Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand, bird family 1

Chapter 1984 Bird Clan

2000, bird family

Liu Hao had a premonition that it would be a good thing for the world to be further connected.

It was like a group of strangers who were not familiar with each other were forcibly brought together, and then they discovered that they were inextricably related to each other. After tracing back to the roots, it was discovered that many of them were relatives for several generations.

This kind of relationship, even if many of them have already received five blessings, will give them an extra foundation of trust between them.

On the basis of this trust, if there are more interrelated interests and common interests, this trust will become stronger and even unbreakable.

Don't think that if we have a common enemy, we will definitely let go of our so-called prejudices, we will be honest with each other, and there will definitely be no infighting.


That's nature, that's human nature.

The only way is to constantly eliminate this possibility.

When there are only so many benefits, if you eat more, it will definitely mean that others eat less.

The best way is to make the cake bigger.

Therefore, development has become inevitable. Even if humans don't want to, they still need to bring the temporary companions of the demon race onto the development track, bring them into the real civilized world, and become one of them.

They must also be allowed to experience the benefits and benefits of the civilized world before they will be more proactive.

After they experience the benefits and discover the benefits, they will devote more of their attention to it. Even if they still have a lot of coveting for the human world in their hearts, they will be severely postponed for a lot of time.

This time is what human beings really need.

It is what the Yanhuang Alliance really needs.

They would not place their best wishes on the saints and gods of the ancient world.

They have been in high positions for a long time, and they know best that if there is someone else on the throne, it will not only be them who will be hit, but also the world, country, and ethnic group they live in.

No one in a high position would happily hand over the power of judgment to others.

Even if they are resentful towards the demon clan, facing a longer and more likely future, they would rather grit their teeth and shout for friendship and mutual help.

The reason is that they don't want to put their real combat power on the demon clan, and they don't want to damage their own combat power more.

Time is what they need most. Only with their own strength can they truly find inner peace and experience a true sense of security.

They are very aware that the biggest reason for the current balance comes from Liu Hao.

Because of the existence of Liu Hao, the deterrent force not only made the demon clan dare not launch a war against the human race, but also made the powerful people from the ancient world restrained.

It is because of this scruple about Liu Hao that they are unable to get a truly large say in the world like the ancient world Dongsheng Shenzhou, treating the human race as chess pieces and playing around at will.

Don't they want to?

Even Zhuang Zhou, who pursued freedom and ease, must have wanted to have all the people in the world worship Sanqing, right?

In fact, it is not that all human beings in the world cannot worship the Three Pure Ones, but they cannot do so because they are intimidated.

This is the bottom line in Liu Hao's heart, and it is because of his bottom line that there is peace for the entire Yanhuang Alliance, and also for everyone who has entered Liu Hao's earth today.

Otherwise, wouldn't a random quasi-sage be able to conquer most of the heavens?

When there is a shortcut, who would be willing to spread their own Taoism and ideas step by step?

When you can achieve what you want with just a wave of your hand, who would be willing to spend a lot of time and energy doing it?

No one is a fool. Even a mortal is very clear about this. Which one of those in high positions is not thorough?

Zhang Sanfeng took turns to be stationed in Qinling Mountains. Wasn’t there such a reason?

This shock is just to tell the big monsters coming and going that I am watching out for you.

Similarly, Zhang Sanfeng would never take action easily. In fact, when the situation got out of control, Zhang Sanfeng would only watch quietly from the side.

Fortunately, the Qinling Trading Market has formed a unique management model for a long time, and the humans and demons who jointly maintain it have firmly maintained it.

Even those great demons have a lot of fear in their hearts about the unfathomable depth of the ancient world.

As a demon race, their unruly character will not change its essence even if many of its edges are rubbed away by the human race.

They are afraid of those powerful people in the ancient world, but it does not mean that they have no ambition deep in their hearts and do not want to be a part of them.

The so-called surrender is always the result of a great war, and it is never something that can be achieved with just a few words.

Humans want to buy time, why don't the big monsters like the monster tribe have this intention?

One can imagine their joy when the places on the abyss front line of the Zhoutian Star Formation were opened to them and they were allowed to deeply realize the benefits.

Such a convenient shortcut to improve self-cultivation is something that I will never give up after experiencing it.

There is nothing wrong with the situation in front of us. When the benefits can be obtained through other means, why bother fighting?

This is actually their inner answer.

Before that, they were more afraid of Liu Hao's intimidation, but after this spot fell to them and they benefited deeply from it, this fear gradually developed into awe.

But reverence does not mean surrender.

Which one of these big monsters doesn’t think that one day they will become the top few in the future?

Don't think that many of these big monsters are just mountain kings in a small mountain range, and that's enough.

Any great demon who has a profound understanding of the universe knows how fierce the competition he faces is.

It is a struggle that could ruin everything for you if you are not careful.

This competition is not only faced by the surrounding humans and big monsters, but also from all over the world. To put it bluntly, you are by no means irreplaceable, but if you are not careful, the substitute will replace you.

As those big demons who have stayed in the central city of Qinling Trading for a long time, they have a clear understanding of this answer.

They are not unaware that at the end of the nearby Qinling World Passage, there are many god kings. Each of them is equivalent to the Daluo Golden Immortal Consummation, and many of them are directly equivalent to those who have realized the Daluo Dao Fruit. .

Just such a group of people has put them under tremendous pressure.

They gather here, don't they have the intention to stick together?

They are also worried that many god kings from the Qinling Magic World will step into Liu Hao's Earth. By then, maybe they should compete for the upper hand, right?

In their eyes, in the trading center under their feet, the coming god kings will most likely seize the right to speak. This is the simplest and most direct conflict of interest.

