Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-four, Huo Linger, Yan Lingji

1964, Huo Linger, Yan Lingji

But even though Huo Ling'er's fate was completely changed by Liu Hao, she was still not on Liu Hao's list of expectations.

This is still a disciple of Liu Hao.

Sometimes Liu Hao himself had to admit that he accepted disciples at will.

He wasn't even sure if there was any fate here.

Say no, he seemed to be very friendly when he saw her, and when he received it, he seemed to be like this. This would not be justified if it were not fate.

It can be said that there is, he himself doesn't have much idea, at least before he collects it, he has never done what the real masters and disciples did in the ancient times.

Although his disciples cannot be said to be of low cultivation, they cannot be said to be at the top of the pyramid.

In his confused heart, he vaguely had a feeling that the real chance for his disciples might have to wait until the true path of the righteous Hunyuan.

Because only in this way can the huge luck in his body be able to protect several disciples even more.

Only then can a few disciples follow him as a master and gain benefits, and only then can they truly and quickly improve themselves.

It's like the changes in the disciples before and after the saints accepted them in the ancient world.

Of course, this was just an ignorant conjecture in Liu Hao's mind, and he didn't make any calculations about it. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he didn't want to.

As Liu Hao's cultivation level increased, he seemed to have more and more scruples about this. This scruple was the same as whether he was really suitable for his expectation list.

He had to admit that sometimes the more he knew, the more indifferent he felt.

He didn't want to be like this, and he didn't think it should be like this.

There was nothing about Huo Ling'er in front of him that Liu Hao was dissatisfied with, except for his lack of cultivation.

Huo Ling'er, who inherited the perfect world and then obtained the Tao of Talisman and Seal Script from Liu Hao, although it cannot be said that he has found his own path, has already vaguely taken shape.

She combined the 'treasure technique' of the perfect world with the way of talismans and seals, or in other words, integrated the former into the latter, making the way of talismans and seals more suitable for herself, and invented a method of use that exerted greater power.

Although this approach cannot be said to be original, it is also very rare.

In the future, it seems that this method cannot be passed down in all the worlds. Of course, the two must be completely integrated, and the "treasure technique" of the perfect world must be truly promoted. .

Otherwise, if you don’t know anything about the ‘treasure technique’ of the perfect world, you will have no choice but to learn this way.

Liu Hao also had no intention of helping Huo Ling'er. This was his opportunity. If he intervened, he could indeed accelerate Huo Ling'er's research on a large scale. However, when calculating the final contribution, he did not have to share the many benefits. for myself?

Dao Dao's awards will not be excluded just because you are a master helping a disciple. She is so fair and selfless, and the benefits will only be distributed to whomever belongs.

If he really intervenes, the benefits Huo Ling'er will get in the end may be even less than what he can get by groping bit by bit, and that is the real harm to the other party.

Because once Huo Ling'er explores it on his own in the future, although it cannot be called a path, it is still a path derived from a path, and its contribution to the Dao can also be described as huge.

To put it bluntly, it means establishing a sect, and the benefits gained from this can push Huo Ling'er to the rank of quasi-sage. There is really no problem.

Of course, Liu Hao also knew that this was only possible.

Just because you are the first to discover and initiate some things does not mean that you are the last to pick the fruits.

The treasures of the perfect world are placed there. How can anyone who comes into contact with them not think of the way of talismans and seals?

If you know something about the way of talisman and seal script, who doesn’t know how to combine the two?

Huo Ling'er has Liu Hao's teachings. It can only be said that she has started exploring this path and is one step ahead. However, it does not mean that she will be the winner in the end.

Many times, chance is the biggest catalyst. Just like some laboratory experiments, if a coincidence occurs, it may become a historical event that promotes the mortal world.

Historically, it was difficult for Li Guang to be sealed. Isn't that the case?

Time and time again, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave Li Guang the opportunity to become a marquis, but again and again, Li Guang was lost in the grasslands. He just couldn't meet the enemy, and he just couldn't make meritorious service and become a marquis. Where can you go to reason?

Effort and opportunity are really indispensable.

Liu Hao saw hard work in Huo Ling'er, but he couldn't guarantee whether Huo Ling'er would be able to seize this opportunity in the future.

According to Liu Hao's calculation, the chance of catching him is still quite high.

