Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, true son of destiny

Chapter 1939 True Son of Destiny

1955. True Son of Destiny

Liu Hao also knew that the things he thought of were just his own unfounded guesses, and they were more likely to be incorrect.

After all, not every world level is high. In those worlds with low levels, it is difficult to conceive an innate spiritual treasure, let alone an innate treasure level.

He also knows that saints can achieve enlightenment without the suppression of innate treasures, let alone Hunyuan. Isn't Zhunti of the prehistoric world a striking example? The nearby Fuxi is also following closely behind, isn't he?

The only thing he can be sure of is that possessing an innate treasure will definitely increase the monk's chances of becoming a saint or Hunyuan, even by a geometric multiple.

Then, the first two people to succeed are probably Zhen Yuanzi and Ancestor Minghe.

And these two guys are already in the heavens now. Zhen Yuanzi doesn't know which world he is going to, but Patriarch Styx is in Liu Hao's earth's starry formation.

But, when this guy can prove Hunyuan, how should he choose?

Should he simply go to Liu Hao's earth and prove the Tao of Hunyuan, or should he return to the ancient world and realize the Tao of Saints?

Liu Hao must also admit that the last choice of Ancestor Minghe has a greater chance. He is the creator of the Shura Way in the ancient world. It is impossible to abandon the race he created. That is his true future in the world. The fundamentals that highlight one's own strength cannot be given up no matter what.

Liu Hao could understand such a choice. In fact, he was also happy to see Patriarch Styx make such a choice.

In the final analysis, he still knows that his earth is not really ready yet, and he knows the threat of the abyss better than anyone else;

If Ancestor Styx proves Hunyuan on Liu Hao's Earth, it will most likely cause Abyss to spy on him, forcing Abyss to focus more attention on his own Earth, and the threat will be multiplied overall.

At that time, if several Abyss Demon Gods from the Hunyuan realm arrive in the Abyss, can the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation under his control still be maintained?

He doesn't think Qinglong Liu Hao has this ability. Maybe even if Qinglong Liu Hao is already a member of Hunyuan by then, he probably won't be able to withstand the impact of several abyss Hunyuan level demons, right?

Once the Zhoutian Star Formation is shattered, the endless abyssal species will be like a flood, flooding Liu Hao's entire earth. None of the heavens and worlds connected to Liu Hao's earth will be able to forgive.

At that time, how many worlds can truly resist?

To a certain extent, they are no different from the most terrifying and highly transmissible viruses.

It seems that as long as one of them is not eliminated, they will multiply into countless numbers in a short time. It seems that wherever the breath of the abyss spreads, they will never lack the ability to breed abyss spores.

That's the endless face-to-face fighting.

At least Liu Hao doesn't think there are several worlds that can be completely strangled.

Suddenly, Liu Hao thought of the Pure World White Lotus under his seat. This is a treasure that absorbs the breath from the abyss in the Zhoutian Star Formation and forcibly transforms it into a universal spiritual energy that can be absorbed by all the heavens and all the worlds. Perhaps This is the biggest trump card in his hand.

He suddenly understood that without this treasure, the situation he was worried about would be inevitable.

On the contrary, it seems that it is not incapable of resisting.

It is nothing more than the amount of abyss breath poured into one's own earth, compared with the amount absorbed and transformed by the Pure World White Lotus.

If this comparison is positive, then the previous worries still cannot be eliminated. If it is negative, it seems that there is no suppression by the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and the storm it stirs up still seems to be controllable.

Without the breath of the abyss, even if endless abyss spores flood into all the worlds, they are just an extremely terrifying number of enemies. The abyss spores that have lost their ability to infect seem to be no different from countless monks in all the worlds. at.

It's just that the fighting methods of abyssal spores are completely different from those of the heavens, and it's just that these abyssal spores always have their own mental shock and nausea capabilities.

These bad sides can always be overcome. In the end, it still comes down to who has the bigger fist.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao felt as if a big stone had fallen. If there was a way to solve it, it would not be a big deal. The most terrifying thing was that there was no way to resist it.

