Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and forty, Yang Jian Nezha

Chapter 1924 Yang Jian Nezha

1940. Yang Jian Nezha

Yang Jian's changes are very representative.

In terms of improvement, he cannot be said to have transformed the most among all the visitors from the prehistoric times, but he is definitely the best.

If Yang Jian were still in the prehistoric era, let alone other things, it is still unknown whether he would be able to realize the Daluo Dao Fruit.

But stepping from the ancient world to the heavens, this fate can be truly freed.

Just like a dragon swimming in the sea, the vast world is full of freedom.

Sometimes, it is not the level of heaven and earth that determines the upper limit of a monk.

Because the height of heaven and earth does not mean that the luck given to you in this world must be the highest.

In the prehistoric times, Xuanmen's fate cannot be said to be a clear fixed number, but it does not fluctuate much in the prehistoric world.

These fortunes must be divided. No matter whether the fortune increases or decreases, it actually has no meaning to Yang Jian.

Although the amount has increased, the amount allocated to Yang Jian is very small, and it cannot change the overall situation at all.

Even if it is reduced, it will not reduce Yang Jian by much, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Because Yang Jian is just one of the three disciples of Xuanmen, even if he has the status of a Xuanmen protector, there are Taoist ancestors, Sanqing saints, Haotian Yaochi, and a group of second-generation disciples of Xuanmen in the entire Xuanmen, and Yang Jian, What qualifications do you have to split this cake?

Isn’t it just as much as you give?

This part of the 'salary' will not be reduced at all just because Yang Jian left the world.

On the contrary, after Yang Jian left the ancient world, most of the luck he gained in the world was actually his own.

In terms of accumulation, will Yang Jian, who has been practicing in the ancient world for countless years, lack it?

Although he is one of the immortal gods in the ancient heaven, he does not listen to the instructions. If he is in a good mood, he will work as an errand. If he is in a bad mood, he will not go to the heaven for hundreds of thousands of years.

It can be said that Yang Jian has plenty of time to practice on his own. Although he cannot be said to be proficient in all aspects, he definitely has no so-called shortcomings.

For Yang Jian like this, once the opportunity comes, it only takes a matter of minutes to seize it.

This is also the reason why after he stepped into Liu Hao's earth, his original shackles were completely released. He could play whatever he wanted without any plug-ins, but it was no different from having all the plug-ins.

He chose to realize Daluo Daoguo in Liu Hao's earth. A world away, Hongjun also sensed this and took action to promote it.

Sincerely, the identity of the Xuanmen Dharma Protector can be truly 'certified'.

Because before this, Tongtian would not admit it, but now Hongjun has admitted it. Even if Tongtian is unhappy, doesn't he have to hold his nose and admit it?

He left the prehistoric world, but instead strengthened his Xuanmen identity in the prehistoric world, further consolidating his original destiny in the prehistoric world.

Yang Jian has never left since he stepped into the abyss front of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation. He was already warlike and was known as the God of War in Heaven. Instead, this place became his favorite hunting ground.

In addition to hunting, you can also continuously receive merits from the Great Dao and accumulate your own luck. What can compare with it?

If possible, Yang Jian would even be happy to continue fighting like this until the end of the world, and would be happy to fight in it until the world is extinct.

He not only enjoys it, but also enjoys it.

He clearly felt that after he realized the Daluo Dao Fruit, his experience had improved bit by bit, and it had only been so long now that he could fully stimulate the fighting power that the Daluo Dao Fruit should have had.

Such benefits would have been impossible to achieve in the prehistoric world without hundreds or even thousands of years.

What reason did he have for leaving?

He vaguely felt that he had touched the edge of the Quasi-Saint, and for a time he thought about whether to stop fighting and find a quiet place to practice.

But soon, this thought was suppressed deep in his heart. Without him, he himself could not guarantee how long the opportunity in front of him would last.

He is not the most knowledgeable person about the abyss, but he is definitely the most knowledgeable among this small group.

After all, he is also the person in charge of Liu Haolong's Vancouver base, and he will not hide any information that can be given to him.

How could he not know that now it was just a test of the abyss, not even the vanguard of the abyss army?

