Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty Four, Marvel, Ancient 1

Remember [new] in one second! 1944, Marvel, Ancient One

Sitting cross-legged in the great array of stars surrounding the sky, you can glimpse the world from a glimpse.

This is not about deducing the horizon, but seeing the big from the small.

Everything is linked by cause and effect, which means that one move affects the whole body.

Any change in the cause and effect line is likely to lead to huge changes in the overall situation.

Just like in the calculation just now, after Odin saw that it became more and more difficult to continue to introduce cannon fodder from Liu Hao's beautiful earth, he would definitely measure the costs and compare the costs.

If he sees that if this continues, the cost will be greater than the beautiful introduction of the population from the Marvel world, he will naturally make a change in his heart.

To Odin, he is nothing more than cannon fodder. Does he care where the cannon fodder comes from?

The population of the entire Marvel Earth, except for the dragon kingdom Odin who needs to worry about it, any other population is just a vegetable in his back garden, can't it be picked casually?

In the past, he didn't pick it because he saw something good to be harvested in the wild. The food at home wouldn't go bad anyway, so he just had to wait. But now, he found that picking dishes in the wild was not worth the gain, so what should he choose?

That may be the most essential difference. You are the Ancient One who has almost integrated the magic of the Bafang world. Now it seems that even in the Thunder God's world, within the same level of cultivation, your own combat power is still considered to be at the lower level.

Don’t we know that once we ascend to the immortal world, based on our cultivation, we will be just one of the lowest members in the immortal world, and it will be like starting over from scratch. We are not used to the glory and wealth, and there is not much we can do from absenteeism and mining. From Si?

What makes me most depressed is not that I can't see my own regression, even a tiny bit.

Just like Yu Yuxing's small formation behind his eyes, if Yongheng and others retreated to Yu Yu's earth, wouldn't they be qualified to fight in it?

Once it’s over, I will still think about comparing myself with other people, but now I will only do that comparison with myself.

Did this Stever find various Thunder Dao techniques from the Yanhuang civilization to practice himself?

I was in the Odin Star Formation, but I had taken care of the Marvel followers for a long time. It wasn't until those people had adapted to fighting the abyss species that I really devoted myself to my own fighting.

Even if they know that the risks are very low, they may still block our inner coldness.

Now, I no longer have that pressure, or I know that I have to shoulder the responsibility, so I simply chose to follow my own path, perhaps thinking that I would wait until my cultivation level is no longer qualified to shoulder the responsibility. , it’s too late to look back and pick it up.

What seems to be the calmest choice is actually the most difficult path.

We will set up some wonderful names, make those names into "laws" in the form of voting, and then impose those laws on everyone.

Did I still live a very cool life before my death outside of the plot?

As for how long it will take for Ancient One to become a quasi-sage, Zhou Tian also cares about it. I just need to add Ancient One to the list of people who can resist the Abyss Demon God in the future.

Everyone outside must include all the people in the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth.

In reality, people have not yet come up with their own principles.

Outside of the plot, I chose to follow Eternity in the first place. Is there no pressure, or do I need Eternity to resist it all?

Outside the Marvel world, we are just concepts, as if we are capable of anything, but that concept will always be based on the Marvel world.

Within the small formation of Odin's Stars in Taihan Lake, there are only a few people who can crush them with one finger. The arrogance in her heart has long since disappeared when she saw those people.

Even if that guy had no merit awards from Odin's small array of stars, he still lacked it. He was a guy who had guarded a world for seven hundred years, and his merits would always be endless.

As Yongheng and others who are not used to being humble, can they adapt to this?

As for the entire Marvel universe, it's just that the earth has no life.

In this way, my original confusion gradually disappeared, and my heart felt a little more peaceful.

I can't help but feel that the gap between Hu Gu Yi and now after he stepped into the heavens is not that small.

As long as you fight with the Abyss Demon Gods for a long time in Odin's small star formation, you can also get a lot of merits from the path, which is far more difficult than it is to comprehend alone in the Marvel world.

This is a population of one billion. Even if the Dragon Kingdom is subtracted, it is still less than 8 billion, which is not enough for Liu Hao to waste a long time.

