Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and eighty, reason

1780. Reason

This is the difference between those who have found their true self and clearly know their position.

Just one glance at it made it clear to Emperor Zhenwu that he was already living for himself.

One may be an exception, but if it appears one after another, it is definitely not an accident.

Such a thought flashed through Emperor Zhenwu's heart. He turned his head and glanced at Qinglong Liu Hao, but he didn't get any explicit hint from it.

He turned back again and continued to look at Guanyin in the picture, with a vague feeling in his heart that this was the real 'Bodhisattva'.

At the same time, there was a sneer in his heart, thinking that in the ancient world, Buddhism should have reached its peak after traveling to the west, but he did not want to rise again and again, causing this peak to be so short-lived that it was more like It's a dream.

He is very aware of the current situation of ancient Buddhism in the Wutang Empire. It is said that Buddhism is spreading eastward, but what is it spreading to?

The so-called Tripitaka Sutra has been taken back, but isn’t it just being shelved?

The opportunity was given to you, and the game you arranged was completed, but the effect was almost useless. What can you do?

At the beginning, all the immortals and gods in the whole world were decided by you, and they cooperated with you to play together. All the explanations that should be given to you have been explained. When the game is over, who will continue to cooperate with you?

But he never expected that the Buddhist sect in the prehistoric world would rush towards the trough from its peak power, and when he stepped into the heavens, what he saw was another scene.

He knew better that if the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who arrived from the Buddhist sect had 'transformed' like the Avalokitesvara in front of him, it would not be a good thing for the Taoist sect.

In the picture, compared to Sun Wukong, Guanshiyin is evenly matched from the moment he appears, and the fighting power between the two is evenly matched from beginning to end.

Emperor Zhenwu didn't know if it was because he didn't see the beginning. He estimated that the Guanyin in front of him and the Abyss Demon God must have been fighting for a long time.

His judgment was correct. When Qinglong Liu Hao controlled the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, he liked to arrange slightly stronger enemies for all the one-on-one master participants, and he was also used to putting greater pressure on these masters. them.

This also makes a battle often last for a long time, especially for those who are not the best at fighting in the first place, such as Guanyin.

You said they are not strong, right? His level of cultivation is already so high.

But you may say that they are all very strong, but that’s not the case. Just like Guanyin, after she switched to Buddhism, how did she really fight the enemy?

Especially after Guanyin became a quasi-sage, her so-called real life-and-death fighting experience was basically zero.

The ancient world was long gone from the catastrophic periods that created the world, and had already been controlled by saints. How could there be so many powerful enemies to kill?

This also makes it very good for Guanyin to be able to fully exert her strength when she first fought against the Abyss Demon God.

Even she herself must admit that the pressure between life and death is definitely the best training model.

Nowadays, she is not only able to fully stimulate what she has learned, she is also making progress all the time.

She has been able to use various magical methods, various modes of using spiritual treasures, and borrow the great ways and laws between heaven and earth with ease.

It was also because of this that she was able to win again and again against opponents who were slightly beyond her cultivation arranged by Qinglong Liu Hao, and gain merit and luck again and again.

These merits and luck prompted her to constantly understand Taoism during battles, and she had a true 'transformation' in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu, truly understanding what she wanted and how to move forward on the path she wanted to walk.

Emperor Zhenwu's judgment couldn't be more correct, and Avalokitesvara is definitely not an exception.

This is the greatest benefit of the Abyss Frontline, and for this reason, none of the masters who step into it will think of leaving.

This is no longer as simple as a sense of accomplishment, but a real and tangible improvement. Who can any monk withstand this temptation?

Just like Avalokiteśvara, her way of great mercy has gone from being understood, to gradually becoming familiar, to now being obviously familiar and controlled. Every move, even the mind and body, can affect the opponent to a certain extent.

This kind of situation, in the prehistoric period, was simply unimaginable and impossible for Guanshiyin to achieve.

Back then, if she wanted to achieve such an effect, not only did she put all her energy into it, but she still needed most of her energy when taking the initiative, even if the target's cultivation level was far lower than her opponent's.

