Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight, the power of commodities

Chapter 1982 The Power of Commodities

1998. The power of commodities

The Yanhuang people have always been like this.

There is also a God, the God of Haotian.

But God can also let him get under the table, and the Journey to the West TV series is the best example.

What is recorded in the myths and legends of the entire Yanhuang civilization is never about escape, but about facing, opening up, and moving forward indomitably.

The so-called entrusting oneself to the gods has never been within the blood inheritance of the Yanhuang people.

Zhang Sanfeng is also one of them.

Even before he met Liu Hao, he had thought deep down in his heart that Liu Hao had become a member of the Immortal God, and whether his heart was also approaching the thought of an Immortal God.

But meeting today made all the scruples in Zhang Sanfeng's heart completely disappear.

He knew that even if Liu Hao became a saint in the future, his heart would not change at all, just like the truth before and after he attained Daluo Daoguo.

that's enough.

The transparent straight tunnel in front of us is also a kind of verification.

The two sides met with each other, but they did not communicate about the so-called human affairs, but simply talked about the great road.

As Zhang Sanfeng who created Tai Chi from scratch, Liu Hao had too much curiosity to ask. What could be more direct than discussing Tao?

The fact is that even Liu Hao, whose cultivation level is much higher than that of Zhang Sanfeng, has gained a lot from discussing the Tao.

At least, after today, Liu Hao has a better understanding of the Tao of Tai Chi. This kind of understanding is a supplement from the most fundamental and bottom-level structure, and is a real solid foundation.

The discussion did not last long, only three days.

But in these three days, the Qinling Trading Center below has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Countless commodities are shipped from the outside world, even the lowest industrial products.

In the past, it was impossible for these products to appear in the trading team because their value was too low.

But things are very different now. The train is roaring in, even if it is still slow in the eyes of the monks, it is better than the continuous flow, and it does not care about wasting such a bit.

Don't think that these industrial products have no value in the eyes of the demon clan. They also hope to have the best mobile phone and the fastest way to read the latest information about humans through this mobile phone.

Among the female members of the demon clan, which one doesn’t want more beautiful clothes to decorate themselves?

That's nature.

Everyone has a love for beauty, and demons are no exception.

The pursuit of beauty is natural and is possessed by any intelligent creature.

Those female monsters in the Qinling Trading Center, have they never gone shopping in nearby human cities before?

Although Liu Hao had never seen it, he thought it was reliable.

Otherwise, where would they get those beautiful clothes? The external business team will not carry these things. The limited transportation space to store the things needed by other demon clans is much more valuable than these things.

Even if you bring these clothes in, it is impossible to sell them at a high price, and the human side of the trading center will not allow them, because this is a breach of trust between the human race and the demon race.

Think about it, a piece of clothing can only be sold for a few credits in a human town, and even one credit can buy several pieces. Once transported to the Qinling Trading Center, it will become hundreds or even thousands.

Anyone who knows the price difference will not be happy. The demon clan will not care about the difficulty of transporting it in. They are simple-minded and will only think that this is simply deception by the human race with the most worthless things.

The human race managers in this trading center would not allow such a thing to happen.

Sometimes explaining something doesn't work. The best way is not to do it.

Besides, these high-priced clothes are only good-looking and can only be sold to the women of the demon tribe. There are not many female demon tribes in the entire Qinling Trading Center. Compared to the males, they are only 20%.

Under the superposition of various factors, the reason can be seen with a little speculation.

In the nearby human towns, they may be aware of the arrival of these demon women, but they just pretend not to know, or they may not notice at all. They just buy a few clothes and don't do any damage. It doesn't matter whether you are a human or a demon. , what’s not to welcome?

Who doesn't know how to play dumb?

Besides, there is no rule in the human race that the demon race is not allowed to enter human towns.

Some things are tacit understandings, and everyone just knows them well.

Below, the roaring train did not transport many humans, but more cargo. As expected, these cargoes were all industrial products.

