Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and eighty six, Tao


Different from the rules of cultivation, those who understand the 'Tao' have obviously a much wider range of choices.

This is also because they gave up the decision to privatize a certain law of heaven and earth.

After losing, it also means that they have more choices.

Therefore, monks who have understood the "Tao" often have a "pious" heart for any knowledge, and will not reject any other knowledge at all.

They are happy to sit together and discuss the Tao, learn from each other, tell others about their own insights, and at the same time listen to the insights of others.

On the other hand, even if the God of Light and the Goddess of Life in the Qinling Magic World sit together to discuss Taoism, most of them are just talking about it, and neither side is very enthusiastic about it.

After one time, there will never be another time.

This makes law monks often lonely.

If they see a similar person, they are not only afraid that the knowledge they possess will be learned by this person, but also often choose to kill this 'opponent' silently and secretly.

Just like these gods of light that exist in all heavens and all realms.

Once they meet in Liu Hao's Earth, the most likely outcome will still be 'life or death'. Even if they smile on the surface when they meet, deep down in their hearts, both sides know that they wish their opponent would die.

This is no longer determined by their inner qualities, but by their interests. The convergence of interests often makes it difficult for them to sit down and discuss.

In this regard, monks who have understood the Tao are on the contrary. They wish that there would be more people who are consistent with their own understanding. They will feel that these are the true fellow-Taoists.

Because the more people who are similar to themselves, it also means that there are more Taoist friends who can discuss the Tao, and the more paths they can learn from, they will be eager to sit down together every once in a while to share what they have gained during this period, and everyone will make progress together. .

They may also be jealous of other people, but this jealousy can still be suppressed in the face of interests.

Because for them, knowledge is knowledge. As long as I have it and can use it, it will not stipulate that others cannot use this knowledge. What they want is not complete control in their own hands.

Therefore, you will see that many of the 'supernatural powers' summarized by those monks who have comprehended the Great Dao are sometimes very similar. The biggest difference is just in the name or details.

Just like Tathagata's 'Buddha's Kingdom in the Palm' and Zhen Yuanzi's 'World in His Sleeve', they are both methods of using space and confinement. In fact, there is not much difference in their essence.

These monks often don't even mind spreading the 'supernatural powers' they have summarized. For them, this is not where their inheritance lies. The wider it spreads, the more it is their destiny. kind of improvement.

I wonder which descendant in the future will be able to improve this magical power that has been passed down by him?

Compared to the law monks, the monks who understand the avenue prefer the group combat mode.

It's not that the law monks are unwilling, but that they are destined to be alone.

They would rather train their own 'servants', just like the God of Light in the Qinling Magic World. How many of the angels under his account truly have their own thoughts?

The God of Light knows very well that those angels with their own thoughts are what he really needs to be wary of. Once these angels with their own thoughts rapidly improve their cultivation, they will definitely think about killing him one day. This god of light takes his place.

It cannot be said that this kind of loneliness is sad. It is also their own choice. When they choose, they have made all preparations.

They know better that on this road, their combat effectiveness will be much higher.

This kind of transcendence does not mean that the monks of the same realm of law surpass the monks who have understood the great road.

It is the comparison of oneself that condenses the essential difference between one's own laws and those who do not condense one's own laws.

It's like whether you have your true trump card.

What's more important is versatility.

He won't because the law of light you condensed in the Qinling Magic World will be useless on Liu Hao's Earth.

On the contrary, as long as it is a law, it is universal in all worlds, is seamlessly linked, and is plug-and-play.

Everything he has belongs to himself, and no matter where he walks in the world, his combat effectiveness will still be the same.

On the other hand, monks who have understood the Tao need a buffering process in this regard.

Because most of the monks talk about comprehending the Tao, but in fact they are more comprehending the Tao of Heaven in their own world and heaven and earth.

Although these principles can be described as common among all the worlds, in fact, many times, some of the details still need to be adjusted.

Therefore, with these universal magical means, if you change to another heaven, you will find that even if you can still use them without any hindrance, their power will be reduced a lot, maybe 80% to 90%, or even 60% to 70%.

If you want to reach the peak of the power of these supernatural powers in your original world, it is unavoidable to understand the great ways of heaven and earth, and it is inevitable to spend a little time.

This is a loss, but isn’t it a gain?

Doesn’t the adjustment of any of these details also tell you that the magical power you have summarized has not reached its true peak?

Don't these subtle adjustments give you a process to continue to improve the power of these magical skills?

These monks seem to have lost their short-term combat effectiveness, but their entry into these very different worlds means there are countless more teachers and a lot more unknown knowledge for them to learn. They are the happiest group of people. .

From this perspective, any monk who understands the 'Tao' can almost be described as a scientist.

What they pay attention to is exploration, endless exploration. It seems that as long as it is knowledge, they are interested in it and will not reject anyone who comes.

Even if it is knowledge beyond their mastery, they will not reject it at all.

Because they have always believed that there must be a profound connection between all knowledge. Even if they cannot understand it at the moment, in the future, as the amount of knowledge increases and the more avenues they understand, they will always be linked together. degree of mutual integration.

On the other hand, a law monk is like an engineering master.

What matters is the deepening of the major. For example, mechanical engineers may devote their energy to materials science, but they will never have any ambitions in medicine.

They can no longer be called ‘Taoists’.

Even if they have such a title, it is actually just a title.

The real Taoists can only be those monks who understand the 'Tao'.

Just like those Taoist priests in those historical periods of the mortal world, each one seemed to be omnipotent, as if just one of them could shake up the entire era.

They seem to be able to conquer a world by taking refuge in any lord. Even if they are walking in the world, they are still a well-planned doctor.

This is because they have a great devotion to any knowledge, and as long as it is knowledge, they are happy to learn it.

