Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-three, Han Xin

1973, Han Xin

After thinking for a while, Liu Hao also understood the reason for this difference. In essence, it was still due to Yun Chao's unique advantages.

Perhaps the reason why the method of fortune-making is opposed by many immortals and gods in all the worlds also stems from this, right?

They emphasize the whole. In a large army, any individual is covered by the whole. Even if he is severely injured during the war, he can share his injuries with the whole, that is, with every companion in the whole.

What does it matter if a single heavy injury is borne by tens of thousands of people and divided among every soldier?

In other words, even if he is severely injured for a moment, once these injuries are shared, the soldier will immediately be full of life and vigor at the next moment. Even if there is no support from other companions, he will probably be able to kill the enemy.

It's no wonder that they are fearless. Even if the psychological shock from the abyss exists, it is difficult for them to truly feel fear. Naturally, the combat effectiveness they can exert is much higher than that of other people who set foot on the front line of the abyss for the first time. soldiers.

Han Xin sat high on the general platform, with many commanders beside him, relaying orders all the time. It was only through Han Xin's method that he could command an army of more than 300,000 people as if they were arms.

I have to say that this may be Han Xin's most unique talent among military strategists.

Han Xin's suggestion that the more soldiers the better is, is not just a matter of words.

This guy is really able to control an army of hundreds of thousands at once. He is really able to control every detail with ease and ease.

He really has the confidence to fight head-on with any enemy, and he is also confident that he can defeat all enemies.

As far as the art of war is concerned, even Liu Hao now does not dare to say that he will definitely be able to defeat this guy.

That's what people are truly professional about.

This was true for Han Xin in history, and it is even more true for Han Xin today.

Liu Hao would not think that Han Xin, who had integrated more than two thousand later generations of military arts, would be worse than anyone else.

Perhaps even Jiang Ziya, the ancestor of the military strategist given to him by Liu Hao in the ancient times, would not dare to say that he would be able to win when he met Han Xin, right?

But if this is the case, does this guy also have the opportunity to prove the Daluo Dao Fruit with the military strategist?

Suddenly, Liu Haocai realized that he might still underestimate Han Xin, and he also underestimated Li Jing.

One is a soldier, and the other is known as the Military God of the Tang Dynasty. They are already at the top of the industry, so why not take a step further?

Liu Hao also doesn't think that among military strategists, there can only be one person who can achieve Daluo Daoguo.

Every path has different branches.

Just like military strategists, there are those who write books and those who conduct military operations, and naturally they can also develop other branches.

But for each branch, it is destined that only one can reach the top in the end. It is just a matter of which one can occupy it first.

The Han Xin in front of him is already unique in terms of leading troops. Whether he is on-site command or commander-in-chief in the rear, in terms of control over the number of troops, perhaps there is no one in the entire Yanhuang history who can compare with him. .

This alone is enough to prove Han Xin's top position among military strategists.

This guy really doesn't need to bow to any military strategist, and he really dares to go head-to-head with any military strategist.

So, does it also mean that Han Xin's future choice will definitely be biased towards Liu Bang?

The more he thought about it, the more Liu Hao thought that what he had just thought couldn't be more correct.

In the Qin Empire, the merit system of the Yun Dynasty has destined that Han Xin wants to become the supreme commander of the military. He must spend time grinding it and rely on countless subsequent meritorious achievements to catch up with Wang Jian and others.

He is constantly building meritorious deeds, but Wang Jian and others are waiting in the rear because they are difficult to defeat?

How is that possible? Are they also building meritorious deeds?

It's nothing more than quantity in comparison. This also means that if Han Xin wants to achieve his goal, it will take a long time. Is Han Xin willing to wait?

Today's Han Xin is already a Taiyi Golden Immortal. His cultivation may not seem high, but it is definitely not low either.

Before he had no choice, he might still be able to persist, but when Han Xin saw that he would switch jobs to the Han Empire and directly become a general, could he still persist?

The so-called scruples that worried Liu Bang and Lu Pheasant in the past seemed to be no big deal in this era of spiritual practice.

