Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and nineteen, perspective

1919, perspective

Historically, at the end of the Ming Empire, the treasury was empty. When Li Zicheng was about to enter Beijing, Chongzhen almost cried and begged officials for donations, but how much did he get in the end?

Later, Li Zicheng detained these officials and whipped them at will. How much did he get?

Judging from this historical fact, even though the Ming Empire was extremely poor, the wealth of its hundreds of officials can be described as 'extremely rich'.

Good money is hard to part with, and this is always human nature.

When selfishness comes out, all kinds of weird things will happen, and any sense will be gone at this time.

In other words, their so-called rationality will be biased towards their own interests, and they can abandon everything in order to expand their own interests.

In their eyes, the Ming Empire at that time was already overwhelming, and they never believed that Li Zicheng could overthrow the Ming Empire.

They regarded the Manchus in the Northeast as a threat and exaggerated in various ways, but in fact they had never looked down on these barbarians in their hearts. They thought that as long as they took it seriously, they could suppress them at will.

But what about the end? History has told them what happened.

That had hardly become an obsession in Maitreya's heart. When he traveled to the west, in order to express his status in Buddhism, Maitreya showed up directly and threatened Sun Wukong in front of him eight times: "He knows who you are." ?”

It's just that the Wu clan seems to be more high-profile.

The luck of the demon clan has never dissipated, and it may also dissipate in the prehistoric times.

With that kind of death, even the true spirit may be completely wiped out, if he is given any chance.

I am happy to watch, and I also know that the collapse of Buddhism will actually do less harm to Heaven. Typical point is that the authority of Heaven in the world will definitely be weakened by taking a step back.

But I also think that the Buddhist trading center at the foot of Lingshan Mountain can only be like that in the future. Once Tathagata returns in the future, it will not be an important means for Buddhism to control the trading chain. The prototype has not been placed here yet, it is just how to use it. .

At least Liu Hao himself thinks so.

The same is true for the demon clan, and the same is true for the witch clan.

I always go to the Buddhist trading center at the foot of Lingshan Mountain because I am very ignorant. This is just a way for the young Buddhas to empty out the Buddhist treasure house;

I also know that the root of it all was the departure of Tathagata, which led to an orderly infighting among the successors.

If I still understand that the so-called balance technique needs to be based on my own strength, then I am Haotian.

This was the case with Jiejiao in the beginning, and it is the same with Buddhism now.

Is there anyone who would do something that is basically possible? The fall of the prehistoric monster clan from the position of the protagonist is only a fall, not destruction.

Haotian has never thought about taking a lot of disadvantages from it, and there is no need.

This Zhao Gongming almost didn't kill one of his eight corpses on the day when the ban on the list of gods was lifted, and now he was not on the verge of killing his seventh corpse.

What’s more, there aren’t many ‘speculators’ among them.

Even if he still wins in the first place, why did Maitreya figure it out by himself when he got it?

As the emperor of the prehistoric heaven, I have received information about the opinions of the saints from the saints. Besides, I understand that the two little saints of the Buddhist sect have not yet accepted their fate, have not yet planned for the future, and have not yet abandoned the small part of the Buddhist sect in Lingshan. personnel.

It's a pity that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas inside it can't see clearly at all.

It doesn't matter, the saints are well-connected, but it is possible to tell anyone above the saints.

Do you really think that ‘the secret can be leaked’ is just talk?

Because of this, when looking at Lingshan, I was less likely to focus on Maitreya. It was such a bad observation target that it was a pity to miss it.

The lower you are in a position, the more you understand what should be said and the more you understand that you must pretend to be stupid when you should.

He has always been a mature leader. The comparison between the whole Buddhism after I left and before I left really illustrates everything.

I am worried that the demon clan will slowly rise through its attack on Buddhism. This is just a passing moment. After the demon clan has not yet had its own saint, everything can only be an illusion.

The status of a future Buddha is not the bottom line for guidance. There is no absolute limit. Even if Buddhism is at its safest moment, even if something goes wrong with the current Buddha, the future Buddha will still do it, because this is the true future of Buddhism.

The Witch Clan was transformed by the essence and blood of Pangu. It would be an exaggeration to say that Pangu is authentic. That world was still opened by Pangu. If we really want to completely destroy the Witch Clan, who knows what will happen next?

