Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-one, foxy

1971, Hu Mei

Any member of the demon race who has rotated on the front line of the abyss will know how attractive it is.

There is no demon clan among them that has been saved once by Qinglong Liu Hao or Liu Hao.

When they first entered it and faced the Abyss Demon God, they were all shocked. In this aspect, even if they were demons, there was still a gap between them and the Abyss Demon God.

But after being frightened, they adapted very quickly. Even if they were unable to exert their full combat power at first, and even if they had been rescued several times, if they succeeded in killing the opponent in one go, the merit poured into their bodies would tell them that in the future This spot has been determined.

They know that if they are unable to get a spot for a long time in the future, the only result will be to be overtaken by their original companions, leaving them so far behind that they can only be eliminated.

They wanted to use their wealth to buy places, but they soon discovered that this had no effect at all.

After a few times, they also discovered that there were some patterns. For example, for those demon clans who like to take advantage of others, even if they get a quota once, the possibility of being rotated to them in the subsequent rotation is much smaller.

There doesn't seem to be anything targeted in this, but anyone who understands understands it.

No demon clan will be willing to help those demon clans who like to take advantage of others. There are only so many places at each time. If those people have a greater chance, won't the chance of their turn be small?

Just so that I can be rotated in faster, I must support him.

This approach is somewhat good.

Even Liu Haolongguo has never thought that such a small tilt can eliminate the danger of gangsters in the wild. Doesn't it also exist within humans?

They were just giving a small warning. At least they could not blatantly rearrange the stolen goods on the counter. Even if they covered up, they had to trade in secret.

This kind of suppression quickly had its effect.

The demon clan didn't know that this was simply the Dragon Kingdom setting the rules, subtly.

The struggle for the right to speak has never stopped for a day in this city jointly built by humans and monsters.

This has nothing to do with right or wrong, it's just about interests.

But from the moment Liu Hao released his quota, the initiative had actually tilted towards the human side.

If you want something, you can only lower yourself. This is applicable in any world.

Zhenbao Pavilion, Hu Mei's industry, was originally opened with the support of Liu Hao. Now, it seems that he has become the biggest rich man among the monster clan.

Hu Mei not only owns the Zhenbao Pavilion property, but by the way, she also opened a restaurant, a more fancy one. When a fox is born, there are not many fox Mei children?

It would be strange if Hu Mei didn't take advantage of such an advantage.

She opened this restaurant industry not because she wanted to make a lot of money from it, but because she wanted to have an intelligence agency under her control. Obviously, she was successful.

In terms of class, how could Hu Mei, who already had a lot of wealth, lag behind others in this regard?

When Tsunade entered with Uzumaki Xiangling, Hu Mei happened to be among them.

Hu Mei recognized Tsunade almost at the first sight. After all, Liu Hao's past relationship with Tsunade had never been concealed.

Hu Mei, who has a delicate heart, will naturally not miss this opportunity to contact Liu Hao.

She is already a Nanao, and her cultivation is on the same level as Tsunade.

In addition, Hu Mei herself did not hide anything, and soon gained Tsunade's approval. Regardless of whether the approval was from the heart or superficial, after a while, the two were already fighting fiercely, and the drinks in the glasses were one after another. One cup, extremely bold.

In fact, it was Liu Hao who had completely forgotten about Hu Mei. Otherwise, he would not have minded giving Hu Mei a place to freely enter and exit the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

Just giving Hu Mei a little sunshine, she is already brilliant. Isn't this proof that she can continue to be cultivated?

When Tsunade and Hu Mei walked together and passed through the teleportation array and arrived at the Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base, it actually meant that Hu Mei's investment was successful.

When they walked to the edge of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and got Liu Hao's permission to step inside, the brilliance on Hu Mei's face completely blossomed because he had received further recognition from Liu Hao, which was more important to her than Everything is fine.

But Liu Hao didn't meet the two of them, even though he hadn't seen Tsunade for a long time.

He also did not observe Tsunade immediately, but instead turned his attention to Hu Mei. After a while, he remembered that this was not the first time that this fox had arrived.

After careful observation, Liu Hao saw what he wanted to see from Hu Mei.

