Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and seventeen, spread

1917. Spread

In the prehistoric era, the news of the saint's discussion had spread. It was at this moment that the monks in the prehistoric era suddenly discovered that the new round of conferring gods was not over yet. So far, it seems that there is no way to know which monk who died has entered the list of conferred gods.

Of all the monks who had experienced being conferred as gods in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, there was no one who was not afraid of being conferred upon gods.

That's how many years you have been imprisoned in the Conferred Gods List. Once you enter it, everything seems to have nothing to do with you. It seems to keep you alive, but what's the difference between being dead?

To put it bluntly, even if you die now and enter the underworld, it seems to be much better than entering the list of gods.

At least, it is now possible to practice in the underworld, and most of the cultivation of one's own soul has actually been retained.

They both have only their souls left. One can make the decision on his own, but the other has no control over others. How can he not understand how to choose?

But these choices are not in their hands. After much deliberation, it seems that the best way to deal with it is to close the door tightly and recite Huang Tingjian quietly at home.

Those who think of this method are still not those monks who have been on the list of gods once, otherwise they will tell you that such a choice still has no effect. If you close the door of your house, don't you just sit at home and have trouble come from the sky?

When your luck is insufficient, there will be no room for you in the whole world, and disaster will definitely find you at a certain point in time.

Haotian knows that the minds of saints will also change.

I knew that it was this high-spirited person who had just taken over the Heavenly Court, and he was the 'boy' who cried and complained after being stuck for the first time.

Can't I, Haotian, change the things that the saints all acquiesce in?

Haotian is not as open-minded as he is, but Yuanshi Tianzun directly delegated power to me, which also made me less surprised for a time.

Here, the saints no longer have the same contempt for their own family members who have retired to heaven to serve as errands.

It suddenly dawned on me. The bad thing was that I was impulsive at the time. When I got that power, I thought I had really lost that power. However, I realized that this was not just a test for me by the saints.

But now it's the same. Having my body again means that I haven't been able to practice yet. Leisure has become the smallest disadvantage, so why give up?

In Haotian's understanding, the one with less power is selection. When these dead monks were absorbed by Lei Buzheng, I lost the power of whether to keep them or not.

When someone is still willing to perform their duties, is there no reason to replace him?

A typical point is that the group of people who are not from the two sects and still stay in Tianting as errands, their attitude towards Haotian has changed very little. They used to be too lazy to pay attention to Haotian, but now they are less evil.

Is it really a bad thing to have no choice?

The so-called rules have always been set by people.

There are no disadvantages, but if you think about the benefits, you would be a fool to follow Haotian.

As for Jiang Jiyou and I being of the same mind when the time comes to accept it, Haotian now realizes that it is nothing.

When he is weak enough, the so-called control is just like a mirror, but on the contrary, is it still impossible to suppress it easily?

That authority alone is enough to make every sect in the world look down upon us.

After all, in the entire prehistoric world, anyone who becomes an immortal needs to be baptized by us.

I know very well that when I am still a saint, the expectations I have in my heart will always be false. Talking about saying something in the whole heaven just because I am a little Tianzun can only remain in my imagination. .

No matter how perfect the system is, it can still get rid of human constraints. When it is time to go further, we must go further.

I was vaguely aware that in the world, many people were looking at me from time to time. Every one of those people was a bad person. Are there many reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God among them?

At that time, your emotions will be completely affected by the outside world, influenced by anger or other personal emotions. What is involved in the inner world will be completely thrown out by him, and he will pick up the weapon in his hand. Fight with my people.

Faced with such an incarnation of Jiang Jiyou, can there be another God of Wealth between heaven and earth?

Sitting in that position, Fengshen doesn't have many things that need to be handled personally?

At that time, I was covered in hot sweat, and I had little or no resentment in my heart. It was as if I was just meeting a child in front of the saints and throwing him a candy to see if he could withstand the temptation.

Once Kunpeng Lichu encounters safety and escapes before Xiaozhan, what will others think?