How can it be like this now? Even if the opponent's cultivation level is slightly higher than hers, he doesn't need to use any extra power at all. Just relying on his own understanding of the Great Mercy and Great Compassion, he can already have a constant influence.

She knew better that it was because of this effect that she was able to withstand one opponent after another time and time again, gradually going from being suppressed to suppressing the opponent now.

She no longer knows how many such opponents she has experienced, and each one of them was defeated by her in the end and became a ladder for her to gain merit and luck.

She has become accustomed to it. If the next opponent is an opponent who is on par with her, or even slightly lower than her in cultivation, she will feel very bored and will not have any intention to play house with her opponent. A deadly rival is what she wants most.

In turn, verifying what she has learned and improving herself again and again has made Guanyin addicted to it. As long as there are opponents in the Zhoutian Star Formation, she has no interest in leaving.

As for before coming, whether it was to guide or to mention, what was the mission they ordered Guanyin to do after she stepped into the heavens? What does it have to do with yourself?

It’s not that Guanshiyin chose to betray again. This time there was a fundamental difference between her turning from evangelism to Buddhism.

The last time, she knew very well that that was the real betrayal. Whether it was being deceived or whether she was not firm in her will, she knew that it was betrayal.

It was a choice I made after repeated consideration, thinking that I would be able to improve significantly if I left Chanjiao and entered Buddhism.

But in fact, she now understands that it was not because she took up Buddhism and obtained the title of Lingshan Bodhisattva that she achieved her current level of cultivation.

Even if she still chose to explain the teachings and practice quietly, now even if her cultivation level is slightly lower, there won't be much difference, and there can't be any essential difference.

Wasn't her true foundation laid in the teachings?

I looked like a beautiful person in ancient Buddhism, but now I realize that he was just a tool. To put it bluntly, he abandoned his true self because he chose power.

Now that she fully understands it, it also means that the concept of portal in her heart has completely changed.

She knew that she was still a member of the Buddhist sect, but she had no idea who the Buddha was or what the two great saints above the Buddhist sect were like;

She also understood that in the future, she would never be able to happily do things just because she received an order from him, nor would she nod her head to comply with any of the Buddha's decrees.

Sometimes she imagined that what she had done in the past felt ridiculous.

It was as if she had to cling to a big tree and follow it to absorb nutrients from all living beings. She was absorbing them like crazy, but how much of these nutrients actually belonged to her?

The nutrition I received from it could only be said to be less than what I would have absorbed if I went crazy. The real benefit belonged to Buddhism, to the two great saints Jie Yin and Zhunti who were so high up there.

How happy I was at the beginning, how ironic it is now that I think about it?

Those beliefs she absorbed from all sentient beings, and the merits she obtained by lying through all kinds of tricks, how happy she was at the beginning, are now ridiculous.

It's all for merit. Now I use my own hands to steal from the opponent of the Abyss Demon God. Anything I capture belongs to me. Isn't this nice?

Why should I give most of the luck I got through hard work and even death to the two Buddhist saints?

Isn’t it okay to start your own sect?

After so many years, I think about it carefully, and my contribution to Buddhism has far exceeded what I gained from it. In other words, even if it is cause and effect, Buddhism really owes me, so why should I continue to contribute as stupidly as before?

This is almost the biggest change in Guanyin's heart, and because of this, she never thinks of herself as betrayal this time.

Furthermore, she did not deny that she was not a member of the Buddhist sect. She had just changed from a tool person to a real entrepreneur.

The transformation of her soul is also the biggest reason why she is so radiant now. It is a change that can be seen clearly at a glance, and it is also the biggest shock that Emperor Zhenwu saw in her.

Perhaps Emperor Zhenwu had already seen the huge improvement from Sun Wukong, so he ignored the changes in Guanyin. Or maybe Emperor Zhenwu was already prepared for this in his heart before watching it, and felt that this kind of improvement should be like this.