This guy still insists on his charm power, and after practicing it so far, it seems to have some effect even on low-level abyss demons of the same level.

When a master fights, winning or losing can be decided in one second. The intimidating power of the Abyss Demon is one of them, so why isn't the charming power of this fox also one of them?

However, Liu Hao also discovered that Hu Mei didn't seem to have much inheritance from her bloodline.

Also, even if it is a nine-tailed fox species, even if it has Qingqiu bloodline, how much inheritance from the bloodline can be opened before it evolves into a complete nine-tailed fox?

It wasn't that Liu Hao didn't want to help, but after careful consideration, he chose to give up.

He knew Hu Mei's inner stubbornness. From the moment he met him, he knew that Hu Mei in front of him had already planned a route for him.

It is so difficult for a tail to evolve, and you can only imagine the consequences.

But even so, isn't this guy still insisting?

After killing the opponent of the Abyss Demon God, Liu Hao clearly saw that the merit rewards from the avenue were directly absorbed by Hu Mei's body and poured directly into his core to support the further purification of his body's blood.

Others are already walking on the mainland and resolutely implementing their determination, so why should I bother?

What's more, if he rashly uses external help, is he really treating Hu Mei well?

Many times, when you have worked hard for it and feel sincerely happy about it, an outsider directly gives you the fruits of victory. What would you think?

Do you feel that your previous efforts have no value at all?

Even if you don’t have such thoughts, will this give rise to a negative feeling?

The possibility of the latter occurring is very high.

It's like you have earned one hundred thousand yuan with hard work and you are very happy. One day you find that one hundred thousand yuan is just a meal for others. One day you meet a stranger and chat with him for a few words. Someone rewarded you with a hundred thousand yuan, so how about the shock in your heart?

Can you ever go back to making money that you worked so hard in the past?

Do you want to continue to meet rich people by chance, flatter them and ask for rewards again?

If he does this, then this person will really be useless.

Don’t you know that the latter is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought?

The odds are even lower than winning the lottery. No matter how flattering you are, what you can get in return will be limited. What's more, it will make you completely lose your most precious self-esteem.

In the past, Liu Hao was happy to reward others, but now, even if it is just a casual help to him, he has become more cautious. The reason for this is because he has become more aware of human nature.

Human nature is the least able to withstand the test. The best way is not to test it.

Even if he wants to help others now, it is more about giving him a platform. For example, when he saw Hu Mei before, and saw the other person arriving with Tsunade, he directly gave him a place. This was better than any help.

Opportunities are given to others, and whether they can seize them or not is their problem.

At this point, he instead believed that the probability of Hu Mei catching him was as high as 90%. This stubborn fox seemed to have not changed at all from the beginning to the end, even though he has now become a famous rich man among the monster clan.

How could such a fox, who has become rich and powerful but still adheres to his original ideal, give up?

"The Tushan clan, the prehistoric monster clan, has returned. I wonder if Hu Mei will be able to evolve the real Nine Tails when she meets Tushan in the future?"

Liu Hao couldn't help but have such thoughts flashing through his mind. The reason for this was that he knew that even if Hu Mei evolved into the complete Nine-Tails, the skills inherited from the bloodline were still not the most complete.

But after evolving into a complete nine-tailed body, and meeting the Tushan clan, the Tushan clan will definitely take great care of her. Even if she was not born in ancient times, she will definitely give Hu Mei 100% care.

Whoever caused the primitive Qingqiu to be almost completely destroyed, the Nine-tailed Fox clan has long since ceased to exist.

Liu Hao remembered that after Su Daji, there was no longer a nine-tailed fox in the wild.

The rarer it is, the greater attention it will receive.

For Tu Shan, blood is the only thing. As for where he was born, or whether he evolved from the most rubbish fox, he doesn't care at all.

Seeing that, one of our own will definitely pass on the most important foundation of Qingqiu. This may be Hu Mei's biggest opportunity in the future.

"Then is Su Daji still alive?"

He vaguely remembered that the book said that Su Daji had been beheaded, and he asked Nuwa for help but received no response.

But Liu Hao also doesn't think this is necessarily the final answer.