After all, Huo Ling'er not only had him as his master, but also had his little lover No. 10.

It seems like there aren’t many people in the world who can rival such a terrifying backer, right?

This means that although Huo Ling'er's luck is somewhat lacking now, it will be easy to catch up in the future.

Liu Hao also didn't care whether Huo Ling'er would raise any doubts about No. 10 when he met No. 10 again in the future and ask for answers from No. 10.

He was still unclear about the difference between active and passive, just like Huo Ling'er encountered doubts after comprehending it, and came to ask his master, could he still not answer it?

A little guidance is also appropriate.

As a master, doesn't he want Huo Ling'er to occupy this track?

He didn't have many expectations for his disciples, but that didn't mean he didn't have any expectations.

If one day all of his disciples could be included in the list he was looking forward to, wouldn't he be able to burst into laughter?

Within his sight, Liu Hao could see at a glance how many problems Huo Ling'er was good at with the Suzaku Talisman and Seal script method, after introducing the fusion of treasure techniques.

But it must be admitted that Huo Ling'er almost created his own unique skills in this talisman.

That is to say, there is no need to carve the talisman seals. According to one's own thoughts, the Suzaku can wrap around Huo Ling'er and fly around;

Whether it was protecting Huo Ling'er or attacking enemies in the abyss, Huo Ling'er seemed to have developed an offensive and defensive method unique to Huo Ling'er through his exploration.

This method is very immature in Liu Hao's eyes, and numerous flaws can be seen at a glance, but in Huo Ling'er's realm, it is already considered rare.

He also seemed to find that his incarnation sending Yan Lingji away was not a good thing for Huo Ling'er.

As far as fire magic is concerned, Huo Ling'er and Yan Lingji can indeed promote each other;

But it must also be admitted that once Huo Ling'er gets used to discussing everything with Yan Lingji, dependence will definitely form over time, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

On the contrary, Liu Hao, the virgin Yan Lingji, must admit that it makes sense for her to be on his wish list.

Even if Yan Lingji is ranked very far behind in Liu Hao's expectation list, almost at the bottom, she is still on the list, which means that Yan Lingji has already gone her own way.

Sometimes, it doesn't matter how high your cultivation level is to get others' attention.

In the eyes of a truly strong person, and within Liu Hao's expectations, Quasi-Sage does have a considerable advantage, but it will never be a decisive factor.

On the contrary, the most important thing is whether the monk has found his own path.

Because the latter is often the only thing that determines whether a monk can truly escape from the long river of fate in the long run.

There are countless Daluo Golden Immortals, but there are not many people who can realize the Daluo Dao Fruit in all the heavens and worlds combined.

This can be stacked with the quasi-sage, and that is the real chasm for attaining Hunyuan.

In Liu Hao's mind, whether you can realize Hunyuan in the future determines whether you have the qualifications to truly resist the abyss.

Among the list he is looking forward to, almost everyone has this chance. Even if there are many people, the chance is very slim, but there is an essential difference.

At least he hasn't seen it from Huo Ling'er yet;

On the other hand, even among Liu Hao's earthly monks, Yan Lingji's cultivation level can only be said to be a little above average. She has indeed understood herself and how she should walk in the future, and she is no longer confused.

The headless fly, even if it is still flying, on the long road, the winner in the final race can only be the tortoise that stays on the road, even if it moves slowly.

Moreover, in Liu Hao's eyes, Yan Lingji is not without advantages.

He is Huo Ling'er's supporter, and he can also be Yan Lingji's supporter.

Any saint or Hunyuan who saw Yan Lingji couldn't tell at a glance that Yan Lingji had followed Liu Hao's life as a virgin?

This label will not be lost just because Yan Lingji has left Liu Hao.

In the future, when Liu Hao attains enlightenment, this label will become brighter and brighter, until one day Yan Lingji herself attains enlightenment.

The previous case was Haotian Ye.

Even though Haotian is already the Emperor of Heaven, Honghuang still doesn't know much about Haotian's first concept of the identity of Hongjun boy.

But when Haotian truly becomes a saint in the future, Sanqing will completely ignore it and call him 'junior brother', let alone others.

Things like chance are so interesting sometimes.

As a monk from a low-level world, Yan Lingji has become her biggest advantage.

