Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven, the familiar giant panda at Shennongjia

1987. The familiar giant panda at Shennongjia

Shennongjia is lush and green, and big trees can be seen everywhere. Although trees over a hundred feet tall cannot be said to be everywhere, they are not special cases.

Looking down from above the white clouds, you can see that it is simply a sea of ​​forests, and greenery fills the entire world.

Occasional changes in color are caused by the flow of birds in it, setting off clear chirping sounds, swearing that that space belongs to them alone.

No one can count how many monster clans and monster beasts there are under that forest sea.

But everyone knows that this place is by no means easy to mess with. Even the demon clan coming from the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the southwest of the Dragon Kingdom has suffered big losses here.

After a few times, even within the Yao clan, they also started to have scruples about this place.

They know that most of the demon clan in Shennongjia are very low-key, and most of their foreign affairs are entrusted to a giant panda.

That giant panda looks silly, but if anyone underestimates this guy, he will definitely be happy to eat a meal of meat.

Over time, both the demon clan and the human clan have fully understood this giant panda. They really don't care where you come from, and they don't care whether you are human or demon. They really treat everyone equally.

With such self-confidence, even those big demons from the city of hundreds of thousands of demon clans in the mountains southwest of the Dragon Kingdom had to take a high look and silently compare, thinking that it would be really difficult for them to do it for themselves.

This giant panda actually spends half of its time at the edge of Shennongjia. A few hundred meters further on, there is a large human town.

In this human town, every human being is familiar with this giant panda. Whenever his mood fluctuates, he will come to this town to buy a few kilograms of good wine, drink alone, and then leave drunk.

In the beginning, even though the humans in the town loved pandas very much, deep down they were somewhat worried or even afraid;

But after a few times, such fears and worries gradually let go.

Because even if the giant panda is drunk, the children can climb on the other's back to hide and seek.

Every step of the way, as soon as they approached the edge of the town, they would carefully put the children down and leave alone.

They rarely communicate with the adults in this town, but they often bring the spiritual fruits from Shennongjia to distribute to the children.

Over the years, how many of these children have grown into adults, and how many have benefited from this giant panda?

It can be said that now this giant panda is no different from the local residents in this town.

That's the real Uncle Panda.

This guy is really as wise as he is foolish.

They are definitely not acting this way because of the orders from the old man from Shennongjia, but they have their own way of doing things.

The big monsters in Shennongjia are quite different from the monsters in other areas of Liu Haolong Kingdom.

Because at the beginning, that is, when the spiritual energy was first revived, most of the high-level monsters here were the albino species unique to Shennongjia.

It seems that most of the violence in the hearts of these albino species has been eliminated. Therefore, even when humans and monsters competed for the first time, the monsters in Shennongjia were spared.

They don't seem to be keen on fighting, as if they are born with a desire to avoid the world.

In addition, the strongest among them is the ginseng, who also met Liu Hao during the first conflict. The two parties can be said to be the first in the entire Dragon Kingdom to reach a tacit understanding with humans even though they have not had any negotiations. .

Even now, the number of monsters emerging from Shennongjia is extremely rare.

Even if Liu Hao, who is obsessed with forward flipping, started a conflict game, there was no huge scene here.

The reason for this is that Liu Hao also knew that many demon clans must have been driven to the wild world by the big demons among them.

They really have a place to go. In that wild world, there are countless territories for them to survive, and there is no need to fight for a third of an acre with Liu Haolong Kingdom.

Naturally, there won't be many disputes.

For this reason, in the past few decades, although countless towns, large and small, have been established around Shennongjia, there is actually no situation that can be called a war between the two sides.

Instead, these towns were built one after another. The only reason was that nearby humans needed such a 'place of experience' to make progress together with the monsters on the edge of Shennongjia.

But even so, the monks in these towns understand that the depth they can step into Shennongjia is very limited.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire Shennongjia has actually formed a kingdom of monsters and monsters.

It is a circular defense mode. As far as you go deeper, there will be monsters or monsters of different levels in Shennongjia.

These people who are in charge may not take action easily, and most of the time, they will just watch with cold eyes. But even so, which monk who enters this place dares to really ignore these high-level monsters and monsters in their hearts?

It was just a simple shock, but the effect was extraordinary.