After understanding that, the only thing Stevel wanted was not to practice as much as possible and improve his cultivation as much as possible.

To determine the population of Marvel Earth, Odin doesn't even need to do it himself, he just needs a small concept. Human ambition has always been unlimited.

That guy has more or less the power of the Law of Time under his body. Even with or without the blessing of the Time Stone, he is actually not very proficient in the Law of Time.

It's just that the tearer doesn't have that strength.

Of course, I will also interfere with Gu Yi's future path.

As for Gu Yi, his trust level can continue to increase.

In the final analysis, the fist has the final say?

It's like Gu Yi borrowed huge sums of money from all the banks and then wasted it all. What can he do to me?

But those, at most, can still show their Dharma under the bodies of thousands of people in the heavens.

There are very few people outside these cultivation worlds. Even if they can't become immortals and ascend, how long can it take?

But in Yu Yuhong's world, in the Zhoutian Earth, if that arrogance continues, it can only mean that Stever's so-called maturity is just an illusion.

That guy can be used, but it's not at a level where he can't be used. Just scan it and remember it. There's no need to write it down.

Zhou Tianshaoduo also felt sorry for us.

Until those so-called unruly and tame people truly see the horror of the Thunder God Realm, will they still have to tuck their tails between their legs?

But Zhou Tian also knew that kind thoughts would really cause many obstacles to Gu Yi.

Out there, it’s not that Zhou Tian has high regard for Marvel Eternal and others, but that I’m sorry for the ‘selfishness’ of these guys.

That's almost the general behavior of the gods of Western civilization.

We are not Hunyuan yet, so we are afraid of this, but the so-called lowest gods in eternity are the same.

The monkey is called the little king in the mountains. We have never seen the ferocity of the tiger, and it has always been just a stage play.

The last time, if we see him again, he will attract less attention from Yu Yu than before, and he will be given the opportunity.

From Zhou Tian's point of view, it would be difficult for Gu Yi to kill the eight corpses in the future, but if he wanted to kill the evil spirits, he would have to follow this path.

Whether I have ever been to the prehistoric world or not means that I know nothing about the prehistoric world.

In this way, the karma under his body will be greatly reduced. Liu Hao will be smiling both inside and outside, right?

I'm not good at fighting. The area behind the abyss of the Odin Star Formation is simply not a natural colosseum for me. I have to fight in it for seventy-seven hours a day.

Besides, the maintenance of the laws in those contracts is the willpower of the Marvel world. Without the Marvel world, how much power of laws is left in them?

Yes, this is not an exhaustive constraint. There is no way to escape even if you die. On the contrary, if you don't have the strength, even if he chooses to tear it up, the original signer actually dares to use the contract to force him to execute it. That is The law is also.

To the forefront, to the future, even if Gu Yi surpasses Eternal Life and others, Yu Yu will not understand it at all.

But even then, Stever was still too powerful for Zhou Tian.

In the entire Marvel world, except for Liu Hao, there is only one person on the list, even if there are no such people as Yongheng.

The prehistoric saints have arrived in the heavens, and we are also saints again. Originally, we didn’t have much cultivation realm before we had the final say.

In Marvel, on Marvel Earth, Stever still can't look at me with the arrogance of Asgard.

The guy who has been in charge of Marvel's Earth for seven hundred years has absorbed a lot of demonic power from the dimension of Shaomamu. Although it has no significant effect on the evil thoughts of the Ancient One, it still belongs to the internal power and needs to be completely digested. Just fine.

Around the world, the backbone of civilization has always been Yanhuang, and the others can only be used as big branches now.

As long as you understand it, Yu Yuhong will understand that even my father Liu Hao, in the wild world, is just a smaller ant to some people.

As long as there is a way to jump out, regardless of whether there is still a person who has not yet realized the Taoist fruit of Xiaoluo, the obstacle will always disappear.

The more accustomed the guys are to sitting under the throne, the harder it is for them to adapt to falling from it.

Beyond Zhou Tian's prediction, there is a small chance that we can only maintain the Xiaoluo Jinxian Daoguo realm, and that realm is in the prehistoric world, not in Zhou Tian's earth. There are not many that are equal to or even surpassed.

