Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, rules

Dimensional Invasion of Real Earth 1785, Law

1785. Rules

"This is the way of the law!"

After watching for a long time, Emperor Zhenwu blurted out, and even Qinglong Liu Hao could hear the exclamation clearly.

Laws have always been the foundation of Tao. How could Emperor Zhenwu not understand this?

But in ancient times, this was also expressly prohibited.

It's not other people, but those who control the law. As the degree of their control of the law deepens, the more their desire reaches its peak, the more difficult it is to suppress it.

To use an analogy, if Taoist Yangmei had continued to stay in the ancient world after realizing Hunyuan, he would have reached the same cultivation level as Hongjun and become a powerful person in the realm of heaven.

If such a strong person in the realm of heavenly realm who has great control over the laws of space appears in the prehistoric world, the space laws of the entire prehistoric world will inevitably be controlled by Taoist Yangmei, prompting him to become the true god of space in the entire prehistoric world.

The more powerful such a Yangmei Taoist is, the further he reaches the upper limit of the ancient world, and the more intolerable he is to others reaching out to the way of space.

This is equivalent to directly cutting off all those who understand the way of future space. It is definitely not a good thing for the world, and Hongjun will never tolerate this.

Even if Liu Hao practices the way of law and knows it clearly, he will never do anything to condense the law in the ancient times.

Similarly, Liu Hao will never allow any monk to extract the laws of heaven and earth for his own use on his own earth. This is already a matter of principle.

Of course, Liu Hao will not prohibit others from using the laws of the earth and heaven that he has not yet used. Now that he has opened this opening, he must allow others to follow.

However, all this was still shocking to Emperor Zhenwu, so he blurted it out.

The ancient world was a world of cultivating Taoism, not a world of cultivating laws.

What is the essential difference between Tao and law?

From the perspective of the future, the more they advance, the more they will arrive at the same destination through different paths, and in the end they will inevitably be in a straight line.

The biggest difference between them, in Internet terms, is the difference between closed and open.

The law is closed and selfish. Even if they did not have this idea at the beginning, as their cultivation level improved and their control over the law deepened, they had to embark on this path.

That is to say, it does not allow others to contaminate it, as if this law has become its private property.

In the end, monks who practice the law will have the idea that I am one of the laws of this world, and this law of heaven and earth can only be controlled by me.

Once this idea is born, it is impossible to extinguish it from my mind no matter what. As time goes by, this idea will only become more powerful and move in this direction.

You can say that when these monks truly and completely control this law, if they want to continue to reach higher peaks in the future, they must transform into the Tao.

That is to return the laws of heaven and earth to heaven and earth again, and completely integrate them into the entire world. At that time, it will really be 'he is the law'.

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If during this period, the monk cannot escape from heaven and earth, then he can only truly transform into a Tao and become one of the nutrients of heaven and earth.

But if he can break free from the path of transformation again, it means that the monk's cultivation level and realm have reached a higher level.

Monks who practice the law can divide their control over the law into three extremes.

The first stage is before Hunyuan or Saint.

During this period, most of the monks who practiced the law were still ignorant. They understood that if they wanted to advance to a higher level, they needed to vigorously seek from the world and condense the law that truly belongs to them.

During this period, the monk's desire to control the laws can only be said to be cautious. He knows that doing so will cause considerable damage to the world. The more he condenses his laws, the more serious the damage will be.

On the one hand, he is also worried, but as his condensed laws become more perfect, this worry will become less and less.

Because he will feel that he is truly walking on the right path and will gradually stop caring about what other people think.

When this guy is about to attain Hunyuan, that is, after he has initially perfected this law, this idea will become his true ideal.

At this time, it also means the opening of the second stage of the law monks, which is the realization of Hunyuan. This stage, in terms of the level of the prehistoric world, is the ultimate period from the saint of Hunyuan to heaven and earth.

During this stage, the thoughts of the law monks are also the most stubborn and domineering.

At this time, they have not only firmed up their ideas, but also have the ability to put this idea into action.

After he condensed his own laws in a true sense, he was still not satisfied. They gradually opened their minds to "I am the law of heaven and earth" and had the ability to do it.

Once there is no one to stop him, then this law monk will definitely embark on this path, and gradually form the idea that if he wants to continue to climb up, he must completely control this law in the world and not allow others to reach out.

He will regard this law as his own private property, and only when he truly touches the ceiling at the end of the world will he have the desire to transform into a Taoist being.

This has also reached the third stage - Transformation.

Hua Dao can also be called 'integration of Dao'.

Honghuang and Hongjun also chose this way to a certain extent. Starting from this stage, the law monk has once again changed from his original extreme selfishness, because after he transforms into the Tao or merges with the Tao, he will understand that if he wants to go to the next level, he must repay the cause and effect caused by his demands from the world.

When the law monks step out of the selfish stage, they will go to the other extreme, changing from the biggest takers to the biggest guardians of the original world.

For example, he is likely to resolutely suppress all the law monks in the world, because in terms of the degree of harm, as those who have experienced it personally, they are the group of people who really know best.

They know very well that once all the laws in the world are completely controlled by these law monks, the future monks in the entire world will have no future at all.

Without the follow-up monks, can this world still be considered a spiritual world?

Shouldn't the level of heaven and earth fall completely due to this?

If the level of heaven and earth drops, then all their cultivation will be completely lost as the level of heaven and earth drops?

Once this happens, their transformation will truly be complete, and only after they completely become the nourishment of heaven and earth, will the levels of heaven and earth gradually repair themselves and return in the future.

What's the point of all their hard work after losing themselves?

All these possible changes also determine that their position can only change. Whether it is subjective or objective, they force them to move from the original takers to the guardians.

