Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, Master Xuandu

Dimensional invasion of the real earth 1791, Archmage Xuandu

1791. Great Master Xuandu

Within the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation, Zhang Bairen, the incarnation of Haotian, did not know that he had become the inner critic of Qinglong Liu Hao and Emperor Zhenwu.

He doesn't have the heart to pay attention to anything else besides himself.

He cannot be said to be very satisfied with his improvement, but he is also very satisfied.

He was also unlucky. Most of the time, it was Qinglong Liu Hao who was in charge of the Zhoutian Star Formation instead of Liu Hao;

The reason for this is that in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, his specialness will not enter the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao.

This particularity is the humane attribute of Zhang Bairen.

When Haotian entered the human world and experienced disasters, they were all Zhang Bairen, and they were all human beings.

Therefore, Zhang Bairen, as the incarnation of the Great Heavenly Lord Haotian, thought that he was a human race from beginning to end.

The emotions in his heart have never been extinguished, and the struggle of the human race has always been rooted in his heart, which is why he has this 'rebellious' mentality.

It's also strange that when Liu Hao was obsessed with sitting in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, the eyes that stayed on him were more like a casual glance. Otherwise, this specialness can be clearly seen by anyone who watches for a long time.

From Zhang Bairen, Qinglong Liu Hao can only treat all living beings with indifference, but for Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, why can't he be a reference?

Not to mention anything else, Zhang Bairen's current "fight" is enough to make Liu Hao understand something.

But in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu, these things can only be combined with his own considerations, and he will not care about Zhang Bairen's "depression" as the incarnation of Haotian.

For Emperor Zhenwu, watching Zhang Bairen's ferocity made him more vigilant about releasing his three corpse incarnations. This was also determined by his stance.

Who made today come, was it Emperor Zhenwu himself?

Rather than looking at Zhang Bairen's 'rebellion', Emperor Zhenwu thought of Zhuang Zhou more.

As if he had captured the inner thoughts of Emperor Zhenwu, Liu Hao, the green dragon beside him, had changed the picture in front of him with a wave of his hand. The new picture that appeared was also caused by Zhuang Zhou.

Compared with Zhang Bairen's previous sense of urgency, Zhuang Zhou in the picture is still as calm as when he first entered the world.

Even as the incarnation of the Three Corpses, Zhuang Zhou in the picture is still no different from Guan Shiyin and others who had been personally present before.

He was still experimenting with what he had learned, and the various Shen Tong skills and means that he had comprehended in his body, calmly and gracefully, as if he had never thought that the release of him by this deity might only be temporary.

This itself is also determined by Zhuang Zhou's character.

This guy is someone who can understand the 'Dream Butterfly'. Even Zhuang Zhou, who would sigh with emotion whether he dreamed of himself turning into a butterfly in a dream, or whether a butterfly dreamed of turning into him, doesn't care about whether he turned into a butterfly or not. Sleeping within the sea of ​​consciousness of this deity.

Is it possible that people are still enjoying this deep sleep?

It’s impossible to say that people are practicing all kinds of dreams while they are asleep?

His calmness is a huge torture to his enemies.

In particular, Zhuang Zhou would try his Kunpeng magical power from time to time. When he got the chance, he would transform into a Kunpeng and swallow a bite of the enemy of the Abyss Demon God, and then slowly digest it while resisting.

As one goes and the other goes up, the balance naturally tilts more and more towards Zhuang Zhou. This torture is the most painful experience for Zhuang Zhou's enemy, the Demon God of the Abyss.

From Zhuang Zhou, it seems that his cultivation level is not improving rapidly, but Qinglong Liu Hao, who is much higher in realm, knows very well that every time he kills an enemy, Zhuang Zhou's Tao Yun is improving slightly.

Compared with Zhang Bairen's improvement in cultivation, this improvement in Dao Yun is the most terrifying.

Because people can be destroyed, but Tao cannot be eliminated.

In other words, even if the three corpses of Xuandu Archmage merge into one in the future and wipe out Zhuang Zhou, a new 'Zhuang Zhou' will still be born from Xuandu Archmage.

In essence, the new Zhuang Zhou is no different from the previous Zhuang Zhou.

This may be the biggest way for the three corpse incarnations to protect themselves.

With the whole comparison in mind, Zhang Bairen's approach can only be described in a rough way. All the efforts have a 99% chance of being in vain in the end.

