Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and tenth. Emperor Jun's attack

810 , Emperor Jun Strikes

"Amazing! As expected of Confucius!"

Liu Hao has been paying attention to the entire Great Wall. How could the changes in Kong Qiu be hidden from him? One sentence caused a billion water monsters to kill each other. Facing Kong Qiu, he had to let go of his figure, knowing that Kong Xuan from the past had returned!

Confucianism, become famous today!

In the future, Liu Hao knew that Confucianism no longer needed to be taken care of by him. There was no resistance to the rise of Confucianism. Even if Buddhism and Taoism were crazily suppressed, it would be impossible for Confucianism to disappear. As long as the inheritance is not destroyed, Confucianism will not die, enough!

This is true of Confucianism, and so is military strategist. Although Jiang Ziya, the ancestor of military strategist, did not do it himself, the "Thirty-Six Strategies" thrown by Liu Hao is enough to make monks in the wilderness jealous of military strategist methods. It also caused heavy losses to the water demon army. For no reason, he thought that he had entered the bridal chamber, caught the water demon next to him and opened his mouth to kiss. The nearby water demon saw it, but it was like Dong Zhuo seeing Lu Bu meeting Diao Chan privately. hesitantly.

"Straight mother thief, you dare to cuckold this old man, you really deserve to die!"

While beheading and shouting, they quickly became a mess and started killing each other. They looked towards the human race, but they were full of tenderness. They clearly regarded the human race on the Great Wall as the love in their hearts. , and even sacrificed his life to protect him until death.

It can be seen that the horror in it kills people invisible, and the enemies within the enveloping range are all affected by it. It seems that there is no solution at all. You must know that when the suppressing big monster in the rear is approaching, it also has a great influence and kills the soldiers wantonly. That situation , as if only one of him can be left in the entire battlefield, the winner has the right to kiss Fangze.

After a few months, those monks who entered the Great Wall from Youzhoufang City knew best. From the beginning, they were a little disdainful, but now they have ignored other things. When they asked for advice, they were very humble. The Tao has been implanted into the body and mind of these monks. When these monks leave in the future, they will inevitably choose one of them as an auxiliary practice. Maybe someday they will develop their talent for the Tao of Hundred Schools, and they will immediately convert the minor to the major.

These monks couldn't be more clear that there are no sects or sects in the way of a hundred schools of thought, and it is not a betrayal if they practice it. It is nothing more than learning a method. Fa, I didn't like it before because I didn't understand the benefits. How could I miss it when I saw Niucha today?

Even if you don't use it as a means, you must understand it, right? Otherwise, if you encounter an opponent who is proficient in a hundred schools of thought and don't know how to deal with it, wouldn't it be a deadly situation?

Even in line with this idea, all sects and sects could not stop it. The information of the Great Wall was passed to the ears of the senior sects, and these people all picked up the books and began to read, let alone veto it.

When Emperor Juntai saw such a scene, he couldn't help but have the urge to vomit blood. After all the hard work, he felt like he was making wedding dresses for all the families of the human race.

But after thinking about it, Di Jun felt comfortable again. It was originally intended to attract the attention of the Heavenly Court and the Daomen. Heaven has long been on standby;

Even Haotian in the Lich Battlefield has relaxed a lot in snatching spirit treasures these days, paying attention to Heihe's situation and dare not let go. Similarly, there are also the great powers of the three sects of Taoism. During this period of time, their monster clan's harvest has increased Many are proof.

Of course, the most important thing is not here.

From the beginning to the end, none of the Buddhist monks in the Tang Dynasty came, which was what Di Jun was really satisfied with. Such a scene was tantamount to clearly telling the Heavenly Court and the Taoist sect that the Yaozu and the Buddhist sect had formed an alliance.

Even though he knew that this 'alliance' was very fragile and that it might become an enemy someday, it was still what Di Jun wanted to show to all living beings in the wild.

Among them, the demon clans below are very happy. Now the prehistoric Buddhist sect is the most powerful and powerful, and the Buddhist sect does not target the demon clan.

For them, the Heavenly Court is the enemy, and the Taoist sect has long since fallen. Isn't such a scene an opportunity for the Yaozu to rise again?

Sure enough, the return of the Heavenly Emperor is different. When Bai Ze Yaosheng was in charge, he could only hide in Beiju Luzhou and dare not show his head. It is not unreasonable to be able to occupy the heaven.

Di Jun made some manipulations, but he threw out some water demon cannon fodder, and took the loyalty of the middle and lower demon clan in Beiju Luzhou into his bag. He had already obtained the greatest benefits. Yao, now also lost close to two billion, less than half. Today, with Kong Qiu and Liu Hao working together, it may be more than half, but so what?

