Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, Huanglong Zhenren

1784. Huanglong Zhenren

This is actually understandable. Even among the worlds of today, the level of the prehistoric world is already one of the top ones, but in the end he is still connected to Liu Hao's earth.

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Just like a big tree, the only place where countless branches are connected is its trunk. Even if the trunk looks less strong than some of the branches, the trunk is still the trunk.

Besides, isn’t the backbone still growing crazily?

This backbone has been able to withstand sub-saint levels above quasi-saints, and will one day be able to withstand saints and even higher levels in the future.

Under such circumstances, the various influencing factors of the prehistoric world may more or less affect the main body, which is Liu Hao's earth, but it is absolutely impossible to still dominate.

The most important reason why Master Huang Long was able to become a quasi-sage in Liu Hao's earth is still here.

However, the karma of the prehistoric dragon clan that Master Huang Long was supposed to bear will never disappear. It is nothing more than a matter of priority. It is nothing more than a choice to let go first, improve his own cultivation level and then eliminate it, or choose to eliminate it first and then improve it.

Emperor Zhenwu saw the former, and Master Huanglong was no fool either.

As one's cultivation level increases, the opponents of the Abyss Demon God that can be killed within the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation will naturally become stronger, and the merit and luck that can be obtained from them will naturally increase.

But after becoming a Quasi-Sage, Master Huang Long did not continue to do this. He also knew very well how important it was for the Primordial Dragon Clan to leave the Eye of the World as soon as possible.

How great are the opportunities in the world? Doesn't he, a guy who has been swimming in it for a long time, not know?

Whether the prehistoric dragon clan can gain the greatest dominance of the dragon clan in the world in the future is related to the real future of the entire prehistoric dragon clan.

If the prehistoric dragon clan cannot take over the dominance of the dragon clan in all the worlds in the future, the prehistoric saints' views on the dragon clan will definitely drop to countless levels, and they may even think of not retaining the dragon clan at all.

This is no joke.

Luck is always the object of competition among the heavens and the world.

Once the prehistoric dragon clan becomes dependent on other heavenly dragon clans in the future, the future left for them will definitely be extremely miserable.

For example, the prehistoric ancestral dragon cannot be called an ancestral dragon, so the dragon clan's major positions in the prehistoric world will definitely be deprived of them, and the prehistoric saints will never allow it to continue to occupy them.

At that time, even if the prehistoric dragon clan repays the karma of the prehistoric world and breaks free from the eyes of the sea, what will be left for them will still be to continue to stand still for countless years.

Once this happens, those dragon masters who are still suppressing him in the vast world, knowing that the source of all this is Huang Long, will definitely peel off his skin and leave no trace of his muscles and bones.

For this reason, he must work hard for the Dragon Clan and will never continue to be 'selfish'.

He is different from Sun Wukong, Guanyin and others. After he became a quasi-sage, he fought almost every moment, not for anything else but to wash away his karma and to free the prehistoric dragon clan from imprisonment as soon as possible. 'Break free from the state.

He has seen the little black dragon, the sage of Confucianism and Taoism, who also has the title of Ancestral Dragon. Even if he encounters the 'Huanglong' of other heavens in the future, he will not be surprised at all.

He knew even more clearly that once he lost his Taoist title of 'Huanglong Zhenren', his master Yuanshi Tianzun would never have any feelings for him. The most likely thing would be to strangle him to death.

He didn't dare to gamble and couldn't afford to gamble.

Therefore, in the picture, Master Huanglong looked very crazy and had no reservations at all. Every move and every move was aimed at killing his opponent.

How could Qinglong Liu Hao not see his mentality? The opponents arranged for him are all comparable to him, and some are even a little weaker, so he is naturally happy to fulfill them.

You must know that his child, Xiao Longer, received great benefits from the Ancestral Dragon in the prehistoric world, and he also needs to repay it.

He didn't want Xiao Long'er to have to work hard to repay it. He was most happy to see the cause and effect settled as soon as possible.

In his heart, he actually had no preference for the Dragon Clan, the sage of Confucianism and Taoism, and the Prehistoric Dragon Clan.