In Zhuang Zhou, Qinglong Liu Hao could not see any resistance to Master Xuandu, as if he had already understood his responsibilities as an incarnation.

But at the same time, it is also ensuring the future extension of its own independent thinking.

What he ensured was just his thinking. He didn't care at all whether a new Zhuang Zhou was born after Master Xuandu attained enlightenment, or whether it was still himself.

It was as if all he had to do was ensure that the 'Great Way' he had understood was inherited by the new Zhuang Zhou.

This character is the most terrifying.

How would Master Xuandu view Zhuang Zhou's thinking?

This is what Qinglong Liu Hao is most curious about.

He even had a feeling that Master Xuandu was happy to see Zhuang Zhou wandering outside, and he was looking forward to the storm Zhuang Zhou caused outside to be more violent.

As the only direct disciple of Taishang Daode Tianzun before Feng Baobao, he was naturally needed, and even must, to inherit the mantle of Lao Tzu.

This is the answer that both himself and all the monks besides him have already made clear in their hearts.

Under such an environment, it was inevitable for Master Xuandu to have strange thoughts as an individual, so Zhuang Zhou was born.

In other words, Zhuang Zhou is like the product of all the rebellious thoughts in Master Xuandu's heart, which was chopped off and turned into a complete individual.

When dealing with such two sides of one body, Master Xuandu would naturally not be happy to imprison them in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

On the other hand, it was Zhuang Zhou who was lazy and didn't care where he settled and slept.

With such an 'excuse' to 'drive' Zhuang Zhou to the point where the heavens collapsed, perhaps Master Xuandu was secretly happy in his heart, right?

Qinglong Liu Hao believes that if his guess is true, then the other three-corpse incarnation of Master Xuandu is probably 'Wuwei', a true collection of inheritors of Lao Tzu's Supreme Morality, a living little Lao Tzu 'Yes.

Even if I see such an incarnation, I will probably not be happy. It is also destined that the moment this incarnation appears, it will only sleep forever in the sea of ​​consciousness of Master Xuandu.

The two three-corpse incarnations of Xuandu Archmage are like a positive and a negative. The combination of the yin and yang of the two is the real Xuandu Archmage.

As for what this guy's obsession is, it is impossible for Qinglong Liu Hao to know.

He believed that Master Xuandu must be grateful to Feng Baobao, otherwise, as the only direct disciple of Taishang Daode Tianzun, he would be destined to live under the sunshine of Lao Tzu's roar all his life. You can imagine the pressure.

Qinglong Liu Hao didn't know how terrifyingly my acceptance of Feng Baobao as a disciple had greatly contributed to the release of Master Xuandu's soul.

It can be said that if I had not accepted Feng Baobao as his disciple, the difficulty for Master Xuandu to go further in this life would definitely be hundreds of times higher than that of Haotian and Tathagata.

Let's put it aside, once Master Xuandu's mind is released, the so-called obsession will truly come true for Master Xuandu.

In the prehistoric times, three thousand Chaos Demon Gods returned, and the number they returned must be three thousand, but how could the number that really started from scratch be three thousand?

Are some reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God not accepted as disciples by others?

Is there anyone here who has been accepted as a disciple by the saint?

Couldn’t Master Xuandu be one of them?

In the very beginning, there was an ancestor of Qiankun. When Hongjun and Daomo Luohou were fighting for the dominance of the prehistoric world, the ancestor of Qiankun was a figure comparable to Hongjun, but he was not lucky enough to become one of the protagonists, so he could only It ended in disgrace.

But for any ancestor who stood on Hongjun's side and fought against Luo Hu, after Hongjun's victory, wouldn't heaven and earth give him the reward?

You must know that these ancestors have not completely disappeared between heaven and earth. In the long river of destiny, they will exist forever and will one day return. These benefits must also be given to these ancestors. of.

The Great Master Xuandu is the reincarnation of the ancestor of Qiankun. Otherwise, the spiritual treasure of the Qiankun Map would not have fallen into the hands of the Great Master Xuandu.

Because of this identity, once Master Xuandu's mind is released, his obsession will be born naturally. This obsession is the 'Ancestor of the Universe'!

Of course, the ancestor of this universe is definitely not the ancestor of that universe.

The Tao Fruit left behind in the long river of destiny can only be absorbed and possessed by Xuandu Archmage.

In the final analysis, he is just an incarnation of three corpses. He can inherit the accumulation of the ancestors of Qiankun at the beginning of time by just beheading him.

