Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and forty-three, Asgard’s plan

Chapter 1927 Asgard’s plan

1943. Asgard’s plan

Within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, Liu Hao himself was also very satisfied with these demon clan novices.

He had already sensed that the banner of unity had been planted in the hearts of these demon clans.

As long as these great monsters have experienced the abyss front line, as long as they have fought against these abyss species and abyss demon gods, they will know very clearly who the real enemy will be in the future.

With the human race, it is at most a struggle for living space, but with the abyssal species, there is only a life-or-death situation. Any intelligent creature can understand how to choose.

If you try your best to tell someone something, the effect will only be minimal. All kinds of doubts and wariness are inevitable. But if you let the other person experience it once, the effect will be obvious immediately.

The game that the obsession Liu Hao set off on the earth has gradually eased is the biggest proof.

In fact, even the obsessed Liu Hao was a little surprised by this.

The final effect of disputes must be to trigger anger and irrational decisions. The upgraded version of disputes, that is, war, is often the biggest cause of hatred.

Hatred is so difficult to eradicate that it is likely to last for generations to come, but what about now?

It seems that all these have become irrelevant in the face of the real situation, and it seems that these big monsters of the monster clan have become sensible enough.

The continuation of the current game seems to have become no longer the obsession with Liu Hao as the master, but the mutual cooperation between humans and monsters, just to simply select elites and select those who can provide combat power for the clan in the future. 'Level'.

Even if Liu Hao himself didn't see these, he still had an idea in his mind.

He could feel the changes in the attitudes of these great monsters before and after they entered the Zhoutian Star Formation.

If before entering, these demon clan great demon sects were more afraid of him, the Ziwei Emperor, then now, this fear has turned to 'awe'.

Don't underestimate the fact that there is an extra word "respect" in it. There is an essential difference between having it and not having it.

In the former case, when you give them an order, even if they follow it, it is at most just obedience and disobedience.

As for the latter, they will definitely try their best to contribute their own strength.

They have respect for you in their hearts, and they will have a kind of obedience to you. The stronger the respect, the stronger the sense of obedience will be, and it is not impossible for them to even sacrifice their lives in the end.

As a true strong man, Liu Hao can be said to have no need to describe this as an individual, because even if these monsters can be called big monsters, in fact, no matter how many there are, they will not help Liu Hao personally. .

But this benefit is real to Liu Hao. He doesn't need it, but it doesn't mean that the dragon country and humans where he lives don't need it.

The more friends you have, the easier your journey will be. Everyone knows this simple truth.

On the other hand, the enemy is eyeing you and wants to kill you anytime and anywhere, so you must devote part of your energy to guard against this danger that may happen anytime and anywhere.

And this is just one of the many harms.

The monsters in the earth will not be friends with humans even for a long time to come, but as long as this hostility is reduced, it will be a great benefit.

The current development of Liu Haolong's country and the sharp contrast with the living conditions of the beautiful continent's people below them can already explain everything.

Human energy is limited. When you have to invest in certain aspects, it means that your investment in other aspects will definitely be less than others. For a long time, you will have less investment in food cultivation and resource extraction than others. Even if we eat a lot, we will certainly not be able to feed a larger population.

When your population cannot grow, your extra energy investment will inevitably continue like this.

On the contrary, the Liu Haolong Kingdom is not the same. It is making progress, its population is growing, and its overall energy must also be increasing dramatically. This has led to the fact that the current Liu Haolong Kingdom is no longer afraid of the monsters in its territory.

Originally, there might only be a gap of sixty points compared to eighty points. Now, sixty points is still sixty points, but eighty points has skyrocketed to more than one hundred and fifty points. This gap will continue to widen in the future. It's so big that it makes people despair to the point where they no longer have the heart to compare.

In fact, this despair has been reflected in the hearts of beautiful people to some extent.

Even when Liu Hao arrived, he could only see the city built by Thor, the god of thunder, and he could see that there were more and more beautiful people in it who were happy to sell their whole families to Asgard.

