Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-five, comparison

Chapter 1949 Comparison

1965, Yan Lingji

There are so many talents in all the worlds.

Liu Hao knew very well that he was only trying to detect the possibility.

Just like Yan Lingji, if Liu Hao had not gone to the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty, everything happening in the Qin Empire would be completely different from what it is now.

Perhaps, it is still unknown whether the Great Qin Empire in the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty can persist.

Before Liu Hao entered the Qin Shi Mingyue World, the first thing to pass through this passage was the monster beast. Even if the number was sparse at first, over time, the entire beautiful North and South Continents of the Qin Shi Mingyue World would not be completely occupied by monster beasts?

If a real demon clan enters at this time, the demon beasts that enter it will not be united by it one by one?

Once such a situation is formed, how long can the humans in the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty persist in the hands of the demon clan?

This is reality.

All the differences were due to Liu Hao's discovery. He saw the Qin Shi Mingyue World Passage and stepped into it, and everything changed.

Liu Hao can't admire Ying Zheng enough.

The Yanhuang civilization and the First Emperor Yingzheng were an existence that could never be ignored. In terms of ancient Yanhuang history, it can be called the "Pre-Qin".

To put it bluntly, even the ancients believed that the emergence of the First Emperor Ying Zheng made the Yanhuang civilization enter a higher civilization structure, which was a true sublimation.

Now that he saw it, Liu Hao had no reason not to help.

He gave Ying Zheng "a little bit". This little bit was more of an opportunity, and the First Emperor Ying Zheng really seized it, and he was able to develop Qin Shi Mingyue's originally simple practice by leaps and bounds;

Ying Zheng unified the human race, resisted the monsters from Liu Hao's Earth, and developed into the Great Qin Empire that no force can ignore in Liu Hao's Earth.

Of course, he must also thank Liu Hao for taking Liu Bang and Zhang Liang away. The loss of these two talented people in the Han Empire also caused the turbulence that should have occurred within Yingzheng to disappear, and also allowed its initial construction to become More effective.

It's not that Liu Hao looks down on Xiang Yu, but that he is a rough guy. Such a guy is not worth mentioning in front of the First Emperor.

He didn't know how Ying Zheng treated Xiang Yu, and he had no interest in knowing it. He just wanted to see that the Qin Empire was worthy of the opportunity he had given him.

As for the rise of the Great Qin Empire in the Mingyue World during the Qin Dynasty, which led to the fall of other geniuses who were supposed to appear in it, Liu Hao didn't care at all.

If you can't cross this small threshold, no matter how talented you are, what's the point?

Who doesn’t know that a fallen genius is not a genius at all?

Everyone knows that what can be saved until the end is the most precious.

Back in the Qin Dynasty, there were many practitioners in Mingyue World. Although these practitioners were like ants in Liu Hao's eyes, some of them still had very good character.

It's not that among this group of people, Yan Lingji is the most valuable to cultivate, but Liu Hao didn't choose Yan Lingji in the end.

The reason for this is the memory before the time travel. Who made the original plot, Yan Lingji, leave the most memories to Liu Hao?

He clearly remembered that Yan Lingji was imprisoned in a fish tank and became a mermaid. That startling glimpse was enough to leave a deep impression on Liu Hao. If he had the opportunity to see it with his own eyes, how could he miss it?

This 'obsession' allowed Liu Hao to take the action of going to see Yan Lingji in person. Only with this action did Liu Hao have the infinite future he saw in Yan Lingji. The action of carrying it away from the world of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty.

Even Liu Hao did not expect that Yan Lingji would grow to the level she is today after following him out of Qin Shi Mingyue World, and would be able to leave her name on his expected list.

But didn’t Yan Lingji fight for all of this herself?

During the years when she was a virgin by Liu Hao's side, Yan Lingji could be said to have read books all over the world. She went through every world and absorbed nutrients crazily.

She is different from Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang is always willing to read the history of all worlds and look for the context of evolution. However, Yan Lingji is completely opposite. She can only read through many histories at most, and it is enough to understand just one. sufficient.

