Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and eighth. Yong Qin

808: Wing Chin

In the underworld, Houtu is also amazed. As his own disciple, Houtu has already calculated the treasure of Xiaodouzi's chance and spirit treasure. Before that, there was no such thing as the holy beast white tiger hair. How can Houtu not be surprised by picking up the omission today?

After thinking about it, she realized that the source of all the reasons could only be Liu Hao. Who made it impossible for her to measure all Liu Hao's actions? It is understandable that the involvement is getting deeper and there are some fluctuations, which makes Houtu pay more attention to Liu Hao.

In the small courtyard of Youzhou, although Liu Hao is leisurely every day, he never relaxes his attention to the frontline Heihe. During this period of time, he clearly knows that the number of water monsters in the Heihe has soared. Hundreds of millions of water monsters appeared in the area of ​​Heihe, and many river water monsters in Beiju Luzhou seemed to be summoned, and they poured into Heihe continuously.

Among them, if there is no will of Emperor Jun Taiyi, Liu Hao will never believe it.

Beiju Luzhou is the base camp of the monster clan. Here, the influence of the dragon clan is almost zero. It is said that it is close to it, but it is because Beiju Luzhou also has the dragon-turning monster clan, but these dragon-turning monster clans only obey the demon clan I never thought I was a member of the Dragon Clan, nor was it registered in the Dragon Clan's genealogy. It is impossible for any Dragon Clan decree to be implemented in Beiju Luzhou. Even the Heavenly Court can only turn a blind eye. Eyes, let them make trouble on their own.

In the final analysis, Honghuang still has the final say on strength. The overall strength of Beiju Luzhou Monster Clan is not inferior to the strength of Heavenly Court. If you want to conquer, you will suffer from both sides. , This also makes the Yaozu Beiju Luzhou and Lingshan Xitian have the same model and are completely independent.

In the past, when Emperor Jun Taiyi failed to return, with Bai Ze's suppression, the monster clan in Beiju Luzhou was just playing by themselves, let alone the outside world, even if they left Beiju Luzhou, they still had their lives. It was also due to the tacit understanding between everyone in private, but now there is a big difference.

As soon as Emperor Juntai came back, Bai Ze's power was greatly reduced. Today, Bai Ze has changed from an acting leader to a loner with almost no power. It is more appropriate to say that he is named.

Deep down in his heart, Bai Ze already had some regrets. He was a smart person, but he didn't know that Dijun Taiyi and the two of them simply took the monster race as a bet and went out with a stud?

In Dijun Taiyi's view, the same is true. They are very clear that this return is an opportunity, but it may also be the only opportunity. If they lose again, they will be defeated. Even if there is still a chance to return, the Yaozu's attitude towards them will no longer be reverence, no longer relying on them, but more contempt, thinking that they are no good and can't keep up with the times.

Therefore, Emperor Jun Taiyi didn't care about the survival of the Yaozu at all, nor did he care whether the Yaozu would fail in the future. .

In Emperor Jun Taiyi's view, these water monsters are not meant to contain the human race, but more to contain the heavens and the Taoist sect.

In his view, the human race is so weak, it is a race that can be broken at the touch of a touch. Pressing these water monsters will inevitably prompt the heavens and Taoists to join the ranks of resistance. At that time, his layout will be more calm.

Hundreds of millions of water demons enter Heihe every day, and Liu Hao also knew that something was going to happen. He laid his consciousness in Heihe, locked on many water demons of Da Luo Jinxian level, and soon knew the main attack direction of the other party. , with a sigh in my heart, it's the end of troubled times.

Pass the information to Jiang Ziya and the others, and seeing their targeted arrangements, Liu Hao also knows that even if he can resist this wave of water demon attacks, he will suffer heavy losses. It is impossible for these tens of millions of soldiers to do it.

"Do you still want to play in person?"

Liu Hao said something to himself, but in fact he had already made a decision in his heart. It was impossible for him to watch hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Tang Dynasty die in it.

As far as these water monsters are concerned, as long as there is no quasi-sage level, he really doesn't worry about it. However, he knows very well that once he goes into battle in person, Emperor Juntai will definitely respond, and there will definitely be quasi-sages at that time. The holy demon came to restrain them, and when that time really came, they would return to the situation of fighting for casualties again.

Emperor Juntai didn't care about the water monster, but Liu Hao had to care about the human race.

What can be done? It can only be soldiers who will block the water and cover it with soil!

"Woo woo woo..."