It is thought that the skills we obtained from Gu Yi are very difficult for us to comprehend.

Beautiful people out there must have the same idea as Liu Hao. Who stipulates that if he is cannon fodder, he can be a sign of his cannon fodder?

A 'richest man in savings' who monopolized the gold and garbage trade outside the village has entered the city. How can I not be qualified to continue my past arrogance?

When they signed the contract, they never thought about fulfilling every aspect.

There is a small chance that these supreme gods in the Marvel world would be happy with Yu Yu extending the influence of the Marvel universe to the Thor world, right?

This is almost a step back that I can't see. It's too much to say that the fighting power between the seven is not completely different.

Outside, Zhou Tian was too exaggerated, but he also left the Marvel world with that group of people, so it didn't matter whether his own advantages were still there.

After all, it is a martial art in the local world, and there is always no sense of rejection. Even if you eliminate those feelings of rejection and understand the martial arts that suit you, you still know that it will take many years, let alone me?

He must admit that some people have enemies in their own world because of the blessing of the world. After leaving that world, it is difficult to predict how many will actually happen.

Now that he has arrived in the Thunder God's Trust World, Gu Yi has long forgotten those contracts, right?

As for the unruliness and tameness of these so-called weaklings in Marvel, in Yu Yu's eyes, they are not arrogant and ugly at all.

That digestion can only be transformed in a short period of time. It is also necessary to completely cut off the cause and effect of that power and completely return it to oneself.

It is to think that the contract has its own power of law and cannot be broken.

It can be said that all the kindness in my heart has been given to Marvel Earth. In a deeper sense, it is not given to Marvel Earth for the continuation of human civilization.

The law of strong meat and weak food is very low among all heavens.

Nowadays, most of us have obtained many skills from Gu Yi, and are practicing outside the Marvel world, right?

In other words, in the world around the world, if there is a way to follow the path of Yanhuang civilization, there will be obstacles in the body, more or less.

It also requires intervention, and it also requires unique care.

As long as Marvel Earth gets permission from Odin and can use the Asgard world channel, the enthusiasm that people can burst out will definitely be fierce.

Besides, Gu Yi has always been a pedantic person.

Is it understanding, is it knowing how to read, is it knowing how to ask those who know?

Huaisui is the lowest god in this world. In terms of talent, even among Yu Yuhong's world, we are all in the top batch.

As the leader, Liu Hao must welcome this. I can't push the bad guys to the beautiful ones. Would I be happy?

As for Zhu Tianwan, Natasha, Qi Qi and others brought here by Gu Yi, Shaoduo has not yet followed the rhythm of next week.

The 'Eternity' of the Marvel Universe has long received countless information about the Thunder God's World from Gu Mou, but has he seen someone cross the world and arrive?

Like Yu Yu, we are also happy that the cannon fodder in our own world travels ahead of us and creates a country road for us.

Once we leave, we can only be like a tree with roots.

As a guy whose inner pride has been completely extinguished, he said no one would doubt whether I was confused or not.

How is that possible?

The Ancient One, who has integrated the magic of the Qinling Magical World, and learned the multi-elf magic from the elves, has the magic method under him. It is an exaggeration to say that it is the fusion of eight small worlds.

That point can be seen from the fact that since ancient times, many young men and low-level gods have signed contracts.

That point actually existed under Liu Hao, but Liu Hao owed Zhou Tian a big cause and effect. On top of the entanglement of cause and effect, a little more trust could still be guaranteed.

Underestimating the risks of Thor World actually caused us to miss many opportunities.

He is very coy. His weakness is not based on the rules of the Marvel universe. After leaving that pond, he does not have much power. He is not sure about it. We dare to take such a risk rashly. participate.

Among the many heavens, Stever has no name, but who knows Natasha among all the heavens?

Even if he still carries around many "contracts" signed with Yongheng and others and returns to the Marvel world, does the power of those contracts still have less binding force on Gu Yi?

I had no idea where I would go before I left there.

Of course, for Gu Yi, there is also a need to slow down. Now I have not even cut off my good thoughts, and my energy and time need to be wasted on this.

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