Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and forty-one, Nuwa’s calculation

Chapter 1925 Nuwa’s calculation

1941. Nuwa’s calculation

Completing one's own aura is as difficult as reaching the sky.

But for Empress Nuwa, although it cannot be said to be an easy task, it only takes some effort.

Lingzhuzi was originally the boy next to her. When the Yin and Shang Dynasties were conferred as gods, it was a great catastrophe for Xuanmen. At that time, Empress Nuwa was still a disciple of Hongjun and one of the saints of Xuanmen.

She may be different from Sanqing and does not need the so-called enlightenment world, but she is still a part of it and needs support.

At that time, Empress Nuwa also had her own choice, whether to support the Chanjiao or the Jiaojiao, it was just a matter of a thought.

Although the Nuwa Empress seemed to be aloof from the matter at that time, her every move still affected the outcome of the entire Yin and Shang Dynasty.

It can be said that whichever side he supports is actually more likely to win the final victory.

She chose Chanjiao, and it was already a reflection of her position that she reincarnated the boy Lingzhu into Li Jing's son Nezha and became a disciple of Chanjiao.

If Empress Nuwa had chosen to support Tongtian Cult Leader, the result would have been another outcome.

The Immortal Killing Sword Formation cannot be broken except by the Four Saints.

If Empress Nuwa chooses to support the Tongtian Cult Leader and stops a saint at will, it means that the Zhuxian Sword Formation will not be able to find all four saints. This is the real winner.

It can be said that even if there were countless calculations and calculations before, the last one could not be passed. The so-called Western Zhou Dynasty replaced the Yin Shang Dynasty, which was nothing more than a joke.

The choice made by Empress Nuwa at that time can be regarded as a way of calming down the trouble. It seems that the choice was made after repeated calculations, but in fact it was just the inevitable result of Empress Nuwa's analysis of the characters of the two saints.

To put it bluntly, after analyzing the personalities of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader, Nuwa Empress knew that even if she offended Tongtian, they would not have much 'hatred' towards her.

But there was one thing she didn't calculate enough, and that was she underestimated the "selfishness" of the second generation disciple of Chanjiao. They were emotionally charged at the beginning, and they didn't regard Nezha, the reincarnation of the Lingzhuzi, as a true direct descendant.

At that time, Master Taiyi really just wanted to go through a formality and use Nezha as his 'scapegoat'.

So much so that after Nezha was born, he went about all kinds of debauchery. He was just like a big naughty child. Lawlessness is not enough to describe him.

But the chess game has been chosen. As a saint, it is impossible to say regret after making a move.

But it is absolutely impossible to say that Empress Nuwa was not unhappy at that time.

She was waiting for Nezha to wake up. Unfortunately, until the entire Yin and Shang dynasty was completed, Nezha did not go as Nuwa expected. He may have become a lot more sensible, but he was still trapped in the cage created by the teachings. Inside.

Later, Nezha entered the heaven, and as time passed, he gradually learned a lot of information that he had never known at all, and he gradually understood what kind of situation he had fallen into when he was a god in the Yin and Shang Dynasties;

That is simply a lackey who has been trended.

Knowing this, how could Nezha not have hatred in his heart?

But he couldn't contact Nuwa at all, and the saints had already gone deep into the chaos, and it was definitely not something he could find with his level of cultivation.

After thinking about it, it seemed that the only way to vent the hatred in his heart was towards his father, Li Jing.

That's what he thought, and that's what he did.

As a result, the entire heaven knew about Nezha and the Tota King Li Jing's failure to deal with them, and they became the second and fifth sons in the entire ancient heaven who were unknown to everyone.

He didn't care about these gossips, but was happy to accept this role.

Because he understood that no matter how much he hated Chanjiao and his master Taiyi Zhenren in his heart, he was unable to resist and could only bury it deep in his heart.

He thought that this was the only thing he could do in his life. After all, the lotus incarnation limited his upper limit. Although he still retained his physical body and became a god, his cultivation had gradually lagged behind Yang Jianduo, who had the same effect as him.

He even thought that he would never be able to catch up again, which meant he was giving up on himself.