The melodious horn blew in the Heihe River. With the blowing of the horn, big waves began to rise in the Heihe River. The waves became more and more violent, as if a storm was coming, from the shock to the height of several meters, and then from several meters Ascending to tens of meters, the water monsters in the Black River began to emerge from the water, densely packed, and the end could not be seen at a glance;

With the appearance of these water monsters, the waves of the Heihe River became more and more surging, and water waves at a height of 100 meters can be seen everywhere. To the water monsters, these huge water waves are like walking on flat ground. Riding these big waves, they walked towards the shore unhurriedly. Billions of water monsters came riding on the waves, which brought tremendous pressure to the human soldiers on the shore. Trembling, his face was pale, and there was no determination to resist in his heart.

Seeing this, Liu Hao could only sigh, waved his hand and took out a sheet of paper, beckoned to grab the 'Cangjie pen' given to his sister, dipped it in ink, and wrote on it:

Yong Qin Min

God condemns the common people like nothing, and life is like a dog moaning in vain;

Innocent lives and death are fixed in Kyushu, and the world is poor after a mighty success.

Guizhou beasts have white heads covered with the sun and the moon, and their husbands are buried in the universe with cold bones.

The city walls are peeling off and blood remains, and the souls of thousands of dragons weep for the people of Qin.

After writing a poem of Qilu, the paper began to radiate mighty light, and a Great Wall of winding mountains and rivers appeared on the paper. Liu Hao saw it, grabbed the paper, and threw it towards the bank of the Heihe River;

With the movements of his hands, the Great Wall on the paper began to turn into reality, as if it had fallen from the sky. As soon as it entered the bank of the Heihe River, the Great Wall became more and more solid, falling down like an ancient time, along the edge of the Heihe River, mighty and mighty spread out;

But in a short while, it became solid and real, with a height of more than a thousand meters. As soon as it appeared, it suppressed the huge waves of the Heihe River on the spot. The huge waves of hundreds of meters, hundreds of meters, were like ripples in a pond before the Great Wall , no more terrifying power.

Originally, as the commander, Jiang Ziya planned to throw out the apricot-yellow flag of the central garrison in his hand, but now he saw Liu Hao suppressing the world with a poem, so he was still entangled. With a wave of the apricot-yellow flag in his hand, tens of thousands of troops behind rushed into the Great Wall with a whoosh. With the solid and mighty Great Wall as their backing, the tens of millions of soldiers felt a sense of security, comparing the front and back, their morale was even more excited, their fears had already been thrown into the sky, and they began to arrange them in an orderly manner.

The way of the Hundred Schools has been passed down so far, and this is the first time that poetry has been used on such a large scale. Once Liu Hao's introduction came out, the monks of the Hundred Schools on the front line in Youzhou started to follow suit.

Almost a percentage of these students knew the poem 'Ode to Qin Min', but they didn't know how to use it in the past. Today, Liu Hao gave the answer, and all of them followed suit. As they wrote 'Ode to Qin Min' , Sections of phantom shadows of the Great Wall fell and merged into Liu Hao's solid Great Wall, making the entire Great Wall, which spanned tens of millions of miles, thicker and stronger.

I don't know whether it is a qualitative change caused by quantitative changes or something else. The appearance of hundreds of thousands of poems of "Ode to Qin Min" has caused many phantoms of "Qin Min" to appear on the Great Wall. They are said to be soul bodies, but they seem to have no intelligence. It is said that they are dull, but they are all in good shape;

Once there is a gap in the broken Great Wall, these phantoms of "Qin Min" will rush to repair them regardless of life and death. With the repair of these phantoms of "Qin Min", the human soldiers will forget the danger and face the dense attack. The water demon in the water didn't see the slightest fear, and they fought as before.

These phantoms of 'Qin Min' are not immune to fall. Once the water demon attacks, the phantoms will become thinner. Once a certain limit is passed, the phantoms will melt into light, and then merge into the Great Wall. Contribute the last bit of strength.

Under the influence of the horn, billions of water monsters seem to have lost the concept of life and death, but Liu Hao knows that the horn of the monster tribe is definitely not a mortal thing, and the impact on these water monsters is very important, and dying is just the first step The impact is more to stimulate the fierceness of these water monsters, to inspire them to devote all their strength to the battle, like puppets, who only know how to attack and how to kill.

The turbulent water monsters slapped on the Great Wall and climbed layer upon layer. It wasn't because they couldn't stir up the big waves to a height of a thousand meters, but because of the characteristics of the Great Wall. Let alone a thousand-meter huge wave, it was a 10,000-meter high wave. , it still feels lower than the height of the Great Wall, as if separated by space, and can only be climbed, and can only be accumulated by numbers.

More than half an hour later, these water monsters had the first one to climb the Great Wall, but in this situation, they couldn't really bring harm to the sergeants on the Great Wall. The number was rare, but they were sent to death.