This may be just what they think, but it is enough for them.

Don't think that the current Qinling Trading Center is just the icing on the cake for Liu Hao's demon clan on Earth.

Maybe it was like this at the beginning, but now, it seems to have become the center of interests of all the great monsters of Liu Hao's earth monster clan.

Here, they can sell many minerals and elixirs in their territory in exchange for huge wealth, and then with this wealth, they can purchase magic weapons and elixirs refined by humans.

Just these two items, magic weapons and elixirs, have made these big demons' combat effectiveness even higher, making them unable to put it down.

Not to mention the treasures that can be found occasionally, such as exercises that suit oneself, skills and techniques that shine in front of one's eyes.

In this trading center, don’t the great monsters of the demon clan have a truly safe place to trade?

In other places, these big demons don't have much trust in each other. Who knows if they see that there is no one else around, their first thought is to directly take advantage of others?

Once it happens, it can only mean that one party must fall and become part of the nutrition of the earth.

On the other hand, when certain treasures are of little value to oneself but extremely valuable to other great demons, the treasures that can be exchanged must also have a huge effect on oneself.

Furthermore, the human and demon merchants in the trading center will organize an auction almost every once in a while. During the auction, the treasures in the boxes collected by these merchant groups during this period will be auctioned. of.

Not to mention that every one of them is beneficial to everyone, as long as there is one treasure that can greatly benefit oneself, it is worth paying any amount of money.

Isn't this the reason why many of these great monsters spend so much time here?

Many of them have reached a certain bottleneck, some require a lot of time to grind, and some will be difficult to break through even if more time is spent grinding.

In other words, they are not wasting time by staying here.

No one is a fool. If each of these great demons can persevere until now, which one is not a human spirit?

And with the addition of quotas on the Abyss frontline of the Zhoutian Star Formation, it will become more peaceful for them to stay there.

At this time, the influx of huge amounts of goods is not only an opportunity for them to kill time, but also the possibility of promoting the rapid development of their territory.

They can get this answer with a little analysis.

Don't think that because they rarely go to human cities, they have little concept of human cities.

As for any great demon who has been to a human city once, who doesn't know that if the mountain range he occupies develops like this, his wealth will definitely skyrocket?

There was no chance before, but now the opportunity has appeared. Even if you know that if you follow like this, there may be uncontrollable factors in the future, you can only grit your teeth and follow.

This is just like the dark forest. They have no trust in the big monsters in other territories. Once the chain of suspicion is formed, they can only follow them no matter how unwilling they are.

In other words, the profits that are about to skyrocket are right in front of you. Thinking about it this way, you become more open-minded.

Are things in the future worse than the future?

It is almost visible to the naked eye that a huge amount of goods are divided by these big monsters.

These divided commodities were quickly transported out by various methods.

It was also at this time that Liu Hao realized that these big demons had already established their own transportation mode, and his own Dragon Kingdom had also opened a special channel for this transportation.

Similarly, this also means that the bird family on Earth is about to usher in its peak time.

They are all part of the demon clan. If you analyze the data carefully, you will find that most of the big demons who dominate the mountains are not born into the bird clan. Who made them accustomed to flying in the sky?

For this reason, the territory occupied by the bird family is quite rare, and most of them can only stay under the shelter of others, or they can only migrate around.

Over time, everyone can predict what kind of situation we will end up in.

Perhaps because of this, the number of birds that have settled in the Qinling Mountains has become very large.

Who allowed us to compete for some job opportunities here?

But now, the job opportunities have skyrocketed. Anyone who is not a bird monster can get a high salary, but compared with before, it is already in the sky and on the earth;

The most important thing is that everyone knows that this high salary is long-lasting, and may even be permanent.

In other words, in the past they could only watch the magic weapons and elixirs, but soon they had enough wealth to buy them. Wouldn't the next opportunity to rapidly improve their realm come?

The joyous sounds of countless birds and monsters floated in Liu Hao's ears, causing a smile to gradually appear on his face.

He was not happy about this situation, but thought of another possibility, which was to divide the bird family on his own earth.

The first candidate that appeared in Liu Hao's mind could only be Xiao Honghu.

However, with the child-like innocence of Xiao Honghu now, is he capable of controlling it?

Soon, he thought of Qingyuan again, this great demon who had followed Luo Hao a long time ago. Even he had some scruples at the time. What happened now?

As soon as Liu Hao displayed his spiritual consciousness, he arrived at Lushan Mountain in an instant. On top of Lushan Mountain, the small Taoist temple still stood. Half of the extended square of the small Taoist temple was already occupied by Qingyuan's huge body.

Just take a look and look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com Liu Hao had a profound analysis of this Qingyuan. The Qingyuan guarding it conscientiously did not let his own cultivation fall behind at all.

The Daluo Golden Immortal realm is far ahead even in the entire Lushan Mountain. She only needs to lie down there, which is the biggest symbol, and it is enough to completely bring peace to the entire mountains around Lushan Mountain.

During this scan, Liu Hao also discovered that the number of nearby birds was several levels higher than that of other mountain ranges.

Especially in the surrounding lakes, there are always many birds settling down, swimming leisurely, or simply playing in them. They are always so peaceful and uncontested. Humans in the past seem to have been accustomed to this.

The only person who caused all this was Qing Yuan.

Only Qingyuan is the recognized king of all the bird clans around him, and he is not just a spiritual symbol.

This binding force has explained everything.

Only when Qingyuan issued a clear order and all the surrounding bird clans followed it for a long time can the surrounding humans truly feel at ease.

In mortal terms, this is the true harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

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