Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-six, Hawkeye Tsunade Hinata

1966. Hawkeye Tsunade Hinata

Maybe he also wanted to beat Tsunade and Hawkeye. Liu Hao also had to admit that among the two, if Hawkeye was still alive, he would probably be on his list of expectations next time he saw him.

This guy's willpower is extremely strong.

There are countless people who are single-minded, so is Jiraiya the same?

But where a muscle is used often determines a person's future.

Jiraiya, the biggest obsession in his heart has always been Konoha.

In the world of Naruto, it cannot be said that it is not good, it is my hometown deep in my heart, but in the time of the world, a small rural village has completely become an obstacle for Jiraiya to climb the mountain.

Being unable to put it down means that Jiraiya can only be imprisoned for the whole day, like a domestic dog that has been bound by chains.

The same-minded Hawkeye is completely different.

Even in the world of One Piece, everything Hawkeye has is almost filled with swordsmanship;

Since meeting Liu Hao, Hawkeye's vision has only improved. He is no longer obsessed with who to compete with for the first place in swordsmanship, but wants to compete with anyone for the first place with his own swordsmanship.

This kind of Hawkeye's pursuit of his own strength and his own swordsmanship can be said to have become his only one.

When Hawkeye decides to step into the perfect world again, it means that Hawkeye will always climb towards the highest peak in it.

This process is naturally extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may leave your body inside.

It wasn't that Liu Hao couldn't figure out whether Hawkeye was still alive, but he didn't want to and was worried that he would be sad if he got the result of Hawkeye's death.

He looked forward to the day when Hawkeye would be able to step out of it. Even if there were countless scars on his body, the light in his eyes would still be bright.

By that time, Yingyan's cultivation level will never be low. Liu Hao even felt that Yingyan at that time must have conquered the Daluo Dao Fruit.

As for whether the existence of Hawkeye will bring about drastic changes to the established route of Perfect World, Liu Hao is actually not worried.

After all, Hawkeye is just Hawkeye, not him, and the luck comparison above his head is not on the same level.

He, Liu Hao, went to the Perfect World and found it difficult to die. In order to kill Liu Hao in the Perfect World, it would take the power of all sentient beings and the will of heaven and earth.

Such Liu Hao, even if he does nothing, will definitely cause changes in the world if he stays there for a long time.

But with Hawkeye, this possibility almost always remains a possibility.

Even Liu Hao must admit that even if Hawkeye continues to improve, in the entire perfect world, the number of people who can kill him is still unknown.

Joining it is just a member of ordinary people.

In fact, Liu Hao felt that if Hawkeye only knew how to ask for it and did not leave the knowledge he had learned, he would probably be buried in it.

But as long as Hawkeye is not stupid, he won't be so stingy.

He has been following Liu Hao for a long time, and he has learned many taboos in the world from Liu Hao's mouth. Such a possibility will most likely not happen. He is not a self-conscious person.

On the other hand, Tsunade seems to be open-minded in this regard, but in fact she is still persistent at heart.

In other words, the entire Naruto world is still very precious to its core.

Suddenly, Liu Hao also discovered that maybe Ninjutsu could not become a part of the mainstream in the Qinling Magical World, and it might just be here.

Be it Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara, they are happy to pass on ninjutsu to anyone in the magical world of Qinling.

But what percentage of their inheritance can they occupy?

Fifty percent or sixty percent?

But they will definitely keep everything they think is their trump card, even if Tsunade is on the other side, she will probably do the same, right?

If Tsunade hadn't seen that infinite vitality in herself;

If there was still a descendant of the Senju clan alive;

If Liu Hao had not taught Tsunade the 'immortal technique' that could purify her own bloodline;

It was impossible for Tsunade to teach her the family's trump card.

These three conditions are indispensable.

Tsunade was able to treat Liu Hao like this at the beginning, but it did not mean that Tsunade could do the same in the magical world of Qinling.