These cannon fodders were not taken seriously by Di Jun, and even if they died, they would not hurt him at all. Since the war has already started, it would be better to continue. Moreover, in his opinion, it is better to have some hatred between the monster race and the human race , In this way, the influence of Empress Nuwa can also be weakened to a certain extent, and she can truly become the master of the monster clan.

In terms of scruples, Dijun is not as good as Nuwa to Sanqing. Although Sanqing is also a saint, he can't control him from the Yaozu. On the surface, it is also the biggest reliance of Yaozu's heart.

On the contrary, Di Jun can't tolerate this. In his opinion, he is the real support of the monster race. It has nothing to do with the Yaozu. If Fuxi hadn't entered the Heavenly Court at that time, Nuwa wouldn't even accept the title of 'Emperor Wa'.

The position of the 'Emperor Wa' was a very good calculation in ancient times, and the facts also proved that Nu Wa had no sense of it, and had no intention of fighting for power.

But now, this calculation has become a hidden danger. Emperor Juntai died, and the demon banner was taken by Nuwa, which means that the real lifeline of the demon clan was controlled by Nuwa. On the contrary, with the passage of time, Empress Nuwa became the biggest support of the monster clan. After Emperor Jun returned, he quickly understood the inside story, and naturally thought of various ways to weaken her influence.

The war between the monster race and the human race is the best way. The Nuwa saint who was born in the monster race is the mother of the human race. Her palms are full of flesh, so she can't tilt either side. Once this happens, the other party will be disappointed.

In Di Jun's view, the human race is weak, so how can they resist the attack of the monster race? Even if Empress Nuwa doesn't take action, she will send someone to issue a decree for a truce. Obedience, in my heart, I must feel that Nuwa Empress is biased towards the human race, so I will inevitably replace my heart with his emperor Jun, so that he, the monster emperor, will be more stable as before.

It's a pity that Dijun has calculated everything, but he didn't expect the human race to be so powerful, facing more than five billion water monsters, still towering and unmoving, seeing that he had killed half of the water monsters, but still standing on the bank of the Black River, this made Di Jun also make up his mind Since the decree of the Nuwa Empress cannot be forced out, the hatred between the monster race and the human race can be expanded. In this way, on a certain basis, the goal can be regarded as accomplished.

In the small courtyard of Youzhou, Liu Hao was silent for a while holding the battle report in his hand.

"There are less than 9 million Yin soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty left, and 32 million soldiers of the Great Tang Human Race, with a loss of 7.6 million people! Of the heavenly soldiers and generals brought by Bo Yi Kao, the remaining two hundred About 10,000! There are millions of human monks around! In total, 44 million combat power!

There are still more than two billion in the water demon army! Some trouble! "

The Great Qin Yin Bing lost the most, and now they are close to 80% of the loss, and the remaining 9 million will not last long; who will let them be the most dangerous?

Fortunately, Liu Hao also knows that even if the Yin soldiers summoned by his poems die and return to the Underworld, they can still reunite. Of course, there will inevitably be a drop in some realms, but they can only grit their teeth and let them bear it.

With such a loss, if it were replaced by a human race, Datang would probably collapse, which is also impossible!

The only advantage is that he hasn't played in person yet, and he is very satisfied with being able to maintain it so far. In his plan, once the Great Qin Yinbing is completely lost, it is time for him to play. Once he is ready to play, the first one is Liwei, use the power of thunder to wipe out the cannon fodder of the water demon, otherwise, this war will be endless.

In his heart, Liu Hao also knew that even if he cleaned up these water monsters, there were still countless water monsters in Beiju Luzhou. After a long time, they would still gather in the Heihe River, but that was a matter of the future. Only by winning can the human race have a future, and only by winning can the human race build up their self-confidence, and they will no longer be afraid of the monster race in the future.

"Woo woo woo..."

The majestic horn of the monster tribe blew again, and Liu Hao had locked the real location of the horn. It was a big monster of the elephant tribe, Da Luo Jinxian, who had been hiding on a small island in Heihe. The horn in his hand was simply Innate spirit treasure, the lowest level is top-grade. Liu Hao has been coveting it for a long time. He knows that once this corner enters the human race, it will be a great supplement to the human race. miss.

"The "Thirty-Six Strategies" military book can last for a few days. Kong Qiu's literary energy has been consumed a lot and needs to be accumulated. After a few days, a stalemate will form again. The Great Qin Yin Bing will be exhausted in a month at most. The phantom of 'Qin Shihuang' has almost reached its limit, right?"