Maitreya like that, no one knows if he has any ideas.

When a devout believer ends his complaint, he will definitely spread the complaint and affect everyone else.

It is to think that the punishment of heaven seems to be nothing outside of Zhu Shaodao. This is because in these worlds, the so-called way of heaven does not even have basic consciousness, and it is not a reward for this consciousness from the world at all.

Those people cannot share the same wealth, and once they fall into poverty, those people will definitely be the first to rebel.

Even human dynasties can understand the importance of the treasury, let alone immortals and gods.

There is me because Maitreya Buddha is the direct disciple of Zhunti.

If the saints had no intention, how could they have escaped when they became the Virgin?

Even if he is still a quasi-sage now, how long will it take to cross over?

This person is one of the seven direct disciples of Tongtian. His foundation is so strong that only the closest disciples of the saint can match it. In my eyes, the quasi-sage's natural chasm is really a natural chasm to others. ?

Did the Moral Heavenly Lord take Yunxiao, or did he just suppress others at Qilin Cliff? The one who escaped was the Holy Mother. Did any saint see it? Has he ever seen someone go after him first?

However, all my calculations were destined to come to nothing. I knew that the "future Buddha" that Jie Yingzhunti hoped for most would always be the "future Buddha".

On the other hand, in any world where the way of heaven has no consciousness, once the divine punishment appears, there will be only one result - death.

On the other hand, if Di Juntai was faced with Ran Deng, it would be another scene.

The reasons we gave were high-sounding enough, such as the threats faced by Buddhism, the need for commodities for the newly established trading center, and so on.

Jieyin Zhunti watched Maitreya slipping towards the abyss of desire, and still made no move, as if he acquiesced, but in reality, how could there be more calculations in our hearts?

As a result, the small-scale corruption incident in ancient Buddhism appeared so openly in front of all living beings, which only made people dumbfounded.

Haotian believes that Buddhism can be an example.

When it comes to Buddhism, the same is true. Without the support of two little saints, even if Jie Yinzhunti has not yet accepted his fate, this is an acceptance that Buddhism is about to fall from the peak to the bottom, rather than thinking that Buddhism will be destroyed.

Did he think that Jiejiao had risen at an extremely slow rate before the ban on the Conferred Gods List was lifted?

I also think Tathagata has the means.

The more Buddhism declines in the future, the more inferior it will be to get support from Buddhist survivors when the Tathagata returns. Their eyes have always been fixed on the Buddhist treasure house, and all their thoughts are for the benefit of themselves and their own front.

The tree fell and the hozens scattered, this description has always been the smallest display of the late dynasty.

As for how long it will take for the prehistoric monks to accept and trust you, that's what I need to care about.

Even our smallest supporter has completely lost confidence, leaving us only able to struggle for a short time.

In heaven, whenever Haotian is free, he will stare at Lingshan with the Kunlun Mirror, just for me and for Wu Zui to learn from it.

I only wanted to tell Chai Yongliang, or even less, I wanted to tell the immortals and gods throughout the world through Sun Wukong, who could ignore me.

It's just like today's young and talented young people, even if they vaguely see that Buddhism is about to fall from its heyday, and the fate of some of the young Buddhas may only be reincarnation, but these young and talented people have never given the reincarnation quota to Maitreya Buddha.

Whether Liu Hao has any pursuit of the results is none of his own business anyway. Regardless of whether the Maitreya in front of him meets the expectations of the lead and the quasi-ti, to me, it is a rare piece of data. Before summarizing it, other The values ​​are equally mundane.

All of that requires money. The monks in Lingshan can still stand strong, but the Buddhist disciples under Lingshan have long been accustomed to many benefits, and many of them are those with low benefits. No one can attract those who are tonsured.

The Ming Empire vanished into thin air, and this is the situation facing Buddhism in the prehistoric times.

It's just that I have no idea about Maitreya. I haven't been immersed in the desire for power, I haven't been completely attracted by the current Buddha position, and I still think about how to take over.

How long did it take for Yunxiao to be released from the prison at Qilin Cliff and retreat to Quasi-Sage?

Maitreya may know those things, and it is also because my status and cultivation are still sufficient.

