Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, 9 bends of the Yellow River formation

1782. Jiuqu Yellow River Formation

Within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, Emperor Zhenwu was already eager to participate, but Qinglong Liu Hao did not immediately indicate his opponent's intention.

Apart from him, as a newcomer, he is also a rare 'colleague' of Qinglong Liu Hao, and he is also willing to give more advice.

Of course, Qinglong Liu Hao could not express these suggestions verbally. Instead, he showed them to Emperor Zhenwu just like he just showed the changes of Sun Wukong and Avalokitesvara, allowing Emperor Zhenwu to comprehend them.

So, when Guanshiyin killed the opponent of the Abyss Demon God in front of him, the scene controlled by Qinglong Liu Hao changed again. This time, it was Sanxiao.

It was also a real cross-level battle within the Zhou Tianxing Formation. The three of Sanxiao jointly fought against the opponent of the Abyss Demon God who was one level higher than Yunxiao's cultivation level.

Facing such a superior opponent, it is naturally impossible for mortals to fight like the three heroes fighting Lu Bu.

The Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation is Sanxiao’s real trump card.

Compared with the prehistoric Yin and Shang Dynasties when gods were enthroned, the Nine-Meander Yellow River Formation set up within the Zhoutian Star Formation was obviously more powerful.

Here, we must also explain an issue, that is, Qinglong Liu Hao has strong control over the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and even extracted a galaxy from it for Sanxiao to drive, which promoted the power of the new Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. It's really inspiring.

Don't think that Qiongxiao and Bixiao in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation are just soy sauce.

The biggest reason why the formation method is powerful is the power of trend, which truly relies on the general trend of heaven and earth to fight.

The person who made the greatest contribution was naturally Yun Xiao, because she was the real leader and the real core combat power.

They came out according to the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and the position of humanity is Yunxiao. Only in this way can the power of the spiritual treasure "Hunyuan Golden Dou" in Yunxiao's hand be truly activated.

If he were an enemy of the same level as Yunxiao, it would be impossible for him to survive a few rounds in the Nine-bending Yellow River Formation, and his cultivation level would soon be severely reduced by the power of the "Hunyuan Golden Fight".

But after the enemy reaches a certain level, it will naturally become difficult to reduce his cultivation level;

Similarly, it is also the biggest test for Yunxiao's dominance of the Nine-bend Yellow River Formation. Not only can it improve Yunxiao's understanding and understanding of the Jiu-bend Yellow River Formation, but it can also help Yunxiao learn from the Hunyuan Golden Fight. From the spiritual treasures, one can gain more knowledge about the way of heaven.

It was also for this reason that Sanxiao chose to fight together. Before, they had always fought separately, and this was a choice made after many attempts.

In the picture, the entire Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is displayed in front of Qinglong Liu Hao and Emperor Zhenwu.

This scene somewhat shocked Emperor Zhenwu. You must know that this is a real direct peek at other people's formations, and it is so clear.

It can only be said that Qinglong Liu Hao now has a very full understanding of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

In other words, Liu Hao, the green dragon beside him, can also arrange the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation. This is a real way to spy on others;

Emperor Zhenwu found it hard to think too much, thinking that all his subsequent battles within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation would inevitably be impossible to escape from the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao. Would he also be peeped out like Sanxiao?

But this idea was quickly abandoned by Emperor Zhenwu. Without him, even if Qinglong Liu Hao knew nothing about him, he could easily suppress him. In that case, what was there to worry about?

To put it bluntly, doesn’t all combat effectiveness come from one’s own cultivation and realm?

When my future cultivation level exceeds that of Azure Dragon Liu Hao, even if the other party knows all my magical powers, what's the point?

It's like the saints are hitting you with a stone. How can you avoid it?

As for removing the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, Emperor Zhenwu had no idea at all.

Even though he only had a small look at the Abyss Demon Gods, he knew very well how terrifying such enemies would be once they spread to all the worlds.

He knew even more clearly that once he spoke out and caused the star formation in front of him to close up, he would have to bear all the disasters caused by the abyss in the heavens and the worlds, and the sins caused by the disasters in the heavens and the worlds.

He must not think that he is capable of bearing this sin.

