Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, one earthquake after another

1783. Shock after shock

Within the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, the Abyss Demon God was brushed by the Yunxiao Hunyuan Golden Dou several times. It was like an onion, with one layer peeled off each time. The freshness inside could only be exposed, and its own body shape could only be exposed. Getting smaller again and again.

Since Sanxiao chose to join forces to kill the enemy, distribution was naturally involved.

Even if he was cut down by Yunxiao again and again, it seemed that Yunxiao had no intention of killing the Abyss Demon God himself.

On the contrary, they had already formed all the tacit understandings before setting up the formation, and the purpose was to share merits with everyone.

At this point, even Emperor Zhenwu must admit that the level of mutual trust among Jie Jiao disciples far exceeds that of any sect in history.

When the abyss demon was about to fall out of the quasi-sage realm, Yunxiao seized an opportunity to pin it down. It was also at this moment that the famous golden dragon scissors flashed away within the Nine-bending Yellow River Formation, directly Cut this abyss demon into two pieces.

For a quasi-sage, not to mention cutting it into two pieces, there are countless pieces, and wanting to merge them is just a thought.

But when the entire battlefield is no longer controlled by the enemy, no matter how simple the method is, the enemy will still find a way to defeat you.

Just like now, at the moment when the abyss demon was cut into two sections, the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation also followed suit, directly dividing the two sections into two spaces, making it impossible for them to merge.

In the two sections that were divided, two large individuals soon appeared, but falling to the quasi-sage level became inevitable.

This is also within Sanxiao's calculation. It just so happens that the two separated individuals, Qiongxiao and Bixiao, each have a choice, which is when their real trial moment begins.

They are not worried that there is still a gap between themselves and the two Abyss Demon God individuals. The Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation led by their sister is their greatest protection.

They have enough time to spend time with the enemy, wearing them down bit by bit.

At this moment, Emperor Zhenwu thought of Guanyin again. He even felt that this seemed to be the future he was about to face, otherwise he would appear unqualified.

He knew better that this was the real way to kill two birds with one stone. In addition to gaining merit by killing the enemy, he also had to get more and more from it, especially the improvement of his own combat effectiveness after each battle.

This is a real training ground,

Any monk under the saint can obtain many training fields from it.

Emperor Zhenwu felt a sense of relief in his heart, as if he had seen something unbelievable, and after repeatedly confirming it, he finally truly recognized it.

For any quasi-saint level master, anyone who steps into the abyss of the Zhoutian Star Formation will have the same thoughts as the Zhenwu Great Emperor.

It is indeed too bizarre. They are already quasi-sages. It will be extremely difficult for them to do it without any money. Before, they never dared to think that there is such an environment where they can improve as long as they work hard.

This is almost no different from a dream, but after repeated verification, everyone told Emperor Zhenwu that this is real, it actually exists in front of his eyes, and as long as he joins, he can be like Sun Wukong, Guanyin, Yunxiao and others. Get unimaginable benefits from it.

He has determined that he cannot leave, and as for any other important events, he has forgotten them at this moment, because compared to the visible future, everything seems meaningless.

He had no idea of ​​joining in immediately, and he knew that Qinglong Liu Hao beside him would definitely show him more examples.

Sure enough, after seeing that Sanxiao had completely taken control of the situation, Qinglong Liu Hao didn't say much. As he waved his hand, the scene in front of him changed again.

The new personnel who appeared still shocked Emperor Zhenwu.

In the picture is the ancestor of Styx.

Compared to Sun Wukong, the younger generation, and compared to Guanshiyin and Yunxiao, the two contemporaries of Zhenwu Emperor, Ancestor Minghe is a real senior, and a great master of the same era as his teacher, Laozi, the sage.

In the ancient world, how could Emperor Zhenwu not know how powerful the Ancestor Minghe was?

The sea of ​​blood never dries up, the river Styx never dies.

This sentence already fully expresses the power of Ancestor Styx.

To put it bluntly, even the saints would not dare to actually kill the ancestor of Styx.

The sea of ​​blood is the place where all the filthy things in the ancient world eventually flowed. When they gathered in it, the sea of ​​blood was born.

Doesn't such a place where all the filth of the ancient world gather together need someone to suppress it?

