Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-two, comparison

1962, comparison

Liu Hao's guess was very correct.

For Chen Xi, he only thought that the effect of the spirit-gathering formation he had arranged was improved to a higher level.

To outsiders, the first concept is bound to be this.

They will only think that Chen Xi's formation skills are much better than they imagined.

But this advantage is not a big deal.

The method of formation has been promoted in Liu Hao's earth so far. Countless people have invested in it, and there are always some talented people who stand out. It is no longer unusual now.

Furthermore, maybe Chen Xi just knows more about the spirit gathering formation?

That is not a typical example at all, has little value, and is not worthy of special inquiry.

Secondly, Chen Xi's cultivation is also placed there. Don't Master Yuding and Master Huanglong, who helped Yang Jian sit in command, know that such a Chen Xi exists?

A small trend is like a surging river. It cannot build a small dam in it to block you for a while, but it may block you for the rest of your life.

Furthermore, Xiaoyan, as one of the masters of the Dou Qi Horse World, bears equally huge responsibilities. Is it possible for me to truly abandon these countless people who were brought back to the heavens by me and live among the stars in the sky for a long time? Fight on the back line of the small formation abyss.

Weakness is the nature of living beings, and it is even more unstoppable to imitate others.

Anti-inflammatory is also available in all aspects.

Who can guarantee that countless Yanhuang civilization systems will be introduced into the world of Douqi Transformed into Horses in the future?

In all the worlds, I have not actually stood behind a very small number of people. The road in the past is so safe, but I still went through it. I just want to do it again, so I regard myself as a person. The monk who just left the lane thought that he had finished from scratch again.

In other words, the anti-inflammatory gaze is actually under these prehistoric quasi-sages.

I just need to maintain confidence in myself and doubt that through hard work, I can overtake the people behind me step by step.

Now, in Tan Qiong's eyes, Uzumaki Naruto and Shirasaki Ichigo, who seem to have not fallen behind, are they still maintaining their regression?

At most, they would pay less attention to Liu Hao in the follow-up. Before seeing Liu Hao's lazy character, they would continue to focus on him. On the contrary, because of the "background investigation" of Yuding and Huanglong, Liu Hao was Hao's job will become more difficult.

Is the guy who can shout "Eighty years of Hedong, Eighty years of Hexi, and tacit understanding of poverty for many years" so confident?

Confidence is pride. When facing anything, you can deal with it calmly and calmly. Over time, your temperament will be developed.

Even if the other party knows about the common nature of his quota, most of them will continue to have the same sense of urgency now, so why bother to remind them in one fell swoop?

As an enlightened person of Xiaoluo Daoguo, the matter of merit, even if it has never been seen before, is now very clear.

It seems that there is no way to slow down to this level. At this point, it is too late to do it.

That improvement, anti-inflammatory itself is the most containing lake.

Very slowly, Chen Xi had to admit that even though the anti-inflammatory effect now exceeds that of Liu Hao, the future is unpredictable.

It cannot be said that at this moment when the fighting spirit turns into a horse world and connects to all the worlds, and comes into contact with the unique cultivation system of the Yanhuang civilization, our future has not been doomed, and it may be blocked no matter how we resist.

For Qin Qiong, all he needs is talent. As long as that talent is useless when he actually fights against the abyss in the future, it is enough.

And we don’t have that kind of foundation, right?

The abyss is terrifying, but the terrifying threat means that the monks cannot be allowed to abandon a stronger foundation in exchange for increased combat effectiveness.

I agree with Liu Hao's arrangement, and I have also seen Liu Hao's study of many cultivation systems.

I can always count on everyone to have a strategic talent like Liu Hao, right?

That statement is enough to explain everything.

When they found out that Chen Xi was recommended by Liu Hao, they could only investigate which world Chen Xi came from and then stopped.

If I had no premonition of a threat, I would simply take it easy.

Every time you kill the Abyss Demon God, you will be rewarded with merit, which will only make the bad battle more exciting.

Even if he blocks you again, you will inevitably flow toward the rear. Anything blocking you from the front will be destroyed by it.

I'm just talking about it, as far as luck is concerned, even if Xiaoyan is one of the eight small masters of the Douqi-turned-horse world, and Liu Hao, who can collect luck from all the heavens in the Yanhuang civilization, it will be A big witch sees a small witch.

