Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-four, 1 link to 1 link

Chapter 1958 One link after another

1974. One link after another

Confucianism disrupts the law with literature, and chivalry violates taboos with force.

Let’s not mention the previous sentence for the moment, but only talk about the latter sentence. A simple understanding is that if you have a sharp weapon, you must have a murderous intention.

Anyone who has power will be full of ambition.

In the era of spiritual practice, everyone will have a greater selfish mentality, thinking that relying on their own strength, they no longer have to listen to the pressure of others.

In such an environment, it is difficult for others to listen to other people's suggestions most of the time. Most monks are also selfish.

The best way to make them listen to persuasion is not to analyze the pros and cons for them, but to let them try it on their own. Once they see the benefits, they will work harder than anyone else.

This is the case on the abyss front line of the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation.

As long as any attempter gains merit from it, no one can ignore it. The only thought of every participant is to hope that such benefits can last forever.

This is the real reason why Qinglong Liu Hao and Obsession Liu Hao opened their quota to the demon clan.

After wiping out all the topmost members of the Liu Hao Earth Monster Clan, even if they still had greater ambitions for Liu Hao Earth and wanted to gain more living space, they would only give up at this time.

Because every participant knows that Liu Hao is the only one who wants to gain long-term benefits on the abyss front of the Zhoutian Star Formation.

How could they not see the tyranny of these abyssal species? How could they not know that once such things flood into the earth on a large scale, the demon clan will never be able to survive alone?

They knew it best, and only then did they realize that the Zhoutian Star Array arranged by Liu Hao was clearly supporting a clean sky for them.

They also understand that with such a huge formation covering them, they are now able to face the invasion of abyssal species calmly.

Although they are proud in their hearts, they are not fools. They are not so arrogant that they can succeed Liu Hao and arrange such a formation that is like a universe.

Having fought against these abyssal species, they know best that even if they have the same cultivation level as them, it will take a lot of time to adapt.

In other words, if the formation in front of you really disappears, the greatest possibility is that most of the entire planet you live on will be lost in a few days.

This planet is also their hometown. They really want to determine a winner and a leader among the humans, but they also know that once both themselves and humans lose, the outcome will also be death.

Liu Hao On Earth, there is actually not much hatred between humans and monsters and monsters.

If one party's living space needs to be expanded, the other party will inevitably be impacted. If one party rises from a weak position, it will inevitably impact the land and wealth owned by the originally strong party.

But apart from these grievances, they can't escape their identity as hometown people. When facing foreign enemies, what do those original grievances and grievances mean?

Besides, in fact, most of Liu Hao's territory on the earth has been divided up long ago, and the grievances that should have been settled have actually been settled.

What can't you let go of?

It doesn't matter whether these monsters are comforting themselves with such thoughts, or whether they really think like this.

There was no actual renegotiation between the two parties, but both parties understood what the main tasks would be in the next stage.

This is not a tacit understanding, but the trend of interests that makes them must do this.

Both sides are happy to do this, but not every demon clan can reach a balance with the human race like the demon clan in Liu Haolong Kingdom.

They will not release the fruit that has been taken by the demon clan easily.

This has nothing to do with right or wrong, it's just about interests.

Liu Hao didn't need to calculate at all. He already understood that in Liu Hao's earth outside the Zhoutian Star Formation, the game he was obsessed with incarnating and promoting was bound to be over.

But the end of these does not mean that the fighting between humans and monsters has stopped. On the contrary, there is a high probability that this fighting will continue, but it has just changed from having a backer behind both sides to having a backer to continue pushing forward.

It's still for the purpose of recruiting talents, and it's still for the lower-level experience.

This kind of fighting may continue forever and never end.

Just like the dragon kingdom's Australian base front line, those demon clan's big demon sects are actually no longer watching, they just send one or two big demons to watch.