What she likes to read most are the books that carry thoughts from many worlds. She is not immersed in them, but is like a bystander, learning but not practicing, and gradually develops a vague aloofness in her.

Yan Lingji is cold at heart.

In fact, she is not used to being born in the world, nor does she like it. What she is most happy with is the peace in her own little world, quietly watching the changes in the world.

Yan Lingji is not proficient in the so-called participating in and stirring up changes in the situation, and she is not willing to do so.

Even in the mythical world, when helping Liu Bang establish the Han Empire, which one was actually not because of Liu Hao's orders?

She and Liu Bang and Zhang Liang had lived together for a long time and had a lot of feelings. They were like brothers and sisters, but only Yan Lingji herself knew how much these feelings were.

Deep down, Yan Lingji was lonely, and she was used to being alone, and gradually began to enjoy it.

Her long-term practice has gradually imprinted this loneliness in her bones. Even if others see Yan Lingji smiling at her, they can still see the feeling that is alienating thousands of miles away.

Here, there is also the reason why Yan Lingji gradually became clear about her future path, and it is also why in Liu Hao's eyes, Yan Lingji was born to be a 'divine Buddha'.

She is naturally very consistent with Buddhism and is suitable for others to enshrine.

This may also be related to the fact that before Liu Hao found her, Yan Lingji was already a 'holy girl' in many tribes in Baiyue.

From childhood to adulthood, the environment has already shaped Yan Lingji's character, and it has also become a fundamental part of Yan Lingji.

She was also lucky. She met Liu Hao and listened to Liu Hao's analysis of the power of faith. She has not been addicted to it so far, even with the power of faith contributed by countless people in Liu Bang's Han Empire.

She also did not waste it, but gradually combined what she knew and figured out a way to use the power of faith to feed back to all living beings, transforming it into a skill that heals believers today.

Liu Hao also knew that the power of faith was transformed into healing skills, most of which were borrowed from the methods of priests under the God of Light, and even the codes were basically the same.

But so what?

The process is never the most important, the most important thing is always the result and effect.

Yan Lingji fed back the power of these beliefs to the believers, which in turn gave these believers more pious beliefs.

In fact, Yan Lingji was able to establish her own religion at this time, such as the Pope of Light and others in the Western fantasy world.

But this path was not favored by Yan Lingji, or in other words, Yan Lingji didn't care about it at all.

Liu Hao has told her clearly that the easiest thing to get will also be the easiest thing to lose.

This kind of self-driven surge driven by external force will eventually stagnate or even fall crazily due to the loss of this external force.

Furthermore, once you are contaminated with it, it also means that you will never be able to truly get rid of it for the rest of your life.

It’s not like there are no other options, is it necessary?

She made a choice that was beneficial to herself, and indeed her cultivation did not advance rapidly, but she was better because of her solid foundation, combined with her own Witch Clan bloodline, even if Yan Lingji was in the prehistoric world, she was at the same level of cultivation. She doesn't need to be afraid of anyone.

Such a comparison was something Liu Hao never expected when he took Yan Lingji away.

At the beginning, Liu Hao only saw the bright future in Yan Lingji, but he never expected that this light would be so bright.

Liu Hao was naturally happy about this, and at least he gained the honorific title of being a wise man.

Who wouldn't be happy to have a few more nice names? Even Liu Hao himself is not immune to this.

Who made it difficult for several of his disciples to get on the stage compared to Yan Lingji?

Although he told himself countless times in his heart not to put too much pressure on his disciples, what if they were all just ordinary people in the future? Couldn't he still be able to protect them?

But if he doesn't want his disciples to be independent in the future, that's impossible.

Who doesn’t want their children to become successful?

The Huo Ling'er in front of him was actually the top one among Liu Hao's disciples, but even so, he could only be among the candidates on his waiting list. How could he not be a little depressed in his heart?

Perhaps he also missed a few disciples, and this longing made Liu Hao think of Tsunade and Hawkeye.

"It's time for Tsunade to come to an end in the Qinling Magical World!"

He blurted out that it was indeed a good thing to persuade Tsunade to go to Qinling Magic World at the time, but now it seems to be unpredictable.

