Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-five, kings of heaven

1975, kings

Everyone thought this was the calculation and promotion of Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it.

Only Liu Hao himself knew best that this was not the case.

When Liu Hao was obsessed with starting this game, he didn't think about it that long at all. He just saw that the greenhouse was not enough to bear the heavy responsibility, so he did it as a last resort.

After seeing that this game gave both sides enough experience for the first time, it occurred to them that they could use the quota on the Abyss front line of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation to include the demon clan and completely eliminate the resentment in the hearts of the upper class of these demon clan.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this is a calculation, one link after another. Even if I think about it now, I have fallen into someone else's plan, and I can't feel any resentment.

But in their hearts, they all had the idea of ​​being obsessed with Liu Hao's unfathomable scheming.

Among them, Li Jing, the King of Towers, is also included.

This Li Jing, who had lived in the mortal world of the Tang Empire for a time, could not be said to be a great enlightenment, but he had also undergone a fundamental transformation.

He was also lucky enough to catch up with Liu Hao when he entered the ancient world and left behind hundreds of schools of thought, which made Li Jing truly understand where he was headed.

After the transformation, Li Jing is no longer the slightly naive Tota King in the ancient world.

He opened the seven orifices of his exquisite heart at once, his wisdom doubled, and his scheming naturally became very deep.

He even wondered whether Emperor Ziwei deliberately showed this to the incoming heavenly army, telling them that this was not a prehistoric time, and that the real decision maker here was Emperor Ziwei.

He knew to some extent that he might be overthinking this idea, but after it appeared in his mind, he knew that even if the possibility was low, he couldn't ignore it.

He is also open-minded, knowing that his small arms and legs are simply not enough to play in it. In other words, before he has truly grown up, the best thing to do is to do his own tasks well and not do anything other than the tasks. to participate.

Because of this, he knew that his third son Nezha had been on Liu Hao's earth for many years, but he still chose to endure it and did not go to see or talk with him.

The front line of Liu Longlong's Australian base was over, and he had time. After arranging everything for the heaven base on the moon, he stepped into the front line of the Zhoutian Star Formation Abyss and tried it.

When the first Dao Merit Award fell into Li Jing's body, everything suddenly dawned on him.

There is no need to guess, Li Jing also knows that the incarnation of Haotian, the Great Heavenly Lord of the Great Desolate Heaven, must also be among them, frantically harvesting the lives of abyssal species to obtain more Dao rewards, that is, merits.

When it comes to the use of merit, there is nothing in the world that can compare to the ancient world.

Li Jing, as the pagoda king of the prehistoric heaven, can be said to be one of the best.

When he got the first copy, he already knew that once this place spread in the ancient world, countless monks in the ancient world would swarm here.

At that time, any royal hegemony, any power struggle, and any cause and effect settlement can only be placed in a secondary position.

As smart as he is, he naturally does not think that this is arranged by a mere Emperor Ziwei. The quality that is higher than the merits of heaven can only be derived from the gift of the great road, so it can only be the great road specially set up for this purpose.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing also understood that the abyss battlefield in front of him was far more terrifying than he imagined. It was so big that even Dao Dao had to end it personally. How terrifying should it be?

He suddenly understood the connection between the heavens and the worlds, and it most likely originated from this.

In other words, the threat of the abyss in front of us, even if it is the prehistoric world, if faced alone, there is a high probability that there is no possibility of victory.

He finally understood why Emperor Ziwei was so majestic. He didn't care about all the known techniques and inheritance systems. It was just to cultivate more combat effectiveness.

Li Jing did not think that the saints of the prehistoric world had no idea of ​​these.

They must have known about it, and that's why they allowed Liu Hao, a monk from outside the ancient world, to cause trouble in the ancient world. Even hundreds of schools of thought outside of Xuanmen were happy to support it.

Indeed, compared to the mere loss of luck, the continuation of heaven and earth is fundamental.

Li Jing thought he had seen the essence. Many speculations could not be said to be wrong, and they could indeed be justified.

