Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven, reality and expectations

Chapter 1961 Reality and Expectation

1977. Reality and expectations

Liu Hao could somewhat see the changes in Bai Ze.

Liu Hao, who already controls the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation, cannot hide anyone's entry and exit from him.

As soon as Bai Ze moved, Liu Hao had already discovered, and after a little speculation in his heart, he also understood the cause and effect of the butterfly effect outside.

He was still a little amused that this effect spread to Bai Ze.

Liu Hao agreed with Bai Ze's solution. As for the possible crisis in the area controlled by the demon clan, he didn't bother to deal with it. As long as it didn't trigger a large-scale migration of demon beasts, he didn't care.

After sharing the information with Qinglong Liuha, the power of the entire Zhoutian Star Formation has already increased to a higher level. Not to mention other things, the expansion of the space within it has already been tens of thousands of times, and it has long been no different from that of the universe.

Such a vast space, with just a few billion people joining it, is nothing.

The reason why he wants to limit the quota is simply to tell others the importance of threshold.

Obviously, judging from the current situation, the effect is as he expected.

Even if countless seventh-level monks and above arrived and he allowed them to enter, he also did not give them much time. Almost after these monks made their own choices, he gave some of the monks who were willing to continue some adaptation period before sending them out. .

Next time, if they want to continue entering, they will need merit to redeem it.

His approach is also highly approved by all the rulers of the Yanhuang Alliance.

You have to admit that even if these rulers release their merits in exchange for treasures, there are still a lot of people who are dismissive of them.

But the self-confidence of these people is not that they are just arrogant, but that they are really rich and are too lazy to use their time and energy to earn a lot of meritorious deeds, and then use those meritorious deeds to exchange for their own dispensable treasures.

The shirk of these people is itself a waste of manpower, so much so that the merits of all major worlds have become of little value.

But these, these anchors that were originally difficult to firm appeared. Although this anchor is not under my control, it is also the best choice.

In fact, is it not that the value of meritorious service is indirectly linked to merit?

Even a fool knows the value of merit.

What is almost predictable is that monks who earn meritorious deeds will soon appear on a large scale, and soon after, meritorious deeds will develop into the common currency of the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

This upcoming financial structure seems to be very simple. The major Yanhuang civilizations distribute merits and the monks compete to earn them. When the inflation of merits is about to occur, a large number of monks who have made merits with their friends will also get access to the Abyss Front of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation. Time of experience.

Financial derivatives will inevitably lead to a gap between the rich and the poor, as well as the emergence of speculators.

For example, Hu Mei, who originally had a large amount of resources, will be able to purchase and exit at any time even if she does not have the pass given by Liu Hao in the future.

But these are still unavoidable.

Whenever human beings trade, these injustices are already doomed.

But from the perspective of human evolution, is this not a brush choice?

Furthermore, it is not that Liu Hao has not released quotas other than merit exchange. When those senior monks no longer need to compete for these merits, they lose interest in it, and only then can these currencies truly gain greater circulation among the middle and lower classes.

In the future, if problems do arise, can't we also change the policy?

Those who are destined to rule have never thought that once the rules are formulated, they cannot be changed. On the contrary, any rule will be changed as a matter of course as long as the person who makes the rules believes that it is not enough to bear social value.

Just like Bai Ze who just issued the order, won't he change in the future?

When those high-level monsters find that it becomes easier to obtain meritorious deeds from humans, will they still be willing to compete for the few spots released by Bai Ze?

Which one is more cost-effective, cost or benefit, is an instinct possessed by every intelligent being. As long as one knows how to weigh gains and losses, there is no one who does not know how to choose.

At that time, Bai Ze may be the passive party, and may want to recruit these high-level monsters, so he must give them part of their salary in advance.

Everything is always evolving, and there can never be fixed rules.

As long as it is formulated by humans, it always needs to be viewed from a developmental perspective.

After all, they are not the true laws of heaven and earth.

This is perhaps the most difficult part of humanity. It is impossible to separate from the real crowd. If you live in seclusion for a long time, you will definitely be out of touch with the crowd, and even the laws of humanity that were recognized in the past will be inaccurate.