Fundamentally speaking, the battle in front of us was just a place that Emperor Ziwei had imprisoned for everyone to use for leveling up.

It is basically without any danger. It establishes an arena for all participants, helps everyone increase their combat experience, and obtains merit from it, prompting all participants to improve their use in all aspects.

Once such an opportunity is missed, it is difficult for Yang Jian to predict whether it will happen again next time.

The temptation is already so powerful, but when it comes to real direct contact, how big will it be?

At that time, can Emperor Ziwei still be able to keep all the coming Abyss Demon Gods within the Zhoutian Star Formation like he is doing now?

It was impossible for Yang Jian to place his hopes on the illusory future. He knew very well that he must seize the opportunity in front of him, even if he faced the temptation of a quasi-sage.

It cannot be said that his choice is necessarily correct.

But one thing can be very clear, that is, this accumulation will not be without value.

In the eyes of Liu Hao himself, Yang Jian's kind thoughts almost leaked out of his body.

He didn't know what choice Yang Jian would make next, whether to cut off his good thoughts or simply choose the Nine Transformations Xuan Gong.

But no matter what, Yang Jian's trend has been achieved.

In comparison, Nezha is much worse.

This 'spiritual pearl' that was set up by Master Taiyi when he was conferred as a god, now with the help of Empress Nuwa, he has regained the accumulation of his previous life and made up for the shortcomings of his original background.

But there is no way to get back the time Nezha wasted. Now Nezha, in terms of cultivation, is not even as good as Xiao Longer.

But this guy didn't seem to care.

Yes, hope is bright. Compared with the past when I was helpless and could only use my own rebellion as 'resistance', it is completely different.

Nowadays, Nezha has no rebellious thoughts at all, and he has probably completely forgotten about Li Jing, the King of Tota.

He only thinks about improving himself, and he only thinks about fighting, and getting more merit from killing his opponents to fill himself up.

He was unhurried and unhurried, which made Liu Hao look at him with some special eyes.

From Nezha, even Liu Hao must admit that suffering is sometimes the greatest wealth.

Nezha may lag behind Yang Jian for a long time in the future, but so what?

Nezha himself doesn’t care, does he?

He only needs to compare himself with himself and improve on himself at the previous moment.

That's what he thought, and that's what he did.

This guy has his three heads and six arms open all the time, and all the spiritual treasures in his hands are flying up and down.

He has clearly received special care from Qinglong Liu Hao. Even though he has just entered Daluo, he is still fighting alone. However, compared to others, Nezha most of the time is one-on-one or even one-on-one. To three.

Qinglong Liu Hao seems to be very aware of Nezha's fighting power, and he is always protecting Nezha despite putting great pressure on him.

In the Zhoutian Star Formation in front of him, as Nezha from the ancient world, his cultivation level is even lower than that of many monks from other heavens.

But under the same level of cultivation, Nezha's combat power has become the strongest in Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

From this point of view, Empress Nuwa really spared no effort in restoring Nezha's heritage.

Before reincarnation, Nezha, also known as Lingzhuzi, was a boy who followed the Empress Nuwa in her tent.

From the perspective of Empress Nuwa, how could the talent of Lingzhu be low?

Liu Hao would not believe it unless he said that Lingzhuzi was one of the innate demon gods at that time.

Today's Nezha has only truly redeemed this talent.

Does he need to be jealous of anyone?

He knows this best.

This is the fundamental reason why Nezha can face his own backward cultivation so calmly and calmly.

In Liu Hao's view, perhaps when the abyss test is over, it is not a problem for Nezha to step into the Da Luo Jinxian. Even if Nezha has reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian by then, Liu Hao will not be surprised at all.

Compared to Yang Jian, even if Yang Jian has become the protector of Xuanmen, as the spiritual pearl Nezha has been recognized by the Nuwa Empress again, who can his backers and backers be afraid of?

Empress Nuwa, who has become the master of humanity, even if she accidentally leaks a little benefit in her hands, it is enough to make Nezha far superior to most monks in the ancient world. Does he need to be anxious?

Judging from the special care given by Qinglong Liu Hao, Nezha has the possibility of taking on greater responsibilities in the future, and has already left his name in the list of future resisters against the abyssal army planned by Qinglong Liu Hao.