Ancestor Styx is obviously the only one among them.

Everyone knows that the most precious treasure of ancient Buddhism for suppressing luck is the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue. Don’t the saints know that the Red Lotus of Karma is in the hands of Patriarch Minghe?

But which saint did you see taking it by force?

Because they knew very well that the Karma Fire Red Lotus could not be taken away by force, and the cause and effect involved would not be borne by them even if they were saints.

Over the course of countless years, how many filthy things have been produced in the entire prehistoric world?

They gathered the blood sea and gave birth to the blood sea, which was basically the product of the operation of the entire prehistoric world, and also provided a guarantee for the subsequent operation of the prehistoric world.

If the Blood Sea loses the suppression of the Styx Ancestor, what will be the most painful changes?

The greatest possibility is that the sea of ​​blood accumulated over countless years has become violent, and countless filth has lost its gathering place, and will only permeate the entire ancient world. This kind of pollution, for any monk in the ancient world, It's all a disaster that is accompanied by evil.

How can you keep your body clean while practicing in such an environment? Where is there any semblance of fairy spirit?

If this is just the appearance, then it will cause the monks to fall into the realm, become obsessed, etc., which is the inner fear of all monks, and it will never be tolerated.

To put it bluntly, it is not as simple as Patriarch Styx needing to practice in the sea of ​​blood, but all the monks in the entire prehistoric world must ensure that Patriarch Styx is forever suppressed in the sea of ​​blood.

But if the Ancestor of Styx dies, a saint must replace him, and how can the saints tolerate him personally suppressing the sea of ​​blood? Don't they want to lose face?

Furthermore, in the sea of ​​blood, there is still the Asura clan, one of the six ethnic groups in the prehistoric world. Even though they can only be regarded as scraps in the prehistoric world, they have been recognized by the entire prehistoric world. It is impossible. Really annihilate them.

As the creator of the Asura clan, Patriarch Styx can be said to have never been against luck.

To a certain extent, even Haotian may not be able to match the luck gathered in him.

He is almost one of the authentic saints identified by all the quasi-sage monks in the prehistoric world after Empress Houtu, the authentic master, came to the stage.

It's just a matter of morning and evening.

Emperor Zhenwu was naturally one of them, and he had never thought of seizing the throne of Ancestor Styx, the future authentic saint. He knew very well that it was definitely not something he could seize. Any other quasi-sage master in the prehistoric world, he I know I must have the same idea.

Just like when he saw Ancestor Styx in the picture just now, his first thought was not about anything else, but worried about whether there would be problems in the blood sea after Ancestor Styx walked out of the prehistoric world.

But when I thought that the underworld was different from the past, and that Emperor Fengdu, a Hunyuan monk, was in charge, I put down this worry.

He was shocked just now, but he also saw the leap of ancestor Minghe's cultivation level. He didn't know to what extent the ancestor Minghe's cultivation level had reached now, but across countless spaces, the screen display alone had already made Zhenwu Great Emperor I felt the vague and vague holy intention in the ancestor of Styx.

These manifestations all told Emperor Zhenwu that the Ancestor Minghe in front of him was already more than a realm beyond him.

Then only three corpses must be killed.

"Is this the universe?"

Emperor Zhenwu murmured in his heart, how did he know that the ancestor of Styx had been waiting on this edge for countless years, and it was just a matter of course.

Do you really think that Ancestor Styx’s countless years of accumulation in the wild world are a joke?

Such a person lacks neither merit nor luck, and has the power of suppressing his own merit and luck with the Fire Red Lotus of Karma. What he lacks is nothing more than an opportunity.

His real pity was not that he could not touch the realm above, but that the world at that time did not allow it.

Only the true saints and Liu Hao know that even if the ancestor of Styx is still in the ancient world, it will not be too far for him to kill the third corpse.

But from the perspective of Emperor Zhenwu, it is truly shocking. How long has it been since Patriarch Minghe stepped into the heavens and worlds, and he has already successfully killed the last three corpses?

Can he also become the next Ancestor of Styx?

How can I fall behind?

Qinglong Liu Hong did not let the picture linger on the Ancestor of Styx. The whole process only took a few breaths, as if he had just made a mistake and quickly changed it.

