Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, the continuation of the calculation

Dimensional invasion of the real earth 1781, continuation of the calculation

1781. Continuity of calculation

This phenomenon caused quite a stir before Liu Hao traveled through time.

The first country to rise was also the Little Ghost Country. The most important reason why they had such a phenomenon was that they had lost their way to ascend.

When their social economy was in a period of stagnation, there were very few newly established companies in the entire country, as if all the known tracks had already been occupied by everyone.

These occupiers are all those huge groups. They have been deeply involved in these industries for countless years. As long as any latecomers challenge them, they will only face death.

They seem to have created many group companies with dozens or hundreds of years of history, but in fact, the existence of these group companies has long ago reduced the entire Xiaogui Country to a backwater environment.

Without the existence of newly emerging companies, in this stagnant water, all latecomers can only enter these group companies, just like old scalpers, they can only work hard without complaining, and even be slaughtered by others.

They no longer have the right to speak, and they will not be given the opportunity to challenge vested interest groups.

As a result, a new vocabulary appeared in their country, called "social animals".

They originally thought that since they couldn't change their fate, they might as well accept it;

They think that even if they can only become social animals, can't they improve themselves through hard work and get a promotion and a salary increase?

But they soon discovered that this was simply not realistic.

In these group companies, all positions, large and small, have long been divided up.

No matter how hard the newcomers work, they still have to work hard and be harvested for a long time until the people above them retire before it is their turn to be promoted.

You can say that this is a social phenomenon caused by the environment of Xiaogui Country. Their top management also thought about changing it, but soon they found that they were unable to do anything about it and could only let it go.

But it is undeniable that the Little Ghost Kingdom controls the entire ascending channel from top to bottom, creating a unique vested interest class in the entire Little Ghost Kingdom, which is firmly in its own hands and can never let go.

They know better that once they fall from these firmly controlled positions, these positions will soon be replaced by new people, and they will never have the possibility of regaining them.

They know this so well that they must firmly hold on to the power in their hands without giving any chance to challenge to anyone who comes after them.

As a result, the entire social class of Xiaogui Country was solidified.

It has solidified that these classes have divided into closed circles one after another, and the people in these circles cannot see the sky outside the circles at all.

The people at the bottom seem to still have enough food and clothing. In their spare time, they seem to be able to do some traveling. The people in the circle they can see around them are no different from them, as if the gap between the rich and the poor is basically non-existent between them. does not exist.

Therefore, they will only think that the entire society is like this, and they will not see how much luxury the upper-class carnivores have.

Because they have been completely cut off from the upper class for a long time. Even from birth, they can no longer see real rich children, because their life experiences and lives have nothing to do with you from beginning to end.

This was the social form of Xiaogui Country before Liu Hao traveled through time.

It is naturally impossible for Emperor Zhenwu to know this. If he knew it, he would find that the ancient world he was in had many similarities.

The biggest similarity is the accumulation of time. The real top-level personnel can only be the product of countless years of precipitation.

It's as if Emperor Zhenwu and the saints were born in the same era.

The earlier one is born and starts a business, the more stable the top group will be. Throughout the prehistoric times, didn’t the saints also control the entire world?

Even if it is as huge as the vast world, there is still a limit.

For example, the number of saints is nine, and the vague shackles between heaven and earth are not telling Emperor Zhenwu and other quasi-sages that that is a level that you cannot reach no matter how hard you try?

In such a closed environment, even if she is as powerful as Empress Houtu, she has already achieved the realm of heaven and can completely control the earthly people. She can sit quietly in the prehistoric world and earth, and has never thought about fighting with Hongjun. Fighting?

Because people understand that it is meaningless. Even if it comes out, no matter how much effort is expended, it is impossible to cultivate saints like Sanqing and Yingyin Zhunti.

Under the saints, all are ants, and Empress Houtu knows this better than anyone else.

Similarly, when the prehistoric world was connected to all the heavens and worlds, didn't Empress Houtu immediately walk out of her secluded place?

Because she saw possibilities and saw the emergence of trends that could really change things.

Of course, Hongjun was also someone who saw such a huge change, and he knew very well that if he continued to control the entire prehistoric world in his own hands, Empress Houtu would definitely lift the table to greet him.

As a result, Hongjun opened the tunnel, and then opened the human realm, and the prehistoric world ushered in an era when the three realms of heaven, earth, and man were independent.

This is why White Tiger Liu Hao was able to achieve Hunyuan so smoothly. Otherwise, in the prehistoric world, it would have been impossible. The moment he achieved Hunyuan, White Tiger Liu Hao had to face the extreme suppression of many saints. Even joint execution.

To put it bluntly, it is still the original vested interest class that suppresses latecomers, and it is impossible to share the fruits that they have swallowed long ago.

The biggest reason why the saints chose to let go and acquiesce was because they saw greater benefits and the possibility of going one step further.

Similarly, everyone under the saint also saw the thorough opening of the ascending channel.

But this opening is still confusing to many quasi-sages.

Comparing their previous understandings, they quickly came to a conclusion, that is, if they want to go further, if they want to become a new prehistoric saint or to realize the Hunyuan, they must rely on one of the three paths of heaven, earth and man.

And even if they made a choice, they found that they were not the ones who really had the right to choose. It was as if they were showing off their wings and waiting for the selection of Hongjun, Empress Houtu and Empress Nuwa.

They have no initiative at all. They can only hold their heads high and their bodies stretched up to their own necks, hoping that they will be the next chosen one.

Emperor Zhenwu was also one of them, but he soon discovered that he seemed to have no advantage at all among these quasi-sages.

He is my disciple, but not his direct descendant.

He has consolidated his "personality" over countless years, and it is simply difficult to change it.

