Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, pressure and power

Chapter 1917 Pressure and Motivation

1933. Pressure and motivation

There is some truth to the saying that all living beings suffer.

In a world where there is no need to worry about one's own food and clothing, the so-called "suffering" actually comes more from one's own inner pressure.

All creatures, as long as they have their own wisdom, also have ambitions. From another perspective, it is ‘ambition’.

Liu Hao never thinks that the word "ambition" has any derogatory connotation. On the contrary, he appreciates "ambition" very much. He believes that the reason why people are human is because they have this unique trait and are not willing to accept the status quo.

The reason why human races like the Wutang Empire in the Prehistoric World Passage chose to live in the capital of the Wutang Empire here and would rather settle in such a fast-paced city must have a full understanding of their next 'mission'.

They know that the next person to cross the passage is likely to be themselves. They have a vague understanding of the world on the other side of the passage. Even though they know that the level of the world on the other side is not as high as that of the prehistoric world, it still contains huge hidden meanings. The unknown is inevitably accompanied by uneasiness and fear in the heart.

They eagerly hope to make their weapons stronger so that their cultivation can improve even a little bit.

They knew this very well and were unwilling to waste time on the so-called "shopping". Instead, it became a tacit understanding among them to come and go in a hurry.

Their behavior also caused the nearby monsters and heavenly soldiers and generals to 'follow' them, because they had already known this environment, forcing others who saw them to follow them without self-confidence.

Their approach is no different from that of soldiers who have received orders and are about to go on an expedition. Whenever they have a little free time, they will sit down and check their guns and ammunition again and again, lest they miss anything.

This tense environment cannot be said to be bad, but there must be the tacit approval of Wu Zhao and Li Zhi.

From this, Liu Hao could already feel the 'uneasiness' in the hearts of Wu Zhao and Li Zhi who were going to their own earth.

Also, they originally came from the ancient world, a human race in such a vast and advanced world, but when they went to Liu Hao's earth, they discovered that they were not advanced, and that the advanced world was just the world.

They found that the soldiers and horses brought by the Wutang Empire did not seem to have any advantages. Their cultivation was not high, and their combat experience was also inferior. They thought that as soon as they arrived, they could expand their territory on a large scale. The idea seems to have become a bubble.

Their inner pride does not allow their Wutang Empire to remain so 'low-key', but they also know that this is not the time to follow the expedition, but to better practice their internal skills.

In other words, the Wutang Empire, which has taken root on its own earth at this time, must also be training its troops on a large scale, right?

With this on the other side, Wu Zhao and Li Zhi had no reason to let the waiting soldiers and horses in the prehistoric world wait leisurely.

They are also smart enough. They don't seem to have given any compulsion, but chose to take advantage of the situation, and the effect is very obvious. Isn't this, such a huge subjective initiative has been completely stimulated?

Liu Hao saw the Wutang Empire's guidance and did not stop because of this. Instead, he continued to increase his bets because of the remarkable results.

They guided one team after another, divided them into countless teams, and set up many awards for the progress of these teams. The method was simple, but also the most effective.

In addition, the Wutang Empire seems to have learned a lot from Liu Hao's Earth. For example, they have begun to focus on the development of individual talents, which Liu Hao had not thought of before.

It must be admitted that in any world of cultivation, talent often determines the upper limit of an ordinary monk, because due to the flow of luck, there is often not much difference between ordinary individuals.

But is the talent of ordinary people so easy to develop?

One point alone is enough to deter most ordinary people, and that is how to figure out which path their greatest talent lies on.

In the modern world of mortals before time travel, trading has become completely popular. It sounds like all children are competing on the same starting line.

But if you firmly believe that this sentence is correct, it only means that your vision is too limited.

The reality is that most children spend their entire lives unable to know what kind of talent they have.

He may become a football star, but his most likely ending is to be a delivery boy.

His slender hands were supposed to be the piano's best friends, but there was a high probability that he had never touched a piano in his life.

In fact, most or even almost all of the talents they should have been given by heaven and earth were completely wasted.

They simply don't have any ability or financial resources to try and make mistakes one after another to experiment on which path their talents are suitable for.

They can only do this, living their lives in confusion.

This principle is also universal in the spiritual world.

In the final analysis, it is still a question of voluntariness and wealth.

Any single ordinary monk, except those with extremely good luck, can only drift with the tide.

Wu Zhao and Li Zhi saw this, or perhaps because they saw the countless teaching subjects offered in Liu Hao's Earth School, they chose to try it in their own world.

But no matter what, this is a great good.

Here, they also started many courses, such as alchemy, weapon refining, etc. Under these major subjects, various branches were opened, such as collecting medicine, refining medicine, refining various materials, etc.

These courses are free, not only in the military, but also among civilians. It seems that anyone can go and learn.

They also conducted experiments here based on Liu Hao's grade classification on Earth. For example, they divided alchemists into nine grades, and promoted them to all alchemists one grade at a time.

This effect looks very good.

At least, in Liu Hao's view, many soldiers and people of the Wutang Empire have embarked on a suitable path as a result.

The best aspect of their talents may not be in them, but so what, it's better than nothing. There will always be some that are truly the best fit.

These personnel are the greatest return on Wu Zhao and Li Zhi's current investment, and they are also further adding to the foundation of their Wutang Empire.

The foundation determines the height of the building, and this is the rule that applies wherever it is placed.

Without these things, what if the Wutang Empire came from the ancient world?

If it's not theirs, it's not theirs anyway. Any borrowed power is always just borrowed. Once it's lost, you can't go back to the point in time when you were at your most depressed?

As Wu Zhao and Li Zhi, who are already famous in history, it is impossible not to understand this, and it is impossible not to make a choice.

