Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Three, Expected List

1963. Expectation list

Liu Hao has a list in his mind, a list he can look forward to.

Anyone on this list places Liu Hao's expectations for their future.

He didn't peek at these people in the long river of time, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

Because once this happens, it is likely to cause a butterfly effect.

For example, if Liu Hao peeks into the river of time and sees that one of them is not on the list he is looking forward to, but has great strength in the future, he will definitely observe this person even if he doesn't want to. now.

After observation, even if there is no help in nature, it is likely to have an impact on the person's next path. Who knows whether this is good or bad?

Maybe this person died one day because of his observation?

On the other hand, if this person is the one on Liu Hao's expectation list, clarifying his expectations will make him feel comfortable, but will the subsequent events definitely not lead to another result?

He has become capable of interfering with everyone he meets.

Just like in the ancient world, didn't the saints also change their hearts and make different choices because of their encounter with him?

Any choice made by the saints also means that the entire prehistoric world has made the same choice, and it also means that the entire prehistoric world has embarked on a completely different path from the past.

The same is true today.

This is true even for saints, let alone others.

Liu Hao can almost guarantee that anyone who has had contact with him will inevitably make waves in the long river of destiny, and anyone he helps will definitely make the waves bigger.

He is already a giant whale or even a Kunpeng. Any small movement may be a huge wave to the surrounding small fish.

Some small things that he doesn't care about at all may be opportunities that they can't get in their lifetime to others. It's also an opportunity that they can completely reverse their original destiny if they get one in their lifetime.

The incarnation of his obsession was just an idea in his mind, which set off a small game in his own earth, causing all creatures on Liu Hao's earth to fight for it endlessly, and those who sacrificed their lives for it were even more so. It can be described as countless.

Even the incarnation can do this, let alone the real person.

He must be cautious and cautious. It cannot be said that all decisions need to be weighed repeatedly before making a decision, but it is not much different.

Even if he has not yet become a saint, in fact, among the 'friends' he associates with, the only ones who can truly talk to him on an equal footing are the saints from the ancient world.

This is the horror of influence. Even Haotian, Tathagata and others must be given the fullest respect.

There are some things that, even if you really want to do them, you have to choose to endure them, just like peeking into the longer future in the long river of time.

The assessment he makes now is based on the information he currently knows. It does not peek into any future decisions. It also means that he could have been like this and should have been like this;

Any decision, even if it has a significant impact on the fate of others, is appropriate, and even required by the fate of others.

To put it bluntly, any decision he makes now can be regarded as the destiny that has been arranged for other people to have the attribute of "noble".

On the other hand, peering into the long river of destiny and knowing the outcome before making a choice is simply opportunistic and another kind of calculation.

It is bound to stir up changes in the entire destiny.

He doesn't want to be like this. Does he really think that after the changes in his destiny, there will be no backlash on him?

He himself doesn't want to go through this. Who knows if his current small body can afford it?

There's nothing wrong with being steady.

Didn’t we not reach that critical moment? Why do you need to do that unscrupulous thing?

Although he is not completely satisfied with the current situation, he is still 80% to 90% satisfied. 80% to 90% is enough.

In his list of expectations, Fang Yun and No. 10 were at the top, and even Tathagata could only be ranked behind them.

To describe it in one sentence, Fang Yun and No. 10, in Liu Hao's mind, would not cause many obstacles to them at all.

On the contrary, even if the Tathagata is lucky, he does not have 100% confidence.

The reason for this is still because there are more Jie Yin Zhunti among them. Who knows whether the two saints Jie Yin Zhunti will have other motives to prevent Tathagata from attaining enlightenment?

Also similar to Tathagata, there is Haotian. Who knows what Sanqing thinks about becoming a saint?

Can these saints really accept the president they hired and add them to the list of shareholders?

They are used to making their own decisions in everything. Will they be happy to accept the addition of one person to the dinner table?

Even Liu Hao knew in his heart that the saints were not as domineering as he thought, but if they existed, they could not be truly eliminated, and they had to be considered.