In mortal terms, this sin was enough to bring bad luck to him in all the years to come. He would choke on water, be hit by a car when he went out, and so on.

Even if he is a quasi-sage, he cannot afford it. It is very likely that he will die within a few days, and even at the time of death, he does not know why he died.

Compared with these, what does it mean to have a little Shentong method because of being spied on by Qinglong Liu Hao?

Necessary loss, everything seems insignificant in the face of imminent gain.

Suddenly, Emperor Zhenwu thought of something he had overlooked, that is, how much merit should Qinglong Liu Hao get from supporting the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and besieging the Abyss Demon Gods in one corner?

This is what is truly continuous. How long does it take to accumulate the amount of enlightenment and sanctification?

Emperor Zhenwu suddenly understood why Liu Hao, a mere incarnation of three corpses, could calmly prove Hunyuan.

Is this the merit that has protected countless heavens from being destroyed by the abyss?

It seems that for Liu Hao, the realization of Hunyuan that he has been dreaming about for a long time is just a matter of time.

When he thought of this, Emperor Zhenwu couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart, and he had some unfair thoughts.

He was rational. After suppressing this thought, he found that this was the fairest thing. This was a reward from the Great Dao. You could get as much reward as you did.

If he could become the master of the formation and replace Qinglong Liu Hao with himself, wouldn't he be able to get a steady stream of rewards from the Great Dao?

He could only smile bitterly. The idea was good, but there was no possibility at all.

He knew even better that even if Qinglong Liu Hao handed him the Heavenly Dao treasure, the Pure World White Lotus, and handed him the Zhoutian Star Array, he would be unable to suppress it, and would be backfired in an instant, and the possibility of his death was as high as 90%.

To put it bluntly, it was not only because his cultivation was not enough to support it, but also because he was ignorant of the Zhoutian Star Array.

How much ability you have, how much you can do, this truth is clear to the Great Emperor Zhenwu.

He didn't think that Qinglong Liu Hao was just suppressing the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array;

Being able to peek into the Jiuqu Yellow River Great Array so thoroughly clearly told him that everything in the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array was under the control of Qinglong Liu Hao. If any cultivator in it was in danger, Qinglong Liu Hao could save them from afar;

That was why he saw the opponents of Sun Wukong, Guanyin and Sanxiao fighting, whose cultivation was higher than theirs.

After thinking about it carefully, the shock in his heart rose again. To achieve such control, it was obvious that he had a great understanding of many laws of the Heavenly Dao, and even really touched the edge of the Taoist Saint, right?

In the picture, Yunxiao shouted, interrupting the Emperor Zhenwu's random thoughts. He looked up and found that Yunxiao had caused a lot of damage to the opponent of the Abyss Demon God in the picture.

She was like a senior hunter, setting up countless traps in her Nine-bend Yellow River formation, and then following behind the prey, teasing the prey bit by bit. When the prey was distracted for a short time, she raised the hunting rifle in her hand and shot.

Yunxiao did not expect to kill the prey with this shot, but just to weaken the enemy to a greater extent.

As the Hunyuan Golden Bowl rotated, the situation that could be seen with the naked eye was the weakening of the aura of the enemy Abyss Demon God, as if the whole body was severely cut off.

In other environments, even if the energy of the Abyss Demon God was cut off by a layer, it could be replenished quickly;

But in the Nine-bend Yellow River formation, and outside the Nine-bend Yellow River formation, there was also the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, the Abyss Demon God could not absorb any replenishment at all, even spiritual energy.

It was almost telling the Abyss Demon God that any energy you lost would be completely lost.

The only way you can do is to break the Nine-bend Yellow River formation in front of you before you can get replenishment.

The Abyss Demon God was naturally aware of this, and it was not the first time that it was weakened in this way.

It tried to pretend to be unconscious, but found that it was impossible to induce Yunxiao to take action. Everything was in vain, as if everything about it was under the control of the opponent, monitoring its every move. All the initiative was not in its hands, and it could only be harvested bit by bit.

Such a battle, even as the Abyss Demon God, was somewhat afraid.

But after repeated fears, it found that there was no way to fight back, which was the most fatal. Once despair arose in its heart, it also meant that its countless years of practice would end today.

