Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, Zhuang Zhou’s strength

1792. Zhuang Zhou’s strength

Devouring magical power can also be said to be a magical method that is summed up by mastering the way of devouring and the law of devouring.

In this magical skill, the swallowing itself is not the most important. The most important thing is the digestion after swallowing and turning it into one's own use.

Zhuang Zhou evolved the art of Kunpeng for this purpose, otherwise, he would not need to be so complicated.

You must know that the real great road in Zhuang Zhou's heart is not Kunpeng's way, but "Xiaoyao". Isn't his "Xiaoyaoyou" a statement of ambition?

This is also the real reason why Qinglong Liu Hao believes that Zhuang Zhou is the collection of "rebellious thoughts" in Master Xuandu's heart.

A typical point is that Master Xuandu is the only direct disciple of Saint Laozi. No matter what Master Xuandu chooses in his heart, inheriting Laozi's way of inaction will be what he must do and the task he must complete.

Here, it is no longer just a question of whether Master Xuandu is willing or not, nor is it a question of whether he has talent in this way.

Because if Master Xuandu is not good at the Tao of Wuwei, it means that he will have great obstacles in helping his master and saint spread the Tao in the ancient world. Even for this, he must spend a lot of time. Focus on research.

Obviously, there can be no identical leaves in the world, nor can there be any roads that can be copied.

Another point is that there is a huge gap between the talent of Xuandu Archmage and Lao Tzu, at least before the Chaos Demon God awakened in his Qiankun ancestor's previous life.

This also means that the same way of inaction, even if I teach him, Master Xuandu can understand the five or six achievements, which is already very remarkable.

Under such circumstances, especially after long-term persistence, doubts arose about whether he was suitable for the path taught by his master, and he gradually developed a rebellious heart. The birth of Zhuang Zhou was inevitable.

Not being able to accept Zhuang Zhou's carefree way is a kind of escape. More importantly, he still wants a mentality of making his own decisions.

The Kunpeng described in "Xiaoyaoyou" is more of a way of borrowing Kunpeng to describe the way of freedom.

But even so, it also means that Archmage Xuandu himself has a full understanding of Kunpeng's way. From it, he can understand the way of devouring.

Qinglong Liu Hao naturally had more control over the way of devouring, but before that, he had never thought of using Kunpeng's technique to achieve his goal.

He also had to admit that this approach was a kind of trick.

But this kind of trick is also a rare solution. At least it is easier to control. This in itself is also a skill that uses Kunpeng's own skills.

This approach can not only borrow Kunpeng's talent. For example, the way of fire, can't we also borrow the skills of Suzaku and Phoenix?

His method of talisman and seal script was not borrowed like this once or twice, but he had not noticed it at all before.

"Are the special talents of these species not the bodies of laws given by heaven and earth?"

A clear realization flashed through Qinglong Liu Hao's heart. The way of heaven always damages more than it can make up for. When she restricts your talents in other areas, she will always give you others. To describe it in popular terms, it means that God has closed you down. When the door opens, a window will also be opened for you.

God can only do this, and all subsequent developments will only be left to you.

Just like when you find this window, whether to enlarge it, or whether to change this window into another door that you can easily enter and exit after you find that the door can no longer be opened, is also your own question.

She also doesn't care whether you continue to struggle with the closed door in the following days after ensuring that you can enter and exit. She closes the door, but does not make any restrictions so that the door must not be opened.

If you try to do this, you will just open a gap in the door at first, and relying on the years, even if it takes a thousand years, to really open the door, is also a method.

However, everyone knows that this choice is by no means the best.

From our point of view, who doesn’t understand that such an approach is time-consuming and ineffective, and it is as difficult as converting a window into a door.

But when you are in the game, how much can you really see through?

There are thousands of species, but not all of them are like Phoenix. Regardless of the closed door, the window opened specifically for her is really vast.

In front of such windows, who cares how many closed doors there are? Are you tall?

They don't need to spend a little time thinking at all. They only need to fully stimulate their greatest talents, and then they can travel between heaven and earth and become a handful of the highest people.

Of course, the number of metaphorical objects like the Phoenix, whether it is the ancient world or the heavens and the world, is extremely rare, and there is even no such example in many heavens.

