Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, Sha Wujing

Chapter 1918 Sha Wujing

1934. Sha Wujing

This ability to pretend to be stupid is vividly reflected in Sha Wujing, and everyone seems to have acquiesced in this.

Here, if there was no agreement between Haotian and Tathagata, Liu Hao would not believe it.

Now that Sha Wujing has put on the armor of General Tianting and is stationed in this most special place in the world, one can imagine Haotian's trust in him.

Another point of praise for Liu Hao is that Haotian chose Sha Wujing more brilliantly.

Heaven, on the prehistoric earth, has its own dignity and authority, but if you say that there are many, many more of this dignity and authority, it is not true.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many ‘earth immortals’.

In other words, there are quite a lot of people in the ancient world who do not show respect for the Heavenly Court.

Haotian can use all its main force to suppress them everywhere, but it is just talk. If it is really done, it is still unknown how many gods and gods in heaven will support it.

In the entire prehistoric world, the intertwining of forces is as complicated as any other world.

Heaven, with the orders and permission of the saints, has the power to control the passage of the world.

But of this power, Haotian knew very well that he could not exercise much.

If the saint's disciples really wanted to travel through time, could Haotian still be able to stop him?

At this time, arranging who to register here has become the most important thing.

He made many choices, wanting to be completely trustworthy but not tactful, registering everyone who came in and out, but the only one who was not annoyed by these people seemed to be Sha Wujing.

As one of the main players in the last four-person team to obtain Buddhist scriptures, Sha Wujing’s merits are not many, but they are definitely many.

For such a person, any monk must carefully weigh whether he is suitable even if he has murderous intentions.

Even if they are not afraid of revenge from heaven, they still need to worry about the karma caused by killing the meritorious monks.

In other words, even if you know you are being registered, you can only admit it.

In this regard, Sha Wujing is suitable enough.

His cultivation level is neither high nor low, and he happens to be a Daluo Jinxian. Among the Daluo Jinxian, he can be considered a minor master.

This kind of cultivation also destined that Sha Wujing must show off to the quasi-sage. With the special nature of the world's passage, even if the quasi-sage passes through and hides, it is still difficult to escape Sha Wujing's gaze.

Responsible and capable of fulfilling their responsibilities, registered on the list, and because of their loyalty to Haotian, it is impossible to hide anything from them.

This is enough for Haotian.

In addition, Sha Wujing has traveled to the West after all, and he also has the title given by Lingshan. Even if it is not high or low, the Buddhists are not happy, but they must endure it.

Sha Wujing also has a demon clan body. Even if he is a member of the heaven, the demon clan will be friendly to him. After all, he is on the demon clan's territory, so he needs to give the demon clan some face.

Many conditions determined that Haotian had to choose from many, and it seemed that only Sha Wujing was the most suitable.

However, this responsibility is not a good thing for Sha Wujing.

Liu Hao didn't need to compare at all to know that Zhu Bajie, who had gone to the heavens, must have surpassed Sha Wujing in terms of cultivation.

Zhu Bajie, even if Daluo Jinxian has not yet completely reached consummation, there is a high probability that it will not be much different.

On the other hand, if Sha Wujing wants to achieve it, it will take a long time to accumulate. Even if Zhu Bajie realizes the Daluo Daoguo in the future and becomes a quasi-sage, Sha Wujing will most likely not improve much.

The position has restricted Sha Wujing's path forward, so that his original merits can only be used as a sign, and in the end they are still wasted.

Sha Wujing may not have known the disadvantages of this at first, but now he probably knows it.

But even so, Liu Hao didn't see any reluctance from Sha Wujing, and seemed to still enjoy it.

He didn't think that Sha Wujing was pretending. The emotions and desires that appeared on his body, which represented displeasure and unwillingness, had never increased by half.

Then, it can only be that Haotian had already made it clear that Sha Wujing would not be like this.

Then we can only say that Haotian has been a great gift to Sha Wujing in the past years.

It seems that after much deliberation, the Sha Wujing in front of him may be able to practice. Is the fundamental reason why it is because of Haotian?

Liu Hao didn't calculate it, even though he was very curious?

He knew very well that as long as he entered the long river of time and observed Sha Wujing's past, he would be able to satisfy his curiosity, but he still did not do it.

I thought he knew very well that once he did it, it would be equivalent to peeking into Haotian's past privacy, which in itself was the greatest disrespect for Haotian.

