Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and fifty-six, the so-called road

1956. The so-called road

This person is none other than Zheng Zhi.

This classmate who initially followed him and whom he once regarded as someone he could train in the future, could no longer keep up with him a long time ago.

He remembered that he had never given any other help to this guy since he was thrown into the Dou Qi Horse Transformation World.

But even so, this guy is still one of the few at the top among his classmates.

Liu Hao could tell at a glance that Zheng Zhi had already digested all the lightning fruits from the world of One Piece.

In other words, Zheng Zhi's weakness against pirates as a fruit owner, which is the fear of sea water, has been reduced to the extreme by Zheng Zhi, and it has no effect at all.

What he thought was a good thing for Zheng Zhi now seems to be a bad thing.

He could naturally see how much energy Zheng Zhi had to expend in thoroughly digesting this weakness.

This can be considered a gain or loss.

Shortcuts are never easy, and whatever is gained must be accompanied by loss.

It's just that this loss was difficult to understand at the time. Only after it became clear did I understand whether it was a good deal or whether I should cry.

Fortunately, Liu Hao didn't need to do it himself. Zheng Zhi himself resisted this 'suffering', eliminated the supposed weakness, and left behind the real essence, which is the seed of law in the devil fruit.

From this point of view, the creatures that actually eat the Devil Fruit have some initial acquaintance with the Witch Clan, and have a hint of the body of law.

How to maximize the absorption and utilization of this benefit is also extremely difficult, because not every creature that eats a Devil Fruit is compatible with the power of this law.

The degree of compatibility also determines the monk's future.

In Liu Hao's view, the compatibility between Zheng Zhi and the Thunder Devil Fruit is not as high as imagined. Even if it is completely digested now, it seems that the compatibility is only 100% compared to Thor, the God of Thunder. Only seventy or eighty.

From this perspective, it seems that Zheng Zhi was harmed.

But from another perspective, it is not the case.

If Zheng Zhi did not have the body of law obtained after digestion, would his current talent be able to become a member of the upper class among the monks of Liu Haolong Kingdom?

Comparing Zeng Jianliang and Chen Xiaolin in the same dormitory makes it clear.

In the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, these two guys did not appear, but it does not mean that Liu Hao cannot lock the cultivation realm of the two by counting with his fingers.

There is already a big gap between Zheng Zhi and the two of them.

Therefore, only Zheng Zhi himself knows best what the gains and losses are.

Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation level, good luck, Daluo realm will not become a bottleneck for Zheng Zhi in the future, but if he wants to go further, he needs how much merit Zheng Zhi can win from the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation in the future, and accumulate How much luck can be calculated.

Without this gift from the power of destiny, Liu Hao also knew that there was a high probability that he would not be far behind Zheng Zhi in front of him. He might fall behind or surpass him. ,

But whether we lag behind or surpass, there won’t be much difference.

It is even possible that he has perished in one of the explorations of the heavens. Who can guarantee that?

Thinking of this, Liu Hao felt comfortable. He had received such huge benefits, so he should shoulder this burden, right?

These are essentially complementary and mutually beneficial.

How many people would be willing to replace themselves, maybe everyone?

In this case, my worries seemed ridiculous.

He didn't know that his state of mind had gone a step further invisibly. The so-called observation and his own personal experience were completely different things.

Observation, no matter how careful you are, what you see and hear has nothing to do with you.

When you see sadness, the person who sees it will also follow the sadness, but is this sadness really the same as the sadness you see?

How much of it is sympathy and how much is empathy?

On the other hand, any emotion you experience personally is 100% your own, and whatever you get from this emotion is the one that best suits your own path.

This is why any experience is so precious.

At Liu Hao's current level of cultivation, it is difficult for his emotions to fluctuate. No matter how cruel things are, he has seen countless things in the process of walking in the heavens, whether it is rise or fall, rise or rise, and he has seen it for the first time. No matter how sad he was, no matter how passionate he was, it was difficult to let Liu Hao's emotions follow him.

Naturally, it is difficult to understand much truth from it.

Because of this, it seems that any fluctuation in Liu Hao's current mood is extremely precious. The enlightenment after any emotional fluctuation is no different from the enlightenment that emerges from the Great Path of Enlightenment.