This is the so-called brainstorming. The smarter a person is, the easier it is to fall into it.

He will not tell anyone his analysis, not even Haotian, because he will think that Haotian must have a clear understanding of this.

His self-conceited guess will only drive himself and force his original calmness to become tense, which is when the sense of urgency truly appears.

In such a critical situation, Li Jing was too aware that with his current level of cultivation, there was no possibility of participating.

If he had been replaced by the Pagoda King of the ancient heaven, he would have been able to destroy it, but Li Jing, the military god of the Tang Dynasty who had opened his Qiqiao Exquisite Heart, would never tolerate it.

Only then did he realize that even he seemed unable to rely on the immediate interests.

Whatever mission Haotian had ordered before coming, it seemed that he could only place it on the back burner at this moment.

The only idea is to give myself enough time to fight here to harvest more Dao merits to support my subsequent understanding of the Dao and improve my cultivation.

He knew that only in this way could he have his own place in the next real great battle.

Otherwise, he can only be eliminated, even if he is the Tota King from the ancient heaven.

In addition, he also found that the sordid relationship between himself and his third son, Nezha, had come to an end.

But suddenly, he realized that how it would end now seemed to be out of his control. How could he not know what kind of temperament his third son Nezha had?

Now that Nezha has returned to Nuwa Palace, will he become even more temperamental?

Has this little guy who was spoiled rotten by his master Da Yi grown a little more mature?

He smiled bitterly, realizing that there seemed to be no point in being anxious.

He looked towards the vast starry sky in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and knew that Nezha must be somewhere among them.

This son who entered the heavens a long time before me must have been fighting in them for a long time, right?

So how much merit can be gained from it?

Have you been promoted to Daluo Jinxian?

The high probability has been reached, right?

Li Jing felt a little complicated. It was natural to have expectations, but he was also worried that he would be surpassed by Nezha too much and that he would be knocked down the next time he met him.

At that time, if you act like this in front of many people, you will really lose face.

He knows very well that his son has always been like this. In the past, it was not once or twice in the ancient heaven. Which immortal in the entire heaven does not know that Nezha will definitely give his father a piece of cake whenever possible. Remember the ruthless ones?

Little did he know that Nezha had matured a lot after taking back the inheritance of the spirit bead. He might still be very resentful of his father, but it was not as bad as he imagined now.

In the face of the overall situation, Nezha never lags behind.

Wasn't this also the case when the Yin and Shang Dynasties conferred gods?

His rebellion in the ancient heaven was not as simple as Li Jing imagined. Nezha also did it deliberately and showed it to outsiders.

Of course, let’s not mention these for now.

Let's just say that what Li Jing, the King of Tota, was thinking about was something that the four generals of the Demon Family who came with him could not even imagine.

They are simple-minded and not that smart, but they are simple but often direct. They don't need to think too much, they just need to know that there are endless opportunities to strive for.

They are simple and often the most direct. They will do it when they see the benefits, cherish every benefit, and only think about how to kill more.

They prayed to the main formation, and immediately received a response from Liu Hao himself. A gentle word "quasi" sounded in their ears like a Hong Zhong Dalu. They immediately understood that it was the voice of Emperor Ziwei, and also The four people who were originally separated were immediately reunited.

Because they understand that fighting alone, they have no advantage. Even if they have the same level of cultivation, their combat effectiveness can only be ranked at the back end in the ancient heaven. But they know better that after the four brothers unite, the combat effectiveness they can exert will be greater. Go up a level and truly compete with opponents who are even a small level above your own level.

In Liu Hao's eyes, the four generals of the Demon Family, the four heavenly kings from the prehistoric heaven, formed a formation in an instant when they discovered that they were all here, and their four-image method was vaguely visible.

This is a formation that belongs exclusively to the four generals of the Demon Family. It may seem awkward to select a combination that suits the four of them from the many basic formations, but it is also the formation that is most suitable for the four of them to exert their own fighting power.