She is extremely limited, which also means that the magical talents created based on their own bodies are themselves the best carriers of how to use the laws, just like Zhuang Zhou borrowing Kunpeng.

Qinglong Liu Hao knew very well that after Zhuang Zhou devoured every piece of the Abyss Demon God's flesh and blood, he didn't have much time to digest it.

And most of this digestion time is still used to digest the unique aura of the abyss.

In other words, the true digestion of the Abyss Demon God itself can even be described as being completed in an instant.

After observing for a while, Qinglong Liu Hao also understood at which stage Zhuang Zhou's limit in swallowing was probably. If the enemy he faced did not come from the abyss, Zhuang Zhou could even swallow it in one bite, and then slowly digest it. Not too late.

You must know that the Abyss Demon God Zhuang Zhou is facing now has a slightly higher level of cultivation than Zhuang Zhou at the beginning. To describe it from another perspective, Zhuang Zhou already has the ability to kill opponents of the same level with one strike. This can already be described as a very small number among all the heavens and worlds.

It's no wonder that Zhuang Zhou is now at ease, as if he is in the game world, and he is still verifying some of his thoughts from time to time. There are endless skills and means, large and small, clearly using the Abyss Demon God opponent as a whetstone.

In such a situation, Emperor Zhenwu could only see shock, his eyes widened and he was unable to speak for a long time.

It can be said that the contact between Emperor Zhenwu and Zhuang Zhou was very little. They had only met a few times before and had no real communication. How could Zhuang Zhou have such a character?

But now, Emperor Zhenwu discovered that the three corpses of his senior brother in front of him turned out to be so powerful!

Even in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu, the three-corpse incarnation of the senior brother was clearly comparable to the original master of Xuandu.

"No wonder people dare to say something like 'the saint is immortal and there are no more thieves'. Even in the wild world, if the saint doesn't take action to suppress it, maybe there are really not many saints who can defeat it, right?"

Emperor Zhenwu couldn't calm down for a long time, and the bitterness in his heart came one after another.

He found that after entering the world, his mentality was really shaken by all the things he saw, always going back and forth between excitement and depression.

Even if he knew that such shocks would improve his character every time;

But if possible, he would rather just do it once. He must admit that such bumps are definitely a kind of torture for himself.

"Even if I kill the second three corpses, maybe in front of the incarnation of the three corpses of Senior Brother, it will just be a casual suppression, right?"

If it were Master Xuandu himself, Emperor Zhenwu would not think there was anything wrong with this.

After all, Master Xuandu was also the only direct disciple of Sage Laozi in the past, and he had mastered many methods. Basically, as long as Master Xuandu was willing to learn, Sage Laozi would never hide his secrets, and even wanted to do so. All the great masters of Xuandu have learned it.

Faced with such a senior brother, even if Emperor Zhenwu was casually suppressed by him, he would at most be depressed for a while, and then he would be able to figure it out.

But what about Zhuang Zhou?

As a registered disciple of Sage Lao Tzu, how could Emperor Zhenwu not understand that his senior brother had long since broken away from the way of Sage Lao Tzu and embarked on his own path early on. Most of what he had learned and almost all his methods had also been It’s people who came to understand it themselves.

In other words, his starting point and path are almost the same as those of Emperor Zhenwu. How come they are all similar, and now he is as fragile as a child in front of them?

This made Emperor Zhenwu somewhat doubt that it was because of his poor talent that the saint did not accept him as his direct successor.

The idea of ​​Emperor Zhenwu was quickly suppressed deep in his heart. He also knew that this was impossible, but when he changed his mind, it did not mean that the bitterness in his heart could be suppressed quickly.

But one thing must be admitted. Emperor Zhenwu's many prides in the ancient world were completely restrained at this time.

Emperor Zhenwu naturally had no way of knowing that this would benefit him more in his future cultivation path. Perhaps this was just a drink and a peck.

In the picture, the Abyss Demon God has fallen to the edge of a quasi-sage. Perhaps he also discovered that his opponent has little value. Zhuang Zhou used the Kunpeng technique to directly swallow his opponent. After a while, the Kunpeng disappeared, which also meant that The enemy of the Abyss Demon God no longer has any chance of survival.