Don’t think that Haotian is just a talker as the Great Heavenly Lord of the Great Desolate World.

He is also one of the spokespersons of Heavenly Dao, and after all, he is also protected by Heavenly Dao.

He may not be able to hide Liu Hao's peeping on him in the long river of time, but he will definitely know that someone is peeping on him, and even know who is peeping on him with the help of the ancient heaven.

Liu Hao didn't want to make enemies between himself and Haotian because of his little curiosity.

If it were him, if someone peeked into his past like this, he wouldn't be polite and would suppress them directly, or even kill them on the spot.

Respect is always mutual.

He had never thought about breaking up with Haotian. He felt comfortable for a while, but what about the follow-up?

Besides, the Sha Wujing in front of me is just a small chess piece. Is it necessary to peek?

In addition, Liu Hao was a little envious of Haotian for having such a 100% loyal subordinate.

It is not uncommon to know that taking up this responsibility will have many obstacles to one's future, but still does it, and still does it flawlessly and faithfully.

"I wonder how many loyal people there are in Haotian's tent?"

"There's a high probability that there won't be many, maybe there's only one?"

This is a task of staring at the passage of the world 24 hours a day without interruption, and there is almost no time for practice. Even Liu Hao has to admire Sha Wujing for not missing anything.

Out of respect for this responsibility, Liu Hao also showed up this time. As soon as he appeared, Sha Wujing immediately stood up and bowed.

This salute was so standard, as if it had been practiced thousands of times, no one could see any disrespect at all. But as the recipient, Liu Hao could see at a glance that this was simply Sha Wujing's habit, and how much respect was there. Only people themselves know best.

This discovery made Liu Hao no longer want to say hello to Sha Wujing, just like the toy he originally admired suddenly found out that it was just an industrial product.

He nodded slightly towards Sha Wujing, and no longer glanced at the demon clan on the other side, he raised his steps and walked through the world passage.

He knew that Sha Wujing would immediately inform Haotian of this information, but in his heart he felt that if Sha Wujing continued like this, it might really be ruined.

If such an absolutely loyal digital display is destroyed, will Haotian feel uncomfortable because of it?

Maybe, but even if it does, it will only be a temporary emotion at most, right?

This kind of approach is the norm for a truly high-ranking person.

But it cannot be said that after Sha Wujing was destroyed, there would be no chance of rising again.

This opportunity can only be entrusted to Haotian. For example, if Haotian becomes a saint one day, Sha Wujing, as a chicken and dog, will have the possibility of ascending to heaven again.

However, that is nothing more than a vassal. As a vassal, no matter how many opportunities Haotian gives Sha Wujing, it seems to have little meaning, because the upper limit has been set.

On the other hand, Zhu Bajie is not like that.

After receiving the same task from above, Sha Wujing was subject to countless constraints, but Zhu Bajie made the decision entirely on his own.

One is to stipulate how to walk and what to do when encountering problems;

The other is to only give tasks, as long as the results are achieved, and the process is left to your own choice.

As the latter, Zhu Bajie had a happy life, but he was demoted to the mortal world. Zhu Bajie belonged to both Gao Laozhuang and Mao Erjie, not to mention how happy he was.

Even if you join the Buddhist scripture-seeking team and feel slightly unhappy, you will immediately shout to disperse and go back to your homes.

Do other people in the Buddhist scripture learning team dare?

Even if Sha Wujing agreed with this in his heart at that time, he dared to say it out loud?

They both work hard but don't put in effort, one is cool and unrestrained, the other is like a puppet, and both of them are clever and can be seen through at a glance.

This is still the case in the face of new tasks.

Liu Hao couldn't determine how comfortable Zhu Bajie was now, but he must be happy.

This is totally different, and it is difficult for Liu Hao not to think that Sha Wujing is not actually very smart.

Liu Hao once wondered if it was Haotian's idea of ​​a smarter approach that Sha Wujing simply couldn't complete?

Could it be that this guy is not pretending to be stupid, but is actually an honest person?

Liu Hao shook his head in his mind and drove all thoughts out of his mind. He also muttered that he didn't care about his own business, so why bother?

Does it have anything to do with whether someone is really stupid or pretending to be stupid?

He stopped, and after a few breaths, a figure appeared in front of him. It was naturally Jiu Ying.

