Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight, Shennongjia Monster Clan

1988. Shennongjia Monster Clan

For Liu Hao, it was a gift given casually, but for this giant panda, it was a real ladder to the sky.

The difference between high and low lies in this.

Everyone must admit it.

Isn’t that what those disciples of saints are like?

The ecstatic giant panda didn't have time to digest what he had received. He was just stunned and cheered and thanked him, only to find that the emperor in front of him had already left.

Only then did he realize that his guardian formation had been upgraded several levels. He wanted to learn from it, but found that it was not that simple.

He didn't indulge in it. The detailed explanation of the Liangyi Dust Formation in his mind was what he really wanted.

This formation is not without contact with this giant panda. He has been drinking in the small town on the edge of Shennongjia for a long time, not only to express his closeness, but also to get a lot of information that only humans can understand.

This formation was one of them, and he spent a lot of time studying it, but it was extremely difficult to go further.

It's not anything else, but the humans in that small town are not good at this, and no one can give him the answer.

Now it's better, the thing I miss every day seems to fall from the sky, and directly give me an unknown number of levels of detailed explanation in the future.

He knows very well that once he understands it thoroughly, even if his own cultivation level has not improved at all, his combat effectiveness and his understanding of the great path will be improved to a higher level.

As for the cause and effect between this and Liu Hao, the giant panda doesn't matter at all.

You have received huge benefits, but you don’t have to pay the price?

Continuing deeper, albino monsters can't be said to be seen everywhere in Shennongjia, but they are not rare either.

Sitting high in the clouds, Liu Hao, who was walking slowly, watched a small group of white deer leisurely eating young grass. The leading one even had an immortal-level cultivation level, and the deer fork above his head had more than 20 points. The fork stands like steel rising into the sky, and it is not easy to get along with at first glance.

This leading white deer is always vigilant and lives up to his reputation as a true parent.

It also revealed that the demon clan in Shennongjia was not as harmonious as imagined, and the hunting of each other seemed to have never stopped.

Also, even if the demon clan unified the ancient world, this situation still exists, and they still follow natural selection. How can our own earth avoid it?

Liu Hao will not be sad about this. Isn't it a good thing for the human race if the demon clan is like this?

Those hungry wolves, if they cannot eat enough in the forest, their first thought is to get out of the forest, and the only ones who will be affected by the disaster will inevitably be humans living on the edge of the forest.

Nowadays, there is plenty of food in the forest, so what's wrong?

He will not show mercy to these white deer and give them gifts just because he sees their beautiful appearance, and others will not be very grateful to you.

Besides, can this small group of white deer really just be slaughtered by others?

That's obviously not the case.

In the age of beasts, carnivores have always been superior because they have sharp claws and sharp teeth. Those herbivores cannot confront them head-on, and they only have one way to escape.

But in this era of spiritual recovery, in this era where all the beasts have become demons.

Herbivores are no longer just food, they are also monsters with extraordinary resistance.

Just like this fairy-level white deer, even if it encounters a wolf pack composed of a large group of high-level monsters, it can easily defeat it.

The crushing brought by the rank is enough for it to protect its own family group while counterattacking the enemy, harvesting the enemy's fur, and turning it into its own wealth.

This is the essential difference.

The size of your fist still has the final say, but the size of your fist no longer depends on whether you are a carnivore.

For the monsters born as herbivores, isn't this an opportunity to completely change their class?

Indeed, among the great monsters, carnivores still account for the majority.

This is caused by the starting point of spiritual energy recovery, because at that time, whenever predators kill their prey, they can obtain a closer and larger spiritual energy input.

On the other hand, if those herbivores want to cross over, they can only depend on whether they are lucky enough, such as eating some spiritual grass.

The top-level monsters are like this, but for the middle-level monsters that follow, you will find that herbivores occupy a larger proportion.

There is only one reason for this, and that is that they have an advantage in terms of quantity from the beginning.

