Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and thirty-two, the deterrent power of Dao fruit

Chapter 1916 The Deterrent Power of Dao Fruit

1932. The deterrent power of Daoguo

They absolutely know it and have a full assessment of it. It is for this reason that they can tolerate Liu Hao's various efforts in the wild world and even help him with many things.

Similarly, they also understand that the benefits that were lost to Liu Hao in the ancient world can definitely be regained in the world, and they will only get more.

Just like after the saint's disciples went to the heavens, it seemed that the saints didn't care about it, but did they just ignore it?

How is it possible?

It can be said that no change in the fate of their sect can escape their assessment. How can they not see the benefits brought to them by the disciples who have entered the heavens?

This is just a small trial, so the benefits obtained are already equivalent to those allocated to Liu Hao. Don't they understand how to choose?

They are smarter than anyone else, and the so-called loss will never happen to them.

As for who lost in the end, there is really no way to measure it.

It's like the saint's disciples have brought inheritance to some heavens, and these heavens have therefore allocated some luck and continuously given it to the saint's disciples, but these heavens will also improve themselves due to the breakthroughs in the realm of practitioners. grade.

Even if it is only possible now, even if there are only one or two real breakthroughs, so what?

It's just a venture capital investment. If it really improves, it will make a lot of money. No low-level heaven will care about this loss.

If they knew that saints could come to their world, they would definitely jump for joy and stick to them like pets to kiss.

Compared with the average life span of stray cats, which is only two or three years, finding a supporter, even if you lose some wildness, can live several times longer. Are they unsure about what to choose?

This is fundamentally mutually reinforcing, and there is no absolute right or wrong.

The most obvious example is Liu Hao Earth.

From the time when spiritual energy was revived to now, how many heavens have brought inheritance to Liu Hao's earth?

The acquisition of any inheritance means that Liu Hao's earth must share part of its luck with the other party.

But it is also because of this that Liu Hao's earth level has been improved again and again. From the beginning, the strongest could only travel through the world passage at the level of Daluo Jinxian, but now even the sub-sage can come and go freely, which has explained everything.

If this kind of improvement only relies on Liu Hao himself, whether Liu Hao can step into the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm is now a question.

Have you ever seen any heaven with such a terrifying explosion?

In which heaven does it not take hundreds of millions of years for a real Da Luo Jin Immortal to appear?

In the mortal world, Old Devil Han, even if the heavens and the earth pushed him together, even if he cheated all the way, didn't it take him hundreds of thousands of years to do it?

Compared with Han Laomo, how much time did Liu Hao spend?

Not to mention Liu Hao himself, how much time did Liu Hao spend on those Daluo Jinxian monks in the earth?

Compared with these people, Han Laomo would be depressed to death when he found out.

This is the real blessing brought by the continuous improvement of the level of heaven and earth. As long as all living things are in this world, they can also obtain common benefits from it. It is nothing more than the amount of these benefits and whether these benefits are absorbed in the most timely manner.

And Liu Hao's rapid surge in the level of the earth also gave all the heavens connected to Liu Hao's earth the most manifest reference. If others can do it, why don't you dare to try it?

If others can do it, why can’t I do it myself?

In these low-level worlds, from their connection point with Liu Hao's earth, there is a steady stream of spiritual energy pouring into their world. It seems ruthless and endless. It seems that as long as they accumulate, they will one day be able to break through themselves. , just for this reason, they have no reason not to take a gamble.

Losing is nothing more than maintaining the past, or lowering it than the past. But the past is already the lowest world, can it be lower than this?

What if we win?

That is the real class leap. At that time, it is time to think about higher ambitions.

Other high-level heavens also welcome this. They are not afraid that latecomers will catch up with them. If they don't have this kind of self-confidence, they are not worthy of being high-level heavens.

There is no doubt that the improvement of the levels of those lower heavens and earth, and the overall improvement of the luck of the entire heavens and worlds, isn't there more luck that can be obtained from these lords of the heavens?