Liu Hao himself could somewhat see Qinglong Liu Hao's plan. In the situation of helping everyone in Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, it was actually a test.

All of them must have been divided into several levels by Qinglong Liu Hao.

For example, the current cultivation level and the possible growth limit in the future will be the biggest scoring items in the level classification.

How terrifying the threat of the abyss is in the future, Liu Hao knows best. It is impossible not to prepare for rainy days and cultivate as many masters as possible. This is the biggest role of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

Just like when Liu Hao went to the perfect world, where those rotten guys, those 'big evils' who killed themselves and chose to sleep and wait for the opportunity, didn't Liu Hao give these opportunities in his heart?

After all, it’s a fighting force, isn’t it?”

Just think of this group of people as making up for the things they did in the past.

Liu Hao can tolerate this group of people in his heart, which shows that Liu Hao is worried about the threat of the abyss.

As for whether this group of people will be obedient in the future, neither Liu Hao then nor Liu Hao now cares at all.

Being obedient is nothing more than giving some space, but the surveillance that should be given will still not be missed.

Being disobedient is nothing more than doing some forced actions. Liu Hao didn't know how to refine the golden hoop on the journey to the west, but can't he still do it by imitating it?

It's nothing more than strengthening certain laws of imprisonment. Could this group of people be able to rebel?

That's how you really look up to them.

To put it bluntly, after the future No. 10 grows up and spends some energy, he can also tightly restrain this group of people under his account.

This group of people all want to live forever. With their weaknesses so obvious, don’t they know how to control them?

If they want to embark on the path of Qi Refiners, the countless karmas on their bodies will inevitably become the biggest obstacle to them taking this path. Don't they want to clear it?

They will definitely be willing to pay this price. The so-called unrulyness depends on who is right.

The strong suppressing the weak is applicable in all heavens.

Guys like this are all on Liu Hao's list, let alone Nezha.

What does Sisi's original rebellion in heaven and her original rebellion against Li Jing, the king of Tota, mean?

After all, Nezha was also Li Jing's biological son. They had been in love and fighting each other for countless years in the ancient world. Since they didn't break up, it was just a game between father and son.

Besides, Nezha probably has no interest in this anymore, right?

Do you see how dedicated people are? After killing a group of opponents, this guy will not rest as long as he still has some energy left. It seems that every time he starts a battle, he will never stop crossing his limits.

This kind of Nezha will have room for rapid progress for a long time in the future. It's no wonder that Qinglong Liu Hao will look at him differently and take good care of him.

Taking over the responsibility from Qinglong Liu Hao, Liu Hao will naturally not change this. Qinglong Liu Hao appreciates him, wouldn't Liu Hao himself be the same?

After all, he had received a lot of favors from Nuwa in the ancient world.

To this day, Liu Hao still can't figure out why Nuwa Empress would leave the star fruit tree to him, as if she was just waiting for him to go after planting it.

He didn't think that Nuwa, the Empress, didn't know that above the star fruit trees, she could find the Book Garden www. zhaoshuyuan.com Those three hundred and sixty-five star beads, do you know that the combination of these star beads is an innate treasure?

But knowing that it was still left to him, there was more to it than just fate.

In the prehistoric times, when the innate treasure appeared, didn't the saints break their heads for it?

As for the Chaos Bell that is now hidden in the world, even if all the saints know that it will be a thing that reaches the sky, but it really appears, don't other saints have greed in their hearts and don't want to try it?

The contrast is so strong that Liu Hao is still in a daze even thinking about it and cannot understand the reason at all.

But there is one thing that Liu Hao must admit, that is, he owes Empress Nuwa a lot for this, and he will have to repay it one day in the future.

This repayment may be a long time in the future, but the inability to repay it quickly does not mean that Liu Hao cannot repay the favor bit by bit, such as the special care for Nezha, the former child of Nuwa Empress.

Besides, isn’t this cultivation also a kind of enjoyment?

Yang Jian and Nezha, who were able to become the vanguards of Jiang Ziya's tent when the Yin Shang Dynasty was conferred as gods, couldn't they become the vanguards of his tent when resisting the abyss in the future?

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