This is because expectations for the beautiful Yamen are becoming less and less now, and I have understood that if I continue to follow them, this despair will always be despair.

Don't they know what kind of status they will get after selling their little family to Asgard?

They know it very well, because the Asgardian class is placed there, clearly telling these humans that above them are the more noble Asgardian gods.

But so what?

Before they had Mai Shen, in this beautiful and huddled place, weren't there strong class divisions?

Although these class divisions are not stated verbally, and they even think of various ways to hide them, but every aspect tells them in their hearts that they exist and are red.

Instead of doing this, why not just put it out in the open and let yourself know which class you really belong to.

Furthermore, after being sold to Asgard, it doesn't mean that you can't find ways to improve your own class. The higher your cultivation level, the higher your status will be. The blood of the gods in your body will become richer, and your social status will also be improved. These The same is all displayed on the bright side.

Isn't this also hope?

As for these rules, they didn't see the so-called top-level notice. They didn't care, because the top-level people seemed to be only Odin's family.

To these people, the family itself is already extremely powerful. It is an existence that even fantasy seems to be difficult to catch up with. What's wrong with emphasizing one's status?

It's better than those capital consortiums who talk about equality while trampling on it without scruples, right?

Of course, this is also related to Asgard's promotion, and it is even possible that Asgard is mostly responsible for promoting this beautiful change.

Don’t think that Thor, the God of Thunder, comes across as silly in the movie, but he really is silly.

Wasn't it finally recognized by Odin that he had the qualities that a king should have?

For any guy who can become a king, the dark side in his heart may not occupy more than half, but it will never be less than 30%.

What others see for you is just what they want you to see, and that is just the personality they have worked so hard to build for you.

Just like those "beauties" in the entertainment industry, if you really believe that they are beauties, then you are really a fool. You can't say that they are just desires, and all kinds of sexy tricks in private can shock you for a hundred years.

Odin still calls the shots in Asgard now, and his cultivation level has reached a higher level now. If the ambition that he originally took advantage of is still there, he will no longer be Odin.

Asgard doesn't want to destroy Liu Hao's beauty on Earth. Perhaps the biggest reason is because he doesn't dare. He needs to worry about the attitude of the human race on Earth and Liu Hao's attitude.

But being scrupulous doesn't mean they don't do anything. After various temptations, when Odin saw Liu Hao's Dragon Kingdom and saw that Liu Hao didn't seem to care much about these beautiful people, he was naturally happy to go further and win over these people. For personal use.

Such a good cannon fodder has his own foundation. With a little training, he will be an excellent cannon fodder candidate. How could he turn a blind eye?

They don't need to pay much for the whole process. Compared with today's beautiful yamen, these 'beggars' are very satisfied with slightly better conditions. Why not?

The beauty of Asgard on Liu Hao's earth has so many actions. If they are beautiful in the Marvel world, they will probably not choose to get along as equals as they did in the past. Doesn't the strong naturally have the effect of suppressing the weak?

Even if it's slower, the movements are smaller, and it gives some specious self-esteem to the beautiful people in the Marvel world, it won't be that difficult to achieve the goal.

What's more, the world channel connecting Liu Hao's earth, but in Asgard, almost all the initiative lies in Odin's hands.

As a god-king with tens of thousands of years, if Odin doesn't know how to maximize this benefit, then he is truly unqualified.

Gu Yi probably also understood this, but even though he understood it, he would not stop it.

After entering all the worlds, doesn’t Gu Yi still understand the principle of ‘the weak eat the strong’?

It's better to leave it to Odin than to a strong person you don't know at all, right?

Odin and Ancient One may not have expected that Liu Hao's earth's monsters would change their mentality so unexpectedly.

The demon clan, who originally only wanted to fight to the death with beautiful people, seemed to have figured it out a lot.

The originally fierce fighting suddenly became much calmer.