Compared to those quasi-sages who think they have real backers, he doesn't seem to have a high sense of urgency in his heart.

This is why when Haotian gave him the task of leading the heavenly army into the heavens, he chose to take over after thinking about it for a while.

But today, he discovered how wonderful his choice was.

He saw the real hope, the real hope that he could get rid of the whole prehistoric world and realize the Hunyuan in all the worlds.

All hopes seem to be achieved as long as you work hard. The difficulties are very high, and you may even lose your life if you are not careful, but so what?

Emperor Zhenwu has never been afraid of this.

Compared to the real hope he saw, this risk was nothing to him. If there was no such danger, he would doubt whether this fight was real.

He was also a little annoyed in his heart, annoyed at why he waited until now to truly enter the world.

The Guanyin in front of me is just a little earlier than me, but she has truly embarked on her own path. I seem to be lagging far behind, and I must really raise the sense of urgency in my heart to the extreme, and must use all my life-saving means. The posture can only be used for the next few days.

How could he hide the high-spirited attitude rising from his body from Qinglong Liu Hao, who was watching quietly from the side.

Isn't this why Qinglong Liu Hao showed the changes of Sun Wukong and Guanyin to Emperor Zhenwu?

This is simply to further deepen Liu Hao's obsession with Emperor Zhenwu, and to strengthen Emperor Zhenwu's determination to devote himself to the front line of the abyss as long as he has time.

Obviously, the effect is absolutely superb. At this time, even if Qinglong Liu Hao drives him away, Emperor Zhenwu will definitely stay here shamelessly. As for the tasks arranged by Haotian for Emperor Zhenwu, he can only be ranked behind.

In fact, when Haotian sent Emperor Zhenwu into all the worlds, why didn't Haotian expect such a situation to occur?

It's just that compared to others, Haotian is more willing to believe in the responsibility in Emperor Zhenwu's heart.

Didn't Haotian also arrange for Li Jing, the king of the tower, to be among the heavenly army?

People have long been prepared for Emperor Zhenwu to step into the front line of the abyss.

This point can be understood by Emperor Zhenwu who has already calmed down for a while, and it also means that Emperor Zhenwu who arrived today will definitely stay on the front line of the abyss most of the time in the next few days. That's enough.

During these days, Liu Hao, the Azure Dragon who controls the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, knows all about the visitors from the abyss.

Even though he knew that the abyss invasion in front of him was just a tentative vanguard, there were quite a lot of quasi-sages sent by them in these days.

This already means that the channel connecting the earth to the abyss has spread over a large area in the first layer of the abyss.

Otherwise, these quasi-holy level masters from the abyss would not be able to keep emerging like an endless stream.

He is not afraid of the constant flow of quasi-sage masters entering his home planet from the abyss, but he is worried about the arrival of quasi-sage masters from the other end of the abyss, and a large number of them will arrive at once.

If this is the case, even if he controls the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and sits on the Pure World White Lotus of Heavenly Dao level, there is no guarantee that he will be able to block these visitors from the abyss.

The arrival of Emperor Zhenwu may not change this worry for him, but it is a rare power. The more, the better.

Even if possible, he hopes that Emperor Zhenwu and others will grow rapidly among them, leaping directly from the quasi-sage to the sub-sage stage. Only in this way can he truly feel at ease.

He is not worried that a Hunyuan strongman will suddenly appear on the other side of the abyss and step into his home earth.

He is not low on luck at all, and he is still somewhat sure about it. The heavens and the world are connected together, and it is impossible for such bad luck to happen in a short period of time.

What he needs is time, and he has a full understanding of his own cultivation;

He knew very well that as long as he participated in the final battle of the tomb world, even if he did not devour the heaven of the tomb world, even if he understood the movement of the heaven of the tomb world and gave himself some time, the realization of Hunyuan would be a matter of course.

And by that time, White Tiger Liu Hao will most likely have completely sorted out everything in the ancient world, and there is no need to sit there all the time;

With two powerful Hunyuan warriors standing guard, he would not be afraid of at least the second wave of abyssal invasion, even if the prehistoric saints still did not arrive.

As for Obsession Liu Hao following him to enlightenment, Qinglong Liu Hao actually doesn’t think that it is not that he underestimated Obsession Liu Hao, but that he knows very well that humanistic cultivation is far from that simple, and there is nothing to learn from. , and it must be much slower than him.

As for the deity, Qinglong Liu Hao has no hope. From the moment when the deity firmly cultivates the three thousand avenues and laws, Qinglong Liu Hao never thinks that he can go anywhere fast. As the incarnation of the three corpses, he is more difficult than It's clear to everyone.

But he also knows that once he attains Hunyuan, he will most likely reach the peak of the ninth level of Hunyuan at once, which is also what he wants to see.

They are truly complementary to each other. When I directly step into the peak of Hunyuan Nine Heavens, isn't it the day when Qinglong Liu Hao takes a big step forward?

They are truly one, and anyone who masters the laws of heaven can directly share them.

We must know that Liu Hao's practice model is also used by Haotian to a limited extent, isn't it?

Zhang Bairen in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation is a shining example.

Even Emperor Zhenwu beside him had some thoughts in his heart at this time, wondering whether he should make the same choice as Liu Hao, to kill one of the three corpses he had already beheaded and the second one he was about to behead. Let’s try releasing the three zombie incarnations directly?

Emperor Zhenwu was naturally clear about the pros and cons, but wasn't he already lagging behind many others?

It doesn’t seem like you can’t accept the drawbacks, right?

If Avalokitesvara surpassed Emperor Zhenwu by a lot and he could accept it, then it would be false if Emperor Zhenwu was not a little bit unwilling to catch up with Sun Wukong before.

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