Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and seventy, Tsunade

1970, Tsunade

Liu Hao Earth, Qinling Mountains, where the world passage is, a figure walked out of it, dressed in green, with golden hair, erect and fierce, with a crystal embellishment between the eyebrows, and ripples faintly emanating from it.

This person was Tsunade who left the magical world of Qinling after receiving Liu Hao's message.

In the magical world of Qinling, Tsunade's gains were not as rare as Liu Hao imagined.

Instead, she got a huge one.

It is a whole system recognized by the Qinling Magic World.

Ninjutsu must be admitted to be an inferior practice system among all the worlds.

But sometimes a low level also has a huge advantage, that is, it is very easy to get started.

In the magical world of Qinling Mountains, the spiritual energy is relatively strong. In local terms, magical elements can be found everywhere in the world.

In such an environment, the physical fitness of the local humans in Qinling Magic World is not bad, even if they are mortals. Based on this, it is very easy to integrate one's own mental power with physical energy to condense chakra.

It can almost be said that in the magical world of Qinling, any individual can become a ninja in a short time if given time.

For the mortals at the lowest level, they don't care that the so-called ninja is a waste of their own potential.

The possibility of having control over power is what they care about most.

In the past, you could only be at the mercy of others, but now you have some ability to fight back, and everyone knows how to choose.

Among them, the medical ninjutsu promoted by Tsunade spread like a virus. Wherever it passed, the originally aloof priests of the light no longer had the majesty of the past, and they could only step down from the altar and participate in This is the ultimate involution.

If Liu Hao observed the Qinling Magical World at this time, he would find that even modern medical methods are only the second or even third choice;

Even the medical system among hundreds of systems can only be suppressed by medical ninjutsu.

It is easy to use and can save most minor disasters and pains, which is enough to bring the entire Qinling magical world of medical ninjutsu out of the circle.

Even those high-ranking nobles, even among the huge cultivating forces, will select some at the bottom to learn this method, as if they don't have one at home, and they feel a little empty in their hearts.

It has gradually become a 'cold medicine' in the homes of ordinary people in the Qinling Magic World. It has not only taken root in it, but has also grown into a true sky-supporting tree.

Even the God King of Light, who clearly hates him, must admit that he is missing a trick in this regard.

One is that there are conditions for entry, and the other is that it seems that anyone can master it, and the answer will not be different even if the people vote with their feet.

And these are all what Tsunade did after arriving, forcibly turning a ninja system into a medical system.

Naturally, even if Tsunade was the last to arrive, she would benefit the most. Even Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara could only look back and sigh.

It's not that they don't want to get big, but that ninjas are really too low-level.

Even with the addition of spiritual energy, which is what the Naruto world calls celestial magic, it seems to be nothing more than that.

No one is a fool. Now that we have a way to extract the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, wouldn't it be better to directly refine it? Wouldn't it be better to go directly to the road construction route?

Is it necessary to risk your own body and choose the ninja path?

This reason alone is enough to make ninjutsu useless in the magical world of Qinling. If Tsunade hadn't arrived, their failure would have been a matter of time.

In turn, it was the arrival of Tsunade that caused ninjutsu to bloom another flower, which somehow continued, became a choice, and allowed it to bloom among the lowest level people.

But Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara didn't get many of these benefits, they could only share a little.

The systematization of inheritance is actually part of the line of belief collection. Respecting Tsunade as the ancestor of medical ninjutsu will naturally gain the worship of those who come after her, and naturally gain the power of belief from it.

And this itself, isn't it a kind of cultivation system in Qinling Magic World?

Isn’t this what those god-kings are fighting for?

Tsunade just got a little profit from it.

Tsunade also obeyed Liu Hao's instructions. For these unexpected gains, she did not choose to absorb them directly, but incorporated them into the Yin seal. When one day she encounters an uncontrollable danger, she can make a decision. Not too late.