Even if one in ten carnivores is chosen, it is still inferior to one in a hundred herbivores.

To put it bluntly, people have caught up step by step by relying on their numerical advantage, and now they are even catching up.

As for the fairy-level white deer in front of him, if he were any monster born as a carnivore, his first thought would be to stay away from the group and go out on his own.

But among the monsters born from herbivorous animals, this situation is not unheard of. Compared with all others, it seems rare.

They are used to living in groups, just like when the horse demon tribe appears, there are often hundreds and thousands of them together, and this small herd of deer in front of them is just a family.

With this fairy-level white deer leading the way, the chances of the children born every year in this small group of white deer growing up will increase hundreds to thousands of times.

Perhaps within a few years, the population of their group will increase several times. This is an important reason why they still maintain the majority of their own group in the era of spiritual energy recovery, and it has always been the true survival law of herbivores.

They also have arrogant people who choose to live in isolation, but most of such existences can only disappear in the long river of time.

Within the Monster Clan, if you don't even have a Golden Immortal, and you want to rely on your own strength to protect yourself, it cannot be said to be almost impossible, but it only exists in your imagination.

During the prehistoric world and the journey to the west, which one who occupied the mountains and became the king did not exceed these levels of cultivation?

In the land of Luzhou in Beiju, how many monsters born from solitary herbivores have you seen walking around?

They are still insecure in their bones, and if there is a slight disturbance, they can still run faster than anyone else.

Doesn’t the immortal-level white deer in front of me still maintain many of the habits of the original animal?

Liu Hao doesn't think that the method of demon transformation has not been spread among the Shennongjia demon clan.

But rumors have spread, don't people still choose their original bodies?

On the basis of no contact or very little contact with humans, transformation is a burden to them.

From this, it can also be seen that the demon clan in Shennongjia is also very different from the demon clan in other mountains within the Dragon Kingdom.

Liu Hao couldn't predict how much of this was due to the old man's ginseng.

That guy seems to be close to humans, but he is probably still wary at heart, right?

Also, even during the environmental protection period, ginseng is still something that the dragon country covets from the bottom of its heart. It is almost impossible to hold back after seeing it. It is the most reasonable to be wary like this.

There is no so-called right or wrong here, and there is nothing wrong with Shennongjia.

Isn’t it also an excellent example?

Liu Hao believed that the senior officials of his Dragon Kingdom must have invested a lot of energy here to analyze various demon clan data. There must be countless satellites in the starry sky above their heads observing them every day.

However, this dense forest still retains their privacy to a great extent.

Those demon clans that have reached the Immortal level have their own hidden patterns, which has led to the fact that their own Dragon Kingdom still knows little about Shennongjia.

And here, we have to admit the role of the giant panda. Having such a communication bridge is the reason why our Dragon Kingdom can still maintain a tacit understanding with Shennongjia.

As the biggest boss in Shennongjia, that ginseng also knows this very well, right?

When he thought of this, Liu Hao had to admit the cunningness of this old ginseng. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are old and cunning.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao smiled sarcastically. They are all intelligent creatures, so what's wrong with the appearance of such a demon clan?

If it is not included here, it will appear in other areas.

Maybe it has already appeared?

He doesn't think that he is familiar with the monsters in all areas of his own earth. Even if he has scanned his entire earth several times, isn't that just a quick glance?

Which of those real old foxes doesn’t know how to hide themselves?

He withdrew his eyes from the group of white deer and drove Baiyun to continue forward. Along the way, the number of albino monsters and monsters increased significantly, and the ratio seemed to be strengthened the further they walked deeper into Shennongjia.

He saw a snow-white python with a length of more than a hundred meters and a body of several meters in diameter. Without moving at all, the pressure it brought to the surrounding area was huge. Even a big tree seemed to be able to It causes slight obstacles to it, but more of them can only collapse due to its arrival.