For Liu Hao, this was a sudden enlightenment. In an instant, Liu Hao's understanding of the laws of humanity reached a new level.

Fortunately, this understanding did not make him obsessed, otherwise the countless monks fighting abyssal species in the Zhoutian Star Formation would be in real trouble.

There are a large number of monks among them who have become accustomed to Liu Hao's rescue. If there is a slight loss of consciousness, there is no telling how many monks will die in this moment.

This discovery made Liu Hao himself smile bitterly. He finally understood why Qinglong Liu Hao became more and more indifferent.

Anyone who controls the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation for too long will move towards ‘mechanization’, right?

Over time, it will gradually transform into a heavenly being and become an 'artificial intelligence' without emotions.

Likewise, this is also an excellent place to comprehend the laws of heaven.

Once you get used to this 'mechanization', the laws of heaven you glimpse from it will also be inevitable, urging the suppressors to move forward all the time.

No wonder Qinglong Liu Hao has made such rapid progress.

On the contrary, Liu Hao himself also knew that Liu Hao's obsession with realizing Hunyuan might be more difficult than he imagined.

"Does this guy already have a clear understanding of this?"

"Yes, he has already done rotation with Qinglong Liu Hao, so how could he not understand?"

"Did he start that game with the intention of experimenting?"

Many thoughts flashed through Liu Hao's mind one by one, and there was no clear answer for a while. He shook his head and was too lazy to think about it. The real answer will not come until he meets Liu Hao and exchanges information with Liu Hao in the future. That's clear.

That being the case, why waste time on it?

He glanced at Qinglong Liu Hao beside him, and saw that Qinglong Liu Hao had reached the end of the understanding he had gained from him, and felt somewhat relieved in his heart.

Your vague intentions as a saint all indicate that your incarnation has a bright future. How can you make him unhappy?

He rarely stretched out his fingers and counted them. The target was naturally the passage of time in the tomb world.

"What a coincidence!"

What Liu Hao calls a coincidence is that the time boundary seems to be just what he needs.

When he returned to his home earth this time, he was entrusted by White Tiger Liu Hao to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation mirror in another world outside his home earth.

He found that after these things were settled, there was a high probability that Qinglong Liu Hao had come out of the tomb world and would have to go to the ancient world to prove Hunyuan or become a saint.

In that case, he must stay in his home earth.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation must have one person in charge, but those who choose to be in charge will not be able to invest their energy in other areas.

As the hub of the heavens and the world, our own earth may have changes at any time and at any time, and there must be someone who is in charge of it, even if this kind of control is a waste most of the time, but what if it happens?

At least he didn't dare to bet, because if he lost, his dragon country and even his earth might be destroyed.

He also didn't dare to let his azure dragon incarnate to prove enlightenment in his own earth. Without him, it would be too vast. Ninety-nine percent of the time, he would let this vast aura pass through the abyss, connect to the gap in his own earth, and pass into the abyss. .

Once this happens, the great battle between the heavens and the world will also surge by leaps and bounds. By then, the top level in the battle will also be the saint level.

How terrifying is the battle of saints?

Who knows whether our earth will be able to bear it by then? Will it be destroyed due to the spread of the Saint's battle?

Whenever there is a slight possibility, Liu Hao will postpone this possibility, the sooner the better.

He not only pays attention to his own incarnation, but also needs to pay attention to every monk who is close to realizing Hunyuan, such as the Ancestor Styx in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation;

For example, Liu Hao often counted Zhen Yuanzi, who was still entrusting the land of the Mountain God among the heavens and the world, with his fingers to figure out what his cultivation level was.

Another example is the Tathagata who has recently entered the heavens. This guy's progress is very fast. Sometimes, it even exceeds Liu Hao's expectations.

This guy's talent may be truly inspired. With his future path clear, it is almost not an exaggeration to say that he will change three times a day.

It is not an exaggeration to keep an eye on such a guy all the time. Liu Hao, the obsessive Liu Hao who is now stationed at the Australian base of Dragon Kingdom, seems to have nothing to do, but he has never carried anything.