Liu Hao did not have accurate information on whether ninjas had developed into one of the mainstream in the magical world of Qinling.

Without this information, he actually knew that the 'push' he had originally intended would most likely fail.

In other words, so far, Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, Tsunade and Otsutsuki Kaguya have not won the position of God King among them, and they still cannot truly be on an equal footing with many of them.

In other words, even if many people have learned about ninjas in the magical world of Qinling, and even regard them as the main body of their own practice, their number and influence are only mediocre and not enough. Let the world truly recognize it.

From this point of view, Tsunade's gains from it will not be much in the future.

Without the real progress, there is not much meaning in continuing to stay in it.

Instead of doing this, it would be more practical to let him return to Liu Hao's earth, the hub of the heavens, and come to the abyss front of the Zhoutian Star Formation under his control to gain merit.

He thought about it and did it. Hawkeye went to the Perfect World, but there has been no news of his return. He doesn't know what happened to that guy. He can't predict whether he will live or die, let alone send him a message.

But it is easy for Tsunade to do it. She only needs to send the message to the senior officials of her Dragon Kingdom, and they will send it to the Qinling Magic World and deliver it to Tsunade.

Although he has not seen the changes in the Qinling Mountains today, he has guessed from the combination of many information how much the influence of his Dragon Kingdom has doubled in the magical world of the Qinling Mountains.

In the magical world of Qinling, even the most powerful empire will most likely only grovel in front of Little China, which was established by the Dragon Kingdom sent therein, right?

The humans in the Qinling Magic World may be like frogs at the bottom of a well, thinking that they have seen the whole world and are blindly arrogant, but the God Kings among them know very well what kind of respect they should give to the gods who have left the Qinling Magic World.

You know, to this day, Yun Zhongzi is still cultivating in it. As long as Yun Zhongzi is there for a day, the original god kings of Qinling Magic World will have to crawl with their heads.

The gap between heaven and earth was so vast that when faced with it, I felt like an ant.

Once you experience this feeling once, you will never forget it.

The more they are used to being aloof, the more aware they are of the cruelty at the top. They never want to fall down because of any disrespect on their part.

The biggest reason why they still tolerated Hashirama and Uchiha Madara's attacks again and again was that they were afraid of killing them and thus angering Yun Zhongzi.

Little did they know that in Yun Zhongzi's eyes, these people were not worth mentioning at all. Even if they were all dead, Yun Zhongzi would not look at them twice.

Liu Hao may not care about the life or death of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, but Tsunade cannot ignore them.

Thinking of it, it is natural to recall it. Since that world is of little value to Tsunade, why continue to toss in it?

But he didn't help Tsunade make the decision. He didn't care whether Tsunade would also take away Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, Otsutsuki Kaguya and others.

Coming out is an opportunity. Coming to the abyss battlefield can be regarded as a fighting force.

As for their departure, which caused the god kings of the Qinling Magic World to follow them into the heavens, looking for Shuyuan www.スzhaoshuyuan.com might give Liu Hao one more look.

Those god-kings can be regarded as those who have achieved the Daluo Dao Fruit. Even if they are separated from the destiny of the original magical world, their combat effectiveness will not be reduced at all;

But without the source of faith, it is difficult to predict how much durability can be left.

No matter how you look at it, it is also rare experimental data, and it is even more impossible for him to stop it.

But he also knew that the god-kings of the magical world, who had been accustomed to peace for a long time and were accustomed to fighting with the blessing of the power of faith, would feel somewhat uneasy in their hearts. Otherwise, some of them would have stepped into the heavens long ago.

Didn't the God of Life in that world step into his own earth back then? It was a bit of a journey, right? Didn’t you finally return to your home world?

In the final analysis, their prosperity is more or less based on the foundation of foreign objects.

Perhaps this is the worst thing about shortcuts, right?

Liu Hao was too lazy to continue investing his energy in these guys. He thought more about Tsunade. He didn't know if this guy had followed his original instructions. At least he was a friend in his weak days. He didn't want the future Tsunade could only choose one path.

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