Heaven and earth are the supreme principles, what you see and hear is the supreme principles, and personal experience is also the supreme principles.

This gain was quickly digested by Liu Hao, and his inner emotions returned to calm again. The initial scrutiny in his eyes when he looked at Zheng Zhi was gone.

It was also at this time that Liu Hao realized that there were far fewer monks at the Taiyi Golden Immortal level in his Dragon Kingdom than he had imagined.

He calculated subconsciously and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There are not many Taiyi monks from the Dragon Kingdom who have entered the Zhoutian Star Formation, but it does not mean that these are all.

Also, the maintenance of the local stability of our Dragon Kingdom has always been a top priority. It is only because of this dedication that we can still reach the present calmly in this era of spiritual energy recovery.

Don't these Taiyi monks know that fighting within the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation has unimaginable benefits?

They know it too well, but they know even better what their greatest responsibility is, especially the masters among the soldiers.

In the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, Liu Hao only saw a dozen Taiyi monks in military uniforms. How many of them were from his own Dragon Kingdom, and how many were from worlds such as Under One Person or Liangjian?

These people are most likely here because they got a vacation?

This point of view was confirmed by Liu Hao the moment it arose in Liu Hao's mind.

Based on Liu Hao's current level of cultivation, whatever he sees, the first thought that arises in his heart has a probability of being correct, not to mention 100%, but 80% to 90%.

This is not a big event, and the probability of it being correct will only be greater.

They need to protect the four directions, and they can only think about other things besides completing their own responsibilities and tasks.

They clearly know where the greatest benefit is for themselves, and they must have various thoughts in their hearts, but these thoughts are suppressed in their hearts, and they will only come to try it after fulfilling their duties. After a while, it can be seen that their spirit is beyond their imagination.

Liu Hao also knew that in a short time, such rarity would change. The game started by the incarnation of his obsession had come to an end. There were no longer many experts in his Dragon Kingdom, and the top level of the demon clan and the big demon in the territory had also been reached. With the arrival of the agreement on the Zhou Tianxing Battle Formation, everything is moving towards a better side.

Then, naturally more soldiers can come here to participate in training.

Besides, their own Dragon Kingdom is not stupid. Don't they know that the most important reason why everything is stable is that their soldiers' fists are big enough?

Don't they know that when their fist strength is inferior to others, all the stability in the past will become a mirror?

They know very well that they must step up their efforts to regain the lost time. In terms of desperate efforts, the soldiers of their own Dragon Kingdom will never fall behind anyone, and their beliefs can always be believed.

Liu Hao also saw the arrangement of his Dragon Kingdom's plan to some extent. The reason why Zheng Zhi came was bound to be his Dragon Kingdom's consideration, because the faces Liu Hao saw seemed to be similar to Zheng Zhi's. It's a little higher than Zheng Zhi, but it's not more than one round.

These people are most likely the younger generation of masters from their own Dragon Kingdom, right?

They are the real new force, numbering about a thousand people, and they don't seem to be rare.

However, these numbers appear to be insignificant when placed in the vast world.

Even if you carve out a small piece of territory in Dongsheng Shenzhou or Xiniu Hezhou, it will still exceed the countless ones in your own Dragon Kingdom.

Such combat power, placed in the prehistoric world, cannot even make a small splash. The gap seems so desperate.

If it weren't for him, Luzhou, the prehistoric Beiju, could just pull a team of monsters and drive their own earth all over again!

The gap between the levels of heaven and earth has gradually been caught up by the world where our own earth is located, but the gap in background will take time to make up for.

Liu Hao can only be an example.

In his mind, he gathered all the fighting power of his own earth, and it seemed that he could only compare it with the Dou Qi Horse World.

Of course, in terms of future development, Liu Hao still looks forward to his own earth world, at least he doesn't think that the Dou Qi Horse World can be comparable to it.

The road that embraces all rivers and rivers is also the true future path for one's own earthly world. This may also be the biggest advantage of embarking on the path of spiritual practice without any foundation.

Liu Hao knew that as long as there was any path of cultivation, there would be no monks on his planet who would not try it.