In the picture, Guan Shiyin has firmly suppressed the opponent of the Abyss Demon God. With every move, the opponent of the Abyss Demon God dances closely, like a puppet, and like a clown following the baton in Guan Shiyin's hand.

This also shocked Emperor Zhenwu. How could he not know that this was already an advanced use of Guanyin's Dao? How many attempts would it take to achieve such an effect?

"Could it be that after Guanyin entered the heavens, she has been killing the Abyss Demon God in the Zhoutian Star Formation?"

Emperor Zhenwu couldn't help but blurt out. On the side, Qinglong Liu Hao didn't hide anything. In just a few words, he made it clear what Guanyin did after his arrival.

In the words, Emperor Zhenwu also got the answer he wanted. Although it was not the same as he expected, it was almost the same.

He shook his head. He didn't know that these quasi-sages who came from the ancient times had already taken the arrangements from above seriously.

Also, if he were standing in Guanyin's position, there is a high probability that he would only make such a choice.

Which practice is not for self-improvement?

In the face of self-improvement, any major matter is just a trivial matter to these monks, and they will also be passive and slow in their work.

He saw in the picture that Avalokitesvara had forced the opponent of the Abyss Demon God into a blind corner. Even if the opponent of the Abyss Demon God realized that he could not help himself at the last moment, it seemed to be of no use. He could only watch helplessly and be killed by Avalokitesvara.

He even saw a touch of black and yellow energy descending from the void and sinking directly into the head of Avalokitesvara. It was clearly merit. How pure was the reward from the Great Dao?

His eyes widened, and he slowly turned his head and looked at Qinglong Liu Hao, expecting to be verified.

He received a slight nod from Qinglong Liu Hao without a word of response, but it made him understand that his guess was completely correct.

This shocked him even more.

As a disciple of Taishang Daode Tianzun, even if he is a registered disciple, Emperor Zhenwu's ability to directly control the secrets of heaven and earth is the best among a small group of people.

How could he not understand how difficult it is to be rewarded for meritorious deeds on the Great Dao?

But just by killing an Abyss Demon God, you can get the merit reward of the Dao. This shocking news tells him that the Abyss Demon God is a great threat to the Dao.

Does that mean that the biggest opponent in all the worlds in the future will come from this?

Could this be the real reason why all heavens and worlds are connected?

Emperor Zhenwu did not ask, and he knew that even if he asked, Qinglong Liu Hao beside him would not be able to answer him;

It's not that he underestimated Qinglong Liu Hao's height, but he knew that this was the truth.

Even if his teacher sees the situation in front of him, he can only give his own guess. He knows that even the guess given by the teacher is probably no different from his own, so there is no need to ask any questions.

He was silent for a long time, and he knew clearly in his heart that the Heavenly Treasure that Qinglong Liu Hao sat down on must and could only come out at the right moment.

He even felt that this great catastrophe was clearly an immeasurable catastrophe between heaven and earth.

It is either victory and survival, or failure and all the heavens that have been linked together are buried together.

He finally understood the truth that Liu Hao, who had been obsessed with him before, told him that in the world of Master Xuanwu, only Hunyuan could not enter.

He didn't think that with just a few saints and masters of Heavenly Dao, he could stop the abyss that even the great Dao felt threatened.

"This is already a calamity common to all heavens and all realms!"

He muttered in his heart, and then let out a heavy breath. The last trace of displeasure at Liu Hao's plot against him just now disappeared without a trace.

Because any so-called big event is nothing compared to what you see before you.

The sense of urgency in his heart was heightened to the extreme, and it was also accompanied by a hint of joy.

Because he understands that in the face of such an immeasurable calamity, all previous restraints will be completely released, so is it possible for him to attain Hunyuan?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but his heart beat up. The quasi-sages from the ancient world were more or less uncertain in this regard.

They have become accustomed to the extremes of heaven and earth, and have become accustomed to the shackles that press hard on themselves. If they want to break through, they almost need to withstand the suppression of the entire world.

Now, this shackles has been broken by a greater terror. Perhaps this is a blessing and a disaster, right?

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