In the entire Liu Haolong Kingdom, isn’t Shennongjia still mysterious and unpredictable to this day?

As the leader of the entire Shennongjia, both this giant panda and the ginseng male sitting deep in the core of Shennongjia can be said to be extremely intelligent.

However, I don’t know if these two guys have a relationship with the Shennong clan in the wild world, and whether they also have orders from the Shennong clan?

Above the white clouds, Liu Hao made no further guesses about this. The facts will be clear to both parties later, right?

He didn't immediately leave the clouds to question the drunk panda in front of him.

This guy's character design is so well established that he has become the best bridge between humans and the Shennongjia Monster Clan, so why should I break it?

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this. To this day, doesn't our country still insist that the giant panda is a national treasure?

In the land of Western Shu, there are already more than 800 giant pandas. So far, they have a very close relationship with their own Dragon Kingdom. Even though they are part of the Monster Clan, they actually still recognize the humans of the Dragon Kingdom more than the Monster Clan.

Others' positions have not changed at all?

They are all giant pandas. Western Shu is recognized, how can the land of Qinchuan not be recognized?

Didn’t the guy in front of me do a good job?

Liu Hao smiled slightly, watching the giant panda disappear into the forest, and then slowly moved forward towards the white clouds at his feet.

It seems that it is also happy to wait for this giant panda to penetrate more distance.

As expected, after this guy entered not far away, how could he still be drunk? With a stretch and a few shakes, we were already hundreds of kilometers deep. There was a rare bamboo forest there, and it was basically this guy's lair in Shennongjia.

This bamboo forest is very fresh, and it looks like it was planted in recent decades.

Among them, every bamboo is shining with spiritual energy. It is obvious that it has been cultivated by this guy for a long time.

Also, this giant panda has already reached the level of cultivation, so how can ordinary things get into his mouth?

This bamboo forest is also covered by several formations, and the spiritual energy within it is much richer than the surrounding areas.

Liu Hao entered it and glanced left and right, with a hint of surprise on his face.

It's not about anything else, but this giant panda does have some clues about the formation.

These formations may seem loose in Liu Hao's eyes, but they are not simple at all. Even the formation masters from his own Dragon Kingdom can probably only achieve this level.

Then, it can only be that this giant panda has received "teachings" from the masters of its own Dragon Kingdom. In this regard, the giant panda is already close to humans, and most of the senior officials of its own Dragon Kingdom will not be stingy.

Of course, it may also be because of the guidance from Shennong.

However, this possibility was quickly eliminated by Liu Hao. Judging from the layout of the formations in front of him, they did not have any grandeur of the prehistoric formations. The objects suppressed by the cores of several formations were also the favorites of the monks of his Dragon Kingdom. formation flag.

Such a formation, even if it has some power, is nothing more than a child's thing in Liu Hao's eyes. After a few steps, he has already reached the core.

Here, it's not bad. This giant panda is indeed not wasted at all. Any spiritual energy he introduced into the formation has no intention of releasing it.

Over time, a spiritual spring was formed at the core of this formation.

And beside this spiritual spring, a lavender bamboo shoot was sticking out of the ground, revealing a small tip.

This spiritual bamboo is the most valuable thing in the entire bamboo forest at your feet. It is most likely the essential reason why this giant panda decided to settle down here.

Plants and trees, as long as they have spiritual roots, are extremely precious.

Even in today's prehistoric world, if any acquired spiritual root is encountered by a monk, it will still cause a fight, let alone Liu Hao's earth.

Don't think this is a joke, it's reality.

In the prehistoric world, those highest-level spiritual roots, such as the so-called ten spiritual roots of the prehistoric world, must have finally fallen into the hands of saints and near-sages.

It is impossible to ignore those below. From the top grade to the middle grade, and then to the low grade, they have been competed for for countless years.

Even if there are fish that slip through the net, they will be very few.

Those great monks who have emerged in recent hundreds of millions of years have no need in this regard?

How is that possible?

Since innate spiritual roots are no longer possible, one can only target acquired spiritual roots.

The essential difference between the two is nothing more than whether it contains the innate Tao charm. Putting aside these, aren't the medicinal properties of them not very different?

After discovering it, is there any reason to miss it?