After all, it is a manifestation of energy, and it can also save lives at critical moments.

Her choice was another surprise.

Now, the faintly flickering sacred meaning between her brows is one of the gains.

Isn't this a manifestation mode of deification?

People from the Buddhist sect have moles on their foreheads, which are obviously similar to the current Tsunade.

These are not the biggest gains from Tsunade's trip to the Qinling Magic World. The biggest thing is the accumulation of luck.

Spreading one's own inheritance to any world is a promotion for that world, and will also receive feedback from this world, and this feedback is luck.

After leaving the world of Naruto, she founded the Dragon Kingdom Australian Women's Academy with Unohana Retsu and Luo Hao, which was an important node in the improvement of Tsunade's luck. After that, she seemed to have not continued to get the same gains.

This acquisition made Tsunade's subsequent practice smooth sailing, but it also had its own limits.

She was lagging behind, not only compared to Luo Hao, but also compared to the current Uozhihua Lie, there was a big gap.

In the final analysis, it is still luck.

Now, she has finally made up for this last shortcoming. Not to mention that compared to those at the top, Tsunade's luck is at least above average.

The reason why Liu Hao thought of Tsunade and immediately urged her to return was so that Tsunade could devote all her time to the abyss front line of the Zhoutian Star Formation, accumulating bit by bit.

Now it seems that this starting line really exceeded Liu Hao's expectations.

But from another perspective, it is just right, because even if Tsunade continues to stay in the Qinling Magical World, medical ninjutsu will never become one of the real backbones of the Qinling Magical World, and can only be a main branch of its civilization. Just one of the above.

This factor determines that no matter how much time and energy Tsunade spends in the future, her gains will be limited.

Unless one day, Tsunade will truly realize Daluo Daoguo in the magical world of Qinling Mountains, and truly be qualified to compete with other local god kings for the fate of the entire world.

But are these possible?

Even if it is possible, what are the chances?

Have you seen Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara?

How much energy did they expend on this? Now, can’t we just continue to look up to those high-ranking god-kings under this throne?

Unless the entire Naruto world is integrated into the magical world of Qinling, there is a high probability that the competition will still be fought in the future. Even if it seems that those thrones are about to be touched in the future, it is actually limited to this.

Is it easy to compete for the highest throne in this world of others?

Even if the God-Kings don't stand in the way, is the will of the world really happy for you to take your place?

They are not Yun Neutrons. They will crush them as soon as they arrive. What they bring to the magical world of Qinling will also be true level evolution.

They are just ninjas. Even though they have made countless changes under the leadership of Liu Haolongguo, they are no longer true ninjas. However, their behavioral patterns and fighting methods have not changed much, and they are still the same in their bones. Considered part of the ninja.

Under this concept, the rejection of the world can be imagined.

This is still a situation where they actually pose little threat to the Supreme Throne. Allowing them to continue galloping is like holding two donkeys with a carrot and giving them some benefits to continue working.

This sounds unpleasant, but it is also reality.

For a certain stage, it was all right, but at Tsunade's current level, continuing to stay there would only be a waste of time.

She should thank Liu Hao for thinking of her, otherwise this waste would last for a long time.

The most pitiful thing is not that you can't see the future, but that you can clearly see the future, but you can't reach the other side. This can be described as sad.

This is the case with the stubborn Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama now.

Before Tsunade left, she naturally wanted to communicate with them and naturally persuaded them, but they still chose to stay. Their strong character made them unwilling to admit defeat.

It's a pity that they still haven't truly understood the power of heaven and earth, and they still underestimate the power of heaven and earth.

Liu Hao didn't care at all whether they left or not. He might have been overestimating them at first, but now Liu Hao saw them as nothing more than two slightly larger ants.

In the final analysis, they still lack luck.

Just like Thousand Arms Pillar, this person who can understand the "Buddha's intention" from Mudun, if he meets the Tathagata, it will be a chance.

