Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-six, Bai Ze's change

1976. Baize Incident

It's as if the siphon effect is in effect at all times.

The abyss front line of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation was further opened, and it immediately became the biggest event on Liu Hao's entire planet.

From the top to the bottom, although not every monk knows it, it is not much different.

Even those monks at the bottom know that there is such a place where they can quickly improve their cultivation realm by killing enemies.

They knew that a threshold was needed, but for a while, they didn't know how high the threshold was. So for several days, they asked around, eager to get accurate information.

What they want is not really accurate information. In fact, what they want is just a hope, a visible hope.

Soon, Level 7 became their common goal.

This answer was not obtained by inquiring, but by calculation, because they saw that the number of seventh-level monks in the surrounding area had dropped significantly compared to before.

Did they decide not to do it because they thought it was what they wanted? They all agreed that it was what they needed.

The superiors did not give any explanation, neither approval nor denial, but this approach strengthened the suspicions of the lower-level monks.

This gives them greater motivation to move upward.

Yes, at least the seventh level can still be seen and touched. Compared with the immortal level, it is already a sky and an earth.

The former, that is, the Immortal level. Any low-level monk who has practiced for ten or eight years knows that it is almost impossible for him to become an Immortal.

But the latter, the seventh level, is a gamble for them.

This may be intentional guidance from the top management, but it is actually being promoted by the top management.

Seventh-level monks can already pass through the teleportation array anytime and anywhere without fear of the oppression of its spatial teleportation. They do not need other people to protect them. Naturally, they have already taken action the first moment they get the news.

Many of these people have arrived at Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base. Their arrival is indeed nothing to the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. In terms of quantity, no matter how many there are, Liu Hao can indeed afford them.

Naturally, I am happy to give them a chance.

In fact, is this not a brush selection?

Among them, those who truly have fighting talent will be given more time, while those who lack fighting ability will not be beaten to death without giving them a chance.

As long as these people have a little wisdom, after this time and understanding their own shortcomings, forming small teams and collectives will be their next destination.

If you still can't afford it, then I'm really sorry. You're not suitable for fighting, so you might as well change careers.

Even in the age of cultivation, aren't there still countless positions that need personnel to guard them?

No matter which ruler, they dare not ignore these people and must provide them with adequate protection.

After understanding that they cannot truly realize their talents on the path of spiritual practice, these people will no longer have other thoughts in these positions in the future, but will be able to study more deeply in these positions;

They know that they must improve their level in certain professional paths, so that they can leave wider room for improvement for their next generation.

In fact, such a population is not a minority, even more than half.

More than half of these ‘eliminates’ are actually not without any training value in terms of combat.

Even Liu Hao must admit that the people in his own Dragon Kingdom and the connected worlds within his own Dragon Kingdom are so well protected that they are not truly aware of the real crisis in the world.

Many of them actually do not have no fighting talent, but are afraid of fighting. Between life and death, they will inevitably shrink back and think that there is nothing wrong with going home and practicing full time.

Once you have such thoughts in your heart, how much strength can you exert?

As a result, they will naturally be eliminated.

On the other hand, almost none of the monks from the world of fighting spirit turned into horses flinched.

They have become accustomed to competing during the long period of practice, and they know that when opportunities come to them, if they do not seize them, there will be no possibility. Once they are surpassed by those around them, the only result in the future will be that they can only lag behind. There is no way to catch up.

The cultivation era of their world has been so long, and there are too many cases before them. They are so afraid in their hearts, and they also know that they must overcome it and fight for their lives with heaven and earth.

Such a situation occurs for our own Dragon Kingdom and those worlds that are well protected within our own Dragon Kingdom.

Liu Hao was a little surprised at first, but after analysis, he understood it very well.

It's like rich people are willing to gamble with other people's lives. When they really let themselves go to the battlefield, they have countless reasons to shirk the truth.

When life is passable and there is no need to really fight for one's life, there will always be reasons of one kind or another in the mind.

There is nothing to blame.

Even if these people are eliminated from the Abyss front line of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, they can just treat them as if they have entered another channel.

There are so many worlds in the Yanhuang Alliance, and they also need countless people to produce this kind of goods. Don't they also need countless logistics personnel?

Thinking about it this way, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

On the contrary, these people know what they know, and when a real war occurs in the future, they can sit in the factory and work more quietly to ensure the stability of the supply chain at the rear.

This can be considered a gain or loss.

Liu Hao hardly had to think about whether his own Dragon Kingdom or the Yanhuang Alliance would issue policies of one kind or another in the future, just to draw a clear dividing line between combatants and non-combatants in the future.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that.

In the future, anyone who chooses between these two paths will be well prepared.

There's no need to worry about someone being lazy, it doesn't exist.

The Abyss Frontline of the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation is the best tool for brush selection. Even those who want to be lazy will not let themselves miss such a shortcut.

This is true for humans, and so is the demon clan.

The big events that caused among humans also caused huge debates among the demon clan.

At the beginning, there were countless people who didn't believe it, but soon, almost all the demon clan had a full understanding of this, and the enthusiasm they burst out was no less than that of the human race.

This kind of understanding extends from the smallest monster clan to high-level monster beasts, and then to the vast majority of monster beasts that are already fully intelligent.

Those who know it are delighted.

The monsters know very well that their threshold is the monster clan. Even the lowest level monster clan can become an immortal.

But isn’t that also the goal?

They didn't complain about this, but took it for granted.

The person who controls the Zhoutian Star Formation is Emperor Ziwei. Are the rules set by him something that people like him can disobey?

He has already been given a great opportunity. If he cannot reach the threshold and bottom line, it can only be because he is not ambitious enough.

