Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven, the so-called standard

Chapter 1941 The so-called standards

1957. The so-called standard

Genius is always relative.

Genius is always temporary.

In any world of cultivation, countless geniuses emerge in every session and every year.

It can be said that there is a genius in any sect, no matter how small it is.

But is this genius really a genius?

His/her talent is just a little bit more outstanding in this small sect. His/her cultivation speed is just a little better than his/her classmates in the same class.

But if his/her talent is given a quantitative data, with a perfect score of 100, the numerical value of his/her talent may only be around 70.

Such a 'genius' may not even meet the minimum standards for accepting disciples in some larger sects.

Or maybe he/she is really a genius, with talent data even exceeding ninety, reaching ninety-five or six.

But the smallness of his/her sect, whether it is the sect’s background or wealth, cannot truly bring out his/her talents. In the end, the achievements he/she can achieve may not even be achieved by some large sects. The ordinary disciples in the sect are not as good as him.

Just like in the mortal world, in those elementary schools in remote mountain villages, are the children really very poor in talent?

Is their average IQ really different from that of children in the city?

On average, there is no gap at all, and there can be no gap.

But their teachers are just not good enough. Many courses are even taught by the same teacher. How can their academic performance be so good?

In addition to studying, they also need to do some work within their capabilities for the family.

But what about the children in the city?

In addition to the classroom, they also have training and private tutoring. In addition to these, they also have time to cultivate one or two interests.

But these are simply illusions for the children in remote mountain villages. Even if there are real geniuses among them, even if the proportion of geniuses is the same, the ratio of the most powerful ones who can enter higher education institutions in the end is far lower.

In this comparison, the theory of talent is not that useful. On the contrary, wealth plays an overwhelming role in it.

In this comparison, one of the children needs to live on his own time, while the other relies on his own wealth to buy everything he needs, even time.

The reality is so cruel and helpless.

Who doesn’t know these truths? But among those who know these truths and are superior, how many will care?

Those who are rich wish that everyone would ignore this issue, because only in this way can their children have fewer competitors, and their descendants and their sects can still maintain a higher status in the world in the future.

They are even happy to see the true geniuses of those small sects fall when they go out, even if they create opportunities themselves, even if they do it themselves.

On the contrary, they are the most intolerant that their sect may be surpassed by those they look down on at all, and they think about suppressing them all the time.

Perhaps this is also among the cultivation novels Liu Hao read before traveling through time. The protagonists who come from tiny sects are always accompanied by countless dangers and pressures from all directions. Whoever sees them, They all think about killing him all the time.

They are the protagonists of these novels, and even though they are dangerous, they reach the end, and it seems that they have indeed made those large sects pay the price, and even many of them were destroyed at the hands of the protagonists.

But they are just stepping on countless similar geniuses to stand out. Under their feet are the bones of countless small sect disciples. It is already very remarkable if one among millions can stand out.

They can only be an exception, and even their success is accompanied by countless coincidences. If they did not have that kind of luck, any danger would kill them.

They are not born to belong to the "Lone Star", but reality forces them to do so. Their sect, their brothers, sisters, and sisters, without their luck, the final result is self-evident. , and can only leave his bones at their feet to support them in moving forward.

One can imagine their worldview as they stand out in such a cruel environment.

Many of them even lost confidence in their own world and eventually became extremely 'selfish'.

But is this kind of 'selfishness' that they are born with?

When they first started, which one didn't have a bloody look on their face? Which one is not kind-hearted?

They can only do this, they can only give up all the good things, because only in this way can they reach the end.

Don't think that they are like this only in the world of cultivation. Even if they ascend to the spiritual world and the fairy world, won't their original disciples of those large sects who have ascended for countless years not stick together in the spiritual world and the fairy world?

Once these guys know that the foundation of their next sect will be destroyed by the protagonists, how can they be willing to accept it? The most loyal disciples all come from the foundation of the lowest world. They and the protagonist are already mortal enemies, and they know that the other party has also ascended. , still not allowed to pursue him to the end?

It can be said that as long as the protagonist has not reached the end of the world and has not set foot on the pinnacle of the world, danger will never stop for him, and he must always be careful.

For a protagonist who grew up in such an environment, do you expect him to be able to empathize with the world? People simply don’t have that time to empathize with the world, okay?

They can only be a fluke and can never be replicated.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, they become the children of destiny, because after outsiders see their experiences, they will only think that it is God's help. However, anyone who takes this path again will die many times.

But is this protagonist really the one with the best talent in their world of cultivation?

How is that possible?

In terms of talent data, they may only be ranked in the middle or upper half, or they may not even reach ninety.

Even some of the protagonists' real talent statistics are only between sixty and seventy.

Just like Old Demon Han in the world of mortal cultivation.

That's a guy who wouldn't even be able to enter the cultivation world without the treasure of the 'Heaven Palm Bottle'.

Even if he can be accepted into a small sect, he is just a guy who can be used as a handyman for the truly talented disciples.

But this is the old devil Han, hasn't he come to the end?

Not to mention the disciples in the same class as Old Demon Han, or the entire next class he is in, how many of them will be able to carry Lao Mo Han's shoes in the end?

Not one, right?

This is reality.

Success can never be replicated, and the path of every successful person cannot be the same. Perhaps the only thing they have in common is that each of these successful people has an extremely tenacious will.

But even this commonality is not innate, but is acquired through training.