He is also lucky. With the connection between the heavens and the world, Liu Hao stepped into the ancient world and brought unimaginable changes to the ancient world. Returning to the ancient times, the saint finally no longer needs to continue to be 'imprisoned' in chaos.

He finally saw the Nuwa Empress whom he had longed for deep down in his heart, and he suddenly completed the aura he had dreamed of.

At that moment, Nezha had a profound enlightenment. It seemed that everything in the past was not bad. He knew best how his mind had been tempered during this long period of time.

It seemed that the hatred towards his master and towards Chanjiao that had been buried deep in his heart was nothing.

It seems that compared with the future, all the sufferings in the past are just stepping stones, and there is no need to pursue them.

He even felt that instead of wasting time on all kinds of resentment about the past, it would be better to seize every moment to practice the present and look forward to the future.

He used to be envious of Yang Jian. When the Yin and Shang Dynasties were conferred as gods, their cultivation levels were almost the same. Later, they became more and more distant, and for a time, his envy almost turned into jealousy.

But when he made up his mind that day, he found that all the envy and jealousy disappeared in an instant.

Even if Nezha and Yang Jian later stepped into the heavens together, even if he almost watched Yang Jian realize the Daluo Dao Fruit, he was only happy for it;

Because he knows that these things that he could only hope for in the past are not impossible to achieve as long as he works hard. This is enough.

He indeed did not disappoint Empress Nuwa. Even from a world away, Empress Nuwa could still feel the improvement in Nezha's cultivation and luck.

Although this guy has his own father and brothers, and although he has his own master, if there is anyone he is truly closest to, it can only be Empress Nuwa.

Don't think that the energy of creation that Nuwa gave him when she saw Nezha again was just to help Nezha complete his aura.

Wouldn’t the Nuwa Empress help complete all the memories of the past when Lingzhu was a boy in the Nuwa Palace?

When he was a boy, how many years did Lingzhu follow Nuwa?

How much teaching did you get from Nuwa?

It can be said that the original skills of Nezha today are different from those of the past. Perhaps they still carry more than half of the teaching methods, but they also inherit everything that the original Lingzhu was familiar with.

He can still be said to be the incarnation of the lotus, but his level has long been completely different.

In terms of the power of creation, in the entire world, who can rival Nuwa?

Even Hongjun must be willing to be inferior in this regard.

Otherwise, it would be hard to say whether it was Nuwa who created humans in the wild world.

At that time, Liu Hao, who was watching Nuwa Empress help Nezha complete the spiritual charm, was still very immature and could not see clearly, but only vaguely felt something.

But now Liu Hao's vision is different from before. Looking at it again, although it cannot be said to be completely transparent, it is still vague.

Nezha's body may still be radiating light from the inside out. In other words, Nezha is still absorbing the essence that originally belonged to the spirit bead.

From this point of view, it is not that the original Nuwa Empress did not have calculations, and it was not that the Nuwa Empress at that time did not hold a hand.

Perhaps the Nuwa Empress at that time knew that even if she entrusted the spiritual beads to Chanjiao, it would be difficult to achieve the future she expected;

Therefore, when Empress Nuwa handed over the spiritual beads to Taiyi Zhenren for reincarnation, she simply saved most of her heritage and waited for it to be completed on the day of goodbye.

Liu Hao could have a premonition that once Nezha absorbed all the original spirit beads, he would most likely reach the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, or even reach the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

Also, the Lingzhu who has been with Empress Nuwa since ancient times is no worse than the Sanqing disciples in terms of birth alone.

You must know that Empress Nuwa has a bit of a collecting habit. Whether it is her mount Jinfeng or her 'combat pets' Teng She and his wife, to a certain extent, they are all innate demon gods.

With such a comparison, as the son of Empress Nuwa, how could the birth of Lingzhu be so bad?

He has the name of "Lingzhu", which actually tells the world where his heels come from. It is clearly an innate spiritual treasure that took the form of spiritual wisdom.

It's just that outsiders still can't know what kind of spirit bead this spirit bead is.

And Nezha, who can take back such a heritage, can be said to be the envy of even Yang Jian, right?

Even Liu Hao must admit that the experience from Lingzhuzi to Nezha was, to a certain extent, a good thing for Nezha.

It is indeed smooth sailing with Empress Nuwa, but is such smooth sailing really a good thing?