The beautiful woman didn't know the reason, so she was somewhat relieved, right?

If Odin later finds it more and more difficult to introduce the cannon fodder population from Liu Hao’s Earth’s beauties, there is a high probability that the introduction of the Earth’s beauties in the Marvel world will be accelerated.

And it is impossible for Liu Hao to stop these.

He wished that more such cannon fodder could join the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation under his control.

In the formation, the abyssal spores that are constantly being bred seem to be endless, as if the abyssal breath will never stop as long as it is not cut off.

Facing such endless abyss spores, how many low-level monks are needed to join?

From the memories passed down to him by Qinglong Liu Hao, there were only a few million people in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation at the beginning. Now, it has already exceeded 100 million, and there will only be more in the future.

After the experience in Novice Village, the number of people who invested here has already exceeded 50 million, right?

These are all Yanhuang people. There is no reason why the Yanhuang people are fighting life and death on the front line, while the other people are enjoying themselves in the rear, right?

If the demon clan can join, why can't they? This principle does not work for Liu Hao.

Just because he was able to protect most of the formations did not mean that the number of casualties was low.

He feels that introducing more cannon fodder that can be ignored seems to be the best way and the most dangerous. Let these cannon fodder be used for the benefit of our own people. Isn't this good?

His eyes swept across the formation of Thor, the God of Thunder. He knew very well that this guy did not really take the soldiers and horses he brought in seriously. It seemed that he would die if he died. It seemed that as long as the person who died was not Asgard, he would die. Thor doesn't care about the core combat power at all.

If others don't care, why should you care?

He naturally knows the calculation in Thor's heart. It is nothing more than that these cannon fodders can bring a little merit to Thor if they kill the abyss spores. Who makes him the leader and leader? This benefit should also be shared. A trace of him.

This is the effect that people want.

From the beginning of the war with the Abyss to now, the benefits that Thor has gained from it, even the Ancient One can only be resigned to it. Isn't the reason for this?

Not to mention the group of so-called superheroes brought here by Gu Yi, the gap in cultivation will only widen in the future.

As in the plot, this group of people are still like brothers and friends, but it is probably impossible for them to appear in the future.

The crushing of cultivation will definitely bring about a gap in status. Even if they were able to hook up and drink together in the past, they probably won't have much in common in the future. It will only make the relationship between them more polite, and in the end even Yu can only nod his acquaintance.

This is the inevitable development between individuals in a group society. The so-called richest man and the beggar have been friends since childhood, and the possibility of still being friends today only exists in "movies" at most.

No one has ever denied the saying that it's always cold at high places.

Which strong person does not need to enjoy loneliness?

The higher up the hierarchy, the more cruel it is that is difficult for people at the bottom to understand.

The so-called domineering president may have inner envy for the warmth of ordinary people's homes, but this envy will only last for a very short period of time.

Will they still use everything they own in exchange for this warmth?

I can only say that you are overthinking.

They want warmth, just pay, and some people help them create this warmth.

When you are laughing at the lack of love in the families of these overbearing CEOs, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. Deep down in their hearts, they don’t even bother to explain to you, and are even happy to acknowledge your ‘sympathy’.

The reality is that the method of withdrawing love in the CEO’s family is fundamentally different from what you imagined.

In your perception, it is a warm time for the family to gather around the table and eat pickles. The love of others is to give you 500 million to try to start a business. Failure does not matter, as long as you learn something from starting a business. The president and his father are very satisfied.

The understanding of the people at the bottom can never be separated from the fact that the emperor used gold bowls to eat and gold hoes to farm.

As everyone knows, your longing is actually just a small joke after dinner.

People have forgotten everything after they laughed, but you think you can leave a place of your own in their hearts. It can only be said that you are overthinking.

Didn’t Thor, the God of Thunder, also express his sadness every time the cannon fodder was reduced?

People are just showing that they are sad because they have ghosts in their hearts.

In the final analysis, people just want you to think, that's all.

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