For example, there are many televisions and computers. These things have not received much attention from the humans of Liu Haolong Kingdom, but the demon clan has great expectations for them.

Where there is thought, there must be the birth of entertainment, just like hut throwing, which was popular in the Spring and Autumn Period. In the eyes of modern people, it is such a messy and boring game, but weren't people at that time happy playing it?

At present, in the Qinling Trading Center, those monsters who choose to stay here have an extraordinary pursuit of drinking and having fun?

They are also the most fanatical group of people in today's primary school football league. Their words are not intense enough, but once the game is broadcast live, they occupy seats faster than anyone else.

To put it bluntly, there is not much real entertainment in the Qinling Trading Center. Even the wine is not actually transported from the outside world. Instead, it is sourced from local materials, brewed locally, and made with local methods. The output is actually only that much. .

How to keep them happy with this little drink?

Of course, there is also the intention of the human race here. Once the drunken monster clan causes trouble, the destructive power is not small, and it cannot be suppressed easily.

They just think so, and in fact it is just a precaution. The wine of mortals is not that overbearing. If they really don’t want to get drunk, they can’t defeat the real demon. The description in the novel and the wine must not be extraordinary. things.

Since it is not an extraordinary thing, its price will definitely not be cheap. It is okay for these big monsters to taste it once or twice. I hope they will do this every day. Even if they all have their own territory and are one of the mountain kings, It is very likely that nothing will happen.

In such an era of cultivation, it would be impossible for such a demon clan to reach its current high position.

Don’t think that these monsters are all fools. They are all intelligent beings, they all have their own thoughts, and they can get a lot of information from the Internet. Could they be fools?

If you really want to treat the humans of the demon clan like this, no matter how much you die, they are very smart.

Even if each of them is a thousand-year-old fox, their average IQ will never be lower than that of humans.

In the same way, when they are free, they are also happy to have a channel to pass the time, so naturally their demand for entertainment will not be much lower.

Isn't the restaurant opened by the demon clan in the trading center one of them?

In each of these restaurants, there are delicate and light female monsters dancing to entertain them. In fact, the prices cannot be that low.

Doesn't Liu Haolongguo know that he can use this method to earn wealth from them?

I know too much, but it’s definitely impossible to do it.

Therefore, TV sets and desktop computers, which have gradually lost much market in Liu Haolong's country, will become something they are willing to pursue.

In the past, it wasn't that they didn't want to buy it, but that they couldn't buy it, but only when they really opened restaurants and other goods, humans would leave precious transportation space for items like televisions.

Sure enough, when these TV sets entered the trading market, the monsters who had been resident in them for a long time were no different from the uncles and aunties rushing to buy eggs. For them, such a cheap and beautiful product was too expensive to buy. The biggest gain is when you arrive, lest you be slower and end up with nothing.

It takes almost no guesswork to know that these products will definitely sell well in the future.

Perhaps due to power problems, it is difficult for many demon tribes to popularize these electrical appliances in the territory of the great demons. Products that do not require large-scale industrialization of electricity will definitely be shipped crazily from here in the future.

Don't think that the big demons and little demons in the demon clan's territory have no pursuit of quality of life.

Comparison, don’t they understand?

When neighbors have beautiful and sturdy houses, they will also be envious and wonder whether they should build one of their own.

When they see that the bedding on the neighbor's bed is warm and beautiful, will they still be satisfied with the meadow on their original bed?

When they discover that these pursuits don’t require much silver, they will most likely follow suit without hesitation, right?

Is their pursuit not the gentlest way for their mountain kings to collect wealth?

Which one is more proactive than forcing them to mine or finding out that the mining income can make their lives better?

Who doesn’t understand this?

Even Liu Hao felt that these mountain kings would most likely learn how to build power stations from humans.

Especially the construction of small power stations does not have much technological content. Now that there are trains for equipment, why don't you just make it for you as many people as you need?

