Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven, Qinling

Chapter 1981 Qinling Mountains

1997, Qinling Mountains

Yes, it is peaceful.

The Qinling Mountains stretch for tens of thousands of miles, and there are countless monsters and monsters living in them.

No one can count it, but everyone knows that the number is bound to be in the hundreds of millions. It’s just a matter of how many billion.

It stands to reason that with such a huge number, there are bound to be various disputes among them, but in fact, Liu Hao, who was looking down from a high altitude, did not see such fighting. Even if they were hunting each other, he could not see the conflicts between the ethnic groups at all. Great war.

This is obviously something that can only be done with the express prohibition from the top of the big demon.

If you think about it a little, you can understand the reason.

Here, there is a trading center that the entire earth's demon clan yearns for. It can trade treasures that the demon clan's great demons sometimes covet. How can these great demon clans not protect this?

If each of them can survive to this day, they are all human spirits.

How could we not know that once the dispute expands, even if they take action to stop it, it is likely to affect the trading market?

Furthermore, there are countless medicinal plants growing throughout the Qinling Mountains.

These methods of growing medicinal herbs were finally learned from the human race, and they are now being experimented with joy.

The big monsters around are hoping that this experiment will succeed, or that they can replicate it when they return to their own territory.

For this reason, they must prohibit any external damage that may be caused to this experiment.

But this prohibition is only limited to group fights, and challenges and hunting between individuals are never included in this.

They also know that quantity still needs to be controlled, otherwise the rapidly increasing bottom layer will eat up the entire Qinling Mountains.

For this reason, the great demons set up hunting grounds throughout the outer parts of the Qinling Mountains, tacitly agreeing to do the same thing as the Dragon Kingdom.

They know very well that most of these low-level monsters in these hunting grounds can only become the targets of human hunting, but so what?

Anyway, it’s not my own child who died, but other people’s children died endlessly.

Anyway, those low-level monsters are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the monster clan. If they really let go of reproduction, wouldn't they be able to get as many as they want?

They didn't care at all, and they helped the surrounding human races, which made Liu Haolongguo happy to pretend to be stupid.

But pretending to be stupid is the same as pretending to be stupid. Liu Haolongguo's attention to the demon clan within Qinlin has never slackened even a little bit.

Who knows that this place is inside the Dragon Kingdom, almost in the center.

Once there is a problem here, it will be a big deal for the entire Liu Haolong Kingdom. If there is any harm, it will be really damaging.

Because of this, Liu Hao could tell at a glance that there was a master in charge here, and it was a rotation. Today, it seemed that it was Zhang Sanfeng.

Also, the Zongwu world is already nearby, or it can be said that it is within the coverage of the Qinling Mountains. Liu Haolong's country pays attention to it, and the Zongwu Ming Dynasty must also pay attention to it.

Zhang Sanfeng has already attained Daluo Daoguo, and his strength is among the top in the entire Yanhuang Alliance. It is only natural for him to appear here.

Besides, with Zhang Sanfeng's talent, he really doesn't care if he has more or less merit. In terms of understanding, this guy is still a handful of people at the top of the world.

Don't you see that even Emperor Zhenwu was shocked when he found out about Zhang Sanfeng?

Those who truly rose from the lowest level of mortals and reached the current state are existences that are difficult to find in all the worlds.

Among the gods of destiny among all the worlds, which one does not have something unique about him, such as certain bloodlines, certain holy bodies, etc.?

On the other hand, Zhang Sanfeng did not have those miscellaneous things. He was able to rise with just one thing. With a mortal body, he was able to understand the most original principles of heaven and earth and glimpse the true way of a saint.

His rise is inevitable, and his failure to rise is truly unreasonable.

With Zhang Sanfeng like this sitting in Qinling Mountains, who among the great demons who have seen Zhang Sanfeng would not be frightened?

Their acuity is far superior to that of humans. At a glance, which one can make their hair stand on end, they have already given the answer deep in their hearts.

This group of big monsters know the horror of this white-haired old man who looks very kind.

If they dared to make a few jokes about the previous one, then now Zhang Sanfeng, any big demon who sees him, must bow respectfully and call him a real person.

This is Zhang Sanfeng's illustrious reputation, which does not require any publicity or display. His appearance at the Qinling Trading Center is a statement in itself.