This snow-white python had obviously returned from hunting. After a while, it returned to its den, which was not a cave, but a lake.

It sank into it, and in a moment it sank to the depths of the lake. Then it closed its eyes slightly and digested the delicious food in its belly.

It was also practicing at the same time. With just a simple observation, Liu Hao could already see that this guy had received a lot of inheritance from the depths of his bloodline. It seemed that he had never thought about embarking on the path of dragon transformation from beginning to end.

Liu Hao was not surprised at all by the choice of this snow-white python.

In today's era when the legend of Nuwa has completely spread in our own earth, the rate of snake monsters choosing to embark on the path of dragon transformation has been reduced to the extreme.

They don't know which of the two roads is the best, but that doesn't stop them from seeing another possibility.

They definitely regard Nuwa as their idol, and therefore there are bound to be more people who insist on their original physical condition.

It's just that they didn't know that Nuwa never had a snake-shaped body when she was born, she always had the head of a human and the body of a snake.

There have always been many people who knew about these things in the prehistoric world, but the number of sentient beings extending throughout the prehistoric world to this day has become extremely rare.

For the snake demon clan, making such a choice is not an exception.

The Three Thousand Avenues are always surprisingly consistent at the end.

Whether you transform into a dragon or remain true to yourself, they are all types of Tao, and no one is necessarily superior to the others.

Aren't there only a handful of those who set out on the road to transform into dragons and succeed in the end?

The snow-white python in front of me is not at the level of a true immortal, but it is not bad at all.

The key is that people can really endure loneliness. Judging from the surrounding environment, this guy really rarely leaves his nest. He probably spends more than 99% of his time cultivating immortality deep in his own lake, right?

It seems to be very smart. It treats the monsters and monsters who come to drink water from its lake. It never seems to take a peep and allows them to drink. Even if it is really greedy, it is happy to go out and go further. place to hunt.

It is so careful and the results are good.

Don’t think that if it sinks to the bottom of the lake, no other monster clan will find its traces. As long as the monster clan’s cultivation level is higher than that of this snow-white python, wouldn’t it be possible to find it if you look carefully?

These big monsters, especially the herbivores among the big monsters, all of them are not carefully paying attention to their direct descendants. When the direct descendants of these big monsters drink water at the edge of the lake, they really have no other ideas. ?

There is a high probability that they are also fishing to see if this snow-white python will be moved. Once this snow-white python makes a choice, these big monsters will also make their choice.

Don't think that these big monsters will never eat meat again. They just don't have much interest in meat that lacks spiritual energy. They just think a lot before eating meat. For example, they also know the cause and effect of these thoughts. considerate.

These problems of cause and effect are destined to mean that they often don't eat delicious food directly when they see it. Instead, they create a cause and effect first, and then come to the door based on this cause and effect. It is still reasonable to eat it at this time. Other monsters I won’t say much when I see it.

They are already at the top of the demon clan and have formulated rules. In fact, these rules also restrict their actions to a certain extent. Search for books www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Those middle-level demon clans knew this very well, and they were trying their best to avoid passing the information to the upper levels.

This is the case with the snow-white python in front of me.

It is low-key, perhaps because of its own personality, and there must be a reason why it has to be low-key.

In this primeval forest, the law of the jungle has always been followed, and everyone in it has always had a clear understanding of this.

There is no one who can compare with that giant panda. The reason for this is that his cultivation level is enough to crush him?

At least if they really fight, even the top demon in the entire Shennongjia Forest can't guarantee that they can win in front of that giant panda. This is the best reason.

This is the giant panda that can walk around the entire Shennongjia forest at will, as if the entire Shennongjia is its home.

On the other hand, regardless of their level of cultivation, other demon clans must keep a low profile, but those who are high-profile can only leave a skeleton.

This snow-white python was obviously smart. Even if it was just the first time he saw it, Liu Hao was still very optimistic about it. It seemed that as long as it could survive, it would one day succeed. (End of chapter)

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