They just stared, and no longer drove other monsters to come. They had even retired all the monsters above the seventh level and distributed them to all corners of the Australian continent, giving them better skills and looking forward to these high-level monsters. Continue to stand out.

The intensity of the entire front line has dropped by several levels, to the point that the entire front line has actually gradually dissipated.

Neither side continues to divide the so-called hunting grounds, but both sides understand that the hundreds of kilometers covered by the entire front line are the hunting grounds that both sides need in the next stage.

High-level people are always cruel. If you are not cruel, you will not be able to achieve a high-level position.

The so-called sympathy from the bottom can never appear at the top.

If the top management has the same compassion as the bottom level, it also means that the collapse of this pyramid is imminent.

They are cruel, but they have to admit that such cruelty is often what the entire ethnic group, civilization and even the world of heaven need.

Obsession Liu Hao, who majored in humanity, was able to start such a game, and the tragedy of burying countless lives was still called a game. This shows that Liu Hao's practice in the laws of humanity has reached the third stage, which is Returning to the origin, looking at the way of heaven from the way of humanity.

His arrangement is one after another. It can be said that Liu Hao, who is obsessed with Liu Hao, is toying with all the creatures on the earth.

During the whole process, Liu Hao's obsession disappeared behind the scenes, pushing the general trend and setting off a rolling wave that swept all living beings into it, making it impossible to escape.

Among them, the higher-ups of these creatures are fully aware of this. They may be a little annoyed in their hearts, but no one has the power to resist and can only go with the flow.

When these senior executives calmed down, they naturally understood Liu Hao's hard work and obsession, and naturally changed from passive to active participation.

Soon, they saw the benefits and naturally respected it even more.

But after seeing the number of lives lost, these high praises were once doubtful, but so what if they were doubtful, could they still stop?

Why don't you have to bite the bullet and continue until a winner is determined?

They thought they had to decide the winner, but they didn't know that Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, directly changed the rules with a finger, and directly opened up the places on the Abyss front line of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

With this opening, all the anger and resentment in the past disappeared without a trace after experiencing it on the front line of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation Abyss. I completely understood why Liu Hao was obsessed with doing this.

On the contrary, these senior executives have gained more knowledge about the rise of this game, and then they understand that this is indeed the case.

This is almost the mental state of Liu Hao's entire Earth Monster Clan's top brass.

In short, it is the improvement of vision and the analysis of pros and cons after obtaining more information.

Not only on Liu Hao's earth, but also on the minds of all the high-level officials in the world who are involved in this game.

For example, when Dou Qi turned into a horse to eliminate inflammation in the world, when this situation was aroused, he just thought that the demon clan saw their arrival and became scrupulous, and wanted to stamp out their arrival when Mars appeared.

But later, when Xiaoyan saw that the entire Liu Hao earth was like this, his psychology was bound to be different, and he was bound to get to the bottom of it. With his cultivation, he could quickly understand the true nature of his obsession with Liu Hao when he had not concealed it. reason.

At this time, how can anti-inflammation make me feel comfortable?

However, he could only endure it if he felt uncomfortable. After all, the game had already begun and he was already in the middle of it. Not for himself, but for his family and the people of his own world, so he could only devote himself to it.

At this time, he had a strong desire to win, and he must have thought about using this opportunity to fight to clean up the surrounding monsters one by one and create a quiet environment.

Unfortunately, he soon discovered that such an idea was somewhat unrealistic. The other demon clan was far more powerful than he had imagined.

He pulled people from his Dou Qi Horse Transformation World again and again, and invested in larger amounts again and again. Only then could he persevere, and only then could his Dou Qi Horse Transformation World truly stand firm among all the worlds. Heel.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the game had entered another path, and he also discovered that the obsession that started this game. Liu Hao saw that the future was far longer than what he saw, and only then did he understand the real enemy. They are not the monsters who have been fighting against their own fighting spirit horse world for such a long time.

He wanted to get angry for a while, but soon he had to face it with a forced smile.