They firmly believe that ‘what I am born with will be useful’, and they firmly believe that one day they will be able to find the method that best suits them.

It sounds very simple, but it is also impossible for countless worlds that already have cultivation systems to walk.

This is not because the vested interest class is stable, but because the environment has become too solid, making it difficult for other roads to penetrate it.

Just one thing, the world of Fighting Qi Transformed into Horses, now has many different cultivation systems spread into it, but how many changes have there been?

It's not even a hundred and eighty years old, and you can't tell at all.

The reason is that even if there are monks among them who find that they are more suitable for these techniques, it is difficult for them to find anyone to consult, and they can only rely on themselves to explore.

In the end, even if it is more suitable for them, they will find that because there is no senior to teach them, their cultivation is still unable to catch up with their peers, and then they will simply give up.

Perhaps their only way is to simply leave the fighting spirit horse world, enter Liu Hao's earth, and finally integrate into Liu Hao's earth and become a part of it.

They knew very well that once they returned to the Dou Qi Horse World, their original worries still existed, and there was still no way to solve them. Even if they were very unwilling in the end, their household registration could still only choose Liu Hao Earth.

This kind of openness to all rivers is not only a problem of countless cultivation systems, but also the introduction of talents. As the hub of the heavens, Liu Hao naturally has irreplaceable advantages on earth, so how can there be no future?

As far as Liu Hao knows, there are already countless professional training system research institutes in his Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance.

Even the magic system is no exception.

Within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, there were also many soldiers from Liu Haolong Kingdom and civilian teams who took the magic system as their major.

A hundred flowers blooming is destined to be Liu Hao's future on earth. He will not abandon any system, but will only integrate many systems into it bit by bit.

Perhaps, these countless systems will be reduced to only a few paths in the end, but so what?

Haven't you already digested it?

Didn’t the Zheng Zhi he saw also possess the magic method that only the shaman clan from the ancient world had?

From this point, it is enough to see that the Wu Clan's practice system, which has not been in the world for a long time, has been completely accepted by the home planet, and has developed a usage model that is more suitable for humans.

There is never an absolute right or wrong, there is just a matter of suitability.

On the path of spiritual practice, this is even more obvious.

Many monsters will take the path of transformation, which is a change from monsters to humans to a certain extent.

But it is not that no human race has taken the path of the demon race and demonized themselves.

Three thousand avenues always lead to the same destination in the end. Any choice cannot be said to be bad, nor can it be said to be good.

In the end, it doesn’t depend on the individual?

Liu Hao also knows that the vast majority of monks are actually unable to find a path that truly suits them throughout their lives. It is just that the degree of suitability is higher or lower.

But they themselves know best how much difference there is in essence between the higher and lower points.

Just like those who fit the path of magic, they will easily step into the immortal level. However, if this monk does not take the path of magic, but trains on the path of physical training, he may only be able to struggle at the sixth or seventh level throughout his life.

Having a choice is never better than having no choice.

Besides, isn’t the process of finding a path that suits you also a kind of spiritual practice?

Ups and downs, isn’t it a precious experience?

The ambition gained from it is already extremely precious. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.commSmooth sailing may not necessarily be the best practice.

Because the latter is likely to be too smooth, resulting in his own willpower not being firm enough, causing his state of mind to be unable to keep up with the improvement of his cultivation, and thus leading to repeated struggles in a certain bottleneck.

Examples like this are never rare in all the worlds.

On the other hand, those monks who are accustomed to ups and downs appear to be very calm when facing difficulties, because they have seen a lot and experienced a lot, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Even if they fail to achieve a breakthrough in a certain bottleneck several times, their mood is still the same as before. Wasn't the last breakthrough the same?

If it doesn't work a few times, just try it a few more times and you'll always succeed.

Even if they try again and again and still fail, they will not be too irritated. It is also a reward to stop and study the various arts of cultivation. It is also okay to find a companion to discuss the Tao.

There is never a shortage of similar people around them, and they can support each other!

They cannot be called geniuses in the spiritual world, but they are also the real foundation.

They may never be able to catch the eye of genius, but in the end, they are the majority who reach the top of the world (End of Chapter)

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