Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-six. Ancient Shennong

Liu Hao made a rare calculation with his fingers, and soon, a wry smile appeared on his face.

Feng Baobao's character is indeed like this. He doesn't seem to be in a hurry even though he knows that he can obtain the Daluo Daoguo certificate in just one step.

This guy, the Wutang Empire is very busy now.

There are indeed countless things that need to be smoothed out in the migration and resettlement of a world's population.

But do they really need to do these things themselves?

Do you really think that Wu Zhao and Li Zhi are working for a living?

Do you really think that the Yanhuang Alliance’s support is just talk?

In fact, even if they all leave, there won't be any problems.

But they still stayed. It can be said that the happiest people about their stay are Wu Zhao and Li Zhi.

Their existence, to a certain extent, is the representative of the saints. When they were all helping the construction of the Wutang Empire honestly, which of the other monks and sects who arrived would dare to mess around?

Even if you have a lot of ambitions in your heart, you must suppress them deep in your heart, right?

Liu Hao could tell without even thinking that Wu Zhao and Li Zhi were 'encouraging' and retaining him.

Their stay was not without benefits. At least, the construction of the Wutang Empire was much faster now.

That is to re-establish a prosperous country in ruins. Everything is equivalent to starting from scratch. If it is not done at once, the subsequent troubles will only be greater.

Obviously, both Wu Zhao and Li Zhi are fully aware of this.

That's why they lost face and left many things to Zhang Chulan and his group. They were taking advantage of their kindness and adding prestige to them.

The fact is that the most uncomfortable thing for them to stay is Buddhism. When the people see the Taoism helping them so selflessly, the gratitude in their hearts will definitely last for a long time.

Isn't this what Sanqing wants to see most?

These orthodox human beings who came from the prehistoric world have left the prehistoric world. Who can guarantee that their hearts will not change? Can the three pure saints be held high as usual?

Influence is something that needs to be maintained. When you have even a short window of time, it will be filled by their influence. Once it is filled by other influences, it will take more time and energy to regain it. Infinite zoom.

Which of the Sanqing saints is happy to see such a scene?

It can be said that Sanqing has made a lot of money. He just gave simple orders and did not even put all his hopes on them, but he has gained beyond imagination.

Liu Hao naturally has a share of credit here.

Who told him to let Zhang Chulan and others get along with Li Zhiwu Zhao when he brought them into the wilderness?

It is often the purest friendship that is combined in an environment where there is no interest at all.

Why don't they want to give Wu Zhao and Li Zhi some help within their ability while they still have the right to speak?

If anyone were in Feng Baobao's position, the day they returned to Liu Hao's Earth, they would most likely return to the world under one person.

But if anyone were to be put in Feng Baobao's position, the danger of realizing the Daluo Dao Fruit this time would be equally high.

Is obsession really so easy to eliminate?

If it’s really that easy, can it still be called obsession?

The more you care about this, the more serious your obsession is.

On the contrary, the more patient you are and the less you care, the more likely you are to eliminate your obsession.

Whether Feng Baobao does it on purpose or is really not in a hurry, it is a blessing.

Liu Hao can understand it to some extent.

When you are in a pond and cannot jump out of the pond, any collision can make you irritated.

But when you jump out of this pond and see the real lake and the sea, the things that originally made you want to remember will become less important.

This is an improvement in vision, just like the comparison of small details with great meaning.

When you understand what is true righteousness, the little things in the past seem to be nothing.

This principle does not apply to Feng Baobao, but there is a slight convergence.

This Feng Baobao, who has been thinking about his life and origins endlessly, essentially wants a real family and harbor.

This is Feng Baobao's true obsession.

But this obsession began to disappear bit by bit from the moment Feng Baobao met Zhang Chulan. The two guys with the same mentality had actually started hugging each other for warmth. In the process of hugging each other for warmth, Treat each other as real family.

Naturally, the original obsession with family and harbor also disappeared bit by bit in the process.

After going to the ancient world, Feng Baobao became a disciple of Laozi. With his master, didn't he find an anchor for his origin?

Even if Feng Baobao didn't get many 'comforting words' from Laozi, as long as they existed, they would have an extraordinary effect.

The prehistoric Shouyang Mountain, to a certain extent, has also become a part of Feng Baobao Harbor.

The great mage Xuandu's love for Feng Baobao has never been hypocritical.

Judging from these two changes, now most of Feng Baobao's original obsession has been eliminated. Although it has not become irrelevant, it is no longer possible for Feng Baobao to fall into it and be unable to extricate himself.