There was neither sadness nor joy on his face. Logically speaking, this was not the first time that Jiuying saw Liu Hao's expression like this, but this time, Jiuying felt that the Emperor Ziwei in front of him gave him a stronger feeling than ever before. What the Buddha faced was basically like a saint.

Jiuying was very sure that Liu Hao was definitely not Emperor Fengdu, and there was no news that Emperor Ziwei had become a saint.

But this feeling was unmistakable. His brain was spinning wildly, but his hand movements did not stop. When he bowed down, he was thinking about whether he should kneel down and salute?

However, his idea did not take shape after all. Liu Hao casually helped him up when his body was halfway down.

"I think the Shiwandashan Mountain seems to have grown a lot bigger?"

"Back to the emperor, this is exactly what happened, and it is also the change that has started in the past few days!"

"Is that so?"

Liu Hao's first thought was that a new wave of spiritual energy was not far away, and it was a coincidence that he returned this time.

He did not think deeply, but looked at the broad road in front of him. This road was thousands of meters wide. It seemed that it was built for the human race to march.

To establish such a road in the core territory of the Demon Clan's control in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, it can only be said that the Demon Clan must lower its head. This must be the case whether it is Jiu Ying or Emperor Jun Taiyi who is stationed here today.

Whenever they hesitate for a moment, they will be suppressed by the saints.

It is related to the interests of the entire prehistoric world, even if the entire prehistoric monster clan is filled in, they must give in.

On this road, no monsters can be seen walking through it. Even if they want to pass by, they seem to be used to crossing from the sky.

Only the saints can do this.

No need to ask, Liu Hao also knew that the demon clan here must have put in a lot of effort to build this road.

Such an action was the biggest blow to the morale of the demon clan here. The fact that there was no turmoil could only be attributed to Jiuying.

He didn't know if there were monsters suppressed by Jiu Ying, but they wouldn't be killed. The most likely result would be to be sent away to the wilderness, or simply sent to the third brother.

Liu Hao will not pursue these details. He only needs to know that the result will be beneficial to the southwest of his dragon country.

The demon clan who stayed here are definitely not as energetic as before, which means that the pressure in the southwest of their Dragon Kingdom has been reduced a lot.

This invisible benefit is not a lot at all.

The word morale is mysterious and mysterious.

In the southwest, because of the Great Wall defense line he built, it can be said that there is almost no day of peace. Once the number of monsters in the hundreds of thousands of mountains in the southwest is growing, it means that they must be consumed and they must attack the Great Wall defense line.

Therefore, the fighting never stopped for a day.

Nowadays, the morale of the demon clan is declining, which will definitely lead to a decline in their original combat effectiveness. For Liu Haolong Kingdom, it means a reduction in investment and resource consumption. In any case, it is profitable.

The most important point is that this divided the violent faction and the peaceful faction of the hundreds of thousands of mountain demon tribes in the southwest.

Those monsters with bad tempers will be disappointed with the methods of the monsters here, and they will naturally choose to leave. Over time, the majority of those who remain will be made up of the peaceful faction.

In the future, even if Emperor Jun arrives, it will definitely be difficult for Emperor Jun to inspire the wildness in these monsters who have become accustomed to coexisting peacefully with humans, right?

Thinking of this, he went to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. Liu Hao spread out his spiritual consciousness and swept across the entire Shiwan Mountain. He made a silent assessment in his heart. It seemed that the bad-tempered demon clan still occupied nearly half of the area. From this, it can also be seen that Jiuying's methods seem to be better than he imagined.

"It seems we need to find a good place for these monsters!"

He didn't know that Qinglong Liu Hao and Obsessive Liu Hao had already had an idea and had opened a channel for Jiuying to go to the Zhoutian Star Formation, but there didn't seem to be many places among them.

As the master, now that I have seen it, there is no reason to continue to watch.

In fact, Liu Hao himself does not want these violent monsters to leave here one by one, such as heading to Third Brother or beyond.

In other words, these grumpy monster-like tribes now have a trace of resentment against the human race in their hearts. If this resentment has an opportunity to be eliminated, they cannot let it go easily.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao stretched out his hand gently, and a white cloud was caught by him from the sky. In an instant, it turned into a white jade sign in his hand, and then he threw it to Jiuying.

Not to mention, it is also a quota, a quota to go to the front line of the abyss and fight within the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

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