When there is electricity, urbanization will become inevitable in the territories of these mountain kings. Will they only accept monsters at that time, or will they be happy to accept some high-level monsters?

On the human side, Liu Haolong Kingdom and the entire Yanhuang Alliance will definitely welcome this.

No matter what factors caused a civilization to appear, no matter how primitive it was after its emergence, it was much better than the real barbarism before it.

The urbanization of the Monster Clan will definitely make the Monster Clan's original temperament a lot more restrained, because in the past, if they had a big fight if they disagreed, they would only destroy the king's wealth, and they would not allow it.

Over time, the temperament of these monsters is a kind of castration. Although this does not sound good, it is true.

How could this not be welcome on the human side?

Human beings are bound to be very happy to teach all monsters to build power facilities, equipment and the like, and they will definitely be happy to sell them even if they don't make money.

Who doesn’t know that when all these demon clans have televisions, it’s not humans who have the final say on what information to tell the demon clan?

You can't also help the demon clan build a TV station, right?

Even if the demon clan has the intention to do this kind of delicate work, it cannot be learned in a short time. Without real industrialization capabilities, everything is in vain.

In turn, this is the greatest output of human propaganda against the demon clan. Before the spiritual energy is revived, the various tricks of public opinion are clear to even a small country, let alone a huge country like Liu Haolong Kingdom.

Back then, these people were not just one or two who fought over a bit of ratings.

Even now, aren't they still competing?

Although Liu Hao hasn't really sat down to watch a TV series for a long time, if he thinks about it for a moment, he can understand that there must be countless anti-demon dramas in today's TV series.

When television sets are widely popularized in the mountains occupied by monsters in the Dragon Kingdom, not to mention other things, the contrast of life will also be a fatal attraction for these monsters, right?

Don't think that all demon clans within the demon clan have a natural pursuit of fighting and killing. They also have individual pursuits, and there are countless who are not good at fighting and killing.

Just like the sheep demon pursuing cooking skills that Liu Hao saw in the small trading market in the Lingnan Mountains.

Within the Monster Clan, the proportion of such Monster Clan may not be high, but with the huge number of Monster Clan, the number of Monster Clan calculated in the end will definitely not be rare no matter how small the proportion is.

In the future, under the influence of TV stations, won’t these monster clans experience an increase in their individual pursuits?

Obviously it will definitely happen, for example, restaurants and restaurants will be opened in the gathering places of the monsters that have been picked up?

For example, there are also monsters who have extraordinary properties in making clothes?

All I can say is that everything is possible.

The emergence of civilization, no matter how primitive it is, will inevitably lead to division of labor. This is a historical trend, and it cannot be stopped by one or two big monsters.

When the demon clan took control of the world in the prehistoric world, didn't many departments also appear?

These are not patents unique to the human race.

Isn’t this also true for ethnic civilizations other than humans in the universe?

There are many alien civilizations in the Marvel world. Regardless of their technology or civilization structure, they are not inferior to humans at all, right?

They can do it, but there is no reason why the demon clan can’t do it.

The transparent channel erected by Liu Hao only further catalyzes this possibility.

These may have been advanced in the calculations of Liu Haolong's senior officials and the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

Liu Hao would not have believed in the trading markets that humans had quietly established on the outskirts of the mountain ranges before, without this calculation.

But sometimes, fashion always comes from the top.

Within the Monster Clan, whatever the kings of the Monster Clan use, they can set off trends.

Now the Qinling Trading Center is providing such guidance.

Liu Hao didn't need to wait, the result was already very obvious.

Zhang Sanfeng on the side also knew this very clearly. Although this guy was only interested in cultivation, he was never a fool. His acumen in this area was no worse than others.

If someone can arrange to sit here, it is obvious that they have already known these calculations.

Liu Hao didn't need to look any further to understand that Zhang Sanfeng must be smiling when he saw the demon race below buying like this.

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