Fang Yun, on the other hand, does not need it at all. As a heavenly being in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism, it can be said that nearly half of the luck in the entire sage world of Confucianism and Taoism has been added to Fang Yun.

Every improvement in Fang Yun's cultivation realm directly feeds into the advancement of Confucianism, Taoism and the Holy World. It can be said that they basically complement each other, promote each other, and support each other to move forward together.

In addition, any Tao of hundreds of schools of thought that spreads throughout the world will also have its own benefits.

As the nominal founder of the Hundred Schools of Thought, doesn’t Liu Hao know it clearly?

It is the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism that truly provides nourishment to hundreds of schools of thought. They are the system's contributions. Even if Liu Hao wants to stop it, the benefits that should belong to others must also belong to them;

Not to mention that Liu Hao had no such intention at all, but was happy for others to make more contributions to this end.

Doesn't he understand how slow it is to do these things on his own?

He is just a person. Even if he knows everything that needs to be spread and does it, how many heavens can he spread?

With such a whole universe of heavens and good-level worlds promoting it together, if he follows along and reaps the benefits, it will be more than what he could get through hard work alone. Isn't it clear how to choose?

In this regard, Liu Hao and Fang Yun had no negotiation at all, and they had a tacit understanding in their hearts. Liu Hao really had no intention of sharing more of this cake.

As far as he is concerned, he does not lack this kind of luck.

Liu Hao also knows better that when Fang Yun truly realizes Hunyuan in the future, the influence of the Hundred Schools of Tao in all the worlds will reach a higher mountain.

This is something that even his enlightenment, Hunyuan, cannot match. Who told him, the so-called founder, to be a Taoist himself?

Fang Yun, in Liu Hao's heart, is already a benchmark figure in the Hundred Schools of Communication. If possible, he would even be happy to give all the luck he received from the Hundred Schools of Communication to Fang Yun first.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to do.

Dadao seems to have already set up a profit-sharing formula for this. Before everyone stops fighting for it, this profit-sharing formula cannot be changed at all. If it continues for a long time, there is nothing wrong with it.

Liu Hao himself has received huge benefits from it, and he has no extravagant desires in his heart.

He knew very well that when Fang Yun realized Hunyuan in the future, his profit share would also be reduced by a large level. But knowing this, he still didn't make any calculations about it.

His vision is no longer limited to this.

Facing the abyss, he clearly needs many helpers, helpers who can truly stand by his side even when facing the entire abyss.

Obviously, Fang Yun was a part of his plan, and the entire world of Confucianism and Taoism was also looking forward to it.

He could not predict what kind of transformation would occur after Fang Yun attained Hunyuan and the level of the Confucian and Taoist Holy World was raised, and whether other great powers in the Confucian and Taoist Holy World would also have the opportunity to attain Hunyuan.

But that doesn't stop him from waiting for this as an expectation.

If he could, he might really change his goal, from supporting individuals now to supporting all heavens in the future.

For the latter, who doesn’t know that the rewards obtained from any investment are incomparable?

It's not like Liu Hao never thought of doing experiments in Yiyi World, but after repeated evaluations, he still gave up on this idea.

Because for a low-level world, such support is of little significance to Liu Hao himself.

In all the worlds, perhaps the only one who is most familiar with world level crossing is Liu Hao.

He has experienced so many heavens, but he does not understand that some leaps and bounds are like natural chasms to the heavens.

Before these few natural chasms, the data obtained from any experiment is actually of little significance.

In other words, whenever Liu Hao decides to support a world to conduct experiments, he must do a good job in helping this world cross a certain natural chasm. And why doesn't Liu Hao understand the first natural chasm? It is basically the Great Luo of Enlightenment. Tao fruit.

With this necessary transformation factor, Liu Hao could only choose to give up.

Who doesn't know that it is easy to achieve perfection in Daluo Jinxian, but it is difficult to realize the Daluo Tao and fruit.

The former can be said that as long as a monk has enough talent and accumulates bit by bit over time, he will be able to achieve it one day.