In terms of inner structure, the entire Naruto world is actually not as good as the One Piece world.

Also, what people fight for life and death is just a fight between five villages. In such an environment, how big can the pattern be?

Liu Hao understood better why Uzumaki Naruto and others settled down here directly after arriving at their dragon country's Australian base.

Even if he opens his mind a little, he can't bear to go back to the small village.

Because they know best that once they go back, there will always be countless rules that are bound to them. They may be able to endure it, but what about their children, will they continue to live the same life as they did in the past?

Uzumaki Naruto is stubborn, but he is never stupid. After they get married and have children, all their past thinking patterns will undergo earth-shaking changes. The small village of Konoha, in the past, Uzumaki Naruto saw When I came, it was heaven and earth, but now, it has become a burden.

You can't expect a hometown that always had countless harsh words for him in his childhood memories to still fill him with nostalgia.

Reality is always reality, whether it is novels or comics, it’s okay to take a look at it. No matter how beautiful it is, reality will teach people to make the most correct choice.

In addition, Uzumaki Naruto and others are still young. They are not like Jiraiya who was already in his fifties or sixties when he appeared on the scene. They are used to remembering the past, and they are more used to enjoying the infinite possibilities of the future.

In Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, the combination of several worlds will only improve their vision again and again. As for their hometown in the countryside, it is okay to miss it occasionally, but there is no possibility of letting them go back.

They are like fish that have landed on the beach, they can never go back, and there is no need to go back.

There are many such ninjas in Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

Which one of this group of people has not obtained the Dragon Kingdom Australian Base ID Card now?

Maybe they are the ones who are most obsessed with this ID card, right?

These ninjas seem to be luckier now than those ninjas who were initially brought to the magical world of Qinling by Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

At any rate, they have more choices.

Within the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, there are countless techniques left here by the gods. Even though these techniques are very basic, they are more valuable to these ninjas.

Over time, those who can still maintain their status as ninjas in the Naruto world must be very rare, right?

No one can ever give up when faced with the pursuit of a higher level.

As far as Liu Hao knew, the Qi training method he had left in the world of Naruto was now used in the world of Naruto.

Perhaps in a few decades, in the entire Naruto world, this group of practitioners will still consider themselves ninjas, but compared with the beginning, they will be completely different, right?

He knew that Tathagata stayed in the world of Naruto for a long time and left a legacy in it. Even if it was an extremely humble inheritance, it was the top existence in the world of Naruto.

Among the monks in the Naruto world, which one doesn’t know how to choose?

As far as Liu Hao observed, Uzumaki Naruto and others now gradually changed the name of the energy in their bodies from 'Chakra' to 'Qi', and they gradually began to express their inner feelings towards the mysterious and mysterious 'Qi'. pursuit.

This in itself is the natural pursuit of better things, and it is not transferred by any personal will.

They may still have some persistence in their hearts, but what about their children?

Be it Boruto or Himawari, they have almost no interest in ninjas, right?

Who would be willing to start on dirt when there are better starting points?

The higher the level of cultivation, who doesn’t know that good-looking special effects are the biggest waste of energy?

In the past, after Naruto Uzumaki transformed into the Nine-Tails and Six Paths, he looked like a little sun and looked so radiant, but in reality?

The amount of energy required to maintain this state is endless.

But in this situation, Uzumaki Naruto is only in the six realms of the Naruto world, and has not even reached the level of a sage. A random sage can easily crush him to death.

Have you ever seen any immortal fight with great force?

The more advanced they are, the more they return to their original nature. With every move they make, they affect the world, and any special effects they create actually do not require them to expend any energy to maintain them.

Any monk who has seen this essential difference knows how to choose.

The current Uzumaki Naruto has long since escaped from that extreme waste. Even if he is still making balls, they are only the size of a palm, but the power is fundamentally different.

