Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and nine. Confucius lost his temper

809 , Kong Qiu went mad

I can't help all parties not to think too much, since the underworld appeared, so far, everything has been calm, and they have always stayed out of it, detached from one side, even if something happened, the 'King of Yama' would report to the heaven, as if everything was pushed to the heaven to deal with , making all living beings in the prehistoric world think that the underworld is really inferior to the heaven.

However, the real big forces know that the 'three realms and six realms' are all completely equal, and the 'three realms' are heaven, hell, and the world. The biggest reason why heaven seems to be superior is that Hong He was established by Jun, so everyone sold his face, and all non-major matters were pushed to Haotian.

This situation has always been due to a tacit understanding, and the forces of all parties thought it was true for a time. It was not until Patriarch Bodhi was thrown out of the underworld by Houtu and had no way out, that the saints knew that Houtu was at the same level as Hongjun, I understand better that people keep a low profile, but it doesn't mean that they can really let you do whatever you want.

The direct descendants of the major powers naturally got the news about this matter, but the underworld is still the same, and as time goes by, they have forgotten it. Today's situation reminded them of this information again, so they don't know that something has happened.

They can't help but think too much, it's fine for such a low-key underworld to appear suddenly, but under a piece of poetry, tens of millions of Yin soldiers are called to help the battle, what's the reason?

They didn't know that it was Houtu selling Liu Hao's face, letting go of the Qin soldiers in the underworld, entering the earth fairy world to follow Qin Shihuang to fight again, and it was also Houtu who disgusted the monster clan. You must know that she is a member of the witch clan, the ancestor witch, yes The monster race was already a bit unhappy, and when the monster race oppressed the human race, they just did it. Of course, there is also a hint of the meaning that the human race is the protagonist of the world. Helping the human race is to conform to the world, so why not Why?

The appearance of these tens of millions of Qin Yin soldiers also shocked Liu Hao. Originally, he only thought that the soldiers and horses he summoned were like "Qin Min", and they were all heroic spirits, but now, they are real ghost cultivators. Not to mention the profound strength, but the scale is so huge, needless to say, it is also known that this will wipe out the Qin army and horses of the Underworld.

In the ancestral land of the human race, Ying Zheng was also shocked, and then he burst into laughter. He felt that this was a huge opportunity for him. Although he didn't know what this opportunity was, he knew that once he could seize this opportunity Opportunities are bound to greatly enhance their own strength.

In fact, this is also the case. Honghuang Yingzheng is not only a human race, but also has a trace of witch blood in his body. Therefore, his Great Qin army can gain a foothold in the underworld. This is simply because Houtu deliberately took care of him.

At this time, Ying Zheng didn't know the reason, and he didn't have time to think about it. He sank into it with all his heart. On the Great Wall, he stretched out his right hand to help him, and said:

"Flat body!"

This sound spread throughout the entire Great Wall, suppressing the horn of the demon clan for a while, even the human race on the Great Wall heard it, and felt a little dazed.

"My lords of the Great Qin, follow me to kill the monster!"

"Wind, wind, wind..."

The mighty voice suppressed the sound of the world, and Ying Zheng felt that he had come to the great cause of unifying the six countries. Following his order, tens of millions of Yin soldiers were thrown into the front line, facing billions of soldiers. The water demons started to fight, and arrows shot down all over the sky, each arrow took away a water demon, and suppressed the army of water demons who were about to make a contribution in one fell swoop.

"Woo woo woo..."

How can the Yaozu be willing to rest? Dijun Taiyi remote control, let alone face tens of millions more opponents, so what if it is ten times more? Those who stand in front of him must move away to make way for his calculations.

The clarion call of the demon clan's horns became more and more intense, and the water demon army that was forcibly interrupted soon reorganized and began to slap the sky and cover the Great Wall towards the Great Wall, braving arrows all over the sky, regardless of life and death.

Soon, the banks of the Heihe River under the Great Wall were covered with corpses of water demons, piled up like a mountain, and gave the army of water demons more stepping stones. Stepping on these corpses of water demons, these water demons stepped onto the Great Wall The difficulty is also reduced a lot.

The fighting power of the tens of millions of Qin Yin soldiers is much higher than that of the tens of millions of people on the Great Wall.

Moreover, after fighting in the underworld for hundreds of millions of years, the tacit understanding between each other is even more flawless, but even so, facing hundreds of times the army of water demons, the pressure is still not small. The soldiers turned into smoke and were sucked away by the cave of Yin soldiers above the Great Wall.