But the latter requires real perseverance, great wisdom and great luck to achieve.

The three major factors are all indispensable, especially good luck. Can this be achieved with support?

At least Liu Hao has not found a feasible way so far.

This already involves fighting for control over the river of destiny.

The river of destiny, even the river of destiny in the lowest world, is connected to the main road of the river of destiny, and not everyone has the ability to disobey it.

Even if Liu Hao now has the ability to rebel against the fate of these lower worlds, is it necessary that the input and output are so disproportionate?

If you really want to do it, it’s not too late to evaluate it after you have attained Hunyuan, right?

He knew to some extent that Fang Yun had this intention. Fang Yun, who was already majoring in the Way of the Hundred Schools, would probably give it a try after he realized the Way of the Hundred Schools. He would randomly choose a heaven to cultivate the Way of the Hundred Schools as the backbone. It is not difficult to place a Confucian and Taoist sage world.

It seemed that he only needed to watch from the sidelines, and there was no need to be anxious.

Number 10, ranked after Fang Yun, is Liu Hao, who knows very well how overbearing the sky-shading method created by this boy in the future will be.

That is the real struggle with heaven.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it goes against nature.

To seize the essence of heaven and earth for my own use, in order to supplement myself, I will not pay attention to the damage such behavior will cause to heaven and earth.

From another perspective, there are many similarities with the demonic monks.

Logically speaking, this kind of spiritual path should not be promoted.

But who made the abyss appear?

If you kill the visitors from the abyss, you will be rewarded by the Great Dao - merit.

Merit, but the real elixir of heaven, even the essence of the heaven and earth, cannot be compared to the existence, and the Buddha naturally has a great promotion effect on the method of covering the sky.

With this guarantee, it seems that the method of covering the sky cannot be promoted on a large scale.

Furthermore, once No. 10 attains enlightenment, won’t he have the ability to make changes to the method he created to cover the sky?

For example, if you create a basic version, an advanced version, etc., isn’t it already within reach?

Liu Hao also believes that No. 10 will have such a vision. In a perfect world, this person can be said to be extremely miserable, but still does his duty for all sentient beings. The great love in his heart is no less rare than anyone else.

How could such a No. 10 not have super high vision?

Seemingly thinking of No. 10, Liu Hao turned his eyes and quickly locked onto Huo Ling'er. This girl who was disliked by all kinds of people when she was young, but who occupies the most important position, has completely reversed her destiny after leaving the perfect world. .

The reason for this is still because of Liu Hao. Without his support, such a major event as a reversal of fate would be almost impossible to rely on Huo Ling'er himself.

On the other hand, it is just a small delay for Liu Hao on the way forward, and then it will be the same. At that moment of delay, wasn't the follow-up taken back by Liu Hao?

And this is the most terrifying thing for people with great luck.

For other people, finding Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com is a choice between life and death, but for Liu Hao, it is often just a matter of chance.

This comparison is just like the mortal world. Tens of thousands of dollars will most likely become a choice between saving a poor family's illness and not saving it. But tens of thousands of dollars, for the real rich, will not matter even if it is thrown on the ground. , it’s just rubbish that I’m too lazy to pick up.

Among them, it is not the so-called size of the pattern at all, but the simple gap between rich and poor.

Of course, there is also the reason why Huo Ling'er was taken away from the perfect world by Liu Hao.

To put it bluntly, Liu Hao simply fished Huo Ling'er out of the river of destiny in the perfect world and changed his life to another river.

This makes Huo Ling'er's various unfortunate entanglements in the perfect world lose their greatest significance.

The reason why this is possible is because Huo Ling'er has already completed everything he needs to do in the ecological chain of Perfect World, and can exit. Leaving will not cause the slightest change in the story of Perfect World that should continue.

After leaving the perfect world, Huo Ling'er was able to truly activate all his talents, and only then did he have the Huo Ling'er that Liu Hao saw today who was still as active as before.

Rather than Huo Ling'er who can only wait in the mulberry forest. (End of chapter)

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