Therefore, is it possible to allow the highest-level monks in his world to break through their limits?

Isn't this monk's breakthrough also expanding his world?

Is it not impossible that Bao Bu Qi Tian Di could be promoted because of this?

Although they are calculating against each other, they are definitely complementary and mutually reinforcing.

Here, the existence of the abyss is to a certain extent the key to these calculations to ensure that there will be no internal fighting.

It's like there is a common enemy, and this enemy is so dangerous that even if the friends are a little bit nasty to each other, they can't let it go and choose to face each other unanimously.

What's more, when we are consistent with the outside world, we can get more benefits from it, whether it is experience or merit and luck.

Especially luck, accumulated by countless monks in one world, isn't it an impact on the shackles of the world where these monks live?

According to Liu Hao's prediction, in the future, when the Abyss truly begins to respect its own earth, there will no longer be any world with the lowest level among the worlds connected to its own earth.

The lowest level is definitely the easiest to improve. Even if you help one by one, it won't actually consume much energy.

In this regard, all the great saints in the prehistoric world will definitely accept it with joy. The truth has been stated before.

Some tacit understandings can only be circulated at the highest level. These people are also called chess players. Their tacit understanding cannot be communicated to any chess piece.

The outbreak of some things must be the result of the acquiescence of the top, or even the promotion, otherwise it would not be possible.

In the eyes of Wu Zhao and Li Zhi, it was their push. In fact, the most fundamental reason was beyond their imagination.

They saw the outbreak of the Mo family, and there is a high probability that they will put more energy into the farmers.

It's just that he didn't know that he still needed Shennong's nod here, but Shennong had already left the ancient world and went to the other world connected to Liu Hao.

It is simply impossible to do this with Wu Zhao and Li Zhi's cultivation.

It seemed that after many things happened, he could only fall on himself, and Liu Hao was speechless about this.

It's not that he didn't know that this question could be pushed to Fuxi. After all, he was a saint of the human race and the head of the Three Emperors. Why would he nod in place of Shennong?

But substitution is still substitution, and there will still be some unfairness.

This is not to say that the authority of Fuxi, a newly promoted human saint, is still somewhat insufficient, but the question is to whom the power belongs.

Fuxi can make decisions for Shennong today, but can he also make decisions for others tomorrow?

Can everyone decide?

That being the case, what else is needed for the so-called power?

Aren’t the other Daluo Daoguo people just a decoration in the long river of fate?

In the ancient times, all grains, herbs and fruits belonged to Shennong. No one could replace them, and it was impossible for anyone to circumvent them. This was the deterrent power of the Shennong clan.

With his nod, everything will go smoothly. On the contrary, countless tangible and invisible obstacles will definitely accompany you.

This is the real reason why Daluo Daoguo can be eternal.

On this road, it is recognized by heaven and earth that people have set up toll stations, and it is impossible for you to bypass them.

This is a reasonable request given to people by the long river of fate of the world, and his nod can be regarded as the acquiescence of heaven and earth.

It's like the reason why Liu Hao chose Shennong as the Taoist Master in the farmhouse, because apart from him, if you choose anyone else, it would be impossible to pass in the prehistoric times.

Even if the saints coveted it at the beginning, in the end they still could only hold their noses and admit it.

On the other hand, the military strategist is no longer so particular. In the final analysis, there is no one who has actually set up a toll station on the road of the ancient military strategist. It seems that anyone can do it, and the choice of Jiang Ziya is just because of Yuanshi Tianzun. .

In the future, if Jiang Ziya plucks the Military Tao Fruit from the destiny of the ancient world, then the entire ancient world must recognize his legal qualifications.

Of course, Jiang Ziya's military strategist must be able to surpass all military strategists.

Just like among farmers, on the road of vegetables, even if Shennong didn't nod, what should be studied can still be studied, and what should be promoted can still be promoted.

After all, Liu Hao also knew that staple food was the foundation, and the task of finding Shennong's nod seemed to fall on himself.