At least, it is just a Daluo Jinxian. Even if Han Xin who has realized the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit wants to overthrow the Han Empire, it is extremely difficult. Here, there is also the question of whether the Yanhuang Alliance is willing to see it, and also after the common people's thinking is enlightened , the question of whether he is willing to follow Han Xin in rebellion.

Wait, wait, etc., aren't these factors also limiting Han Xin's possible ambitions?

He was confident. Wasn't Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, not confident?

Historically, the Han Empire could not be crowned king without the surname Liu. In today's era of spiritual cultivation in all heavens and realms, is it still possible to persist?

Change is inevitable. Han Xin of the future Qin Empire will definitely understand these changes in the Han Empire when he sees them.

Liu Hao didn't believe that Liu Bang didn't think about how to win over Han Xin and Xiao He from the Qin Empire.

After all, Liu Bang's main thinking after the fusion is still the Liu Bang of the Mingyue World in Qin Dynasty.

He is not stupid. In the entire 400-year history of the Han Empire, the only ones who could compare with Han Xin were Wei Qing and Huo Qubing. But for these two people, even if the Han Empire established by Liu Bang would still appear, how many years would it take to wait?

Is there such a military art that everyone can control his own army? Doesn't Liu Bang know how big the difference is between the two?

It's just a title of king, what's there to be reluctant to give up?

What's more, doesn't Han Xin need to strive for the merits required to become a king?

In other words, it is what others deserve, and it is no big deal if they give it.

Historically, the reason why Liu Bang said that no one with the surname Liu would not be crowned king was because there was still a choice between enfeoffment and the system of prefectures and counties, which is not the case now.

Having come into contact with the people of all the worlds, who doesn’t know which path to choose?

Even if there are nobles among them who want to become the emperor of a country, in the face of such a surging trend, no matter how unwilling they are, they must bow their heads, shout for protection, and dare not look at the reversal of history.

In other words, even if the king of Han is given a title in the future who has established enough merits, it will only be a false title rather than a real job. It is okay to give you a piece of land, but it is absolutely impossible to grant a land, and the people will not allow it.

With such support, it seems that Liu Bang really doesn't need to worry about bad things like this.

Didn't Han Xin himself realize from reading history that he did not have the spirit of an emperor?

He doesn't need to do anything else to understand, Liu Bang is the best comparison, isn't he?

This aspect of employing people is enough for Han Xin to understand that at this level, compared to Liu Bang, he is in the sky and on the earth.

The civil servants and generals in the early days of the Han Empire all recognized Liu Bang, but what about Han Xin?

How much recognition can there be?

Even if he succeeds at breakfast and takes over as Liu Bang's second generation, there won't be many Han Xin who are really willing to obey him, right?

So, does this mean that a new round of competition in China will begin again?

Even if he still wins the final battle, how many people will be left in the entire Central Plains?

By then, even the most direct soldiers under his command will most likely resent him deep in their hearts, right?

There is no reason why Han Xin cannot understand these truths now.

Even if the ambition deep in my heart still cannot be completely destroyed, I still know that I can only wait, waiting for an opportunity that is far away.

It's impossible for him not to realize that he has great talents in the art of military strategism. Similarly, in the governance of the country other than military strategism, he is mediocre at best.

Besides, in the era of heavens and worlds, the era of cultivation, and the throne of the emperor, it is no longer the only option.

To climb the seemingly lofty throne of the emperor, why not put more energy into improving your own cultivation level? If you are strong enough, who can you despise?

Doesn't the so-called emperor, in the face of absolute strength, have to lay down his noble head?

Now that there are better choices, why should we stick to those seemingly good ambitions?

It can be said that Han Xin's ambition and obsession will most likely completely dissipate after he is crowned king. The smarter a person is, the more he knows how to make choices.

There is no reason why Han Xin would be an exception.

These details made Liu Hao's original bias even worse, and he could almost receive more than 70%. After the future integration, Han Xin would make the choice of the Han Empire.

This seems to be a good thing. Compared with the Qin Empire's need for Han Xin, the Han Empire is at a higher level.

