Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, thoughts are messed up

Dimension invades the real earth 1789, thoughts are messed up

1789. Hu Si

Until a long time passed, Emperor Zhenwu didn't have a clear answer, but he himself became much calmer.

He knew that he couldn't make a real choice this time, but fortunately there was no need to be too anxious.

He was even somewhat grateful that he had just beheaded the first three corpses and still had more time to wait.

He hoped to see other different cases again. He thought of his elder brother, Master Xuandu, who had entered the heavens earlier than him. He had arrived, but he had not really visited him yet.

Suddenly, Emperor Zhenwu thought that his senior brother did not appear to be the main body, but that he was also one of the incarnations of the three corpses, 'Zhuang Zhou'.

"Is this already a common feature for true direct descendants?"

Emperor Zhenwu really didn't want to have such an idea, but the reality forced him to rise up.

He didn't have any other emotions about himself as the registered disciple of Taishang Daode Tianzun.

In ancient times, fate was so powerful, and a shallow fate was just a shallow one. When Taoist Hongjun was in the Zixiao Palace, wasn't it because he knew that he and Jie Yin Zhunti had a shallow fate, so he only accepted them as registered disciples?

It seems that he is a saint. If the direct identity of master and disciple is clear, how can there be eight hundred other disciples?

With such a tightening curse, wouldn't Daozu Hongjun be able to suppress Jie Yin and Zhunti at any time to ensure the uniqueness of Xuanmen in the ancient world?

In the face of such huge interests, the fate is still shallow, and there is still no force.

This example all told Emperor Zhenwu that his teacher's statement could never be wrong.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to harbor any complaints. Besides, wasn't the reason why he had the cultivation and status he had today because of his teacher?

He is not like Cihang and others, who will rebel at the suggestion of rebellion. His principles are ancient, but he is consistent with others.

Emperor Zhenwu repeatedly considered the possibility of his idea, and in the end he still could not veto it. But one thing he knew clearly was that this choice was not due to the teachings of the saints, but to his senior brothers and Haotian himself.

He killed the former because he knew it was impossible to get an answer. In this case, it would make himself more comfortable to simply ignore it.

But when he focused on measuring the latter, he still hesitated.

"That's all, there's no rush!"

He knew that this sentence was more about convincing himself, but what if he didn't?

He finally calmed down completely and really watched Zhang Bairen's battle.

How did he know that even if Zhang Bairen improves by leaps and bounds, his current cultivation level is still not as good as that of Haotian himself.

Don't think that Haotian is just a free man. His talent and understanding have never been inferior to anyone's.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Hongjun to accept him as a boy.

Before they released Zhang Bairen, the incarnation of the third corpse, they had already touched the edge of the third corpse and had a way forward.

It can be said that the third corpse incarnation of Haotian, who is now staying in the ancient times, has already taken shape in his body, and the accumulation has become more and more profound. If you give him time, it will only be a matter of time before he kills it.

It is impossible for Haotian and Emperor Zhenwu to have the same sense of urgency.

You, Zhenwu Emperor, can still take it easy, but Haotian doesn't dare at all.

The entire prehistoric situation has forced Haotian to do this.

When the saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are still shackles, it doesn't matter. Everyone is the same anyway. Even if there are differences when everyone reaches the top, they can still be ignored.

But now?

When this shackles are opened, it means that the previous balance has been completely broken;

If you don't advance, you will retreat. It applies to everyone, but for Haotian, it is not just as simple as not advancing or retreating, but also not improving, because he also needs to ensure that his position is not replaced by others.

The Great Heavenly Lord is almost the most noble position under the ancient saint. Who doesn't know that as long as you sit in this position, you will have a steady stream of merit and luck?

Haotian didn't dare to bet that if someone else killed the three corpses in the future, they would make crazy decisions because they needed more luck to merge the three corpses into one.

There has never been any scruples about the dispute between the avenues. The higher the position, the more determined one is about it.

Why do you do this, it may cause the saint's dissatisfaction, but it may only be possible, even if it happens, what if you win the bet?

If you win the bet, you will reach the sky in one step. You will truly have the status of being on an equal footing with the saints. So what if you take a gamble?