Monsters, even monsters, have long since recognized this obvious restriction method of survival of the fittest.

In fact, there is another shortcut for the monster clan and monster beasts, that is, to seek refuge in Alaska, which Bai Ze currently occupies.

In fact, not many demon clans knew this information, and Bai Ze didn't want everyone to know about it until his death.

Because Bai Ze knows very well what kind of changes will occur once this news spreads among the monsters. It can be said that those who are not confident enough in themselves and think that their evolution to the monster clan is slim will almost always choose to follow White Pond.

Once this happens, the demon clan mountain kings in all areas of Liu Hao's earth will really lose their true foundation.

In addition, what kind of pattern will be set off by the migration of these monsters?

Along the way, the only structure that stands in their way can only be destroyed. How many humans will have to lose their lives in it?

As soon as Bai Ze thinks of this possibility, he doesn't dare to act arbitrarily.

Furthermore, Bai Ze also has very high standards, but not any monster is willing to take him in.

In the past period of time, Baize often replenished its population from outside.

Unlike Liu Hao, he doesn't save every one of his subordinates who sees a crisis.

Naturally, the army of monsters and monster beasts that Bai Ze led into the abyss front line of the Zhoutian Star Formation was significantly selected.

He refined his own account, but also suffered a lot of losses.

Naturally, living water also needs to be constantly replenished.

Bai Ze does this by himself almost every time.

The biggest source is the Far East, areas such as Siberia.

Even occasionally, Bai Ze would recruit people from the grassland level in the northeast of Liu Haolong's country.

He did it quietly, but every time he acted, it was inevitable that some rumors would be left behind. As long as the monsters in these places are smart enough and logical enough, wouldn't they be able to discover it if they analyze it carefully?

The great sage Bai Ze's reputation has long been spread among Liu Hao's demon clan, and his status in the eyes of the demon clan is no worse than that of Ziwei Emperor Liu Hao.

After all, they are one of our own.

They can more or less guess that Alaska has changed. Although they can't be sure whether the Great Sage Bai Ze is sitting in it, it's just a trip. What's the big deal?

Fortunately, Bai Ze was born with the ability to know the future. Even when fighting in the Zhoutian Star Formation, with a twitch of his eyelids and a little calculation, he got the result.

He also did not dare to ignore this. He had great wisdom and knew best the power of triggering a chain reaction.

He thought about it for a while and quickly figured out the method.

So, he appeared in Alaska with great fanfare and left his orders.

He knew that as long as he evolved into a demon race, he no longer needed his special care. Even if he shared the quota in rotation, it would be enough to calm them down. All he needed to give was the hope of the demon beasts.

He lowered the threshold, slightly higher than the seventh level of Human Gaiden, and placed it above the eighth level, and also imposed restrictions, such as dividing regions and how many places each region would accept each year.

He knew that as long as he gave these monsters a further hope, it didn't have to be much hope.

He knew better that he could not catch all the high-level monsters in these areas. If he did, he would harm the monsters themselves.

Once a talent gap occurs, time may be the only way to make up for it. How could Bai Ze do that?

He was also helpless. This originally had nothing to do with him, but the incident caused by Liu Hao dragged him into it and had to face it head-on.

How could he not understand that his seemingly perfect solution to the problem actually still left major hidden dangers?

Even if he only gives all the monster clans a small quota to occupy the area, hasn't it already stimulated huge competition among the monsters in these areas?

Once the competition intensifies, no one can predict what will happen. Who knows whether it will cause a war between monsters in these areas?

Who knows whether those high-level monsters will secretly hunt each other for these quotas?

This is the greatest hatred for the local demon clan leaders. They dare not vent their anger towards Bai Ze, but can the resentment in their hearts disappear?

They will definitely slander Bai Ze in private. Over time, Bai Ze's reputation will be completely ruined, right?

In this regard, what can Bai Ze do besides smile bitterly?

In the future, these quotas may become useless in these regions, and there will be unanimous resistance to Bai Ze from top to bottom.

Fortunately, Baize is not without a base to replenish living water. He can still come and go freely in the Far East and Siberia, and anyone he can like will be willing to follow him. In other words, it is also the credibility he has formed over a long time. .

He even planned that the next time he recruits in these two regions, he will not do it himself, but will choose to let the monsters who have been recruited by him in the past do it;

After all, these demon clans come from these areas, and they are naturally persuasive when they come forward.

Alaska has long become a paradise for monsters.

With such a real powerful demon clan guarding him, no matter how many conflicts he finds in Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com, he will not be able to provoke any conflicts.

Over time, it made the demon tribes among them more effective in suppressing their own anger, thus forming many demon tribe cities today.

These cities are large and small, and some are like villages, in which only a certain ethnic group lives;

Some of them are very large, and they also learn from the way humans build cities, building their own city walls hundreds of feet high, with thousands of square kilometers within them, and countless monsters living in them, forming a unique main body of civilization.

This is the power of time.

It is also a great force of restraint.

Bai Ze was laissez-faire about this. He did not push it or stop it. He was happy to watch. Even if the methods of hundreds of schools of thought were introduced into him, he would not stop him at all.

He knew that every year in his own territory, a trade team would be formed to go to Liu Haolong Kingdom to trade with the humans there. Over the years, it had become a routine, and the mutual trust between the two parties even made the demon clans under his account trust the demon clans in other regions even more.

But so what?

He is no longer the Bai Ze who was limited to one side of the world. His vision has exceeded that of a certain ethnic group. He is no longer the Bai Ze who only made suggestions for the demon clan. (End of chapter)

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