Almost starting from scratch, traveling all the way, following Liu Hao through the heavens, every bit of sight, every bit of harvest, for Yan Lingji, is the accumulation of foundation, and that is why Yan Lingji is what she is today.

She seems to have hit the right mark, but isn't it the result of Yan Lingji simply grabbing every opportunity she encounters and digesting it completely?

She has become the totem of the Han Empire and the deity in the hearts of all the people of Liu Bang's Han Empire.

Facing the faith of one world, she remained unmoved, and one can imagine her tenacity.

She fed back these beliefs to all living beings in the Han Empire one by one, which in turn further consolidated her position in the hearts of the people of the Han Empire.

To put it bluntly, even if Liu Hao goes, he will not be able to surpass Yan Lingji in the eyes of the people of Liu Bang's Han Empire, nor will he be able to take away any trace of Yan Lingji's aura.

This is what people deserve.

But everything about Yan Lingji is also not replicable at all.

Yan Lingji, who possesses the blood of the Witch Clan, isn't she a special being?

From the moment when Empress Hou Tu entrusted Liu Hao to take a group of the Wu Clan into the heavens, it was destined that Yan Lingji would have a causal connection with the ancient Wu Clan.

The moment Yan Lingji met this group of witches, she was destined to have the identity and destiny of a witch.

To a certain extent, she is also another Chi You. Yan Lingji, who has human characteristics, doesn't she have a human identity as well as a witch identity?

This advantage alone is enough to benefit Yan Lingji for a lifetime.

In particular, this group of witches is the first person to recognize the status of witches after entering the heavens.

That is to say, when this group of witches entered the heavens, they did not bring a few innate spiritual treasures from the Pangu Palace in the hands of Empress Houtu. Otherwise, most of these innate spiritual treasures would already be in the hands of Yan Lingji.

In the future, both the last surviving Gonggong and Xingtian and others will give special care to Yan Lingji, and will definitely seek the innate spiritual treasure that best suits Yan Lingji from Empress Houtu.

This advantage is enough to crush 99% of people.

It is an existence that others can only envy, envy, and hate to no avail.

Similarly, when Empress Houtu sees Yan Lingji in the future, won’t her heart be tilted?

It is inevitable that there is almost no need for analysis.

Even though she became the master of the ancient tunnels, Queen Houtu was still a member of the Witch Clan. She was born in the Witch Clan. Seeing the decline of the Witch Clan in the Wilderness without being able to stop it was already the biggest pain in Queen Houtu's heart.

Now that all the worlds are connected, the Witch Clan has the possibility of rising again, how could Empress Houtu not seize it.

Even if we know that it is impossible to have the same protagonist status as the human race in the future, wouldn't it be good to make the Wu clan more prosperous?

A larger population also means that the Wu clan can continue to a greater extent even if it encounters another crisis in the future. Isn't this part of Houtu Empress' plan?

It is almost unnecessary to think about it, Liu Hao also knows that Empress Houtu will definitely support a monk who is both a witch and a human being, and the first choice for this person will only be Yan Lingji.

Because she was the first one of her own recognized by this group of prehistoric witch clan.

The first one is always special.

Because Yan Lingji was not a local monk in ancient times, even Hongjun and Nuwa Empress would not be overly concerned about her support, especially the saints.

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Combining these two factors, it is almost a foregone conclusion that Yan Lingji will gain the support of Empress Houtu and the entire prehistoric witch clan in the future.

This advantage also means that Yan Lingji will never have a shortage of luck for a long time in the future.

With this advantage alone, even if Yan Lingji is still confused, she must appear on the list that Liu Hao is looking forward to. What's more, Yan Lingji is no longer confused at all and has entered the list on her own.

Her only shortcoming may be that Yan Lingji's cultivation is not enough.

But don’t these all need to be given time?

In terms of time, who is not fair?

Now, the Han Empire established by Liu Bang has fully entered the heavens, which also means that Yan Lingji’s first fast lane is opening;

Perhaps it won't be long before Yan Lingji is on Liu Hao's expectation list. The next time she sees her, she will jump directly to the lower level and be ranked in the middle or upper level.

Huo Ling'er does not have these advantages now. It can only be said that even if Huo Ling'er is Liu Hao's disciple and No. 10 wife, she can still only be on the reserve list. Whether she can join or not still needs to be left to God's will. . (End of chapter)

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