In fact, Han Xin who chose the Han Empire was better than Han Xin who chose the Qin Empire.

The army and horses that unify the world will definitely provide more support for Han Xin to achieve Daluo Daoguo in the future.

Liu Hao hopes that more and more latecomers will realize Daluo. Only when more and more latecomers come forward can the future be more promising, right?

Suddenly, Liu Hao understood why the First Emperor Ying Zheng would choose to dispatch this army.

Soldiers are the best, but whether it is generals or auxiliary personnel, the fact is that they all have thoughts of one kind or another.

But these people with different thoughts are not irresponsible. On the contrary, just because they had other thoughts long ago, they are more responsible this time.

During the development of the Great Qin Empire, they were all highly used by the First Emperor and gained countless benefits from them.

This kind of gain is caused by cause and effect. Even if they leave the Qin Empire in the future, they must repay it.

They never want to owe more, and they are more than happy to pay back a little.

They value this great soldier more than anyone else, and are even happy to give more of their profits to these soldiers. In this way, they can somewhat repay some debt to the Qin Empire.

No one on either side mentioned it, but there was a tacit understanding between both sides.

The greatest advantage of the existence of all worlds is not other things, but that everyone has more choices, or countless choices.

Countless roads are placed in front of you, and you will always know the one that suits you best.

You can also choose to win by lying down, such as joining a lucky dynasty like the Great Qin Empire. This high-speed driving chariot, as long as you board it, you will be carried forward. Perhaps such a choice will allow you to still Can only be a member of the mediocre

But you yourself should also know that even if you rely on yourself, the final result may not even be as good as now.

Doesn’t this give the people at the lowest level a great opportunity?

Then why did so many people in the Novice Village established by Liu Hao near the entrance to the Biohazard World choose to join the Great Qin Empire? Is it because they have seen through their own potential and know that this choice is more beneficial to them?

The Yanhuang civilization has the word self-knowledge.

As a parent, I have a full understanding of this vocabulary.

They know that with their talents, they can only go so far.

In other words, they know that their talents may be able to continue to the next level, but the price they pay for this may not be what they can bear.

Instead of doing this, it is better to take a step back and place more expectations and hopes on your next generation.

They can endure their own mediocrity for a lifetime, but they cannot tolerate the next generation being as mediocre as themselves.

They made their own choice, preferring to give up some of their own hopes and accumulate more heritage for their next generation.

These foundations include the wealth they have accumulated now and in the future, various materials, treasures collected, etc.

There is no difference between them and the countless people of Yan and Huang in the mortal world. They are all able to ignite themselves and illuminate their own next generation.

It is their dedication that makes the people in the Yanhuang Alliance stronger and stronger from generation to generation.

Just like Liu Haolongguo, you can see the answer without doing statistics at all.

Nowadays, in the entire Liu Haolong Kingdom, except for some masters who were supported by the whole country at the beginning, the real backbone is Liu Hao's generation, and the next generation is catching up so quickly that Liu Hao's generation The little masters have to put in 200% effort to move forward.

But even so, the average cultivation level of the next generation of personnel still crushes Liu Hao's generation. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

This is the real hope.

The overall talent that is almost visible to the naked eye is increasing. Despite this development, there is still some gap in overall talent compared to those high-level worlds that are connected to Liu Hao's earth, but this gap is not only in the desperate pursuit. ?

The ancestors planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade.

This is something that the Yanhuang civilization has recognized since ancient times, and has always insisted on it.

Compared with Yanhuang civilization, Western civilization is extremely bad in this regard.

Doesn’t their happy education still exist even in the age of spiritual practice?

As far as Liu Hao knew, even now, things like hemp still exist in the beautiful place where they rule.

Don't have too many beautiful young people who are being planted openly, okay? It's legal, and there are many laws to support their enjoyment of this power. Don't be too happy, okay?

On the other hand, is it possible for such laws to appear after the Yan and Huang civilizations?

Whoever came up with such an idea would not be able to sustain it for even three days, and would most likely be reduced to a nutritional supplement on a certain piece of land. (End of chapter)

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