This battle lasted for several months, from morning to night, without interruption. Since the appearance of the Great Qin Yin Soldiers, the number of tens of millions has dropped to less than ten million. Without the slightest smile, his face was solemn and sad.

"Wind, strong wind!..."

Even if the loss exceeded 70%, the remaining Yin soldiers of Great Qin still did not have the slightest intention of retreating, and even gave up all the possibility of survival to the human soldiers, and the whole Great Tang was moved by sacrificing their lives.

In Chang'an, Li Shimin held the battle report in his hand and remained silent. In the past few months, Datang sent tens of thousands of soldiers to the north again, but there was still an endless army of water monsters, which made him dare not speak lightly of victory.

"Da Qin! Well done!"

This is not the first time Li Shimin has admired him. At the beginning, he was a little jealous of Qin Shihuang, but now, he is only grateful and admiring.

"The loss of six million human races! If it weren't for the Great Qin army, how many of my tens of millions of soldiers would be left today?"

Li Shimin said to himself, whether it is the eldest grandson Wuji or Fang Xuanling, they are all silent. They don't know how to speak. The army and horses of the Great Qin are no longer what they can comment on. Even if they have died and become Yin soldiers, they are still fighting for The human race's war is so noble, how can it be defiled?

"The monks in Youzhoufang City have also entered the front line, right?"

"Return to Your Majesty, I have entered some time ago!"

"It's all good! Auxiliary machine, you record all the sects in the record, and you will reward them for your merits when you win in the future!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Li Shimin also knows that his so-called rewards for meritorious deeds are just to give some titles, and these are just icing on the cake for the major sects, but he can't give other rewards. Human property should not be given lightly. He can't break the decrees of the saints, and there are only these left.

In the past, Li Shimin didn't have a good opinion of these sects. However, compared with Buddhism today, he knows that although there are still various constraints, monks from these sects will not stand idly by when things happen to the human race. This is enough.

"Human race! Datang! I understand!"

Li Shimin really understood the difference between the Great Tang and the Human Race, and even more understood the real intentions of the various sects, that is, the Great Tang can be destroyed, but the Human Race cannot be destroyed!

This means that these sects will not be used by Datang, but it is not without benefits, that is, these sects will not interfere with human affairs, and they represent the human race, not the human world.

"That's fine! Each depends on his ability! It's Buddhism..."

Li Shimin didn't say this, saying that if there is no comparison, there will be no harm. The actions of the major sects of Taoism are more precious than the major Buddhist temples guarding their own one-acre three-point land.

Buddhism and Emperor Juntai reached an agreement, and it was impossible to make a move. Li Shimin didn't know how to do it, but secretly hated Buddhism in his heart.

The Buddhist sect doesn't care about this at all, but the Buddhist sect doesn't know it yet. Even Wu Zhao, who is on the front line in Youzhou, has a grudge against the Buddhist sect. That is, Wu Zhao himself is also a human race, and that is enough.

No one knew about her thoughts, even Liu Hao couldn't pay attention to her. Now, Liu Hao has put all his energy into the front line of the Great Wall, and he has actions in his hands.

This time, Liu Hao did not choose to write poetry, but threw his own "Thirty-Six Strategies" to the Great Wall.

As soon as the "Thirty-Six Strategies" appeared on the Great Wall, thirty-six photoelectric lights scattered and fell into the bodies of thirty-six commanders along the Great Wall, and the effect was immediately apparent.

For example, Li Jing, the general who got the strategy of "encircling Wei and saving Zhao", pointed his finger at the back of Heihe in an instant, and the rain of arrows fell all over the sky. , still unable to resist the precise attacks of these arrows, wave after wave of trumpeting water monsters killed Heihe, which made his defense much easier. The sweeping water monsters could only hear a few horn sounds sporadically, Intermittent, mutual influence, making the order different before and after;

At this moment, a thought came to these water demons' minds, they had to return to guard the trumpet-blowing phalanx. With the thought, they turned and left, making the water demons change from the attacking side to the defensive side, and the pressure on the Great Wall dropped sharply. The number of killing water demons is increasing sharply.

The strategy of "encircling Wei and saving Zhao" is like this; the strategy of "crossing the sea with concealment" has another effect. The overwhelming water monsters suddenly found that the water monsters attacking around them turned into a few people. But they continued to replenish, and in the blink of an eye, they increased several times. In contrast, these water monsters lost their courage in an instant, and even the horns behind them could hardly suppress their inner fear.