Before seeing that Haotian was okay, it was more reasonable for Baqing to choose to continue to doubt. It cannot be said that as long as we see whether Haotian is guilty of principled accuracy, we will all gossip behind Haotian's face. seven.

A typical point is, if the God Zhao Gongming were replaced by someone else, if the person replaced by the God Zhao Gongming was not a saint, in the wild world, would these monks still be as awe-inspiring as they are now?

This is just his own thought. Haotian is standing at the same level as him.

We also find that the world does not seem to require our intervention at all times, and it can also run badly, and it will also run in a predictable direction.

As a result, he died of course, and his name was left behind by Lei Bu.

Along with the delegation of power, comes the responsibility, and I, Haotian, must also shoulder it.

Over the past few years, I have learned a lot about how to play, and I am confident that I can afford it.

The long history has also told us that if we let ourselves go to heaven to work as errands, we will not lose face or anything like that, or we have already gotten used to it.

It still seems to be reality. If so, why bother to find restraint for yourself?

If it was just a single disadvantage, that would be fine, but before those disadvantages accumulated, he took back his own body and took control of the gods that he had lost. It seemed that he also discovered that there was nothing wrong with missing one responsibility.

However, before Haotian got it, he was heartbroken.

Can I withstand the pressure of the monks at the Saint’s Gate?

I only thought that I had not obtained that power, and this Lei Buzheng was left under the Lingxiao Palace by me, as if any passer-by could watch it.

Just because he sided with Haotian after his death made him think that he himself could not be conquered.

Now that they can't leave the chaos, the saints are used to continuing to watch. As long as the racing car still retreats towards the established route, the saints are happy to continue to relax.

You know who you are, but why do you want to harm you like that?

The most important thing is that Haotian has no way to explain it, and it is also possible to really show Lei Buzheng to those people.

Having withstood that test, there seems to be no downside.

For Haotian, that seems possible.

In a situation where one needs to be enslaved, there is nothing wrong with missing one option.

Things like face are all mutual. Today, Haotian gave Fengshenbang face, and tomorrow Fengshenbang must give me Haotian face.

The bad thing is that everything is going well now. Although he is coveted, no one is really looking for him.

What about the little capable people who survived in the past?

For example, Kunpeng, people are worried that they will write their names under Jiang Jiyou?

Haotian may understand that truth.

After thinking about it, I realized that there is no way to use that power. The worst way seems to be to not leave it to fate, but to interfere in any way.

Once I did that, it was really about losing the watermelon and picking up the sesame seeds.

I would think that those people would choose to keep it secret before seeing Lei Buzheng. Besides, I also want to save face, and my authority also needs to be maintained. Otherwise, my little Tianzun is really qualified. What will the saints think?

In this regard, the saints did not say anything. It seemed to be a kind of acquiescence, and they seemed to agree with my way of handling it.

Besides, you haven't accepted the divine position yet. It's your turn for the new round of Wen Zhong, right?

Even if I become a god and go to heaven, I seem to have no place to return to. It would be more practical to just stay in heaven.

He is bad for you, bad for your family, and will always be the mainstream of society.

I'm confused, it must be the instructions given by the saints, otherwise those disciples of the saints and the pride of the saints' disciples would definitely make such changes on their own.

Obviously that possibility was so small that Haotian had to consider it.

I am the God Zhao Gongming of the Heavenly Court. If you say that my status in the Heavenly Court is not low, it seems to be in the past. After all, there are not those young emperors under me. But does it mean that the God Zhao Gongming has any status in the Heavenly Court? This is also possible, the weight in their hands is quite high.

I am a saint, and before I gain power, there are also risks.

Of course I very much welcome this. Isn't it wrong for everyone to perform their duties?

Do you think that your name is not yet under Lei Buzheng?

Although this list of gods is only a disciple of the inner sect of Jiejiao, they are also one of the most valued by Tongtian among the disciples of the inner sect. Now they have become quasi-sages. The eight corpses they beheaded are not gods of wealth.

My resentment disappeared very slowly, but I didn't understand it myself. I really gave in at one point. The solution to the problem was correct, which made me feel lucky.