But who told Liu Hao to throw him directly into the magical world in the first place?

Uchiha Madara is far more suitable for this than Senju Hashirama. After all, for Uchiha Madara, acting against nature is the norm. At least it is somewhat consistent. No matter how small the chance is, it is possible to break this world rejection.

But their pity and patheticness are just an expression in Liu Hao's eyes now, and they are forgotten after seeing them.

Even if the entire Qinling Magic World is not a place of little value in Liu Hao's eyes now?

Forget about the two of them.

Let's talk about Tsunade. She left the magical world of Qinling where she struggled for a long time, but she still felt a sense of relief that was born inexplicably.

She didn't know why, but she enjoyed it very much.

Her aura is quite vast, her cultivation level has finally reached Da Luo, even Da Luo Celestial Immortal, even though this Da Luo Celestial Immortal is still very immature, she can't even restrain all her aura.

She is very satisfied with this. She must admit that the ceiling of a world is sometimes the biggest limitation on a person's vision.

It is always easy to be satisfied when you see that you are not far away from the ceiling.

It must be admitted that Liu Hao thought of her just right this time.

Not long after, another figure walked out of the world passage, but it was Uzumaki Xiangling, the girl who was originally sent by Liu Hao to take care of Otsutsuki Kaguya. In the Qinling Magic World, she has been following Tsunade for a long time. .

The two of them still vaguely retain the aura of ninjas, but they are also very superficial, and it is even difficult for those who don't know to see it.

In fact, Tsunade is the easiest one to change. This guy is used to fighting head-on with fists. She has abandoned the so-called seals and the like early. The reason why there are still some residues is more because of the inner feelings. A touch of last persistence.

It's like obsession.

The reason why I say this is because they are wearing sandals on their feet. They are no longer the same sandals that all ninjas in the Naruto world wear.

Deer leather boots, this small change actually means that they understand what the real future is.

The so-called persistence is nothing compared with the real future. Deep down in my heart, I know that those who should be eliminated will always be eliminated.

They did not stop at this passage. After scanning the scenery, they quickly arrived at the giant city built by the humans and monsters in the Qinling Mountains.

This can be said to be the most special city in the entire Liu Hao Earth.

Here, the number of humans is not as large as that of demons.

You can see a jackal and an elk walking together here, and you can also see countless half-human and half-demon people.

The demon tribe also has various cultivation systems. There are definitely many people who insist on retaining their original form, and there are also many people who choose to transform and follow the human path.

It was in this special city that they restrained themselves, or simply turned into the size of ordinary animals, or simply changed, that is, while retaining their own characteristics, they gave themselves the flexibility that only humans have.

But no matter what the choice is, in this city, even if the hatred is overwhelming, this place still needs to be completely let go. They know better than anyone else that if this trading city is destroyed, it will be the greatest harm to the demon clan. .

Once this happens, if they want to get a magic weapon that suits them, they may not be able to find it in Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. If they want to get a pill to improve their cultivation, they can only stay in extravagant hopes.

Now, there are still quotas to go to the front line of the abyss, which gives them another reason to protect this city.

Who can evolve from a monster to a monster clan, which one will be a fool?

Here, there are also many human beings coming and going, and these people, no matter how low their cultivation level is, actually have immortal level strength.

How can a human who can cross the mountains and step here be a weakling?

If you want to trade what you need from the demon clan, do you dare to come if you don’t have any clues?

This kind of tacit understanding is something that both the human race and the demon race abide by in this city, but it does not mean that everything is calm in private.

Within human beings themselves, there are countless nasties in the wild, let alone across ethnic groups.

When Tsunade and Uzumaki Koryo entered the city, they vaguely saw a lot of malicious looks, but they all retracted the moment they came into contact with Tsunade.

These monsters who want to take advantage of others may not be top-notch in cultivation, but their vision is definitely top-notch. They can tell the difference at a glance who they can provoke and who they cannot afford to offend. (End of chapter)

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