If it were him, wouldn't he be tempted as well?

It can be said that for Haotian, it is not just a matter of taking one step at a time, but once it falls behind a little, it is not impossible to lose one's life.

How could Emperor Zhenwu feel this kind of pressure?

Compared with these, it is just that the difficulty will increase when the three corpses merge into one in the future. Even if the increase is an increase in level, so what?

At that time, Haotian was already a sub-sage. As long as it wasn't a saint taking action, who would he be afraid of?

Everyone, even the supreme Emperor of Heaven, still needs to put their own safety first.

As for the Xuandu Archmage, his considerations are completely different from those of Haotian.

The three-corpse incarnation of Master Xuandu, Zhuang Zhou, can be said to be fundamentally different from everyone else's three-corpse incarnation.

People have already made their own clear will from the moment they appear.

Zhuang Zhou, that guy who even a saint dared to scold, was someone who could say, "Unless a saint dies, there will be no more thieves."

How could such an incarnation of three corpses tolerate itself being fused?

People's will to resist is only a handful in all the worlds. In other words, for Master Xuandu, this 'war' has long been inevitable. In this case, there is nothing that cannot be let go. It's open.

It can be said that when Master Xuandu saw Liu Hao transforming the three corpses into giant thorns and releasing them into the heavens, he had already made up his mind and did not care at all that the so-called difficulty was increasing.

Even for Master Xuandu, it is not impossible to try to follow Liu Hao's path and let the three corpses transform into Zhuang Zhou to be completely independent.

Compared with the three-corpse incarnations of other monks, the three-corpse incarnation of Xuandu Archmage 'Zhuang Zhou' already has his own Tao. Isn't it possible for him to incarnate in the future and prove the Tao of Hunyuan?

Isn’t there already a precedent for Liu Hao’s white tiger incarnation?

These are things that Emperor Zhenwu cannot possibly know.

Emperor Zhenwu should be fortunate that he does not need to make a choice immediately, otherwise it will be too late to truly regret it if he knows the secret in the future.

What Liu Hao can do does not mean that others can do it. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of luck.

Just like the incarnation of his White Tiger realizing the Hunyuan in the ancient world, in the eyes of everyone and even Liu Hao himself, it is a matter of course. This is luck.

Liu Hao has never lacked innate treasures in his hands, and now he even has two of the treasures of heaven. Even in the prehistoric times, Hongjun, Nuwa and Houtu Empress, the masters of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, all I have to admit defeat.

For Liu Hao, no matter he or his three major incarnations, the realm of Hunyuan has never been a bottleneck.

Sometimes the contrast between people is so huge, so huge that it's despairing.

Faced with such a gap, the only thing that can make me feel at ease is to face this comparison downward.

That is to say, what is less than what is above is more than what is below.

Emperor Zhenwu has been assigned such a role by the author without knowing it.

In fact, even in prehistoric times, this metaphor was very obvious.

He has crossed over to the quasi-sage realm that ninety-nine percent of all living beings can only look up to, but he has also stayed in this realm for an unknown number of years.

He seemed to be in the wilderness, his talent had been developed to the extreme, but he knew better that the cause of all this was still due to luck.

In a closed environment, everything is determined, even luck.

This fixed amount of luck must be distributed to every living being, and the difference is nothing more than a distribution of more and a distribution of less.

He, the Zhenwu Emperor, was already lucky. He had crushed more than 99% of the creatures. Although he could not count the ones that surpassed him with one hand, there were only so many.

Now that all the heavens and worlds are connected, his only constraint has been completely broken. What is he dissatisfied with?

It has only been a long time since he stepped into the heavens. Emperor Zhenwu has already seen the Wudang Sect and that the Wudang Sect is famous among the many heavens. Even though he has not drawn any luck from it so far, he feels satisfied in his heart. Almost overflowing too.

And the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation pushed his sense of satisfaction to a higher level again, making him understand that the thoughts of a saint that he had kept deep in his heart in the past did not seem impossible.

It was also why he became so entangled in his heart when he saw Zhang Bairen's rapid improvement. Instead, he was not as open-minded as he was in the wild world.