For us, seeing the Yanhuang civilization is like finding a special source. Integrating into it requires no effort at all, and will be the most natural choice.

Our attitude toward the abyss is as if it were just a natural training ground. Instead, we worry that this training ground will one day become less abundant.

It is true that through casual observation, one can find that Xiao Luo's combat effectiveness can be slightly improved before every battle, and Xiaoluo Daoguo, which he has just been enlightened for a long time, can also be consolidated by taking a step back.

Under Liu Hao, Chen Xi hadn't seen that the guy's days of proving Xiaoluo Daoguo were not long ago.

That guy really did show his talent in public, and he really cared about the flashlight shining on him.

On the contrary, it is worse if there is less anti-inflammatory.

That self-confidence is actually no different from those at the lower levels who have greater control over small intelligence.

The entire abyss battlefield was shrouded by Chen Xi, tightly restrained in a formation, like a trapped beast. It seems that there is nothing small about such an enemy. That kind of view is not limited to Liu Hao, but to Xiao. The view of a few monks.

I just need to compare myself and see my regression every moment.

As a monk who has come into contact with the most essential Qi training, how do we choose? Do we know how to compare?

It seems that Liu Hao is also very suitable for that path, and what he chose is also the most fundamental path for Qi practitioners in the ancient times.

Compared with a very small minority of people, that kind of regression is not very wrong.

Xiao Yan also knew about this, and even knew that Chen Xi had not ranked me ahead of Liu Hao.

That natural restraint is enough to prove that Liu Hao is quite calm now.

We can always hope that everyone's regression will be anti-inflammatory and consistent with Liu Hao, right?

This is not the fruit of Xiaoluo's path to enlightenment. In Liu Hao's mind, it is not a matter of picking something out. It is a fruit that can be picked as long as you put your energy into it. There is no need to wait?

Is that attitude bad in Chen Xi's opinion?

In the eyes of Yuding and Huanglong Zhenren, as long as they don't come from forces other than the Ancient Chan Sect, it's no big deal.

Will the fighting spirit transform into a horse world before such transformation, or will it be 'protected' by Qin Qiong in the future? Or do we also need to contribute a channel of luck to Liu Hao?

Along with Taoism, Liu Hao chose Lao Tzu, but in Chen Xi's opinion, it was the right choice.

These two guys must have fully understood Chen Xi, right?

Did that guy choose to take his wives with him and choose to face a weaker opponent by himself? This shows that he had already made a detailed plan.

As for the far-reaching threat, in Qin Qiong's opinion, it's just like two highs, right?

In essence, fighting spirit is just a branch under the small tree of the Qi Master.

How many existences like Xiaojia are there in the fighting spirit horse world?

It seems that under Xiao Yan, the expectations are equally high.

That improvement was not limited to Confucianism and Taoism, but an improvement in all aspects including Legalism, medical science, military strategism, etc.

In other words, Chen Xi has not yet thought that Liu Hao will definitely catch up with Xiaoyan in the future, and it is only a matter of time before he surpasses him.

At the moment when I knew that Guanyin, Yun Zhongzi and others had stepped into the heavens from the primitive world, Xiao Yan's goal was also higher than that of catching up with those people and retreating to surpass those people.

To understand the power of heaven and earth, to understand the eight principles of heaven, earth and people, and learn from nature.

For example, in The Way of a Hundred Schools, Chen Xi saw the rapid improvement under Qin Qiong. Compared with the next time he saw Liu Hao, he was still a completely different person.

Among them, low, low and high are all the same. It depends on Liu Hao's choice, which in turn depends on Liu Hao's interests and talents.

Qin Qiong naturally reminded Xiaoyan that my quota was ordinary, and I could come whenever I wanted. As long as I wanted to stay, no one would evict me.

But until those people see Xiaoyan retreating towards the Taoist cultivation system one by one and achieving stronger cultivation, which one will remain firm?

Likewise, Liu Hao deliberately restrained his uncanny nature, making me look like an ordinary person. Walking down the street, people would look at me less, as if I were a taller person.

At that point, it's really not similar to Chen Xi. In other words, maybe that's the quality that all time-travelers have?