Not necessarily.

On the other hand, rebounding after hitting a trough and starting from scratch after reincarnation are also extremely precious experiences.

At least, Nezha, who will return to the peak of the Lingzhu in the future, will not be comparable to the Lingzhu before his reincarnation in terms of combat effectiveness.

His character and tenacity have all improved by more than one level.

In Liu Hao's sight, Nezha's current ferocity was comparable to that of only a few in the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

It was as if he had risked everything. Even if Liu Hao sometimes chose three abyss opponents of the same level for him, Nezha would still be able to defeat them despite all the hardships.

This situation is unique in the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

As the real person, he can feel Qinglong Liu Hao's tempering intention towards Nezha, and naturally he will not choose to stop.

Nezha, who still looks seven or eight years old, always with his three heads and six arms open, even though he is smaller, still looks like a demon god.

The most important thing is that Liu Hao saw in Nezha an advantage that no one else had, that is, the power of creation.

Empress Nuwa may have already figured out what happened to Nezha after he stepped into the heavens, and left this trace of the power of creation in Nezha, giving Nezha the talent to be unafraid of the abyss.

It's like cause and effect don't touch the body. Whenever the abyss touches Nezha, it will be burned out by the flames coming out of his body. Some of them will be directly transformed into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that Liu Hao can use on the earth. Some of them will simply be transformed directly into Nezha. Nezha nourishes and helps Nezha temper himself.

Liu Hao was also not sure how long this power of creation in Nezha would last, whether it would be permanent or limited.

But he could also feel this trace of the power of creation, which was clearly compensation for Nezha's suffering given by Empress Nuwa. In the end, it was more likely that Nezha would refine it for his own use.

Even so, when Nezha faces enemies in the abyss in the future, he will have advantages that most monks do not have.

This is clearly an excellent pioneer.

There is a high probability that Empress Nuwa has also made some calculations about this, right?

"Maybe I'm overthinking it!"

When Liu Hao thought of this, he shook his head in his heart. The Nuwa Empress at that time was still just a saint. Even if she was close to the peak, she had at most a vague feeling, and then subconsciously promoted it.

If we say the most calculating point of Empress Nuwa at that time, perhaps it was that she needed someone who was the most considerate of her to step into the world, and Nezha was more or less at the right time.

Perhaps he also discovered this trait in Nezha, so Liu Hao subconsciously scanned the other monks in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

Suddenly, Liu Hao was stunned.

Liu Hao is not Qinglong Liu Hao. He has not been in charge of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation for a long time. He watches the battles and promotions of all the monks in the formation every day.

What he received was all the information he knew about Qinglong Liu Hao, and when it was exchanged for the monks in the Zhoutian Star Formation, it was the data comparison of their long-term battles.

Among this contrast, the strongest thing is not how much they have improved, but Liu Hao himself discovered that these monks have gradually gained 'resistance' due to long-term battles with abyssal species.

This resistance is not only the gradual disappearance of the fear of abyssal species among all the monks in the Zhoutian Star Formation, but also the fact that their own bodies have become immune to the abyss' aura.

The former is mental resistance, while the latter is physical adaptation.

A monk who has been fighting against abyssal species in the Zhoutian Star Formation for a long time. From the beginning, he could only exert 70% to 80% of his own strength. Now, it is almost 100%, and even some are still. It can explode and exert a hundred and two powers.

This kind of progress is the most important in Liu Hao's opinion.

The abyss is terrifying, but what is truly terrifying is the unknown.

Once you get used to it, no matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as you withstand it for the first time, it will seem like that.

It is impossible for him to tell the world about the power of the abyss, which will only bring more despair to the rebels.

He finally understood why Qinglong Liu Hao protected countless monks in Zhoutian Xingdou Formation like a nanny.

Without him, the most important thing is still not to help these monks improve themselves. The most important thing is to give these monks enough time to adapt to cope with more terrifying impacts in the future.

Why couldn't he see that some demon clans had recently joined the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation?

These quotas were clearly part of Qinglong Liu Hao's calculations. They seemed to have given him an 'opportunity', but in fact they were still for the sake of adapting to the high-level officials of his own Earth Monster Clan.

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