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Soon, a new opponent of the Abyss Demon God appeared in front of Zhuang Zhou again under the control of Qinglong Liu Hao. This time, the opponent of the Abyss Demon God appeared, and his cultivation level was completely quasi-sage, and he had condensed his own unique power. chain of rules.

The reason for this is that Qinglong Liu Hao wanted to see where Zhuang Zhou's limit was.

In fact, Zhuang Zhou did not disappoint Qinglong Liu Hao. From the beginning, even if he was slightly at a disadvantage, he was not suppressed and beaten by the enemy of the Abyss Demon God. Even Qinglong Liu Hao could tell from the expression on Zhuang Zhou's face. Only when this opponent comes out can he get a little excited.

After several collisions, Zhuang Zhou took out his spiritual treasure for the first time, which was the ‘Picture of the Universe’;

This spiritual treasure was in the hands of Xuandu Archmage, and it was inevitable that it would appear in Zhuang Zhou's hands. It was sent to the heavens. If Xuandu Archmage didn't give him some trump cards, Qinglong Liu Hao himself wouldn't believe it.

The action of the ‘Qiankun Diagram’ also means that Zhuang Zhou is really going all out;.

As expected by Qinglong Liu Hao, the main reason why Zhuang Zhou came up with the 'Picture of the Universe' was that he did not dare to bet on the chain of laws controlled by the Abyss Demon God, and he knew even more clearly that once he was bound by it, the consequences would be unpredictable.

This is a danger that almost everyone can see, and Zhuang Zhou certainly couldn't be unaware of it.

It is like a sharp sword. No one will use their own body to verify the sharpness.

In fact, this enemy of the Abyssal Demon God is only a few people among the abyssal army that invaded Liu Hao's earth this time, and he is the real leader of this abyssal army.

Previously, most of these people were besieged by Qinglong Liu Hao in the Zhoutian Star Formation. The reason why they were not in a hurry to kill these people was because they did not want to arouse greater vigilance in the abyss world.

Today, if he didn't want to see where Zhuang Zhou's limit is, Qinglong Liu Hao really wouldn't be so anxious. At least, he would have to destroy most of the demon gods who stepped into the abyss of his own earth this time before he could achieve anything. action.

But now that he has tried it, how to maximize its utilization value has become Qinglong Liu Hao's expectation.

If possible, Qinglong Liu Hao would naturally be happy to see Zhuang Zhou use his own body to touch the chain of laws in the hands of the Abyss Demon God, but this guy went directly to the 'Picture of the Universe' and there was no way he could stop him.

Of course, Zhuang Zhou's approach also gave Qinglong Liu Hao another analysis, that is, Zhuang Zhou was 'fearful', and the warning signs in his heart were telling Zhuang Zhou that this must be the case.

As a result, in the picture, there was a picture of the 'Qiankun Diagram' trying to absorb the chain of laws in the hands of the Abyss Demon God. It was obviously the first time for the Abyss Demon God to encounter such a scene, and he was caught off guard for a moment.

Suddenly, Qinglong Liu Hao discovered that from the experience of White Tiger Liu Hao's trip to the abyss, he did not see the scene of the abyss demon holding the spiritual treasure.

"Is it possible that there are no so-called spiritual treasures in the abyss?"

Soon, Qinglong Liu Hao shook his head again. If he didn't see it, it didn't mean that he didn't.

Things like spiritual treasures have always been scarce, and there are countless masters of the abyss. Even if a spiritual treasure appears, it will probably be taken away by the abyss demon with a higher level of cultivation, right?

Abyss, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cultivator, but I don’t know how many. Above Hunyuan, the Abyss Demon God with higher cultivation cannot be described as rare. Otherwise, how can they become the world in the chaos? Even the biggest enemy of Chaos?

Spiritual treasures, especially innate spiritual treasures, are more than just powerful tools. Being able to comprehend the Great Dao from them is the most coveted factor for many great powers.

This also means that even if this innate spiritual treasure is not of a high level, it is still of high value to a truly powerful person, and there is naturally no reason for it to fall into the hands of low-level monks.

Thinking about it this way, it is understandable that these Abyss Demon Gods are empty-handed. Even on the surface of the abyss, it is most realistic that they have not seen a single innate spiritual treasure.

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