If any monk wants to succeed, he cannot do without the four elements of practice, which are the 'land of Tao and wealth', each of which is indispensable.

Among these four elements, talent can only occupy one of them at most, which is part of the 'Tao'.

This shows that so-called talent can hardly be used as a real decisive factor.

It leaves out the three points after the four elements. No matter how good your talent is, without a real training environment, you may end up being just a smart kid in the countryside. In the end, you may still be unable to get out of this rural field. Who will care about you?

You must admit that the success or failure of a hero is correct.

At least he has a measurement standard, which is whether you succeed.

In the mortal world, it depends on whether you have power and whether you are a truly rich person.

The reality is that no matter how disdainful you are about it, it is still the standard of success recognized by the vast majority of people. They will not let society run around you just because you are disdainful about it.

This is human nature. The will of all living beings determines the operating standards of society.

Most of these standards cannot even be circulated forever and can only operate in a certain era, and some will soon become outdated.

But when these standards were implemented, even if they seemed to later generations to be simply bizarre, wasn't it because they conformed to the trend of the times that everyone at the time followed them?

Just like foot wraps, in the eyes of modern people, they are no longer just weird, but deformed.

But when it was popular at the time, the richer the people, the more they were obsessed with it, even the palace was no exception. It is difficult for modern people to understand it anyway.

Similarly, even if some of the standards implemented in the modern world are in line with the values ​​of the modern world, won't they not be questioned in the future? Being regarded as weird?

Not to mention the future, the dozens of genders in the beautiful continent that Liu Hao traveled to in the previous world have already stunned the entire Eastern world.

If the standards are like this, why not talent?

Just like Liu Hao's current Earth, the lower-class compatriots in his Dragon Kingdom seem to have very poor talents in many cultivation systems.

But in the future, when a different practice system from other heavens spreads to Liu Haolong's country, won't there be someone among these people who is in perfect harmony with it?

It’s as if they are not sensitive enough to the known practice systems now, but in the future, when the perfect world covering the sky system is spread to Liu Hao’s earth, maybe they will stand out immediately?

This possibility is not impossible, but it will certainly exist.

The senior officials of Liu Haolong Kingdom, as well as the senior officials of the entire Yanhuang Alliance, have long been fully aware of this.

They have also practiced this for a long time in the past.

Whenever they discover a brand new practice system, they will promote it on a large scale. Even if they know that such promotion actually costs a lot, and they may only get a few in the end, but they don't care.

Because they know better that even if only one is harvested in the end, it will be a success for the entire Liu Haolong Kingdom and the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

As long as one person stands out, they will have a sample and experience that can be summarized, and then by further expansion, they will have the best teachers, who can make a better guidance plan for the newcomers.

Who can guarantee that this approach will give the entire Yanhuang Alliance a stable cultivation system?

The sea is open to all rivers, and this is not just talk.

As for the magic practice system that is very different from the Yanhuang civilization, hasn't the entire Yanhuang Alliance spent countless wealth on research and promotion?

Anyone who can promote the Yanhuang Alliance will not be abandoned, and the entire Yanhuang Alliance is willing to invest in it again and again.

The entire Yanhuang Alliance is now able to glow with such great vitality, and this investment can have a huge promoting effect.

The sharing of resources among the many Yanhuang civilization worlds has unparalleled advantages in itself.

Just like the 'strange stone' hanging high in the mythical Three Kingdoms world, who doesn't know that it is the real treasure?

After all, it is the first time for a living being to see this 'strange stone', which can inspire a talent in him/herself.

Such a treasure has been found in all the heavens and worlds, but it seems that it only exists in the mythical Three Kingdoms.

If such a treasure is not a supreme treasure, then what kind of treasure can be considered a supreme treasure?

How to maximize the use of such a treasure when no one can take it for themselves is what the entire Yanhuang Alliance must do.

If possible, the top leaders of the Yanhuang Alliance hope that every one of their own people can go there, watch it, and inspire a talent that is unique to them.

But they also know that this is simply unrealistic. Not to mention other things, even the transportation costs are enough to bankrupt the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

They discussed and discussed, and it seemed that they could only set restrictions. For example, only a monk of the seventh level or above could have the opportunity. Also, within this restriction, if this monk of the seventh level or above should be added, would it be necessary? Established meritorious service for the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

Wait, wait, etc., under the constraints of many rules, it is possible to maximize the use of the greatest opportunity in the mythical Three Kingdoms world.

It seems to be done quietly, but in fact it is done with great fanfare.

At least, most people in Liu Haolong Kingdom may not have a clear idea of ​​this, but they somewhat know that once they reach a certain stage, someone will tell them what more they need to do, and they can seize this opportunity. .

This at least points out the direction they need to work hard next, and at least gives them an unexpected surprise in the process of setting goals for themselves.

In the entire Yanhuang Alliance, it is naturally impossible for only such a visual opportunity to exist.

It’s nothing more than the size of these visualization opportunities.

In Liu Hao's opinion, this is the true foundation of the Yanhuang Alliance.

He knew that every time the second-generation ginseng fruit tree he planted in the small courtyard of his hometown matured, the senior officials of his Dragon Kingdom would send people to pick it. In the end, these harvests would not be given to everyone who really needed it. ?

Making the best use of everything is what the entire Yanhuang Alliance implements most strictly.

Among them, even emperors like Ying Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang also abide by it.

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