He has also done some analysis in his heart, and naturally understands that the prehistoric dragon clan is most likely to return in the future and become the largest backbone of the dragon clan in the world.

There is one thing that Master Huang Long relies on that must be admitted, and that is the attitude of the saints of the prehistoric world.

These saints, no matter how disdainful they are to the Dragon Clan, are not willing to see the Great Dragon Clan become a vassal of the Dragon Clan of other heavens. This is a matter related to the destiny of the Great Desolate World, and they cannot be careless and must intervene.

Once the saints intervene, what will happen to the Confucian and Taoist Holy Dragon Clan?

What if Fang Yun achieves Hunyuan by then?

Even if Fang Yun can withstand the pressure of the saints of the ancient times, can he still withstand the pressure of Hongjun, Nuwa and Houtu?

Since it was doomed, why not do it by helping him to get some favors?

Doesn't Fang Yun know about this?

How is that possible? Fang Yun's scheming has always been the best. Liu Hao also awakened the little black dragon in the world of Confucianism and Taoism in this regard. Even if Fang Yun didn't think of this, the follow-up Impossible to ignore.

But I know that Fang Yun didn’t take any action. Hasn’t he already acquiesced?

This guy is a time traveler. Even if he has never been to the prehistoric world, he still knows all about the prehistoric world. It is obvious that he has long known that he is not just facing the prehistoric dragon clan.

Furthermore, Fang Yun also has other ideas in his heart, that is, the holy world of Confucianism and Taoism. The protagonist Fang Yun wants is the human race, not the dragon race.

He also cannot guarantee that when the Confucian and Taoist Holy Dragon Clan captures the backbone of the Dragon Clan in all the worlds, their luck will soar and directly overwhelm the human race in the Confucian and Taoist Holy World and become the leader of the Confucian and Taoist Holy World again. main character.

Even if he has a close relationship with the little black dragon, his identity determines that he must rely on measurement. Everything about him comes from the human race and its civilization!

It is impossible for Master Huanglong to know these truths. To put it bluntly, Master Huanglong is not of sufficient realm and status to truly consider these decisive factors.

He is now like a department manager of a group company, a general fighting on the battlefield, and everything he does is just for tactical victory.

Naturally, Qinglong Liu Hao couldn't make any analysis on it. People are willing to work and make money. Isn't it good to help others?

You see how hard people work and how happy they are, but once you tell the truth to the other person, they will most likely not be grateful to you at all.

Now I still think in my heart that my hard work has contributed a lot. In the future, Master Yuanshi Tianzun will give him a smile when he sees him. In the future, the dragon clan of the prehistoric era will be able to break free from the oppression of the prehistoric karma and give him a hug.

These thoughts are the biggest motivation in Huanglong's heart today.

Every time he kills his opponent, and when his karma is counteracted by heavenly merits, even Qinglong Liu Hao can't help but nod in praise when he sees that smile. This is obviously becoming the biggest belief of Master Huanglong today.

Breaking this situation is the real villain, and he won't do it.

His hard work was not without emotion in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu.

Such a Brother Interpretation who doesn't even have a weapon in his hand has really given full play to all his advantages, and in many cases has even manifested his true form.

He knew very well how unhappy this scene was in the eyes of his Uncle Yuanshi.

He shook his head slightly, but it was not because he felt pity for Master Huanglong, but because he had a better understanding of his upcoming experiences.

Compared with the real Huanglong in front of him, he really traveled lightly. His previous envy of Sun Wukong, Guanyin and others now seems so ridiculous.

Compared with other quasi-sages who are still in the wild world, he is already one step ahead. Isn't the timing just right?

He originally thought that after the construction of the replica of the Moon Heaven Palace was completed, he would directly cut off his second three corpses, but now he felt that this was not the best choice.

It seems that in this realm, you can continue to accumulate, and when it is really impossible to suppress, it will not be too late to cut it off.

He had to admit that seeing the life-threatening struggle of Master Huang Long made his heart feel calmer, and he silently thanked him in his heart.

Naturally, the real Huanglong in the picture cannot know this, nor can he know that he has been spied on by others.

Xiu said it was him. Even if Sun Wukong, Guanshiyin, Yunxiao, and Qinglong Liu Hao peeked, they could not detect anything. They were not the ancestors of Styx, and they did not have the background and strength.