His appearance has actually made it clear to the big demons coming and going that they need to be more low-key in the coming days.

His appearance also made the Qinling trading market more prosperous, because the biggest deterrent to the outside world was the greatest sense of security.

This is the hinterland of the Demon Clan, and the trading center was established here to give the Demon Clan a sense of security. However, over time, as the number of large demons in the Demon Clan increased dramatically, the number of humans coming to trade gradually decreased.

The arrival of Zhang Sanfeng has, to a certain extent, alleviated this situation.

In fact, the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom and the Zongwu Ming Dynasty who are connected to Liu Hao and the Dragon Kingdom are all aware of this and have thought of many ways to encourage them, but they have not had much effect.

A sense of security is an emotion. Any business team that comes to Qinling Trading Center will also murmur in their hearts.

It's not about anything else, but the number of big demons in the trading market is too much.

Monsters, which seem to be hard to see outside, can be seen everywhere here. Almost all the waiters and maids in a small restaurant, as long as they are monsters, must be monsters, and the lowest is the immortal level.

Seeing such a scene, what if the business members who come are all immortals?

Aren't you feeling nervous?

They will subconsciously move closer to the location of the Dragon Kingdom's garrison. Over time, they will even change the real estate prices in the entire trading market. The closer they are to the Dragon Kingdom's garrison, the more their prices will skyrocket.

It can be said that the Qinling Trading Center is definitely a success and has attracted the expectations of almost the entire demon race on the earth. Even those great demons from far away are happy to go there.

But it is also a failure, because I don’t know how long it will take before these private business teams may disappear.

Once the private business team disappears, most of the original role of this market will disappear.

It was indeed established for the demon race, but it was also established for the human monks.

The best way is to establish a safe and high-speed channel that extends from the human city to here.

But the method is very good, but it is extremely difficult to achieve it. It is not just about building a bridge over mountains and rivers, but also about the many crises in the process.

The big monsters may be willing to accept it, but they will never provide any guarantee in the process.

The big monsters, even if they are happy to bring peace to Liu Haolong Kingdom and even the entire Yanhuang Alliance, they will definitely be happy to see the human race suffer. Anyway, they have not broken the rules.

Liu Hao found that even if Zhang Sanfeng took action, he couldn't do it.

Opening up is one, just like building a road, the later maintenance is the most difficult.

Even if the road is placed there, can it avoid being attacked by the underlying monsters later?

If we directly use formations to protect this path, the big monsters of the demon clan will definitely not allow it.

Because once this happens, it will be equivalent to using a straight line to divide the Qinling Mountains, and the intersection of both sides of the division will become a big problem.

Therefore, the only way is actually to establish an air channel along the top of the big tree, a closed and transparent air channel.

The closure is to protect the private business team that will come later, and the transparency is to give peace of mind to the demon clan inside the Qinling Mountains.

Even Zhang Sanfeng cannot do this. In other words, Zhang Sanfeng is willing to spend more than ten years to do it. After he is done, he will need to be here personally to maintain follow-up issues.

How is this possible?

Neither the Liu Haolong Kingdom nor the Zongwu Ming Dynasty, nor the entire Yanhuang Alliance would allow it.

Zhang Sanfeng is their most powerful fighting force. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is supportive.

After leaving Zhang Sanfeng to practice for such a long time, how much progress should he have made? Has he become a quasi-sage, making the Yanhuang Alliance much harder?

They understand the essential difference between primary contradictions and secondary contradictions better than anyone else.

Therefore, they can only wait and wait for a better solution to be calculated.

It's not that they haven't thought about asking Liu Hao to take action, but it's not the 'most dangerous' moment yet.

Liu Hao himself arrived today and saw the embarrassment, so naturally he would not ignore it.

For others, it is a difficult task, but in Liu Hao's hands, it is just easy.

He stretched out his hands and stretched them to both sides on his chest. As he moved his hands, a cylinder was already displayed in front of him.

He kept moving, as if he were modeling on a computer. After a while, the cylinder turned into a two-story tunnel with space for going back and forth.

He threw it casually, and the tunnel that was originally only three feet long in front of his chest expanded and stretched as it landed.

