Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred sixty-seven, education

1967, education

In an era where one relies on one's own force to gain a foothold, women are always the weaker party.

There is no doubt about it.

When it comes to talking, they are not afraid of anyone. Even Liu Hao understands this. Of course, that was before time travel.

With the revival of spiritual energy, Liu Hao's entire social structure on earth has undergone earth-shaking changes. When survival requires one's own strength to fight, the compassion in his heart will inevitably be restrained, and even must be completely hidden.

Liu Hao had not left the Dragon Kingdom at the beginning, and he did not have a deep understanding of this.

But later, after he visited many countries, even if he didn't summarize the data, it was clear at a glance.

Just like the many surviving gathering places in the old European area, their number was very small, and their ratio reached an unimaginable level. The so-called gentlemanly demeanor had long been thrown out of the sky by them at that moment.

Such data comparison, even if it has not been restored to this day, may show its preciousness. When safety is guaranteed, their gentlemanly demeanor seems to be back, superficial, but everyone knows that it is just a performance.

No one is a fool, and they among them are no exception. When they clearly realize that they are not reliable, their efforts even exceed theirs.

If you take a look at those security bases at this time, you will find that they are completely independent and no longer expect to hand over their safety to others.

From the Internet, they also saw the Dragon Kingdom on the same planet, and saw that the women of the Dragon Kingdom were indeed well protected. Their mentality in their bones had changed. They told their daughters that if they had the opportunity to go to the Dragon Kingdom, they should not go to the Dragon Kingdom. Don't hesitate and don't look back.

This most profound contrast is the biggest support for them to keep their minds clear at all times.

When they learned that there was such a academy specifically built for women at Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, their desires were much higher than Liu Hao imagined now.

Liu Hao thought that the isolation of thousands of mountains and rivers forced those areas to be unable to send their daughters to the academy, but he underestimated the determination of these people.

The Nordic forest has been occupied by the elves. As a country and a gathering place that is already close to this place, how could they know nothing about it?

Even if the elves are strictly guarding these countries and gathering places, some information that should be spread can still be analyzed through the Internet. For example, many of them already know that among the elves, there is a person who can lead directly to the dragon country and Australia. The base's teleportation array.

This is their greatest hope.

Expressing one's goodwill is a basic ability of human beings. Even if the elves are wary of the surrounding humans, how should you deal with an opponent who shows its belly to you?

The reality is that in these countries and gathering places, every time the members of the Elf clan open the teleportation array and go to the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom, they will always bring a few women with them from these countries and regions.

These women are almost all chosen by the elves after strict selection, and they have already been tested by the elves in this Nordic forest.

These women, who can break into the territory of the elves, already have the ability to protect themselves. Even if they arrive at the Dragon Kingdom Australia base, their cultivation is nothing, they can easily support themselves, and they can also have the ability to be admitted to the Dragon Kingdom Australia. Women's College Eligibility.

This is enough for them.

It is natural for human beings to stick together.

The reason for this is still a sense of security, an urgent need for a sense of security, and an urgent desire to integrate into a certain team.

For these women, Longguo Australian Women's College is the top one, bar none.

They made their choice, and those who succeeded also got all the answers they had longed for in the past. In the academy, there was no need to spend money or pay any price, and they could get countless skills to read and give them. With time, you can always find the one that suits you best.

They have transformed in it. In fact, it is not that they themselves have this talent, and they have arrived at a place that is truly suitable for them, and they have fully stimulated this talent.

This is also the happiest place for the elves.

The Nordic elves have always been women, and only women. As for the reason, Liu Hao has no way of knowing, and it is difficult to ask.

He only knows that whenever these elves choose to marry humans, her household registration in the elves will be stripped away. In other words, the married elves will have the same surname as their husbands in Western civilization. reason.

For example, those elves who married Liu Hao, a man from the Dragon Kingdom, immediately obtained a Dragon Kingdom household registration.

If the offspring conceived after their union are male, you will find that they have completely inherited their father's genes and are no different from the real people of the Dragon Kingdom. Regardless of skin color or other things, at most, each one is very handsome. For magic and archery, the talent is relatively high.

If they are daughters, it will look different. The biggest feature is that their ears will be biased towards the elves. They may not be as sharp as the elves, but they are still much better than humans.

Each of these daughters is as beautiful as a fairy, or like an angel in Western civilization. The different proportions of the genes they inherited from their parents make their beauty look in different directions.

Some are blond and blue-eyed, and some are completely consistent with the humans in the Dragon Kingdom, or they are mixed-race, and their hair colors are all kinds of weird.

But it is undeniable that each of them is really talented.

It is also for this reason that Liu Haolong's country is keen on introducing elf wives. It can be said that they refuse all comers, and even set up a special agency to track and protect these elf wives.

This is an extremely precious resource. Who wouldn’t understand this?

As a human being in the modern world, Liu Haolongguo does not have the rigid thinking of those ancient people.

For example, the disciples of the aristocratic families in the mythical Three Kingdoms world would never be willing to hand over their wives to women other than Yanhuang.

But these do not exist for one person or the world of bright swords.

This is gossip, let’s not mention it for now, just say that Longguo Australian Women’s College, after expanding again and again, has now accepted more than 10,000 students in each session, and has established hundreds of majors.

Compared with universities before the resurgence of spiritual energy, these majors are not very restrictive. For example, when a student feels that it is difficult for him to have a real future in this major, changing majors is nothing more than an application.