So much so that even though he knew that wasting time on it would slow down his path to enlightenment, he could only do it.

This has almost become his responsibility, a responsibility that only he knows but cannot let go of.

Liu Hao himself understood to some extent that his approach was somewhat controversial, but what could be done? In the final analysis, his own cultivation was not enough to support his self-confidence?

Facing the abyss, he didn't even know what level of cultivation was needed to truly feel at ease. All he could do was to be on guard and seize all the time to cultivate.

When outsiders come, he has nothing to do, and everyone is envious of him.

He knew this very well, but he never meant to explain it to them.

It must be admitted that some things, without a certain level of strength, would be a bad thing if you knew about them.

If the top brass in the Yanhuang Alliance truly see how terrifying the abyss is, can you guarantee that they will still have the confidence to face it?

The fundamental reason why outstanding people are precious and make people believe in them is because they are rare.

He didn't want to bet that all the high-ranking officials were outstanding people, and there was no need to truly understand their level of cultivation.

Their pride still needs time to continue to accumulate, and it has not really reached its peak. Cultivating it is the right way, and Liu Hao is happy to continue.

Even Ying Zheng, the first emperor of the Great Qin Empire, had the blessing of the Qi Luck Dynasty. In Liu Hao's eyes, he did not really develop his self-confidence to its peak. Otherwise, the beautiful remnants of the Great Qin Empire would have long since ceased to exist. .

In the future that Liu Hao expected, the Great Qin Empire under the rule of the First Emperor Ying Zheng and the First Emperor Ying Zheng, should be the only one who is supreme, and it is the norm to defy the sky and the earth to defy the saints.

Whether it is the Great Qin Empire or the current First Emperor Ying Zheng, there is still a long way to go before Liu Hao wants to look like him.

This is true for the First Emperor, and so is all the other Yan-Huang Alliances, and so is all the other heavens and worlds.

Just like the world of Dou Qi turning into horses, isn't Liu Hao also looking forward to it?

How long it takes to completely transform from Yanhuang is one, and how long it takes to be confident and arm-wrestling with any heaven is the second.

Isn't Liu Hao also expecting when Emperor Huang Tian, ​​who is known as the pinnacle of fantasy, will step into the heavens?

As for the world that Master Xuanwu was carrying, Liu Hao didn't think much about it.

That has exceeded his expectations, is beyond his control, and is not strong enough.

He did think that in the world that Master Xuanwu was carrying, those saints and those in the realm of heaven would be able to stand on his own front in the future, but who could guarantee that?

The mentality of those monks who have experienced the destruction of the world, those who were lucky enough to escape with their lives in the endless fear, and who don't even know why they escaped, must be very different from their own.

In Liu Hao's speculation, the mentality of these saints and those in the realm of heaven is probably not much different from the source of darkness of those who kill themselves and choose to survive in the perfect world, right?

For the sake of one's own life, one can ignore all sentient beings and ignore heaven and earth.

Is such a person really worthy of trust?

He did not dare to place his hopes on such a possibility.

Master Xuanwu told him at the beginning that he would wait until he attained Hunyuan before heading to the world he was carrying to look for opportunities. Wasn't that a reminder?

Maybe even Master Xuanwu can't place his trust in these people, right?

The reason for keeping them is to find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. Is there any intention to gain experience as Liu Hao and others?

By killing this group of people and seizing their luck and treasure from these people, will you advance your future path?

Are these fortunes and treasures also reserved for the monks on my wish list?

Just like Yang Jian, if he only uses current methods, he can accumulate luck from killing visitors from the abyss all the time. If he wants to accumulate enough luck to realize Hunyuan, it will take hundreds of millions of years. .

Can Yang Jian afford to wait?

If he can afford to wait, can all the heavens and worlds afford it?

And this is the ideal state. Without an innate treasure, when luck accumulates to a certain level, it will still be lost. It can only be said that it is still far away.

At this time, if we could seize an innate treasure from the world of Master Xuanwu and give it to Yang Jian, wouldn't the impossible become possible?

Liu Hao didn't know whether his guess was true, but it didn't stop him from thinking like this.

I am happy to continue waiting.

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