Fearing in my heart for a lifetime, the movements of the water demon began to deform, not to mention the slow speed of the impact, and they collided with each other. When resisting, they lost confidence. Obviously many moves that could be resisted, but also lost their lives due to lack of confidence.

How did they know that this is simply the influence of the strategy of "crossing the sea from the sky". For the monster race, there are not many soldiers and horses on the attack, but they can't see it. There will be more collisions, and the formation will immediately become chaotic;

Under the timidity, the wielding blade killed his own people without knowing it. The chaos caused them to kill each other. After a shock, most of them died at the hands of their own people. They thought it was from the Great Wall. Added more Terrans.

As soon as the defeat appeared, the perception of these water monsters was strengthened, and they confirmed that what they saw was true. What was even more frightening was that the big monsters who knew nothing about the rear didn't notice the change at all, and thought it was the human race and the Yin soldiers of the Great Qin who came to supply supplies. Frantically instructing the water demon cannon fodder to die.

Thirty-six tactics, thirty-six kinds of effects, those generals, soldiers and horses who got the thirty-six tactics bonus, all have more understanding of this strategy, and it is Liu Hao who retracted the "Three Sixteen Strategies", they can also imitate a lot and add more combat power.

Liu Hao was doing his best, and the hundreds of families on the Great Wall also did not relax at all. He said that Kong Qiu guarded a large section of the Great Wall by himself, but he sat on the top of the wall and recited books. Those water monsters who heard Confucius reading, One by one, as if they had become students of Confucius, facing the water demon rushing from behind, they swung their weapons and started to fight back, as if killing their father and enemy.

One person can suppress an area without harming one person, and even cause countless casualties to the water demon. Only Kong Qiu, the Confucian master of all ages, can do it. The effects of his words and deeds are all contained in the "teacher's way". Listening to everyone is affected by it, don't talk about these cannon fodder water monsters;

Even the big demon sitting in the back had a bit of remorse. He just felt that he should never have come to attack the human race. It was also because of this idea that he saw countless water monsters fighting each other, but he still didn't stop. Basically, I just watched them die, but I still have a feeling that I am doing good things in my heart.

With the passage of time, the great demon who sits in town has been more and more influenced by Kong Qiu. Now, he not only watched and directed many water demons to die, but also sent some water demons to make trouble from time to time, asking for help, all kinds of troubles. Leng Daozi and the like did it very covertly. The more he did it, the more he felt that he was doing the right thing. Today, he has been completely introduced into Confucianism by Confucius.

On the city wall, seeing this, Kong Qiu nodded with a smile:

"Repay grievances with virtue, how can you repay virtue? Complain straightly, and repay virtue with virtue!"

Kong Qiu opened his mouth to speak, and for the first time the Da Luo Jinxian position was fully fired, and the water monsters with millions of miles around could hear it clearly, but this time, it had a great impact.

Among the water monsters, there are originally hundreds of clans, and hunting each other is the law of the red fruit forest. In the past, the hatred between the various groups was not small. If there were no more powerful big monsters suppressing it, it would have been unknown how it would have been. Sample.

Today, as soon as Kong Qiu said this, the hatred in the hearts of the water monsters of the hundreds of clans was instantly raised to the extreme. Any big monster suppressing them had long been thrown out of the sky by them.

A grass fish and water demon was in the middle of the attack, and suddenly heard Kong Qiu's words, he remembered that his second uncle and grandpa was swallowed by the black fish demon next to him, and instantly hated him. He stabbed at the black fish demon.

His actions were so fast, the black fish demon did not react at all, and was directly stabbed to death by the grass fish and water demon. The grass fish demon had to avenge his revenge, and his heart was inexplicably happy. Just as he was about to laugh, he saw a water snake nearby Demon, how could he forget that figure? The aunt's son of my third uncle and grandpa died at the mouth of this water snake demon. How can such hatred be let go? Without saying anything, Harpoon started to walk.

This grass fish and water monster is just one of them, with a radius of millions of miles, any water monster who hears Kong Qiu's words cannot be suppressed by the clarion call of the monster race. The monsters fought together, and soon, the water monsters in the horn formation were also involved, and the big monsters who suppressed the cannon fodder of these water monsters along the way were also affected, and joined in after a while.

Such a scene really shocked those major forces who paid attention to the battlefield.

To this day, they can't help but have other ideas about the way of the hundred schools of thought. Today, Confucius just uttered a few words, which had such an impact on the water demon army. If this assertion was applied to his own forces, would it also be aroused? hate?

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