Just like in the current Zhoutian Star Formation, whether it is the abyss spores or the many demon gods from the abyss, haven't they been completely cut off from the intake of the abyss' aura by him?

That was just a thought. Even if the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation was really unable to maintain order in the future, it would only be a little more difficult. But at that time, I definitely couldn't be at the current level of cultivation, right?

He must also have the realm of Hunyuan cultivation, right?

By that time, my control over the Pure World White Lotus under my seat will also be greatly improved. For example, the speed at which I can absorb the breath of the abyss and transform it into universal spiritual energy in all heavens and realms will inevitably increase by dozens of times. Hundreds of times, right?

The Pure White Lotus was left behind by the four holy beasts of the ancient world, or in other words, it was left to him by the four holy beasts.

Does this mean that the Four Spirit Holy Beasts are also participants in the chess game of the positive and negative poles of chaos?

Are they also one of the chess players?

Liu Hao simply couldn't predict what level of cultivation the Great Master Xuanwu he had seen reached.

But he also knew that even Hongjun, the Taoist ancestor of the prehistoric world, would most likely only be a child in front of the Great Master Xuanwu.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that his side is not without backers. The situation that he is worried about, the chess players who link all the worlds together, has no reason not to think of it, and there is no reason not to take precautions.

Now he is just taking a salary of 3,000 yuan and worrying about the rise and fall of the country.

I can’t say this is unfounded worry, but it’s not far off.

To put it bluntly, he is not qualified yet, nor does he have the height to worry.

It's better than anything else if the things in front of you are done well.

The star formation guarding the sky in front of him provides a stable and safe "place of experience" for the countless monks who are coming soon. This is also the task that he needs to complete for a long time in the future.

Only then did he realize that there seemed to be no one who could replace him in this task, not even a saint.

This merit seems to be enjoyed by myself.

Is this considered joy in suffering?

He is even more grateful that he was so decisive in releasing his three zombie incarnations. Otherwise, such a task alone would be enough to occupy all his time, and the road to Hunyuan may be really far away.

He glanced at Qinglong Liu Hao who was still digesting what he had learned from him. Obviously, with this understanding and digestion, Qinglong Liu Hao had already embarked on the broad road. The previous fluctuations in momentum had long since disappeared. Only calmness remains.

This also means that the speed of Qinglong Liu Hao's digestion is beginning. Perhaps before long, Qinglong Liu Hao will be able to integrate these principles into himself and wake up from it.

By that time, Qinglong Liu Hao's control over the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation will be even better than what he has now.

By then, the three hundred and sixty-five main stars in the Zhoutian Star Formation will have completely evolved and formed a real star field, right?

In this way, even if tens of billions of people are accommodated within the Zhoutian Star Formation, it will not look crowded at all.

This may be the biggest gain from returning to my home planet this time.

He was not in a hurry as to when he would be able to digest what he had gained from Qinglong Liu Hao. After he left the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, he would obviously have to go to Obsessed Liu Hao, and then return to the prehistoric era. Don’t we need to go to White Tiger Liu Hao’s place?

In the three major incarnations, the understanding of the three thousand laws of heaven, earth, and man are integrated into one body to start digestion. Obviously, the effect is much better.

After all, he is also a fellow practitioner of the three paths. If they promote each other, the effect will naturally be much more significant.

He could even have a premonition that the gains from this fusion had been completely digested, and that his true self would have reached the boundary of Hunyuan. This was the most powerful thing after completely releasing the incarnation of the three corpses.

Risks are always accompanied by returns. The more advanced the risks, the greater the returns. This seems to be universal in any universe.

He even thought that if he started this route, would countless people also embark on this road without hesitation in the future?

However, he knows better that this road is by no means easy. If you don't pay attention, you will really get into trouble.

Who can guarantee that the incarnations of the three corpses that have been completely released will kill their masters in the future?