That being the case, why is she anxious?

Feng Baobao seems to be naive, but she is never stupid. On the contrary, Feng Baobao's IQ is higher than anyone else. Didn't you see that she is also proficient in all kinds of arts even in the plot?

From opening doors and picking locks to various languages, he can understand everything.

Such Feng Baobao, when something is handed to her, she will not just walk away. On the contrary, at this time, Feng Baobao is the one who contributes the most.

You can draw architectural drawings, paint walls, form a team for construction, be an accountant, and so on.

This is the real Feng Baobao.

It seems that as long as Feng Baobao is interested, there is nothing she cannot learn.

In the ancient world, when Shouyang Mountain was studying with Laozi, didn't Laozi also have great recognition of Feng Baobao?

You know, this kind of recognition is no less than the recognition I gave Master Xuandu back then.

How could such a Feng Baobao, who came from a low-level world, be so valued by Lao Tzu and accepted as his direct disciple? How could he be so stupid?

She is fundamentally pure and flawless, but her complex human nature can never be polluted, which is why others see that Feng Baobao is a bit strange.

Isn't Liu Hao himself envious of Feng Baobao?

He almost didn't need to guess. As long as Feng Baobao went to the world under one person, Daluo Daoguo would be at his fingertips, and it would be impossible for the Quasi-Sage to stop Feng Baobao.

He was not sure how fast Feng Baobao would improve his cultivation level in the future, but he knew that as long as Feng Baobao was given time, Feng Baobao would definitely be among the group of people standing at the highest peak.

Among this group of people, even Guanyin and others may have to look up to her in the future.

This is no joke.

Among all the monks in the world, Liu Hao has only seen Feng Baobao who truly has a pure heart.

He believed that this was why I accepted Feng Baobao as a disciple without hesitation.

Who doesn’t know how high the saint’s vision is?

Why should Liu Hao worry about Feng Baobao?

Instead of worrying about Feng Baobao, it is better to worry about Zhang Chulan and the others.

However, Liu Hao also discovered from Zhang Lingyu that even if these people devoted their time to helping Wu Zhao and Li Zhi, their cultivation level did not seem to have dropped at all.

The teachings of saints are indeed different. Zhang Chulan and the others do not seem to have fully absorbed their teachings. Isn't such a choice the most suitable path for them now?

He watched Zhang Lingyu carry Xia He away until he disappeared from sight, then he looked back and put away the aunt's smile on his face.

He turned to look at Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, and then said:

"On the other side of the azure dragon's incarnation, you must always pay attention. He is already on the verge of enlightenment."

"Don't worry, my dear, I am here!"

Obsessive Liu Hao nodded slightly. He knew that the reason why he gave the instructions was because he was worried that he would be too immersed in it and forget about time when he would comprehend the information later.

The incarnation of obsession is also helpless. He has fallen far behind. Only today did he know how far behind he really is. He really has a concept of saints and Hunyuan and knows how high they are.

He also wants to catch up as soon as possible, but duty is duty. As the hub of the universe, his earth must always pay attention to it. Even if he knows that the possibility of something big happening is slim, he cannot slack off at all.

When Liu Hao saw this, he didn't say much and just gave instructions. He also believed that the incarnation of his obsession understood the general trend.

Among the white clouds, Liu Hao did not directly cross the mountains and seas this time, but flew slowly. In fact, if he really wanted to observe, it was just a matter of scanning with his spiritual consciousness, but he did not do so. Relatively speaking, He also wanted to relax.

I don't know how long it took, but the white clouds wandered on their own and arrived at their destination, which was Shennongjia.

When returning to his home earth, there was a need for Shen Nong to say something. Although the matter was small, it could not be ignored.

Similarly, he also wanted to see how the Shennong clan was doing in the wild world, and what changes had happened in the wild world under the promotion of the Shennong clan.

Shennong's was much more comfortable than others imagined.

Desolate, desolate, has the meaning of desolation, and has the meaning of desolate.

Here, the vastness of the land and the sparse population are indescribable.

People in this world are like embellishments in the starry sky, walking sporadically between heaven and earth.

Most of them also live a very primitive life, like wild beasts.

In such a world, the addition of any civilization will also set off an endless wave, and the arrival of Shennong is to promote this.

Any of his teachings may lead to merit in heaven and earth.

He has become the largest and only civilization leader in this world.

It might be possible for anyone to do it, but if someone else does it, they will most likely still perish.