It regretted why it rushed into this passage so confidently, thinking that it was about to make achievements again, but found that this was just a real trap.

It somewhat understood those creatures whose worlds were destroyed by them. At the beginning, these creatures were probably just like itself now?

This is really all the means used, but it can only watch itself go to the end.

But whether it is Sanxiao, Zhenwu Emperor and Qinglong Liu Hao, they will not pay attention to the inner thoughts of this Abyss Demon God.

They were destined to be enemies, and it was impossible for them to communicate. It was just a matter of life and death. Even the Zhenwu Emperor, who had just entered, had never thought of settling with the Abyss.

In contrast, the Zhenwu Emperor was more pleased to see Yunxiao ruthlessly cut off a large piece of the Abyss Demon this time, severely reducing the opponent's cultivation.

After a few more times, the cultivation of the Abyss Demon God should be equal to Yunxiao. At that time, he could only be like a lamb, allowing the three Xiaos to slowly slaughter him.

The Zhenwu Emperor's guess was not correct. When the cultivation of the Abyss Demon God was weakened several times to almost the same level as Yunxiao, the three Xiaos did not feel anxious at all. On the contrary, it seemed that they had waited for a long time, that is, the period when they could really use what they had learned with confidence.

It was clearly using this already weakened Abyss Demon God as a whetstone.

Even the weakest Bixiao would at some point rush up to wrestle with this Abyss Demon God. Even though such an attempt was no different from playing house in the eyes of Zhenwu Great Emperor and Qinglong Liuhao, they could still see the rapid growth of Qiongxiao and Bixiao.

The galaxy arranged by Qinglong Liuhao for Sanxiao was really winding under the control of Sanxiao. Even if this Abyss Demon God tried his best, he could only get lost in it. From time to time, he was shot by the "shotgun" in Sanxiao's hand, and he didn't even have the chance to cry.

This is the power of the way of formation, or the power of the real top formation.

During the period of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Sanxiao was able to kill all the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao. In the end, he let go of the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao out of contempt, which is enough to show the extraordinary power of the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation. .

As an onlooker, Emperor Zhenwu couldn't help but think that he might also practice the art of formations. But when he woke up and wanted to go, he found that the only thing he seemed to be most familiar with was the Heavenly Heavenly Net and the Earthly Net Formation.

He didn't mind manipulating the 'Tian Luo Earth Net Formation' and leading many heavenly soldiers and generals to kill the enemies of the abyss here, but soon, he also put an end to this idea. He didn't mind, but it didn't mean that Haotian wouldn't mind. .

Once the Heaven and Earth Net formation appears in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation controlled by Qinglong Liu Hao, all the secrets of the Heaven and Earth Net formation will be opened to Qinglong Liu Hao. As the Great Heavenly Lord of Heaven, can Haotian really allow this?

The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation that he stood on was still under the control of Heaven at the beginning, but what about now?

Emperor Zhenwu knew very well that even Haotian, the Great Heavenly Lord, could never take back the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation from the hands of Emperor Ziwei. The understanding and control of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation by Haotian and Ziwei were no longer at all. It's a level up.

He shook his head slightly, and suddenly realized that it seemed that the Jie Jiao sect was in the world, and it might be time to rise again.

Those disciples of Jie Jiao, uu read books, he knows that almost everyone has a formation, even if the power varies, these Jie Jiao disciples can all be combined.

Just like the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jiejiao, they each control a completely different formation. But when needed, can't the ten formations be merged to form a more powerful formation?

Even if the combined power of the Ten Jue Formations is still far behind the Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation, isn't it a rare opportunity to gain merit in this abyss front line?

Although Emperor Zhenwu only watched for a short while, he already knew that the more he kills the higher-level abyssal species, the more merit he gets from the avenue. Who can deny that the rewards and punishments of the avenue are clear?

As long as there is enough merit, even a pig can push his own cultivation to the peak bit by bit. Who doesn't know this truth?

Emperor Zhenwu has not really participated in it, otherwise when he notices the improvement in luck, his idea today will only become more determined. After returning, no matter how much he invests, he will have to understand his own unique formation. Come.

He can ignore the Heavenly Army, but the Wudang Sect has become his foundation and cannot be ignored.

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