Liu Hao naturally liked this.

The Wutang Empire came from the ancient world, and it was destined that they would not be completely independent in the future. But even so, wouldn't it be a good thing to have more powerful power in their hands?

As the ones being supported, don’t the saints who support them want to see the Wutang Empire have its own solid foundation?

Obviously it is a must.

The saints' eyes will always be locked on them, but if this locking is said to be permanent or moment-to-moment, it is absolutely impossible.

No one can predict the risks in the world.

What if one day in the future the saints are entangled by demons from the abyss?

At that time, couldn’t you just rely on yourself?

If the Wutang Empire was still a piece of loose sand at that time, the only result would be to break into pieces at a touch. This is definitely not what the saints would like to see. The Wutang Empire is the only orthodox representative of the ancient world.

Once they are crushed, it will be a huge blow to the saints, especially to the prehistoric world's supposed position among the heavens and the world.

The saints definitely don't need Adou who they can't afford. They hope that the Wutang Empire can rise on its own and compete with other heavens in the world without anyone's help.

In this way, they can free up more time and space to do more things, such as competing for more fortunes in the world.

Don't think that the large-scale rise of the Wutang Empire will arouse the 'concern' of the saints. That is impossible.

It's just like a billionaire who doesn't worry at all that beggars on the street will one day overtake him in wealth.

Their competitor has never been the Wutang Empire.

The gap here is like the sky and the earth. The relationship here is like a father and a son. What should we be wary of?

In the past, it was more of other calculations to prevent the orthodox human race from entering the world of cultivation, and it was definitely not the so-called worry.

The specific reasons have been mentioned a long time ago and there is no need to mention them again at this time.

Today is different from the past. The existence of the world has also allowed the saints to open up their original plans. To put it bluntly, they have discovered that human orthodoxy can help them in the world, and they hope to help them more in the future. .

Based on this, the saints are happy to provide various kinds of help to the Wutang Empire. For example, many exercises suitable for the human race are now appearing on a large scale here as if they are free of charge. Countless improved versions are actually specially designed for them. Summarize.

As one of the participants, Liu Hao knows it best.

It's just that he can't talk about this news, and no one will talk about it. Sometimes, telling the public the facts will have the opposite effect, making them think too much.

From the perspective of the orthodox human race of the Wutang Empire, God helps those who help themselves.

Don’t they know that after embarking on the path of spiritual practice, the peaceful and comfortable life in the past will soon be far away from them?

Doesn't he know that on the road of spiritual practice, they will be greeted by various competitions?

As far as the seemingly harmless demon army is concerned, any village that appears in their hometown in the past will be the destruction of the entire village. It is just that he has the power to force them to put away their wildness and smile at him.

This is what they think. In fact, they want to take their destiny into their own hands.

They simply cannot resist the temptation of extending their lifespan. How many of them are willing to die if they can live an extra sixty years?

Don't they want to stand higher and enjoy a better view?

What happened to so many benefits, along with a little danger?

On the contrary, they think this is what they should do. When there is no danger to accompany them, they start to murmur instead.

They will not be afraid of this, especially those who have chosen to live in the capital of the Wutang Empire. They have long been prepared to cross the world.

The fact is as they expected, almost every day there are teams heading to the heavens, and from time to time, teammates from the past will send letters back, informing them of the scenery at the other end of the world passage.

It was under such pressure and admiration that they were so "desperate". As their emperors, Wu Zhao and Li Zhi must also be happy.

As for other cities outside the capital, the farther away you are from them, the rarer the rush becomes, but so what, aren't those places also contributing their own value?

Wu Zhao and Li Zhi have not yet reached the point where their own people need to take coercive measures, and they hope that this moment will never come.

On the street, Liu Hao walked slowly. His behavior was incompatible with the passing crowds, but it was as if no one saw him. He did not cast a spell to cover his whereabouts, but simply walked outside the space.

He was just observing and had no intention of contacting the crowd. He seemed slow, but if you look carefully, you will find that in a few steps, he has already walked through the entire city.

The next moment, his figure had appeared in the world passage, and his faint eyes glanced at the curtain general Sha Wujing who was still faithful to his duty.

There is something interesting about this guy. With this kind of loyalty to Haotian, it may be difficult to find another one even if you search the entire heaven.

So if Haotian is so relieved about this guy, has he never had a change in Sha Wujing's mind?

Liu Hao also believed that Sha Wujing had some reason to be held by Haotian. At Haotian's level, it was impossible to do such dirty things. So, Haotian could only have firmly believed in Sha Wujing from the beginning. Will not betray him.

This kind of trust is really rare to find in Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.com.

He didn't know what Sha Wujing's cultivation was before he was demoted to the mortal world, but he also knew that there was definitely a big gap between it and now.

During the journey to the west, Sha Wujing was punished by heaven every day, but the benefits were real.

You know, before the entire Journey to the West began, Tang Sanzang was reincarnated nine times, each time heading towards the west after a certain age, and each time he delivered takeaways to Sha Wujing at Liusha River.

Not satisfied after eating, he left nine heads as specimens and strung them together to make works of art to hang around his neck.

Only Sha Wujing knows how beneficial Tang Sanzang is.

Liu Hao even wondered whether the so-called daily punishment from heaven was simply to help Sha Wujing digest it.

Otherwise, why would Sun Houhou and Zhu Bajie have been unable to do anything about Sha Wujing when they arrived at Liusha River?

In the end, I can only figure it out with Guanyin.

The same goes for this guy. He immediately failed as soon as he entered the team to learn scriptures. It seems that he was able to fight Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong before, which was simply an illusion.

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