The so-called Big Jade Rasengan had long been compressed by Uzumaki Naruto into a small dart, which could move as he pleased and hit wherever he pointed, and its power was bound to be even higher.

A half-hearted person is always flamboyant. The world of Naruto has changed like this in the past. After seeing the real world, when I think about it, I feel very embarrassed. How could I be so good in the first place?

This point also applies to Hinata Hinata.

Just to hit someone, do you need to condense a large amount of chakra in your hands?

Hinata Hinata, who has transformed most of her chakra into spiritual energy, has long been free from such a choice.

Although her current fighting methods still retain many of her past habits, she has become very calm. The Tai Chi Bagua where she steps does not need to be shown in images, but is like a force field, following around her body. Wherever she is, her attitude will follow.

Her eyes don't need to be as green and veiny as they used to be. Her eyesight talent has blossomed, but her appearance has not changed at all.

In other words, if she is willing, as long as she opens her eyes, the talent in her eyes will already be opened.

So far, only she knows best to which level Hinata's eyes have evolved.

If you observe carefully, you will find that even if Hinata Hinata relies on physical skills to inflict damage on abyssal species, the energy released through her hands can directly point to the enemy's soul.

This can only be caused by the transformation of Hinata's eyesight talent.

This little girl who was shy at first glance has now grown into a real combat power.

She followed Naruto Uzumaki and became a wife, but she did not lose any of her cultivation because of it.

Also, after all, Konoha is not in the plot. Although the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom is very stable, the external pressure is far from comparable to that of the Naruto world.

Here, if you don't make progress, it means you are about to be eliminated. For this reason, Hinata cannot stop for a moment.

Likewise, the conditions here are by no means comparable to those in the Naruto World.

Not to mention anything else, the unique women's academy in Dragon Kingdom's Australian base is enough to make every girl who joins it understand that the most reliable thing is always her own strength. As long as she joins it, slacking off will always be ignored.

Liu Hao did not evaluate whether Hinata Hinata's personality had changed, nor did he need to analyze it.

As long as women have their own children, no matter how weak they were in the past, their inner strength will inevitably emerge.

Now that Hinata is in the Zhoutian Star Formation, fighting with abyssal species, isn't this the most striking example?

Within the entire Zhou Tianxing Formation, there were quite a few teachers and students from the Women's College of the Australian Base of Longguo.

It is certain that every teacher and student of Longguo Australia Base Women's College has gone back and forth here several times, right?

It must be admitted that this half-baked women's college has greatly promoted the status of women.

In troubled times, what any individual can rely on most is his own strength. He will not give you any special care because you are a girl, nor will he be cruel because you are a girl. Things won't happen to you.

But it must also be admitted that girls are always at a disadvantage in such an environment.

If you sum up, you will find that among teams with their own components, the proportion of women is always lagging behind.

This has already explained a lot of problems. To put it bluntly, with the same number of men and women, women have a smaller chance of rising. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

This point has been greatly improved in the Dragon Kingdom Australian base.

Among them, there are quite a few teams built specifically for women, and the key factor among them is this women's college that was built haphazardly.

The reason why she has developed into the most representative women's academy in the entire Liu Hao Earth today is not because of the fighting power they have exerted for a long time?

Even though the original founders, Tsunade, Unohana Retsu and Luo Hao, have left, the successors are still working hard to develop according to their established lines.

Hinata is also one of the representatives, and her daughter, Uzumaki Himawari, is now bound to be a part of it, continuing her mother's role in it.

As far as Liu Hao knew, even within his own Dragon Kingdom, there were countless people who wanted to get into this women's college.

Her name has long been established, and even in the surviving countries and bases of Laoou, she has a huge influence, inspiring one after another women among them.

Liu Hao didn't know if there were women from the old European areas who had passed the exam here. Even if not, they would probably appear in the future, even if it was just for an advertisement. But for women from these areas, wasn't it a huge hope? (End of chapter)

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