Liu Hao said to himself, this time, he held back and chose to wait. This wait lasted for a month, just as he had calculated. When the last Great Qin Yin soldier dissipated, the Qin Shihuang shouted loudly, and after the phantom of the 'Jade Seal of Chuanguo' in his hand was photographed towards Heihe, it also began to dissipate.

"My Great Qin soldiers have never run against me, how can I give up?"

Qin Shihuang yelled loudly, and the phantom that was about to dissipate suddenly gathered together, and then turned into smoke and dust, sinking into the cave of the underworld that was about to disappear at last.


Surprised, Liu Hao stood up abruptly, frowned, put aside the wild thoughts in his mind, took a step towards Heihe, and arrived in front of the big elephant clan monster, stretched out his hand to grab the opponent, and grabbed the The big elephant clan monster grabbed the neck, squeezed it fiercely, and killed the opponent. The other hand did not relax. When killing the opponent, he grabbed the horn, and his divine sense penetrated into it, and immediately killed the opponent. Kill the soul of the great elephant clan monster hidden in it.

Afterwards, Liu Hao didn't care about the other monster races coming towards him. With one step, he appeared on the Great Wall along the Heihe River, stretched out his big hand, and carved a 'green dragon talisman' in the void.

But on the other side, Di Jun was furious. He didn't care about the death of the great elephant clan monster, but he didn't dare to take it lightly. It's just that Liu Hao's movements were too fast. As soon as he reacted, Liu Hao's figure had disappeared , Right now, he didn't care about ordering others to do things, a rainbow light flashed, and he flew towards Heihe himself, and the body of the Golden Crow of the Great Sun was also displayed by him.

Like Liu Hao, Di Jun's movements were too fast, and Haotian and others realized that Di Jun's figure had been lost in front of them. Just as they were about to make a move, they saw the Buddhist quasi-sages blocking them.

"Amitabha, wait a minute, the Great Heavenly Venerable, I just have something to ask!"

The Tathagata's purpose is obvious, just to delay for a while. In his opinion, Liu Hao is bound to lose if the emperor goes out, and regardless of whether Liu Hao can be killed, as long as Liu Hao is defeated, the power of the monster clan will be destroyed. After rising, it will be their Buddhist turn to step forward. At that time, Buddhism can act as a peacemaker, oppressing Li Shimin and the demon clan to reconcile, the biggest resistance to the spread of Buddhism to the East will be lost, and the real fruits of Journey to the West will be revealed.

Tathagata, a kind of Buddha and Bodhisattva, came forward, Haotian, Xuandu and others were all blocked, lost the initiative, and didn't bother to talk to Tathagata, just waiting for the outcome of the battle between Di Jun and Liu Hao.

On the other side, Di Jun was fast, but he still couldn't suppress the talisman in Liu Hao's hand. When he arrived, the green dragon talisman in Liu Hao's hand had already taken shape, turning into light and sinking into the Heihe River.

"Presumptuous! How can a mere human race covet the spiritual treasure of my monster race?"

Di Junhao's loud voice came from the sky, Liu Hao looked up and laughed.

He originally thought that the monster clan would send quasi-sages to come, and he was still a little muttering in his heart, but it was Di Jun who came, and he was not afraid at all. He is also a Da Luo Jinxian Daoguo cultivation base, and he is not afraid of anyone!

"A mere crow dares to come to the human race to be presumptuous!"

Liu Hao didn't have any words to say, and Di Jun was so angry that three corpses exploded with just one sentence.

"But the food in the mouth of the monster clan! How can it be rampant?"

Di Jun was so angry that he was still not good at exhaling fragrance, but he was not good at it, but this sentence was trying to provoke the relationship between the human race and Nuwa. I don’t know, I thought that the Nuwa empress blocked the creation of humans The purpose is to give the Yaozu rations.

How could Liu Hao be fooled, he laughed.

"Di Jun, don't make me look down on you! Empress Nuwa is a saint, how can you discredit her? Today I will let you know how powerful the human race is!"

But Liu Hao didn't intend to defend himself. If he really defended himself, he fell into the trick of the other party. Changing the subject is the key. Such words will make Dijun and Nuwa have karma, and the karma of discrediting the saint will definitely make Dijun suffer. It's hard to do.

After hearing this, Di Jun cursed angrily in his heart. Some things were just ignored by everyone if they were not pointed out. Once they were pointed out, it was cause and effect, and they had to pay back, otherwise Empress Nuwa would lose face? He also knew that he had already offended Nuwa by speaking today, but he didn't dare to go any further, he really angered Nuwa, his small body is not enough for her to slap her.

The two talked in a distance, but within a few breaths, the voice fell, and Di Jun's figure came closer. The anxious Di Jun didn't care about other things, and the giant claws like mountains grabbed towards Liu Hao.

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