In this formation, Liu Hao saw that the spiritual treasures in the hands of the four generals of the Demon Family were maximized;

For example, after the pipa was played, the sound waves and interference were strengthened tenfold. The opponents of the Abyss Demon God who could originally suppress them seemed to be much restricted amidst the sounds of the pipa, and the movements in their hands were all restricted. There is a slight deformation.

This is the fundamental reason why they can respect the four heavenly kings in the ancient heaven.

Just like when the Yin Shang Dynasty conferred the title of God, the ten leaders of the Ten Jue Formation were not very high in cultivation. Any one of them would be defeated in the face of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao.

But after they unite and set up the Ten Jue Formation, the entire Chanjiao disciples can only look back and sigh, and they can only break through by taking their own disciples to sacrifice the flag.

After the four generals of the Demon Family were combined, in Liu Hao's eyes, their efficiency in killing enemies in the abyss was doubled. At the beginning, it was only two or three times, but it soon developed to four or five times. But this is not over yet. In Liu Hao's eyes, It seems that in the end, even if it is tenfold, it will not surprise him at all.

No wonder they discovered the benefits and immediately made a prayer. In the face of huge benefits, a little face is really nothing.

At this moment, the four generals of the Demon Family abandoned all their thoughts. They no longer cared about the tasks ordered by the Great Heavenly Lord before coming, or what they were following. All they wanted was the immediate benefits, and how to obtain more. merit.

They are used to living a hard life.

In the ancient heaven, although they are called heavenly kings, who is unclear about their actual status?

It's just a 'gatekeeper'. Before getting rid of the list of gods, it will be the pain of countless years of being unable to improve one's cultivation level.

After getting rid of the list of gods, although I can practice cultivation, because there are not many resources, the speed of improvement in cultivation is not high, and even a little slow.

In the final analysis, they are not talented people themselves.

Now, with such a place where they can gain a lot of opportunities just by fighting, how can they be willing to give up and waste any time?

They are indeed poor people. They entered the list of gods. Although they did not fall, they also wasted countless time in it, resulting in them being surpassed by countless of their original descendants.

They had been numb to this for a while, and had even prepared in their hearts that they would never be able to leave the list of gods.

When the opportunity came, they were overjoyed and thought about whether to leave heaven altogether and go to the wild land to find a quiet place to practice cultivation.

But after thinking carefully, they found that if they did this, they would probably be wiped out by a monk in the ancient world in a short time.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to continue working as an errand in heaven.

Their choice couldn't be more correct. Anyway, for them, they have long been accustomed to their original responsibilities. At least they have received many awards from Haotian for this, which has made them make some progress during the time they left the list of gods.

But they soon discovered that such progress could not last long. When the speed slowed down and they saw that they were still unable to catch up with others, they felt despair in their hearts.

Because of this, they recognize themselves and understand that if their talents want to catch up with others, they need countless hours of accumulation, and that's all.

Who would have thought that they had already accepted their fate, but when they found out where they were today, they discovered that there was such a place where they could gain infinite merit. How could they not cherish it?

If possible, they would rather fight in it for the rest of their lives, continuously earn merits, and look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com so that they can make up for the shortcomings of their own heritage and talents.

Their mentality is actually the mentality of countless monks among them, but they are more intense.

They were lucky enough to be sent by Haotian, and they had already surpassed their previous Heavenly colleagues at the starting line.

They are satisfied enough, and the only thing they worry about is whether they will always have opportunities.

They didn't know that their diligence made Liu Hao like them.

Didn't Liu Hao have the final say on the so-called quota?

What’s wrong with giving more opportunities to those who appreciate it?

In fact, Liu Hao also wanted to see what level the four diligent generals of the Demon Family could reach in the end, and whether he could increase his cultivation level infinitely by collecting unlimited merits. What a great case, he delivered to his door. There's no reason not to put it to good use.

Within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, everyone has their own plans, either to use their merits to understand the great road, or to improve their own cultivation, or simply to master the various arts of cultivation, and so on.

Everyone is pure, just for improvement, but everyone is also data in Liu Hao's eyes, and everyone just takes what they need. (End of chapter)

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