But Emperor Zhenwu on the side also knew in his heart that this was the respect that must be given to Patriarch Styx, and just peeking was enough. But if it continued for a long time, who knew if Patriarch Styx would think it was a provocation?

But he didn't know that with his thoughts like this, he had already placed his status below Patriarch Minghe. In the past, Emperor Zhenwu would not do this in the ancient world, even if he knew that Patriarch Minghe knew that He is a senior, one of the guests in Zixiao Palace, a peer of his own teacher, and he will still not be born.

To put it bluntly, everyone's cultivation is at the same level. Even if you are a little higher, the same is true. Even if you want to respect me, you can't respect it. You will think that if I were born in the same era as you, how can I be worse than you? ?

But when this level of cultivation has exceeded one's own level, respect will inevitably arise in his heart. Emperor Zhenwu knows how difficult it is to kill the third corpse.

He was so confused that the object in the picture in front of him changed, and he seemed unknown. It took him a while to recover, and then he realized that he almost didn't recognize the person in the picture in front of him.

This person is none other than the Master of the Four Wrong Ways of Chan Jiao, Huang Long Zhenren.

As one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect, Master Huanglong can be described as extremely miserable.

Who made him worship Yuanshi Tianzun as his teacher? How could such a master with a serious mental disorder, who could not tolerate even a grain of sand in his eyes, treat him well?

Without an in-depth understanding of the secrets of the ancient world, one would never be able to understand that Huanglong became a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun.

During the Longhan Tribulation, the three clans of Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin fought endlessly, turning the world into a smog, leaving endless karma, so that the three clans lost the possibility of resurrecting in the future.

That's fine, the key point is that if these karmas are not eliminated, it means that the three races of the prehistoric world can only stay in place forever.

There have never been tears in the prehistoric world, and they will never look at you differently just because you were the overlord of the prehistoric world. Here, strength is always the biggest fist.

When the three tribes retreated, or in other words, the three tribes had to use their last masters to suppress all parts of the world in order to obtain the merits of the world and eliminate their karma, the younger generations of the three tribes did not have this ability and could only continue to live in the wild world. Survive in it.

What will be left to them will also be the resentment of countless other races. If they are not careful, they will definitely be exterminated.

The Phoenix Clan is nothing special. Their group is not large in number, and the place they occupy is no more than an immortal volcano. Even if other groups know the benefits, it will be difficult to occupy it.

Qilin has completely disappeared, even in the wild world, it is extremely difficult to encounter it.

But what about the Dragon Clan? Even though it has declined, it also occupies the whole world. It is a real fat man.

And if you want to continue to ensure that this piece of fat continues to be in your hands, it is necessary to find a backer. Therefore, the Dragon Clan has approached Yuanshi Tianzun. No one can know what agreement was reached.

As for the real Huanglong, as one of the four dragons of the dragon clan in the prehistoric world, that is, the Huanglong at the end of the world, who knows how noble he is?

But even for such a noble person, after he devoted himself to teaching, he still became the laughing stock of everyone. The real Siwu Zhenren was miserable.

If this guy doesn't get out of the prehistoric world, uu read books; as long as the real dragon masters in the prehistoric world are still suppressing the eyes of the world, Huanglong Zhenren can only stay at the peak of Daluo Jinxian in this life, and stay in the same place forever.

He was also lucky. He left the prehistoric world and entered the world. The shackles imposed on the prehistoric dragon clan were finally broken.

Therefore, it was a matter of course for Master Huanglong to become a quasi-sage. This guy's accumulation has never lagged behind any peak powerhouse of Daluo Golden Immortal in the ancient world.

Emperor Zhenwu and Zhenren Huanglong didn't have much interaction. It could even be said that they were just acquaintances until now. They were both under the Sanqing sect.

But he has always known a lot about Zhenren Huanglong. Even if he didn't get it from the mouth of Saint Laozi, Haotian, the great deity in heaven, would not hide this from him.

Therefore, when he came over, he was somewhat surprised to see Master Huanglong's cultivation.

But the most surprising thing was that he discovered that the various influencing factors in the ancient world seemed to have been isolated in all the worlds, and had even become very rare.

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