They understand that if they get less benefits, it means that their 'opponents' will get smaller benefits, which will also make them likely to be suppressed by their opponents in the next competition. Top possibility.

But no matter what, we have a tacit understanding. We are not all thinking about emptying the treasure house of Lingshan.

Here, Haotian is also calculating the time when Buddhism will collapse.

It's okay. Some of the lesser experts above the saints have vague guesses, but it is possible to mention it, because we are very aware of the taboos contained in it. Once it causes an uproar and is known to all living beings, this is not revealing the secret of heaven, but it is very likely to be punished by heaven. of.

We can't do anything to subjugate demons and eliminate demons, but even less are done for the eyes of mortals. Kill these demons that are too rampant, because we threaten the foundation of the orthodoxy of the human race and the survival of the only protagonist in the prehistoric world. That's all.

When the Yin and Shang Dynasties were conferred gods, the Seven Little Saints united to suppress Jie Jiao. Was it necessary to leave seeds for Jie Jiao in the first place?

You know, in order for Buddhism to prosper, anyone dares to take it. There are too few people who can become a Buddha immediately with a butcher's knife.

It's just the acquiescence of the saints, knowing that things can definitely be done, otherwise the day when the leader of Tongtian Cult comes out of Zixiao Palace in the future, it will also be the day when all of us will fall one by one.

Even if people here see that Doumu Yuanjun is still Xiaoluo Jinxian, they will only think that this is just because he is trying to slow down, but because he wants a stronger foundation.

Buddhism whispers to the outside world that all the seven small things are empty, but Haotian is too concerned about the lake. Is this just for the believers to listen to? If you really want to do this, how can the heyday of Buddhism be nowhere else?

The Doumu Yuanjun in the ancient starry sky has never appeared in front of the world before the ban on the list of gods was lifted. But which of the speculations about your cultivation is to put the name of quasi-sage on others?

Because once the future Buddha becomes the present Buddha, there will be no present but no future. This can only mean that there are countless kalpas just around the corner.

It is to think that everyone within a sect is a so-called 'fanatic believer', and also to think that 'devout believers' will never abandon material things.

Those people were still honest when benefits were low in the past. After all, other than that, they seemed to have found a place where wages were not so low.

I don't know whether the demon clan in the ancient land will be destroyed again. Who will let the number of people be exhausted, the old ones will die, or the new demon clan will not be born?

Without the existence of the Qian Tu Empress, who would dare to destroy the Witch Clan?

As long as we are alive, the possibility of Maitreya's physical death is very slim. If this is the case, why bother to stop it?

My obsession is finally no longer possible to execute. Is there any reason for me to seize it?

You can't tell Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.com about the sentence about subduing demons and demons. It's only for mortals to hear. If you really put your heart and soul into it, you'd be a fool.

This is not the time when the Buddhist treasury is empty.

Even if the prehistoric Buddhism can retreat to its peak, the smallest reason is Jieyin and Zhunti, it can definitely ignore the importance of Tathagata, and it can definitely ignore the little wisdom that Tathagata has exerted in it.

Where else can there be so little gold and silver to build golden bodies for the young Buddhas and Bodhisattvas?

At this time, will food and wages be paid out, will the Buddhist disciples at the bottom still have to rebel?

Why not take this opportunity to let Maitreya give it a try?

Naturally, I might think that the same situation would happen in heaven, but so what? Could it be possible to get a glimpse of Yiqi from it?

Is there anyone who dares to really destroy Buddhism and really thinks that saints are vegetarians?

The past is just a Buddha. Since it has not passed yet, it is mortal, because anything that happened in the past may change the present and the future.

But if we say we don’t have a lot of loyalty in our hearts, only we can understand it.

Even when Emperor Juntaiyi fights with him, he must consider the factors involved.

We would also think that Ran Deng was killed by himself, and the seven people who led Zhunti would have to show up to save him.

The weak tone again and again is not to tell Sun Wukong that under the Lingshan Mountain, there is only Tathagata Buddha, not my future Buddha.

As long as Maitreya figures it out by then, it will be possible to cut off his obsession and achieve a true leap in cultivation.

But those reasons, everyone involved knew that they were just told to others, and everyone also knew that they were just reasons, and they all chose to acknowledge them tacitly.

I am the purest bystander, no more gloating than Haotian Shaoduo.

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