Since the revival of spiritual energy, from the initial exploration of education, it has now formed a relatively appropriate system.

Just like Longguo Australian Women's College, past credits are still retained, but there is no requirement that it must be completed within four years, nor does it require a certain number of credits.

They have their own set of behavior patterns, and credits are one of them. In addition to credits, they also have assessment methods.

For example, a student who has low talent in other aspects but is outstanding in a certain aspect may also become a protected student.

For example, if this student has a relatively high talent for alchemy, shouldn't he cultivate it?

Who doesn't understand that fighting against the enemy is a manifestation of strength, and isn't refining alchemy a manifestation of strength?

It may be difficult for her to kill enemies in the future, or she may be a serious hindrance when it comes to the battlefield.

But it can only be said that this career is not suitable for her.

Her alchemy talent is also needed by the human race. Even at the very back, she can still make due contributions to the human race when they face the enemy, and this contribution is even far greater than that of his original classmates.

This is career choice. Since the revival of spiritual energy, a new career system has been vaguely formed, and countless positions outside of combat have been derived.

Can you say that these professions and positions have no contribution?

It's just that in this era of spiritual energy recovery, everyone has more or less a sense of insecurity in their hearts. They always feel that their own fighting power truly represents everything. When their own fighting power is insufficient, they always subconsciously invest more. Put more effort into practicing.

This approach is a big waste for those who have difficulty in possessing combat talents, because if these people devote more energy to a path that truly suits their talents, they can go further. in a high position.

But everyone understands these principles, but it is difficult to put them into practice.

Or even impossible to implement at all.

Even in the Dragon Kingdom Australian Women's College, to train these people, shouldn't they have to set aside some time to practice fighting?

You may not be good at fighting, but you must not know how to fight.

When danger comes, it is often caught off guard. Even if you are not good at it, you still have to delay waiting for the savior to arrive.

That is to say, Liu Hao has not carefully observed Longguo Australian Women's College for a long time, otherwise, he would have discovered that the Liangyi Mochen Taichi card he had refined by coincidence in the past has now received a huge boost.

In the women's college, almost every student who chooses the logistics major wears one around their neck.

How to activate the formation in this jade tablet and how to maintain the protection of the jade tablet's two-dimensional dust formation are important compulsory courses for this group of people.

In fact, this approach is not only implemented in the Australian Women's College of Dragon Kingdom, but has been promoted in Liu Hao, Long Kingdom and even the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

The only difference is which level of monk made these Liangyi Dust Tai Chi Jade Tablets, and which level of monk the person who poured the energy into them belongs to.

These levels of monks who create and instill energy are the highest level of protection for this jade tablet.

It may not last long, but it's perfectly fine to delay for a while.

It can even be a disposable item, but for the professionals in the rear, it is also a real life-saving strategy.

Sometimes, there is a fundamental difference between having and not having this kind of investment.

A sense of security is hard to describe.

It is more of a kind of spiritual comfort. When you realize that even if you encounter a crisis, you have a way to deal with it, you will inevitably appear more calm. This calmness in you will also make those who want to Enemies who want to harm you become timid, but your security actually increases.

This seems like a cycle, but it is real.

Its appearance can be said to have directly made the entire Liu Haolong Kingdom's rear area more stable, just like the original sandy land suddenly turned into a cement slab.

A solid foundation is the greatest support for building a higher level.

Don't think this is a joke. When security is better guaranteed, these logistics personnel who originally did not have much talent in combat can completely use the time they originally had to practice fighting to do things that really need them to do. Efficiency is naturally greatly improved.

A simple example is that they refine more pills every day.

Spending more time studying what they are good at also makes their professional abilities more stable. Over time, why can't they really carve out their own world on this path?

Even if the longevity of monks is far greater than that of ordinary people, as long as they fail to realize the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit, their time is still limited. They spend more time in positions that they are not good at, or even have very poor talents. It's a huge waste.

Even Liu Hao must admit that after the spiritual energy was revived, this gradually formed a systematic education. Compared with before the spiritual energy was revived, the benefits it brought to the lower classes have far exceeded.

Although it cannot be said that everyone's talents are fully utilized, it is beyond any era.

Whether it is the Dragon Kingdom where Liu Hao is located or the worlds that subsequently joined the Yanhuang Alliance, their investment in it is constantly increasing. It seems that as long as they have spare power, they never care how much they invest.

They know best that this is the future and this is where hope lies.

Among them, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com How much of it is to resist the countless sects in the prehistoric world, Liu Hao himself is difficult to predict.

But the effect is equally extraordinary.

Compared with the countless information that can be consulted at any time in the entire education system, which sect can compare?

Even if you want to join those legendary sects, it doesn't seem too late until you graduate from college, right?

At that point in time, although my thinking cannot be said to have matured, I can at least figure out which direction my talents are really good at.

And after more than ten years of education in it, even if they join these sects in the future, will they lose their feelings for this huge education system?

It is said that emotions in the student years are the purest. There is a lot of truth in why this saying can be spread in society.

These students who later joined the sect, when they have children in the future, they will definitely think of the education model they received at the beginning, and most of them will send their children to school.

This may be the most tacit resistance of Liu Haolong Kingdom and even the entire Yanhuang Alliance, not to mention it?

For this reason, even if the disciples of the saints entered university, they would not care, and would even welcome them. (End of chapter)

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