This accumulation is also terrifying.

When he was able to fight against Luo Hou with Hongjun, a guy who killed three corpses, how could his cultivation be any worse?

You must know that Hongjun did not pass down any way to kill three corpses at the beginning, which means that the way for Qiankun Patriarch to become a quasi-sage is simply another way, and this way is the way of law.

This inheritance, for the Xuandu Archmage, is the real win.

If I really want to describe it, it is that once the Xuandu Archmage cuts off his obsession and steps into the realm of the sub-sage, then he can truly walk on two legs. Not only the understanding of the avenue, but also the ability to master its laws. They are all in the sub-sage realm.

Such Xuandu Archmage, even Tathagata, Haotian and others who will step into the Yasheng in the future, will most likely have their combat effectiveness suppressed by Xuandu Archmage.

The inheritance of this kind of inheritance is often so unreasonable.

In the ancient world, people like Master Xuandu cannot be an exception, but not everyone can be as lucky as Master Xuandu, because first of all, they must have cut off the two thoughts of good and evil. One of the pinnacle quasi-sages.

The number of peak quasi-sages in the prehistoric world is also limited, and there are only so few of them.

If Qinglong Liu Hao knows these secrets, he must have a full understanding of the shackles of the world.

How terrifying and sad this is!

As a true cultivator of the Way who was already on par with Hongjun at the very beginning, how high should he be in terms of luck or talent?

Such a true cultivator seems to have no choice but to perish after being reincarnated. No matter his luck or talent, it seems that they are restricted by heaven and earth, and cannot display their full potential at all.

This restriction is the fate of heaven and earth, and it is also the biggest shackles of heaven and earth.

It is like a total number, there are only so many, and only so many. When half or more of them are occupied by many saints, others can only follow the trend, and all their luck and talents can only be limited by heaven and earth. at a certain height;

It seems that no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you struggle, you can never get rid of this oppression from heaven and earth.

The reincarnation of Master Xuandu, the ancestor of Qiankun, is the biggest example.

When the prehistoric world is connected to all the worlds, the shackles of the prehistoric world are truly opened;

It's like the total amount of luck between heaven and earth finally has an input port and begins to grow.

At this time, whoever is the first to win these fortunes will become the next real top chess player in this world, that is, a saint or Hunyuan.

It was under such circumstances that White Tiger Liu Hao attained Hunyuan;

Thanks to White Tiger Liu Hao's enlightenment of Hunyuan, if White Tiger Liu Hao had chosen the path of a saint, the shackles that had finally been opened would have been locked for a long time, and it would be impossible for him to become a saint so quickly. Appear.

In turn, Fuxi's achievement of becoming a saint in the ancient world also created obstacles for everyone to move forward.

At this time, jumping out of the prehistoric times has become a better choice. This is why after Tathagata stepped into Liu Hao's earth, he felt a real sense of enlightenment.

This is also why Patriarch Styx was still in a depressed mood after entering Liu Hao's earth, but it disappeared in an instant.

Now, when Zhuang Zhou is killing the Demon God of the Abyss and accumulating himself in the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation, even if he is separated by a world, isn't he giving the greatest support to the Archmage of Xuandu?

Perhaps one day, Master Xuandu himself will step into Liu Hao's earth in person and meet Zhuang Zhou. After collecting the merits accumulated by Zhuang Zhou from this incarnation, the prototype of his obsession will also take shape in an instant. It was conceived, and even stood down naturally.

Of course, neither Qinglong Liu Hao nor Emperor Zhenwu knew these truths, or even if they did, they only had some superficial knowledge and vague guesses in their minds.

At this time, the two of them watched Zhuang Zhou's battle as if they were watching a beautiful dance. The Abyss Demon could only be a puppet under Zhuang Zhou's command with a wave of his hand, and it had no chance of making the decision of its own.

They discovered that every time Zhuang Zhou turned into Kunpeng and devoured the Abyss Demon God, it was a permanent weakening, as if the Abyss Demon God was just a beast, and every bite he swallowed was a part of his flesh and blood.

"If Zhuang Zhou can do this, then the prehistoric Kunpeng will definitely be able to do it as well. Perhaps his power will only become even more powerful!"

This thought flashed through Qinglong Liu Hao's mind, and he unconsciously thought of No. 10 in the perfect world.

It seems that this guy also has such a magical power.

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