Who is Empress Nuwa?

When he summoned the three demons of Su Daji, he made a promise, even if the final result did not satisfy the Nuwa Empress. If there is no credit, then there is still hard work, right?

If you don't give a reward, you should at least save the other party's life, right?

Couldn't the so-called beheading be a cover-up used by the Nuwa Empress for outsiders to see?

Just give the answer that everyone in the world wants to see, so why bother to do it?

If it is really done, will the demon clan no longer have any feelings for Nuwa?

As a saint, Nuwa Empress doesn't have to care, but she can prevent her impression among the demon clan from getting worse, so why not do it?

Liu Hao subconsciously stretched out his palm and calculated slightly on his fingertips, and soon got the answer he wanted.

Sure enough, Empress Nuwa did not let Su Daji die. On the contrary, even though Su Daji's actions did not satisfy Empress Nuwa, she still gave some rewards, not to mention saving the lives of the rebels.

Su Daji's intelligence was not bad. Outsiders thought that Su Daji had been killed, so she naturally knew how to keep a low profile in the future.

It's no wonder that Liu Hao was walking in the wilderness and didn't get any follow-up information from Su Daji. This guy is also smart and knows that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Now he is cultivating in Qingqiu Mountain in the wilderness.

He didn't know that just because of his calculations, Nuwa Empress had already sensed the origin of the ancient world. She followed the cause and effect to know the source. She glanced at Qingqiu Mountain, waved slightly, and pulled Su Daji out of it. He was detained in Nuwa's palace.

But Empress Nuwa had no intention of immediately releasing Su Daji to stir up trouble. She seemed to have found that Su Daji was not strong enough to shoulder this responsibility, so she wanted to continue training her, or she found that the time had not come yet, so she was not in a hurry.

Liu Hao didn't know how much trouble his small action would cause in the future.

Su Daji, from the moment he took over the decree of Empress Nuwa from the Yin Shang Dynasty, he was actually the direct descendant of Empress Nuwa.

Even as a member of the demon clan's founding clan, she no longer follows Emperor Jun Taiyi's orders.

Even if she meets Tushan, the ancestor of Qingqiu, in the future, Su Daji will at most respect him. As for whether to follow his orders, it depends on whether he hinders the general trend promoted by Nuwa.

This already means that Su Daji is no longer a pure monster, but a member of humanity.

Liu Hao expected that Hu Mei might meet the Tushan clan in the future, but he did not expect that he would be directly intercepted by the Nuwa Empress and release the Su Daji he had just remembered. His fundamental intention seemed to be that he did not want to let the largest demon clan member The wisdom card group became the vassal of Emperor Jun Taiyi.

There is no trace of the saint's moves, let alone the Taoist who is above the saint.

It was a good thing that Liu Hao didn't know anything about it. If he really saw it, it would cost him countless brain cells.

But from this point of view, Empress Nuwa's impression of Di Jun was extremely bad, and perhaps she never thought about leaving the position of the demon clan saint to him.

Within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshhuyua.com Liu Hao saw that although Hu Mei's combat effectiveness was not high, the effect was very good.

How could he not see that this guy was doing it for a purpose?

The last time she arrived, Hu Mei must have figured out the upper limit of the Abyss Demon God of the same level. She had been planning for this for a long time, but now that she has used it, it has such an effect.

Liu Hao knew better that once Hu Mei encountered the Abyss Demon God whose cultivation level was higher than hers, it was still unknown how effective her charming trump card would be.

There is a high probability that the effect will be very low, and you may even lose your life due to it.

But he didn't remind Hu Mei that this guy was very smart. He was the best at adapting to local conditions. Otherwise, it would be impossible to develop Zhenbao Pavilion to its current scale.

He also appreciated Hu Mei's determined purpose, just to kill more opponents of the Abyss Demon God, and to gain more merit from killing more opponents of the Abyss Demon God, so as to stimulate further purification of his own bloodline.

It's simple and direct, and I don't even bother to care about other benefits.

People know very well that the number of their tails is the greatest support for their talent, and it is also the basis for whether they can get more through inheritance. This is the real smart person. (End of chapter)

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