This may also be a kind of self-protection consciousness inherent in heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth cannot stop you from embarking on this path, but heaven and earth will definitely let you understand that gain must be accompanied by loss.

In the ancient world, it was said that Taoist Yangmei could easily suppress Taoist Hongjun who had just become a saint.

But the Taoist raised his eyebrows and won the battle, so he still has to be honest?

The Taoist who raises his eyebrows is the one who truly understands, and he also knows that once he continues to stay in the ancient world, the only way may be to transform into a Tao.

He is also considered a smart man. He has figured out the risks involved and does not dare to take a gamble on the journey of transformation. Instead, he chooses to use up the space laws he has condensed in the ancient world and repay the debt he has made in the ancient world. After realizing the cause and effect of cultivation, he couldn't wait to leave the primitive world.

Yangmei Taoist must also be grateful that he was born in the ancient world, and also understood the Tao while practicing the law, otherwise everything would be difficult to explain.

His choice now seems to be the right one.

If Taoist Yangmei had chosen to become a Taoist and became the controller of the laws of the prehistoric world and space, in the future, Hongjun, the spokesperson of the heaven and earth, would join the prehistoric heaven and earth. As the god of the prehistoric world and space, would he not be allowed to succumb to Hongjun, the spokesperson of the heaven and earth?

At that time, Hongjun would definitely be thinking about the hatred of being suppressed in the first place, and Yangmei Taoist would really have no possibility of breaking free from the Tao of Transformation.

The most likely possibility is that the Taoist Yangmei who transformed into Dao was completely and completely refined by Hongjun, the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao. What he learned not only became the nourishment of the ancient world, but also made a wedding dress for Hongjun.

On the other hand, after Taoist Yangmei left the prehistoric world and entered the chaos, although it was equally dangerous and he could turn into ashes if he was not careful, wasn't he still in control of all this?

Being unable to defeat others, being beaten to death by others, and being unknowingly watching one's own death being plotted by others are completely different things.

Sometimes, the level of danger is not the only decisive factor in the eyes of real great monks. Whether they have the initiative or not is the important reason that determines their choice.

Of course, not everyone is as lucky as Taoist Yangmei and has the opportunity to choose.

Many times, in all the heavens and worlds, its level is simply impossible to reach the level of the prehistoric world.

Their upper limit often cannot reach Hunyuan at all.

Once these law monks practice to the ceiling of the world and still cannot reach the primary level of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, how can they possibly step into chaos?

At this time, if they still want to go a step further, the only way is to transform into Tao and leave all risks to luck.

Of course, they don't have to make such a choice, then they can only be completely locked in this ceiling realm.

Just like those god kings in the magical world of Qinling.

Each of these God-Kings has attained the Daluo Dao Fruit, and each of them is condensing their own laws, but they soon discovered that the laws they could condense were simply not enough, and the road ahead was bleak.

They also thought about transforming into Taoism, but they were not sure at all, so they began a long conquest for luck and fought against each other.

When they found that they could not win by fighting against each other, they turned their attention to the human world to compete for the possible power of faith.

Their struggle for the power of faith is, to a certain extent, similar to how the Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin clans fought for control of the ancient world?

This choice cannot be said to be wrong. If they can completely control the power of faith of all their subordinates in the world in the hands of a god king, it is not impossible.

At this time, this guy will most likely kill the other god-kings in the Qinling Magical World and exile them to the long river of time.

Then, the god king silently transformed, waiting for the opportunity to break free.

But even so, it cannot be said that he will definitely be able to break free. More than half of the chances are that he will still only become nourishment for the magical world of Qinling.

Because even if this guy succeeds, his contribution to the world is still not much. Taking possession of luck is also done by force. When the initiative is not in his own hands, who knows what changes will happen to the world?

Qinling Magic World must also be grateful for the opportunity to connect to all heavens and worlds.

These God-Kings have struggled for countless years to describe it.

Now that the cloud neutron has been staying in it, for them, isn't it a choice to change from passive to active?

They may still continue to travel on the path of law, or maybe under the "teaching" of Yun Zhongzi, they may embark on the path of understanding the way of heaven and the great road. Who knows?

In the final analysis, whether it is the path of law or the great path of enlightenment, most of the knowledge is not consistent?

Let’s use an analogy.

Both of them are like studying mathematics. Whether they are monks who practice the law or monks who understand the Tao, as long as they study mathematics, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, many functions, many laws, etc., they also have to invest most of it. Experience and study.

It's just a question of how to choose after they have accumulated the foundation to a certain level.

It is a question of choosing a branch of mathematics to study in depth and continue to accumulate.

Law monks, unlike monks who have understood the Great Way, can make choices without haste.

A law monk will most likely make a decision to take each branch directly after accumulating mathematical knowledge to a certain level.

For example, become an expert in mathematical functions, or become an expert in geometry.

In the future, it is not impossible for monks who have understood the Great Way to do this. However, even if a monk who has learned the Great Way finally chooses a certain branch for intensive study, he will most likely spend time continuing to study other mathematical knowledge.

On the other hand, this is not the case for the Law Monk. His purpose will be very clear. Even if he spends time studying other branches of mathematics, it is all for the purpose of "reaching bypasses" in his own professional field.

They can also reverse each other, it's just a matter of whether they can let go.

This is the case with the God-Kings in the Qinling Magic World. They may think they are the 'highest' in their own world, but in reality?

Their so-called authority can only be spoken of in their own world. Once they enter the heavens and worlds, they are still invisible to everyone.

It was as if Liu Hao saw the God of Light and the so-called Goddess of Life among the many heavens.

But these guys who are all attached to the God of Light and the Goddess of Life, are they just ants in front of Liu Hao?

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