On the side, Qinglong Liu Hao watched the battle in the picture with great interest, and seemed to have no intention of switching quickly.

He didn't care that Emperor Zhenwu had already understood what he needed, but the reason why he watched with relish was because of Xiao Long'er.

He watched Huang Long's battle mode, and he had to admit that when he taught Xiao Long'er before, he was still too advanced.

In fact, this is inevitable, just like a college mathematics professor teaching mathematics knowledge to middle and high school students.

During this teaching process, mathematics professors will always subconsciously think that this question is extremely simple, and some of the processes will never be explained in detail. They will take it for granted that it is easy for the person being taught to understand, and the speed of explanation is naturally very fast.

As everyone knows, different realms, different levels of knowledge accumulation, and different thinking angles and speeds will inevitably lead to cognitive deviations between the two parties.

In this process, a solution to the problem appears between the two, which often allows both parties to truly understand.

Huang Longzhenren plays this role very well now.

Even if Emperor Zhenwu hadn't arrived today, Qinglong Liu Hao would actually stop for a while when he passed by Huanglong, observe what he had learned, and then summon Xiao Long'er. He had done this many times before.

Because of this, even if Qinglong Liu Hao didn't take much care of Master Huanglong at all, he actually cared for him subconsciously in his heart.

It's like every time after Huanglong kills an enemy, Qinglong Liu Hao will make arrangements for the next opponent based on Huanglong's condition. The high and low levels are just right and help Huanglong gain better merit and luck.

This situation lasted until Zhenren Huang Long killed the new opponent and Qinglong Liu Hao arranged the next opponent, and then he waved his hand to change the screen.

Emperor Zhenwu didn't recognize the new person who appeared, Ancient One from the Marvel world.

At this time, Ancient One had left the group of 'superheroes' who took care of Marvel and became one of the many strong men who challenged the Abyss Demon God alone.

Sometimes you have to admit that a guy who has taken care of a world for hundreds of years, even if he keeps emphasizing letting go, is actually very honest physically.

After following and taking care of them for a long time, and after making sure that these children could survive well without his care, Gu Yi understood that leaving was the best choice.

Here, it is not just Gu Yi’s old mother’s mentality, but Gu Yi is also very aware of the great terror in the future of all heavens and worlds.

You must know that the connecting place of the Marvel world is not far from the front line of the abyss. Once the Zhoutian Star Formation collapses, the Marvel world will be the first to bear the brunt.

Ancient One has seen the terror of the Abyss Demon God in the long history of the Marvel world.

At that moment, the Abyss Demon God Liu Hao killed was just the incarnation of his divine will.

The original Gu Yike also had great confidence, but she had walked back and forth countless times in the Marvel world, but even so, she didn't notice it, so how could she not know how terrifying it was.

Therefore, Gu Yi knew that it was not enough for him to grow, he also needed the children in his world to grow up as well.

Her thoughts were verified in the previous process, and it was indeed as he wished.

Captain Amei, Natasha and others have all grown up a lot now. Even if they are nothing compared to Thor, they are nothing compared to before they arrived, and it is time to let go.

And because she chose to take care of the children, Gu Yi actually didn't gain much during this period, so that her cultivation realm was still the same as before, a Da Luo Jin Immortal Dao Fruit.

But in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu, Gu Yi was something else. He was a reference outside of the prehistoric practice system.

But it is clear that there is only Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit, but Gu Yi can already 'play' with time.

After careful observation, Emperor Zhenwu determined that this was not Gu Yi's own method, but relying on the gem he wore around his neck.

It would be false to say that Emperor Zhenwu was not moved, but it would also be impossible to say that Emperor Zhenwu had the intention to seize it.

It is also because the mere picture display is not directly observed from the sidelines, so there is no way to see the many details of Gu Yi's methods thoroughly.

Emperor Zhenwu naturally didn’t know that Ancient One’s hundreds of years of traveling through Marvel time had made Ancient One and the Law of Time very compatible. Even after leaving the Marvel world, the borrowed Law of Time could not be as rounded as the Marvel world. The power consumption also becomes greater, but it can still be done.

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