When this transparent tunnel landed on the top of the big tree below, it had already taken shape. It appeared quietly, but there was nothing hidden.

All the monsters inside can be clearly seen. If you get closer, you can clearly see the rails under the transparent tunnel.

As for how to use this passage, Liu Hao doesn't care.

He did not show up, but he told Zhang Sanfeng where he was. After a few breaths, he was confirmed by others, and he came to visit.

Liu Hao was very polite to Zhang Sanfeng.

To be honest, he still has a lot of admiration for Zhang Sanfeng in his heart.

The reason has been explained before.

This is a genius who is even slightly higher than the old master Zhang Zhiwei.

Liu Hao thought that he really couldn't keep up with the old guy in front of him in terms of creativity.

Similarly, Zhang Sanfeng also admired Liu Hao very much. Who among the top officials of the Yanhuang Alliance didn't know Liu Hao's background?

The rocket-like speed of cultivation, and the horror of widening the class gap after just a few days, are also beyond the reach of Zhang Sanfeng and others.

In addition, what admired most in the eyes of Zhang Sanfeng and other Yanhuang senior officials was Liu Hao's long-term vision.

Stepping into the ancient world, the decisiveness and risk-taking to win the throne of Ziwei Emperor was, in their eyes, simply unthinkable.

That directly killed the former Ziwei Emperor Boyikao without giving anyone time to react, and then replaced him openly.

This kind of decisiveness seems to them to be unprecedented.

It was clearly that he was fighting with his own life, and the result of his fighting was to frighten the powerful people in the prehistoric world, and also to have the quasi-sages who came from the prehistoric world to fight against the Dragon Kingdom and Yanhuang. Alliance respect.

Relying on this respect, the entire Liu Haolong Kingdom and the entire Yanhuang Alliance had time to catch up.

Otherwise, no one knows what level they will be at now, or whether they will be enslaved by the powerful ones from the wild world.

The higher you are, the less you believe in the kindness of others.

Zhang Sanfeng is naturally one of them when he reaches his current position.

It was so dangerous that he felt cold just thinking about it today, let alone the person involved.

Speaking of which, this was the first time that Zhang Sanfeng met Liu Hao. He originally thought that the current Liu Hao should be like the incarnation of Haotian he saw in Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, but he didn't know that it was only after they actually met that he realized that Liu Hao was in front of him. It's not at all what I imagined.

At this time, Liu Hao was dressed casually, just like an ordinary modern mortal, and his aura was so restrained that you couldn't tell the difference without careful observation.

That is to say, Zhang Sanfeng has proved Daluo Daoguo and can already see the Dao Yun in his eyes. Otherwise, even if he encounters him in the wild, he will completely ignore Liu Hao.

Similarly, it was because Zhang Sanfeng realized the Daluo Dao Fruit that he realized the terror of Liu Hao in front of him.

Around the body, the aura of Tao flows like a torrent, and there are countless Tao rhymes in it.

Zhang Sanfeng wanted to count the number of rhymes, but he soon discovered that he couldn't do it at all. With his current level of cultivation, it was difficult to lock them.

What's more, it is difficult for Zhang Sanfeng to analyze the differences between these countless rhymes. Many of them are almost the same model in his eyes.

But his heart told him that every rhyme of Looking for Books www.zhaoshuyuan.com was as different as heaven and earth.

He gave up. Although he didn't know how big the gap was between him and Liu Hao, he also knew that the Liu Hao in front of him was definitely not comparable to the incarnation of Haotian he saw in the Zhoutian Star Formation.

This news is the best news for Zhang Sanfeng.

He is one of the top leaders of the Yanhuang Alliance. Even though he is already a part of the Taoist family, he still considers himself a human race in his heart.

He respected the Three Purities of Taoism and the Zhenwu Emperor enshrined in Wudang.

But that doesn't mean he will just obey.

He has always been self-centered, otherwise he would not have been able to create Tai Chi on his own.

He actually already knew about the arrival of the Great Emperor Zhenwu of the Great Desolate World, but he never thought of taking the initiative to visit him.

In fact, he is the same as any other Yanhuang people. He can enshrine gods on the altar, but if this god's business level is not good enough, he will be replaced immediately.

Once this immortal god hinders one's own interests, it can only be an evil god and the target that needs to be cleaned up.

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