He was too lazy to continue thinking about it. The future was the future after all. It seemed that if he didn't choose this path, other paths would never be easy.

In the ancient world, hasn’t the Three Corpses Way been spread for a long time?

But how many people have succeeded on this path?

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is none. Even the saint Lao Tzu seems to have cut off his obsession only when he became a saint.

Aren’t there essential differences between him and Hongjun, the creator?

There are countless similar beings in the universe, but you can't find two that are exactly the same.

It is better to create the road yourself, and only in this way can you go higher and further.

In fact, every monk understands this truth to some extent.

But I understand, how many people can actually make such a choice?

It’s so difficult to even follow the path of others, let alone create it on your own.

The fact that most people are mediocre and inactive also applies to all heavens and realms.

In Qinglong Liu Hao, Liu Hao himself also saw another change, that is, the aura of Ziwei Emperor in Qinglong Liu Hao has undergone an essential transformation.

That means that in the Qinglong Liu Hao's destiny form, a seemingly small but actually very vast Ziwei star field is clearly visible. It seems to be a copy of the Ziwei star field in the prehistoric world.

This transformation also means that Qinglong Liu Hao has digested the title of Ziwei Emperor from Liu Hao's own body, and it also means that Qinglong Liu Hao is the Ziwei Emperor who is truly recognized by heaven and earth.

In this regard, Liu Hao could only express his laughter and tears.

Do you need to be so obvious to remind yourself?

How could he feel as if he was on guard against his own body taking over Emperor Ziwei?

Soon, he also guessed the reason. Without him, he was really wary.

There has never been a monk who has integrated the three thousand avenues into one body. The Dao Ancestor Hongjun originally collected only fragments of the jade butterfly, and the three thousand avenues recorded in it were all incomplete.

Just like this, Hongjun has been able to forcibly combine himself with the way of heaven. What kind of abilities should a monk who truly controls the three thousand avenues and three thousand laws have?

If such a monk sits on the throne of Emperor Ziwei in the future, what will happen to Haotian?

Do we still need the master of the three realms of the world?

It can be said that if the prehistoric world was not connected to the heavens and the world, the moment Liu Hao appeared in the prehistoric world, he would have been killed by the prehistoric world.

Is this a monk that no world can tolerate?

If such a monk attains Hunyuan in the future and reaches any heaven, wouldn't he be able to replace his will of heaven and earth at will and completely privatize this world?

Which world can tolerate such a monk?

He suddenly realized that the abyss seemed to be his biggest protection, and he didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

Only at this moment did he realize that he was the most destined child in all the worlds.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that maybe this is the truth.

Otherwise, why are the four-spirited holy beasts so special to me?

It is an innate treasure, and it is also a heavenly treasure. If you just wait to collect it for yourself without paying any money, how can it be so good?

Logically speaking, he should be happy, but he couldn't be happy at all.

It's not that I'm being pretentious, wondering whether my cultivation realm comes from the gift from the son of destiny or from my own hard work.

He didn't have any idea about this, because no matter what, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com No matter the cultivation level or state, it is all your own, and it cannot be taken back even by all the heavens and worlds.

What really depressed him was that he knew very well that all gifts from fate had a price already marked when he received them, but he didn't know when he would have to pay the price.

In the future, do you have to risk your own life for this payment?

Soon, Liu Hao shook his head in his heart. Even if it was necessary, wouldn't it be impossible for him to resist at his current level of cultivation?

That being the case, why think about it again?

The only thing that he can control is to improve his cultivation level to the point where he is truly qualified to take a gamble before he cares about it.

Worrying about these things now is like ordinary people worrying about whether something unexpected will happen when they go out. There is no point in thinking about accidents, so why bother?

In other words, I am also the biggest beneficiary now. Without this gift of fate, I would not be able to reach the heights I am today. At most, I would be no different from my classmates at Zhonghai University, right?

He thought of Zheng Zhi and the others in his dormitory, and then withdrew his gaze from Qinglong Liu Hao and scanned the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and soon found his true comparison partner.

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