But it cannot be said that they are necessarily mixed but not good.

Even if they absorb any knowledge, they still have their own unique expertise, but it is just not as obvious as the law monks.

It's just that the more advanced they get, the more they give people the impression that they are experts in any profession.

Just like Saint Tongtian, he is the best among all the saints in the ancient world in terms of formations, but you can say that Tongtian must be poor in weapon refining?

The 'Golden Dragon Scissors' is so famous that when it was conferred as a god in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, it seemed to be unsolvable. Isn't this the greatest proof that the Tongtian Saint refines weapons?

He is just inferior to Yuanshi Tianzun, the greatest authority in refining weapons, and inferior to Taishang Moral Tianzun in alchemy.

But that's it. In these aspects, can't Tongtian easily crush all the ancient monks under the saint?

This is the true Taoism, and it is for this reason that Tongtian can be one of the three pure beings.

All Taoist personnel under them also learn from them. If they understand any great way, no matter whether it is useful immediately, they must learn it first.

To a certain extent, the Three Pure Saints have actually comprehended all the ‘Three Thousand Great Ways’?

They are just not as insistent as Liu Hao himself on thoroughly comprehending the 'Three Thousand Avenues'.

At their level, it doesn't matter whether the so-called law is condensed or not.

If the saints of the Three Pure Purities want to condense the laws, can't they also do it by stepping into chaos to condense them?

It’s just a matter of how many years you’ll stay there, and whether it’s worth it.

Even in Liu Hao's guess, Sanqing had already tried more or less, and he just stopped trying when he found that there was no urgent need for more or less problems.

Wasn't Liu Hao himself the same way back then?

Didn't he also have a premonition of condensing the laws in the world, and there was an early warning in his heart, so he directly chose to stop?

But it cannot be said that Liu Hao has stopped practicing the law. From beginning to end, he has invested a lot of energy in understanding the three thousand laws. He occasionally condenses them, but he does not restrain himself for his own use, but directly Spread between heaven and earth.

It's just that he has not condensed these laws, which has made his progress in this area slower. There is no need for him to be anxious, right?

He walks on two legs and is stable!

Even if his combat effectiveness in terms of laws is slightly inferior to that of opponents who have truly condensed his own laws, so what?

He walks on two legs, and his true combat power is compared to any opponent of the same level. He has never been inferior to anyone. Didn't he crush most enemies directly?

He has this self-confidence and can choose to ignore it, but that doesn't mean that others can do it.

In fact, the only law monks he has encountered so far are the demon gods from the abyss.

Only those Abyss Demon Gods will not care whether you cause damage to the world because you have condensed the laws. They will not care about this, and even whether the Abyss will be harmed as a result is not within their control.

They robbed countless heavens, corrupted these heavens, and directly pulled them into the abyss as bricks of the abyss. Is it not because they followed the path of law?

Compared with condensing the laws in the abyss and chaos, how can it be faster to rob directly from these heavens?

Because of this, they developed the 'locust transformation' of the Abyss Demon Gods, prompting them to become the true enemies of all the worlds.

This is no longer as simple as who is right or wrong, but the position determines that we can only become opponents.

This is why Emperor Zhenwu immediately widened his eyes when he saw Gu Yi, a law cultivator. From his perspective, Gu Yi had already slipped in the direction of his enemy.

If he hadn't seen the time gem hanging around Gu Yi's neck, Emperor Zhenwu would most likely have 'asked' Qinglong Liu Hao why he could tolerate such a guy as his companion in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

Isn't the time gem essentially a law treasure?

Even if the time stone is just a semi-finished product of laws condensed by so and so, it is okay.

That is to say, Ancient Yi is now in the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation and does not need to face countless Abyss Demon Gods. Otherwise, those selfish Abyss Demon Gods will unite and attack Ancient Yi when they see this time gem. to seize this 'treasure'.

"If you want to use this time stone to understand the way of time, you can do it!"

Qinglong Liu Hao obviously saw the thoughts in Emperor Zhenwu's mind, and casually mentioned this sentence. This sentence was also very shocking to Emperor Zhenwu. Is the monk in front of him really willing to lend such a treasure?

"His name is Ancient One, from the Marvel world..."

Speaking of which, Qinglong Liu Hao also briefly explained various situations in the Marvel world to Emperor Zhenwu;

"Gu Yi, you can say that you are a Buddhist, or you can say that you are not a Buddhist!"

The words of Qinglong Liu Hao were combined with Gu Yi's method of fighting the Abyss Demon God, and Emperor Zhenwu could only nod.

How could he not figure out that among Gu Yi's many methods, there were very few Buddhist magical powers.

Even if it is used occasionally, it looks very unfamiliar. It is obvious that in terms of Buddhist methods, it has just been exposed to it for a short time, and it has been gained through self-penetration.

In other words, Gu Yi did not really come into contact with the Buddhist powers, nor did he receive any benefits from these Buddhist powers.

Of course, Emperor Zhenwu had no idea of ​​pulling Gu Yi into the Taoist sect, but it was just Gu Yi. The pride of the Taoist sect also destined that Emperor Zhenwu would not have such an idea.

But after understanding this, he was indeed tempted to understand the avenue of time from the time gem. This was a shortcut. In this regard, Emperor Zhenwu was indeed not an expert. There was such a shortcut, and who would be willing to give up.

He is now thinking about what he needs to pay to get this benefit. He does not think that there is no need to pay any price, and even if it is not necessary, he will not be willing to bear the cause and effect.

At this time, Emperor Zhenwu no longer had the same emotions as when he watched Guanshiyin and Huanglong. He still wanted to understand the way of time from the ancient battle. Even if he knew it was difficult, he was happy to try it. Fan.

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