. How could he not value Zhang Sanfeng?

What a genius Zhang Sanfeng is, and he, the Great Emperor Zhenwu, knows it best. Isn't it a clear proof of the Daluo Daoguo that he so quickly proved?

The reason why he didn't rush to leave his inheritance on Liu Hao's Earth before was because he didn't want to harm Zhang Sanfeng's interests?

Don't think that the majestic Zhenwu Emperor doesn't understand the way of luck. How is that possible?

The door was clear, didn't you see that Emperor Zhenwu obviously chose to wait when he could kill the second three corpses?

He just didn't want to cause Zhang Sanfeng, who was already on the verge of attaining Daluo Daoguo, to fail because of his own participation. That would be a real loss outweighing the gain for the Wudang Sect, and it would also be a huge loss for him, the Zhenwu Emperor.

Today, he heard the news that Zhang Sanfeng had attained Daluo Daoguo from the mouth of his obsessed Liu Hao. One can imagine the joy in his heart, and it also proved that his choice could not be more correct.

At this time, Emperor Zhenwu, when he received this news, could not wait to step into the long river of time. If nothing else, he just wanted to watch the Dao Fruit left by Zhang Sanfeng from a distance and take a look at this lesson. What is the future of Guo?

His onlookers also doubled his joy.

A Zhang Sanfeng who can create the Tai Chi method will be praised even if I come, let alone the Zhenwu Emperor.

He vaguely saw the true meaning of Tai Chi from the Taoist fruits left by Zhang Sanfeng in the long river of time. Even though he had expected it, he almost burst into laughter.

He had already overestimated Zhang Sanfeng, but today he discovered that this overestimation was still an underestimate.

The sincere smile on his face could not be hidden at all, and he accepted the congratulations from Liu Hao and Fang Yun calmly.

"Friend Daoist, everything is fine, you might as well go to the front line of the abyss to have a look!"

What Liu Hao said to Emperor Zhenwu, only Fang Yun knew the hidden plot best.

That is to pull more ancient masters into the front line of the abyss. As long as they have fought in it, they will definitely gain a lot from it. Once they have gained a lot, they will not be able to let go of the benefits.

Fang Yun didn't think that Emperor Zhenwu in front of him would be an exception. He could only kill the second three corpses. Wasn't there an incarnation of obsession that needed to be killed?

It can almost be said that as long as Zhenwu Great Emperor walks on the front line of the Abyss, it will be impossible to escape this temptation.

Emperor Zhenwu didn't know that Obsessive Liu Hao had this hidden calculation for his proposal. He was extremely happy, thinking that Zhang Sanfeng was fighting in it, and he really had no interest in the war between humans and monsters in the hunting ground below. Come, it seems that you can really go there.

He came in a hurry and left in a hurry. His buttocks were not yet hot, and only Liu Hao and Fang Yun were left at the scene.

"Fellow Taoist, you want to use the words of Emperor Zhenwu to draw more heavenly soldiers and generals into it, right?"

It wasn't until Emperor Zhenwu submerged into the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation that Fang Yun spoke.

Obsessed Liu Hao just shook his head slightly: "Haotian's incarnation as Zhang Bairen is already fighting in it, and it is only a matter of time for the arriving heavenly soldiers and generals from the ancient heaven to enter it;

As eager as I am to plot Emperor Zhenwu's entry into the abyss, I am even more eager to plot against the quasi-sages who will arrive from the wild world in the future! "

"That's it! It's an excellent example!"

Fang Yun obviously regards Emperor Zhenwu as a future display, and Emperor Zhenwu's cultivation is indeed just right. Others don't know that Emperor Zhenwu has a deep understanding before, and has reached the point where he can kill the three corpses in the second game at any time.

They would only see Emperor Zhenwu entering the abyss front line to fight, seeing Emperor Zhenwu coming out of the abyss front line and beheading the second three corpses, or Emperor Zhenwu directly beheading the second three corpses in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation on the abyss front line. corpse.

As long as the quasi-sages from the prehistoric times see such an appearance, Liu Hao's plan will succeed.

As long as these quasi-sages from the prehistoric times have such a feeling, they will go to the Abyss Front to try the effect. As long as they get rewards from the avenue from the Abyss Front, which are both merit and luck, they Can you still escape?

As for the dangers, how can one care about these when they reach the level of quasi-sage?

For them, being unable to improve their cultivation is more terrifying than any danger.

It’s okay to hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening. This sentence is the highest expression of a practitioner’s soul.

Many times, if you tell these people a thousand times, it will not be as effective as people's guesses, nor as practical as people's own experiments.

Whether they are obsessed with Liu Hao or Fang Yun, the height the two of them stand is beyond what many people think.

Just like the prehistoric heaven, under the leadership of Emperor Zhenwu, took over a world, it was just a small piece of information for the obsessed Liu Hao and Fang Yun, and they would not have any other thoughts about it.

In turn, by pushing Emperor Zhenwu into the front line of the abyss and laying the groundwork for the subsequent visitors from the wild, the two of them will be happy from the bottom of their hearts.

On the other side, Emperor Zhenwu stepped into the Zhoutian Star Formation, only to find that this prehistoric formation had already appeared in the heavens, which made him feel a little shocked;

He evaluated himself in his mind, and suddenly found that he was like a small chess piece in the Zhoutian Starry Formation. With his own cultivation, it seemed that he could not struggle for a long time in it.

He felt that he was a bit arrogant. If he were not familiar with Liu Hao, he would have felt like he was being plotted to death at this moment.

At this time, a ray of light shot from the depths of the starry sky within the Zhoutian Star Formation, forming a guiding light directly at the feet of Emperor Zhenwu.

He didn't have any fear, and he knew that this was the guidance of the organizer. People in the game could only follow it. He stepped forward, walking a few steps at a time, and a majestic figure appeared in front of him.

He shouldn't be too familiar with this person. Many of his original thoughts disappeared when he saw this person.

This person is naturally Qinglong Liu Hao, the one who truly holds the title of Emperor Ziwei.

Emperor Zhenwu, as one of the four emperors of heaven, understands this aura most clearly. He also understands that his worries before have no meaning at all. Isn't Emperor Ziwei the one who controls the stars in the sky?

It is the most reasonable thing for people to arrange a great formation of stars all over the sky.

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