As time passed, there were more and more water monsters climbing the Great Wall, and the human soldiers were under pressure. Seeing this, Liu Hao sighed again. Without him, the individual strength of these human soldiers was too low, even in the face of these cannon fodder water. The demon is still very fragile, so it's no wonder that Di Juntai is very disdainful to the human race.

Even Liu Hao was powerless to strengthen the physical strength of tens of millions of soldiers. After thinking about it, Liu Hao wrote:

Ode to Qin Shihuang

A generation of heroes named Shihuang, Jing Tianwei and Dizhi Tuqiang;

The six countries were merged into one, and thousands of miles of walls were built to strengthen Seri.

Miscalculation and pitting Confucianism became criticism, abolishing the county and establishing Qichang state;

The merits and demerits of thousands of years can be said by people, how can the annals of history record prosperity and death?

Shicheng, Liu Hao still threw it into the battlefield casually, but this time, it was he who was trying to summon the 'Qin Shihuang' to fight for the human race. Qin Shihuang is clearly in the ancestral land of the human race, whether he will listen to his call is completely uncertain.

But even so, Liu Hao still did it. It is impossible to try this kind of thing in normal times, and it is only in this situation that he can try it.

But he didn't know that after he finished writing the big characters of "Ode to Qin Shihuang", Qin Shihuang had a feeling in the ancestral land of the human race. After he finished writing his poems, Ying Zheng couldn't wait to answer the call, and the paper Liu Hao wrote had just fallen into the Above the Great Wall, a ray of light shoots down from the sky, spreading mightily for tens of thousands of miles;

As the light gradually receded, a figure tens of thousands of meters high appeared on the Great Wall. This figure was wearing a rolling suit, wearing a crown on his head, with his hands stretched forward, overwhelming the world. In front of him, those mighty waves The water demons who came just felt as if they were facing the demon emperor Dijun directly, their figures had already started to tremble, they didn't even dare to raise their heads to look at the huge figure in front of them, their knees even bowed unconsciously, their heads touched the ground, in pieces The water demon's body collapsed.


Liu Hao happily sang, took out another page of paper, and laid it on the desk. He knew that although the appearance of Qin Shihuang brought great pressure to the water monster, it must not last long. The influence of the coercion must be weakened to the minimum, and the summoning of "Qin Shihuang" is not a real entity, there is always an end, and there is only one person. If the real monster clan sent the big Luo Jinxian big demon to check it in, it would play a big role. where to go.

But Liu Hao didn't want 'Qin Shihuang' to become a combat power. He knew better that 'Qin Shihuang's greatest ability was commanding, so he was trying to see if he could summon the 'Qin Army'. A response from the "Qin Min" heroic spirit in the Great Wall feels that the possibility is much higher. Therefore, the poems he wrote are the masterpieces of Marshal Chen:

How would you like to beheaded today? Entrepreneurship is difficult and full of battles;

Go to Huangquan to summon the old department, and kill Yama with one hundred thousand banners.

But Liu Hao didn't know that as soon as his poem came out, King Yama in the underworld shivered all over his body, and when he saw Liu Hao writing the poem by induction, he became even more furious.

"Who did I provoke, and you want to kill me with a hundred thousand banners?"

King Yama was about to react, but Houtu's voice reached his ears, making his body stiff, knowing that he was going to be famous now, and this poem would probably be written from time to time in the future, and he would probably be beheaded several times throughout the year. dry rest.

Liu Hao didn't know the reason, and he didn't know that Houtu had helped him a lot. After he finished writing the poem, he threw it at the phantom of 'Qin Shihuang'. As the paper fell, dark caves appeared in the Great Wall. There was a ghostly aura in it, and before the human soldiers had any other reactions, there was the sound of weapons colliding in these caves. Immediately afterwards, the mighty Yin soldiers began to step through the caves, stepping into the Great Wall in an endless stream.

"Sir Li Si, pay homage to the First Emperor!"

"The last general, Meng Yi, pays homage to the First Emperor!"

"The last general, Wang Jian, pays homage to the First Emperor!"


"Great Qin Sergeant!"

On the Great Wall, Jiang Ziya exclaimed, he exclaimed, not 'Great Qin Sergeant', but these Daqin Sergeant's cultivation level is not low, they are ghost cultivators at all, and the leading generals are all Taiyi cultivation bases , Even those ghost soldiers, facing the lone water demon, did not lose the wind in the slightest. How could he not know that such a large-scale phalanx of dark soldiers must be restrained by the underworld, and if they can appear inside the Great Wall, they will definitely be released by the underworld. Does this mean that the underworld is on the side of the human race?

Not only Jiang Ziya was shocked, but all the forces concerned about this war were also shaken. The underworld has never set foot in the wild. It has been like this since ancient times. Why did they open the mouth for a poem today? Does it mean that the underworld is not willing to be lonely anymore?

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