It seems to be just anti-inflammatory, even Uzumaki Naruto and Shirasaki Ichigo seem to be able to give some.

That seems to be the norm for the Destiny Child in any world.

But that sense of superiority will make the possessor grow up, because the lack of understanding will only make the possessor know a little less prophetically than I do.

It is almost impossible to imagine that the world of Dou Qi turning into horses will gradually be assimilated by the Yanhuang civilization in the future.

It doesn’t matter who I am, the son of destiny, or whether the heavens support a person again and again. Talents can be cultivated continuously, but who cares how they are cultivated?

Following the Taoist path, Liu Hao did not relax at all.

That may be the real reason why Liu Hao felt that he was free and went to practice later.

The former proves that Chen Xi is also protected by someone, or that even Liu Hao is optimistic about Chen Xi, while the latter represents which force this comes from;

Thinking of that, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile, and naturally thought of anti-inflammatory.

That is almost the state of anyone who enters the Baijia practice system.

Before Liu Hao took over the granary of Longguo's Vancouver base, there had never been any problems. Naturally, this made Liu Hao feel more comfortable and comfortable.

Is this a castle in the air?

If this is really the case, will the fate of all the worlds be divided by the majority of people?

Xiaoyan himself also came from the Yanhuang civilization system in his essence. Any movements under my body will also be imitated by the sentient beings in the world of fighting qi turning into horses because I am one of the masters of the world of fighting qi turning into horses.

Chen Xi's gaze shifted from Liu Hao to Xiao Yan. Naturally, it was inevitable for Chen Xi to compare the seven people.

Qin Qiong also knew that even if Xiaoyan knew that evaluation, he would still be as arrogant as a big child now.

Chen Xi could see that Qin Qiong's virginity had not yet been fully controlled by me.

That may have nothing to do with my experiences along the way.

Regarding Liu Hao, Chen Xi looked right and left, but there was nothing he was satisfied with.

In other words, in the future, the only way for Xiaoyan to continue to maintain that transcendence is to not turn his fighting spirit into a horse world again and again.

My self-confidence does not need to be verified by other people's eyes. It is a kind of emanation from the inside.

For example, do a simple background check or something like that.

Chen Xi could vaguely see that mentality from under Xiao Yan.

If Liu Hao wanted to, that guy could become the center of everyone even if he was standing in a small street, even if he was standing in the corner of the street.

The unique surnames and characters of the Yanhuang civilization have not proven all this in the world of fighting spirit turning into horses.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible for them to understand what you know. Even if you tell them, it will take us a lifetime to understand it. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Its sense of superiority naturally radiates out.

It seems that Liu Hao is not concerned about this. Also, there are countless techniques from all over the world gathered there. They are not information for Liu Hao to check, nor are there any goals to learn from, so that he can accumulate more powerful knowledge. So why not?

Only then did he withdraw his gaze from under Liu Hao and look at Xiao Yan, who was fully unleashing his fighting power in Zhou Tian Xing Dou's small formation.

As a first-time player who came to the Zhoutian Xingdou Small Formation Abyss Backline, Xiaoyan, like everyone else, was full of motivation. He was also worried that the spot in the rotation would be under him at a very slow pace, lest he waste any time.

Yes, it is true that anti-inflammation is also bad.

Small trends are reversible, but only in the prehistoric world, and are inevitable in any heaven.

During the battle, this all-out effort did not reveal the urgency of anti-inflammation. Instead, everything seemed to be within anti-inflammation's plan.

There seems to be nothing bad about that sense of urgency.

For a guy like that, Tan Qiong was not satisfied with anything.

It was also that realization that made Liu Hao lose his aura of worldliness, and even my wives and concubines lost a sense of calmness.

If this is really the case, even in all the worlds, there seems to be only one thing worth looking forward to. My mentality has long been the same as when the Dou Qi Horse World was last held. As one of the eight masters of the Dou Qi Horse World, it may be because of that big contrast that my mood fluctuated.

Because whether he has a bad temperament or he is compatible, Liu Hao is suitable for the lineage of Taiqing and Laozi.

Think about it, you can always improve yourself through fighting, but no one can be a high-level student?

But so what if you know?

But it's only possible.

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