It seemed that he had also thought of this. The bitter smile on Emperor Zhenwu's face flashed away, and the peace in his heart became even higher.

When he was truly at peace, he found that there was no need for him to think wildly.

The incarnations of the three corpses are just the incarnations of the three corpses. Doesn’t all the great power come from oneself?

As long as the body is improved step by step, everything else seems to be just a side branch.

When you find that it is extremely difficult to improve your body, it won't be too late to think about this, right?

All the emotional fluctuations in Emperor Zhenwu could not be hidden from Qinglong Liu Hao who was standing beside him. In fact, Qinglong Liu Hao was amazed that he could settle down so quickly.

Others may not think much of Emperor Zhenwu, but Liu Hao is not included here.

Qinglong Liu Hao didn't know what kind of relationship Emperor Zhenwu had with Great Master Xuanwu, but even so, it was certain that when Master Xuanwu saw Emperor Zhenwu in the future, he would take care of him.

A little care is enough to make Emperor Zhenwu rise rapidly.

You know, what is the difference between the so-called Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian and a child in front of Master Xuanwu?

I don’t know how many Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian there are in the world that I carry on my back. Just giving Emperor Zhenwu a little care is enough to push Emperor Zhenwu to the Hunyuan realm.

And this is the true starting point of the future Zhenwu Emperor. If the quasi-sage powerful people in the ancient world knew about this starting point, they would definitely be jealous in their hearts, right?

Sometimes you have to admit that fairness sounds so incredible.

No matter how hard you try, sometimes it's not as good as a little care. Things like backing are so incomprehensible.

Fortunately, the jealous crowd did not include Liu Hao. Even though Qinglong Liu Hao knew this clearly, he just smiled in his heart.

Seeing that Emperor Zhenwu was completely stunned, he also turned his attention to Zhang Bairen in the picture.

This three-corpse incarnation of Haotian is now not only more and more agile, but the aura on his body is one that can be seen at a glance and can no longer be ignored.

It was a self-centered attitude, but in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, Zhang Bairen's attitude meant that this guy was greatly influenced by Haotian.

As the incarnation of the three corpses, such a comparison will only make Qinglong Liu Hao feel more grateful. Fortunately, his true self has never thought of taking them back from the very beginning when he beheaded them.

It seems that from the beginning of Killing Three Corpses, Liu Hao has already made clear the plan for the path after Hunyuan;

It seems that from the beginning, Liu Hao, the deity, had a premonition that time was extremely tight, so he could completely release the incarnations of the three corpses, comprehend the avenues and laws from multiple angles, and promote his rapid cultivation.

For this reason, Liu Hao's three major and three corpse incarnations have always been independent and have never been restrained by the original deity, let alone the so-called 'back door'.

On the contrary, all this is vividly reflected in Zhang Bairen, the incarnation of the three corpses of Haotian, as if he is afraid that Zhang Bairen will betray himself in the future.

You must admit the fact that whether you trust at the beginning determines all subsequent trust.

Any crack in trust will be the basis for the collapse of all trust.

Seeing Zhang Bairen in front of him, Qinglong Liu Hao even had a premonition that even if Haotian stepped onto his own earth next time, he would never be able to take back Zhang Bairen, and if he wanted to do so, this battle would have to be fought.

But he also didn't think that Zhang Bairen, whose cultivation level was soaring rapidly, had much chance of escaping in front of Haotian.

Isn't it clear that this deity suppresses the incarnation? Qinglong Liu Hao is one of the three corpse incarnations?

He didn't know whether this scene was a comedy or a tragedy, but it was undeniable that his sympathy for Zhang Bairen still rose in his heart.

This trace of sympathy didn't even last a moment from its appearance to its destruction.

Danmo is the temperament of Qinglong Liu Hao, who cultivates the laws of heaven and earth, who doesn't regard everything in the world as a stupid dog?

It doesn't matter whether you are Haotian or Zhang Bairen, as long as you don't enter Hunyuan, no matter how high your cultivation level is, it has no meaning in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, and you can only be a member of the Kudog.

It was impossible for the Zhenwu Emperor next to him to see such information, but even so, the Zhenwu Emperor could see Zhang Bairen's "can't wait" at a glance.

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