Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, recognition

1999, recognition

The power of commodities has never been small, and many records in history have long proven this.

In the mortal world, the emergence of a new type of product often prompts the entire world to improve its economy. It seems that during that period, it becomes easier for everyone to make money and their lives become much better.

On the other hand, if new products do not appear for a long time, it actually means that technology has entered a new bottleneck period during this period and needs to rest on its laurels. ,

As time goes by, isn’t it the same as sitting idle and having nothing to offer?

Often under such circumstances, as time goes by, an economic crisis will inevitably follow, and it is the kind of thing that cannot be stopped despite all efforts.

On the other hand, when a brand new product appears, even if there are many internal contradictions, it is not impossible to resolve it through negotiation. It just takes a few more attempts together. No one wants to miss this great opportunity to make money, right?

This principle is also valid within the Demon Clan today.

All previous transactions were actually aimed at improving the combat effectiveness of the demon clan itself, whether it was weapons, elixirs, or skills.

But such improvement always has an end.

Because each demon clan itself has its own talent limit. If it reaches a certain top level, if it still cannot break through, the joy that more weapons can bring to this demon clan is limited.

It can be said that Liu Hao's choice to open up the spot on the Abyss front line of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation at that time was definitely just right.

The emergence of such an upward path is more reliable than any transaction for the demon clan.

Who doesn’t know that the benefits of relying on yourself are the most reassuring?

Who doesn’t know that external forces are always external forces?

At this time, the entry of industrial goods is, to a certain extent, the best way to relax for these monsters who are waiting to enter the front line of the Zhoutian Star Formation Abyss.

Waiting will always make you irritable. As time goes by, this irritability will inevitably become violent.

At this time, wouldn't it be the best way to pass the time if there was a TV playing various TV series for them?

For Liu Hao, it was a mistake after seeing it, but for Zhang Sanfeng on the side, he thought that this was Liu Hao's plan.

It is telling the entire Yanhuang Alliance that this should be done to the demon clan next. Isn't this already being prototyped?

The Qinling Trading Center has never lacked electricity. In fact, the person who made the biggest contribution here is Tony Shitadao. Even though this guy has only his soul left, he still plays a great role.

The power source that was originally installed on the steel suit is now the best power supply in many towns.

The same is true for Qinling Trading Center.

Of course, the necessary cover-up is still quite large. There are endless ways to cover up electrical equipment and warning arrays.

It's not that I'm worried about being learned by the demon clan. In fact, even if I tell them how to make it, it will take dozens or hundreds of years to do it. It's more of a kind of protection.

This kind of protection is also clearly understood by the demon clan inside the current trading center.

They have lived in the city for a long time and have long been accustomed to the comfort of electricity.

They are actually completely different from before entering, but they themselves have not noticed it.

They are accustomed to wearing clothes, and they are becoming more and more beautiful.

They have already pursued delicious food, and are even very familiar with the names of some seasonings, as if they want to be able to make them themselves when they return one day, so as not to return to the barbaric life of the past.

They even learned to drink tea. Three or five friends gathered together and played all over the place for an afternoon, and then returned home satisfied.

Such is the power of assimilation, the influence is accomplished unconsciously.

They didn't have such etiquette in the past. Even nodding when they met was the greatest respect. But now, they are accustomed to raising their right hands and waving when they see them from a distance. Even if it's not good enough, they will nod to express it.

This kind of etiquette has been quietly integrated into their living habits. They don't know that this is the power of civilization, and maybe they don't care, or maybe they are happy with their own changes.

Just like this purchase of large-scale TVs.

As soon as they bought it home, these guys couldn't wait to search for programs they were interested in.

Even Liu Hao did not expect that the animal world would be the most popular among these monsters.

Yes, this is the real them. Even if they are already monsters, research cannot change their behavior. Their habits that are deeply rooted in their bones, even if they change, will often affect their judgment.

Among countless programs, they will one day search for spiritual teaching programs.

The human race didn't care about this. Neither Liu Haolong Kingdom nor the entire Yanhuang Alliance were wary of this.

Because it's really not needed.

In these programs, what they teach is the most basic aspect, whether it is exercises or skills.

It is also the most suitable foundation for the human race to practice. So what if the demon race learns it all?

How easy is it to promote?

Even the Yanhuang Alliance itself was born after tens of thousands of people worked together for decades and finally concluded together?

How could such a fruit be obtained by the demon clan after just three to five days of looking at it?

Besides, aren’t there countless preachers on mobile phones nowadays?

Who dares to really learn it?

Who dares to learn from something that they cannot truly understand?

Who knows if the guy giving the sermon is a real guy or a liar?

Worst of all, if the demon clan really learned something from it, what's the big deal?

Now in the entire Liu Hao Earth, isn't the competition between the human race and the demon race still going on?

Don’t think that without high-level battles or large-scale competition, the two sides will become friends.

There are all kinds of nastiness among humans, let alone across species.

Both sides understand better than anyone else that this competition will continue until one side is completely defeated.

This is also why after Liu Hao opened his quota on the Abyss front line of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, he discovered with the naked eye that the respect of the demon clan on his own planet for him was increasing on a large scale.

This kind of rise is still continuing. Sometimes Liu Hao feels that he is probably a god in the eyes of his own earth monster clan.

He did not understand, nor would he know that all the monsters who had been on the front line of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation's abyss had sincerely recognized his position as the 'Emperor Ziwei'.

This is a simple thank you from the demon clan, but this recognition is not a simple bonus for Liu Hao.

There are countless holy spirits in the universe, but in the final analysis, the largest groups are only humans and monsters.