When Liu Hao first stepped into it, he was vaguely aware of it. It was because of this that he did not stay in Bizhong for long.

This place seems to be naturally designed for Shennong, just waiting for his arrival.

Also, in this world, Shen Nong has long existed. Even if he died, there was a connection.

Without this connection, who can withstand the rejection of the willpower of such a newly born world?

This is Shennong's greatest opportunity.

He enjoyed it and had no thoughts of leaving.

His only thought now is to introduce this newly born world into the real heavens.

He is most aware of the horror of the future competition among the heavens, and does not want the world under his feet to become the nourishment of other heavens in the future.

He is successful.

He has not only gained the respect of the human race in the wilderness world, but also the respect of all other ethnic groups in the wilderness world.

The merits he gained from this had already pushed his cultivation level higher and higher, and beheading the third corpse was no longer an obstacle to the Shennong family.

Although it cannot be said that it is feasible at any time, it is not far behind!

You know, when Shennong taught the entire wild world, he really didn't have much to hide, and he didn't just teach cultivation.

Agriculture and medical treatment, which he was already good at, have also developed greatly in today's wild world.

In the wild world, perhaps compared to many heavens, there are still few creatures, but the level of civilization is not low.

This is Shennong's greatest contribution, and he deserves the reward.

It's just that outsiders have no way of knowing.

This is actually education. To a certain extent, it is no different from what Hongjun did in the prehistoric times.

Hongjun used this to become the ancestor of Taoism, so why not the Shennong family now?

The fact is that Shennong only needs to continue his great cause, and he will be able to achieve it one day in the future.

Of course, this requires the wild world to grow to that level.

Don't think that this is just a possibility. For any monk, if there is such an opportunity, no one, not even a saint, is willing to miss it.

It's like having a group company that is completely in your own hands, and the sense of accomplishment is enough to make people feel excited.

Its possibilities will also be endless. This is the greatest value!

The Shennong clan has been integrated into it, and they no longer distinguish between you and me!

To a certain extent, he already belongs to the wild world, not the primitive world.

This is no longer a choice he can make, or he has already made a choice.

For example, in the future war between the ancient world and the wild world, the Shennong family can only stand on the side of the wild world.

There is no so-called right or wrong, nor is there any so-called betrayal. It is more about the pursuit of Tao!

This may be the greatest foundation of a monk!

Of course, this is only possible.

The probability of reality happening is not even one in a billion.

In the entire wild world, more than half of the inheritance now comes from the Shennong clan, that is, from the ancient times.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are of the same origin.

How could it be possible to fight?

But it cannot be said that the wild world has no local characteristics. The biggest difference is the human race. In their bodies, the bloodline similar to that of the ancient witch race is much higher.

In other words, their talent for body training would make even many demon clans feel ashamed!

They are also accustomed to having to exercise their bodies and integrate them into their own flesh and blood, even if this causes a lot of delays in their cultivation.

This itself is caused by the unique environment of the wild world. Who makes the ethnic groups other than the human race in the wild world so defensive?

When a spell does less damage than a fist, everyone knows what choice to make.

Similarly, they have also tempered themselves to the greatest extent, and the dilution of their bloodline has become much more difficult, which means that their talents are generally continued, generation after generation!

This may be a gain or loss!

In turn, because of this acquisition, the fertility rate of the human race is much lower than that of most heavens.

Therefore, up to now, the wilderness world is still the wilderness world, and it is still so vast and sparsely populated.

It's so huge that they don't even know how long it will take to develop the ultimate resource. Even though they know that the universe exists, there are only a few that really interest them.

Shennong is not stingy, look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com Even the top master among them would not choose to hide it from the heavens.

In other words, visitors from the wild world who traveled through the world passage and entered Shennongjia, Liu Haolong's kingdom, must also exist.

However, when they came, they did not cause any fluctuations, which already explained everything!

Either they came and kept a low profile, or they just strolled around Shennongjia in Liu Haolong's country and then returned to their home world!

The latter is the most likely!

The fundamental reason is still comparison. Anyone who comes to Shennongjia, Liu Haolong's country, can make a choice just by comparing the world resource conditions of the two parties.

Perhaps in their eyes, Liu Haolong's country is just a countryside now, so how much interest can it arouse in them?

Furthermore, the masters of these wild worlds are not ordinary ambitious. If they think that they can make great strides forward while staying in this world, they will not have much interest in venturing into the world.

No one who is used to being the boss is willing to start from scratch!

They may have already made plans for their next arrival, such as occupying a chassis after their next arrival, etc.

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