If these spiritual roots were of a higher level, wouldn't there be many people who died because of it?

This giant panda discovered this spiritual root, and it would be strange not to regard it as a treasure.

But not everyone is like Liu Hao, who can get a medicinal garden from the Nuwa Empress's dojo, and who is not interested in the acquired spiritual roots.

With this spiritual root in front of me, if other big demons in Shennongjia discover it, they will probably have to fight this giant panda for 300 rounds.

Just when Liu Hao shook his head and laughed, there was movement behind him, and a trace of murderous aura came towards him leisurely, but soon, this trace of murderous aura also disappeared completely in an instant.

This is simply because the giant panda arrived at its den and suddenly found someone among them. It was so horrified that it instinctively wanted to silence them.

But as soon as the murderous intention arose, the giant panda found itself as if it had fallen into an abyss, and its whole body became frozen. When it looked at the figure again, a familiar feeling emerged in its heart, and soon it was gone. Understand who is coming.

The giant panda quickly bowed down and called him "Great Emperor", as if not doing so was not enough to express his respect.

"You're lucky!"

"Little Bear is willing to dedicate his treasure to the Emperor!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Hao was a little stunned. He turned around, swept towards the giant panda, and then laughed.

"You're willing to do it!" Liu Hao couldn't tell that even if he hid it, the pain was still vivid in his mind.

Naturally, he couldn't accept it. In fact, he was happy that the number of spiritual roots in his earth kept popping up.

Any spiritual root of heaven and earth is the product of the continuous accumulation of the foundation of this world.

Wherever it appears, let it continue to breed and grow. This is the best way to deal with it.

He seemed to have thought of something, his mind moved, and he casually pointed at the lavender bamboo shoot. At the tip of his index finger, a small drop of water sank into the bamboo shoot. What could it be if it wasn't the Three Light Divine Water?

As soon as this drop of the Three Light Divine Water was submerged, the lavender bamboo shoot seemed to be catalyzed by madness. The body that was originally only an inch from the ground increased to about a foot in a few breaths.

The most essential change is not here, but the deepening of the color. From the original lavender to now full of purple, it is obviously because of this that it has entered a higher level.

"This can be regarded as a reward for your hard work during this period of time!"

As soon as Liu Hao said this, the ecstasy on the giant panda that was still lying on the ground could not be hidden at all, and the whole body even trembled with joy.

Only he himself knows the benefits best, followed by Liu Hao.

When Liu Hao thought about it, this giant panda had quite a lot of ambitions, and it was clear that he wanted to realize the Tao of Daluo.

But he has a lot of thoughts, but he also knows the chances. The reason why this guy values ​​this spiritual bamboo shoot so much is because he wants to increase the chance of realizing the Daluo Dao Fruit in the future, right?

There's nothing wrong with that.

Among the demon clan on Earth, it would be impossible if there were no demon clan in the future to realize the Daluo Daoguo.

Since it is bound to appear, why can't it be someone who is familiar with me?

Why can't it be a demon who is close to the people of his own Dragon Kingdom?

What's the matter, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and give the giant panda a quota, right?

After all, he is still the national treasure of his own Dragon Kingdom. What’s wrong with giving him a quota?

Isn't that how it should be?

Now that I have encountered it, why would I not lend a helping hand?

But it was impossible for Liu Hao to tell the giant panda in front of him that his casual gift was enough. He seemed to have seen the leaks in the lair formation. Since he had already taken action, there was no need to go further.

After finishing, he started to think again. He moved his eyebrows towards the giant panda, poured his understanding of the Liangyi Dust Formation into it, and gave instructions in it. The reason why he did this was: I also don’t want Da Chi Chi to spread it.

Anyway, the humans in the Yanhuang Alliance are now practicing the formation. If he hadn't seen that it was really suitable for him, Liu Hao would not have passed it down easily.

Liu Hao was not afraid that this guy would not obey his orders. He gave him a gift, which was cause and effect. Once he violated his orders, under the influence of this cause and effect, this guy's trouble would just begin.

With this guy's wisdom, he doesn't dare to mess around, and he won't do anything messy.

This naive person may seem naive, but he is actually smarter than anyone else. Otherwise, he would not have been able to keep this spiritual root secret to this day. (End of chapter)

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