Who allowed him to walk out of Ziwei Palace, and who allowed him to see and think about it again?

It's not that he felt uncomfortable because of this, but he was a little happy because he discovered that, anyway, Wu Zhao and Li Zhi both called themselves teachers. Seeing the obstacles that their disciples may encounter in the future, they easily What's wrong with helping?

Moreover, he is also a little curious about the current situation of the Shennong clan. After they went to the wild world, no news has been sent back, and it seems as if they have completely disappeared.

Although the vastness of the wild world is not as vast as that of the prehistoric world, compared with most of the heavens, they are all advanced. It is also a rare world that has not developed its level to its true limit.

In such a world, it makes sense for the Shennong clan to go and sink into it. Who knows that there is a Shennong clan in the originally wild world, and the world is naturally prepared for him.

In such a world, if the Shennong clan takes the sentient beings in the wild world and develops them to the limit, it seems that it is not impossible for the Shennong clan to achieve enlightenment.

So, what kind of cultivation should the Shennong family have now?

He remembered that the wild world was like the world described in the "Shan Hai Jing" in his memory, in which countless legendary "spiritual beasts" were still swarming in groups. This kind of situation existed even in today's prehistoric world. Not as good as that.

He also thought of the place where he stayed after entering, and what kind of inheritance he left in it. How has it developed now?

It is most likely well developed, right?

He didn't even think that this kind of development would follow the path he expected. He knew very well that one world and one land and water support one person. For the same book, readers would never have the same final understanding.

In other words, I don’t know how the inheritance I left behind has changed to the one who discovered it. Can it bring me many surprises?

Where he settled, how big would that group of Bi Fang have grown to be now?

He still likes Bifang's appearance. He looks like a crane and is naturally friendly to him. The flame on his head is another bonus. The entire tribe has taken refuge in him. He took care of him at the beginning. All at once, everything is in harmony with heaven and earth.

I don't know if my initial care will cause a chain reaction, such as the large-scale expansion of the Bifang population, triggering a survival crisis for other surrounding species.

To a certain extent, he can be regarded as breaking the ecological structure of tens of thousands of miles around the place where he originally settled, and it is not impossible to trigger the butterfly effect.

He could only hope that the Bifang tribe would listen to his original teachings and choose to keep a low profile after he left instead of becoming king and hegemony because of the improvement of the overall cultivation of the tribe.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it!"

Liu Hao shook his head. It was not too far away from the world passage. Once something big happened, it would be impossible to hide it from the Shennong clan. If the Bifang tribe really became rampant, the Shennong clan would not be able to let it go. , suppression will be a matter of time.

However, once the Shennong clan is suppressed, they will definitely find the inheritance wall that they have left behind. What will they do if they find the surrounding population?

"Why guess? Can't you just go and find out?"

Liu Hao stopped thinking anymore. He put aside these random thoughts, and withdrew his eyes from the various agricultural machinery, and looked at the capital city established by the Wutang Empire near the Luzhou World Passage in Beiju from a distance. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

He did not pay attention to the name of this new capital of the Wutang Empire. As his eyes fell into the capital, the next moment, a human figure also fell into it.

He must admit that the prosperity here has surpassed that of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

This is not because the new capital city of the Wutang Empire has a larger population, nor is it that the goods here are more abundant, but when the eyes glance over, even a child has very strong blood in his body, and his walking speed is very human.

This speed means that even if you wander around here, it is difficult to be as leisurely as in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty. It seems that every pedestrian on the street has a clear purpose and comes and goes in a hurry. This rush is enough to make people feel it at a glance. The huge pressure of a big city.

It was also that moment that reminded Liu Hao of Zhonghai before his spiritual energy traveled through.

“It’s not that far away from the World Passage, which also means that the World Passage is public information to everyone in the city.

Knowing this means that they don't know whether it will be their turn to cross the passage next, so the pressure in their hearts is naturally different! "

He understood the essential reason instantly and could only smile bitterly.

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