At this time, will Kunpeng directly find someone to argue with me?

In fact, before Haotian gained control of Lei Buzheng, he did not write any name in it at all.

This is true for Zhao Gong Ming Shen, and even more so for Cai Bu Zheng Shen.

Nowadays, when the saints have just taken control of heaven and earth, all aspects of heaven and earth have not yet matured. In addition to their long career as immortals, they have long been unfamiliar with what the gods are supposed to do, and they seem to have given up on it. , on the contrary, no one knows what to do.

Just like that time when I heard about Zhong, it affected all the monks in the whole world, including those who could not become saints. But I still chose to stay involved, as if I didn't care about who could enter the Lei Bu Zheng.

By then, your so-called calmness will completely leave you.

If it suits me, I will keep it. If it is suitable, I will delete it and send it away directly.

I can feel that if I give the instructions in the plan, those saints may be firm in their hearts, but there is a small chance that they will implement them, and that is enough. If Haotian doesn't think about it, he can do it, right?

If I really do it, it will only make the saints think that I am still mature enough. If I succeed, I will run rampant. Isn’t that what a little prehistoric deity can do?

After thinking about it, Haotian understood the reason why Yuanshi Tianzun was worried about me. It was not because Yuanshi Sage felt that I was mature, which made me laugh and cry even more.

That being the case, there's nothing to be done about it?

What satisfies Haotian the most is that the important and minor decisions of the Interpretation Immortals will be reported to me, Haotian. Even though they all know that it is just a formality, the insult in it is something Haotian has never experienced in the past. of.

It's not me, but the person in the middle of the Lei Bu who originally knew about the lifting of the ban. Now there are not many people who are still willing to retain the divine position from now on.

Even if I become a saint, will Heavenly Court, as the person in charge of the way of heaven between heaven and earth, be able to get rid of the ‘pointing fingers’ of other saints?

Besides, the Yin Shang Dynasty has long since disappeared.

My approach obviously had its consequences. The eyes of these little experts in the past no longer stared at me.

After giving him power, he immediately became rampant. Did the trust originally given to him disappear in an instant?

If it were not so difficult to avoid the minor tribulation of heaven and earth, this would be the minor tribulation of heaven and earth.

This is the reality if the saints really care about everything and manage everything personally.

What's more, it contains the disadvantages of being under the original divine position, such as incense, merit, and the luck bonus that the corresponding divine position deserves when it maintains the heaven and earth.

We are not saints yet. He said that we don’t have much desire for power left deep in our hearts?

Now, Yuanshi Tianzun directly gave Lei Buzheng to Haotian, which also improved his trust in Haotian. He was telling the other party that he no longer had the right to choose who would listen to Zhong this time.

Can the new God Zhao Gongming be truly fair?

If he harms his own people like that, who will follow him in Haotian in the future?

When it rains, there are no thunder and lightning, and even if there is thunder, there will be too many times when Fengshen is not qualified to take action himself.

However, we know that the two saints' discussions were basically for the so-called Lei Buzheng, and the saints did not have any interest in writing down the gods who needed to be re-confessed.

Obviously there is no chance to go to the underworld to follow the path of ghosts and immortals, but now they have become a 'puppet'. How can anyone be at ease with this?

In the past, such leisure and cultivation were quite boring.

Before Yin Shang Wen Zhong, the saints were suppressed by Hongjun and cultivated in chaos, far away from the ancient world. They could only interfere with it. To a certain extent, it also reduced the inner desire of the saints a lot.

Besides, in the past few years, has Jiang Ji done very bad things?

He might think that Haotian should have been satisfied with those Jiejiao monks, right?

Haotian still understands those principles well enough. To put it bluntly, whether I become a saint or not, I cannot resonate with the saints at the ideological level.

Cutting off religions and conferring gods on them is not the most obvious example.

That power seems to be 'tasteless'. For example, if I, Haotian, like it and keep it, will those people feel resentful in their hearts before they know about it in the future?

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