When he first stepped into the abyss front line of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, even if he faced only the Daluo Jinxian Abyss Demon God, he, a monk who had already realized the Daluo Dao Fruit, didn't seem to have the slightest advantage.

Even at the beginning, they were very helpless. From several crises, they had to rely on the people in the main formation to save them before they could escape.

At this moment, he still didn't understand the true purpose of Liu Hao's obsession with starting this cruel game.

When the flowers born in the greenhouse face such violent storms, the only result can only be failure, almost collapse at the first touch.

Xiaoyan has never thought that he lacked combat experience in the past, but even so, when facing an abyss enemy of the same level for the first time, doesn't it take a long time to adapt?

He is already like this, how about those monks who are not very experienced?

You don't need to think too much to understand that it's obviously of no use at all.

If he hadn't experienced several life-and-death battles, he might have become frightened when he saw such an abyssal enemy and would just let others slaughter him.

No matter how many of these people you have, it won't help.

Instead of doing this, it is better to be cruel and do some internal selection first. After all, those left behind will be able to adapt quickly when facing enemies in the abyss, which is what the real future needs.

This is how to reduce inflammation. Other cultivators in the heavens can naturally figure it out after experiencing it, and the same applies to the demon clan.

Therefore, after they were obsessed with Liu Hao and clearly stopped the game, they were still happy to keep the game, but it changed from the original fierce conflict to this situation.

They originally looked down upon the little monsters under their own cultivation level, but now they realize that even high-level monsters that cannot be called monsters have considerable cultivation value.

When they got the quota, the quota actually had the number of accounts they could carry. The first time, they had no such idea at all. The second time, they would hardly waste any quota.

Because they saw a real crisis and had to unite.

In Liu Hao's view, this is also a good thing.

In Liu Hao's eyes, the monster clans grouped together one after another, which also had pros and cons.

The disadvantage is that a truly powerful and powerful person from the Monster Clan will appear in the future. When this strong man has the prestige of the Monster Clan, it is not impossible for the Monster Clan to unify all the worlds.

If such a situation really occurs, the human race will be in big trouble.

But even if the demon clan doesn't unite, wouldn't it still be possible when it should appear?

It's nothing more than making the integration of the demon clan easier.

The positive side is also there.

As long as there is a group, various teams will definitely appear. Among these teams, over time, one force after another will definitely appear, turning the originally scattered mountain king model of the demon clan into a near-civilization pattern.

In short, it’s tribalism.

The demon clan in this state is also the most suitable for the spread of civilization.

The most powerful civilization on our own earth is only in Yanhuang. Therefore, the only thing these demon tribes can accept is the Yanhuang civilization.

Their pride will never allow them to learn from the white farts. How can they look down on those civilizations that cannot even save their own country, and those civilizations that cannot last for several rounds in the hands of the demon clan?

Liu Hao is very happy to spread his own civilization among these demon clans, whether it is Confucianism or Buddhism.

The introduction of these civilizations is actually the introduction of ideas.

As long as those who accept these ideas, even if they are still irritable, they will become more calm, and it will be easier to negotiate, right?

In addition, with the formation of one tribe after another, won't there be more civilized urban monster territory?

After these master demon clan masters got used to being real kings instead of mountain kings, are they really willing to be absorbed by others?

This must mean that the emperor of the demon clan who may be unified must have supreme prestige. If there is a slight flaw, these big demons will make all kinds of complaints.

In this regard, Liu Hao only needs to know that the prestige of Emperor Jun Taiyi in the prehistoric world is not enough to do it.

A monster emperor who has already failed once, so what if he returns to the top?

Doesn't that already have a scar? Aren’t they the scars that will be repeatedly uncovered by the Great Demon Sect of the Demon Clan to eliminate doubts in the coming years?

Even if there is no doubt on the surface, why not just wait and see?

What should I say, you also want to give us a real hope, right?

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