They are arguably the only two sides.

The answer that both parties agree on can often be said to be the final answer.

It's like stamping a seal on a truth.

Among them, if there are only a very small number, that's it. When this number reaches a certain extreme, and when the recognizers all come from the top, it is a manifestation of the recognition of heaven and earth.

It can be said that at this time, Liu Hao's title of 'Emperor Ziwei' has been recognized by Liu Hao's earth, and it is recognized by both humans and monsters.

This recognition also has the blessing of luck, and it also allows the original power of this position to be exerted.

Whether he uses it or not is Liu Hao’s own problem. Whether it works or not is the key to everyone’s approval.

Sometimes, it's not just that you say you're fair, it's that you let both parties see your fairness.

This was an unexpected gain for Liu Hao. He had already returned to his home earth and had no idea that such recognition would also be of great benefit to the world.

This benefit is shared not only by Liu Hao himself, but also by everyone who benefits.

For example, in the entire heaven, even if Emperor Liu Hao and Ziwei are recognized in one world, it also means blessing to them.

For example, Haotian clearly felt that his prehistoric heaven had been strengthened, and even this perception had a vague passage through the world.

Haotian's perception was vague, but to the saints of the ancient world, it was hazy, not as dark as in the past.

Hongjun, who is at the top, is also the biggest beneficiary. Who makes him the spokesperson of the ancient world?

It can be said that all Hongjun's bets on Liu Hao were withdrawn at this time.

Who doesn't know that the more senior a person is, the more they pursue the collection of information?

Because they know best that their advantages are given by this information.

The world passage between Liu Hao's earth and the prehistoric world is only so stable that it cannot pass through any saint. It is no longer a day or two for them to covet it.

They send many disciples here, and they often receive information from their disciples. However, these information are not seen with their own eyes. Once they get it, it must be subjective. How much they can believe is only theirs. Most clearly, how much they are willing to believe is only an estimate in their minds.

Even if it is hazy to the saints now, it is better than countless.

In fact, saints and saints above have already figured out the reasons.

It's just that they didn't know how to widen the gap Liu Hao tore open for a while.

The so-called suppressing the demon clan, even the saints know not to do this.

The existence of the abyss is a kind of protection for the human race in all the worlds. How can it not be a kind of protection for the demon race?

This is a situation where the original opponents have become united because of this, but if someone uses force to suppress it, the final result is likely to be to directly force one party into a corner and simply reverse the calculation.

At that time, even a saint will not be able to resist this kind of karma, and it is very likely that the Hunyuan realm will be directly defeated, and the body will die and the Tao will disappear.

Once the saints realize this, they will definitely not take this path.

Besides, they don’t lack this little time. In terms of patience, who can compare with the saints?

Saints are willing to wait for a few calamities for a goal.

Besides, aside from suppression, don’t the saints have any other methods?

If you really think so, you are truly underestimating the saint.

Even mortals know that a slap makes a sweet date, don’t they understand?

Previously, Emperor Liu Hao Ziwei was recognized by his own demon clan on Earth. Even if he was wronged, didn't he still follow this method?

The obsessive Liu Hao started the game and slapped the demon clan in the face, forcing them to grit their teeth and play the game with the obsessive Liu Hao.

Then, they gave Zhou Tianxing Dou a place on the Abyss front line. Isn’t this Tianzao?

After just one round, they surrendered, acknowledged it directly to you, and gave you their greatest respect.

The method is simple, but often the most effective.

The saints just follow the example, what can't they do?

How can a non-sage understand the power of a saint?

Besides, even if you don’t do this, aren’t there other ways?

So what Tathagata is doing now, to a certain extent, isn't it also a method?

People walk on foot and enter every human race gathering place to spread their own Dharma. If the human race is like this, can the monster race turn a blind eye?

If this is the case, then it is not the Tathagata.

It's just that the energy invested is different, but the patience is relatively different.

But no matter what, it is impossible for Tathagata to completely ignore the monsters walking on the road.

Just like the Shennong clan in the wild world will not ignore the other races except the human race in the wild world.

They all choose to integrate their influence into the road they travel bit by bit. They need to be patient, but they are also extremely solid.

Once they are recognized by this world, they will actually receive more blessings from this world than Liu Hao receives now.

No matter how hard you work, you will gain no matter where you go.

Even if Liu Hao knew about it, he would not worry about the saints at all, because there is no need, just like a beggar worrying about whether an emperor can eat well.

The moment he received this luck blessing from the Ziwei Emperor in his own world, he vaguely knew that this benefit had brought a lot to the ancient world. He also vaguely felt that he had repaid many saints, Hongjun, Nuwa and others. Houtu Empress causes and effects.

But he didn't know the details, and he didn't bother to figure it out.

He just needs to know that this will be of great benefit to his future enlightenment.

He also thought about whether to continue to spread his reputation as Emperor Ziwei in other worlds, but in the end he chose to let it go.

The biggest reason was that after self-calculation, he found that the blessing of luck was not as great as he imagined.

To put it bluntly, there is no direct proportion between giving and receiving. If this is the case, why waste time?

If you set aside this time for yourself to practice quietly, the benefits you will get will not be less than the effort, and it is even more unnecessary.

Of course, the most important thing is that he already has enough luck. A little more is just the icing on the cake, and it will not make his future path smoother, so why bother?

In addition to this, there is another point, which is also one of the reasons for him to let go, that is, what he does seems to be more beneficial to the world, and the benefit to his own earth seems to be nothing more than this. It just makes the purple star among the stars in the night sky of our earth become even brighter.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t seem to be a good deal, so why should you be anxious? (End of chapter)

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