Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and eleven. VS Emperor Jun

811、vs Dijun

Seeing Di Jun killing him, Liu Hao will not be polite. In his calculation, Di Jun must also be unable to make a move. The green dragon talisman that he fell into Heihe has already begun to show its power. If it is not beautiful to be disturbed by Di Jun, then If Di Jun doesn't make a move, he will.

"Di Jun, the more you live, the more you go back, you dare to stretch out your hand with mere claws!"

Liu Hao laughed, stepped up, and drew out the tiger soul knife in his hand, ignoring the gap between the knife in his hand and the giant claw of the mountain, and lightly moved towards the top to block it.

This time, not only the human race on the Great Wall broke out in cold sweat, but also many powerful figures in the ancient lich battlefield also felt that Liu Hao was overbearing. A casual blow is not something that a mere human race can resist.

They didn't know that things were not as they imagined. The giant claws grabbed it, and the three-foot long knife in stark contrast was easily blocked. Even the hurricane brought up by the giant claws didn't let Liu Hao. There was a hint of fluttering in the robe on his body.

"Too light, too light! Eat me too!"

Liu Hao blocked Dijun's giant claws, seemingly light and powerless, but in fact he did it with all his strength. This comparison also allowed him to figure out where the limit of Dijun's power lies. On the one hand, he seems to be much stronger than Di Jun, and now he is more confident.

Di Jun thought about it differently. Being blocked by Liu Hao already shocked him inexplicably, but the mere human race could counterpress him in strength, which made his heart agitated, and he almost cried out. Hearing Liu Hao despise him again , the anger rose again, and there was a counter-shock force in the claws, completely forgetting his own weakness in strength, and strongly wanted to suppress the opponent.

This time, he suffered a crime. With all his strength suppressed, he was still pushed away by Liu Hao, losing the initiative, and before he had time to adjust, he saw Liu Hao slashing towards him.


An overlapping sound sounded, not only Liu Hao's long knife slashed on Emperor Jun's claws, but also a huge wave was set off in the black river below, and a green dragon with a length of millions of miles emerged. Let the water of the Black River obey its orders, and in an instant, more than half of the remaining more than one billion water monsters were smashed, and even those big Luo Jinxian big monsters sitting behind were also vomited blood due to the shock, and felt panic.

On this side, Di Jun only had time to stretch out his claws to resist Liu Hao's slashing, but he was a little hasty, and even weaker in strength. This resistance was directly cut by Liu Hao a hundred thousand miles away. In the Heihe River, the figure of the green dragon of millions of miles, and the cannon fodder of the endless water monster fell, who didn't know that this time the battle of the monster clan was defeated.

"Do you still dare to be distracted? Do you really think you are still the ancient demon emperor?"

Di Jun was distracted, but Liu Hao appeared in front of him again across the space, slashing down on his head with a long knife.

The Great Wall, the human race watching is full of confidence at this time, what kind of demon emperor can't stop Liu Hao from fighting at all, how fearful he was before, how confident he is now.

The ancient lich battlefield was also completely silent. Anyone could see that the ancient demon emperor Di Jun and the Di Jun in front of him were not of the same class at all. How much prestige the previous Di Jun had was how much the current Di Jun was knocked down Fan Chen, on the contrary, fulfilled Liu Hao because of this, and all the prestige of the demon emperor was instantly stripped to Liu Hao. After today, Liu Hao is truly famous in the wild.

How could the emperor on the battlefield not know what these mighty people think? He is even more aware that if he loses today, not only will Hong Huang Da Neng no longer have any respect for him, but even the whole Yaozu will have to re-evaluate him. All previous calculations will be in vain if they lose today.

Don't think that this is just a mere pk. If Dijun loses the battle, let alone how the outside world will treat him, the entire monster clan, who originally regarded him as the savior, will inevitably lose their confidence countless times. As for the matter of the ancient demon court, at that time, it will be very difficult to say how much trust there will be.

How could Di Jun not know? He is very regretful in his heart now, why did he jump out in a hurry? He also understood that 'a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall', so why did he not care about it when he got angry at that time? Could this be the reason for the catastrophe?


Di Jun pushed all this impatience to the rise of the catastrophe. Compared with the catastrophe of the ancient monster clan, neither the monster clan nor Di Jun is the protagonist anymore, and all kinds of luck care are gone. This is likely to be the case in the future.

Thinking of this, Di Jun's mentality calmed down. The matter has come to this point, and it is good to find the root cause, so that he can take precautions in the future. Now, regardless of other things, the battle with this human race in front of him needs to be devoted wholeheartedly. He can only win but not lose !

Facing the long knife that Liu Hao slashed, Di Jun didn't dare to hold back any more. The real fire of the sun rose all over his body, and it turned into a size of ten thousand feet in an instant, just like a big sun floating above the Heihe River. Within this big sun, a golden light The overflowing palace loomed faintly.

This palace is the treasure "Sun Palace" in the bottom of Dijun's chest. In ancient times, even Dijun seldom took it out to fight. At that time, he still had "Hetu Luoshu" and "Da Ri Jing "Lun" itself is the top group, and the defensive "Sun Palace" is naturally rarely used.

But now he has to do it, 'Da Ri Jing Lun' was not snatched before, and 'Hetu Luoshu' was snatched by Kunpeng, and it is still far away to get it back. This treasure at the bottom of the box has become the only one he sees. The innate spirit treasure that can be obtained.

He also couldn't help it. After the two collisions, he didn't know that Liu Hao's strength was obviously higher than his. Without a protection, he really had no bottom in his heart.

As a demon emperor, there is no shortage of spiritual treasures. The treasure house of the ancient demon court is something in his hands. Although there is a shortage of top-grade innate spiritual treasures in it, there are many acquired spiritual treasures. With the protection of the "Sun Palace", Di Jun drew out a treasured sword, which was the 'Demon Emperor Sword' that he wore in ancient times. Although it was refined the day after tomorrow, it was of the highest quality. In ancient times, this 'Demon Emperor Sword' was more It is the symbol of the demon emperor, but now it must become a weapon in his hands.


When the Tiger Soul Knife and the Demon Emperor Sword collided, Liu Hao clearly felt that he had taken advantage of it. When the collision happened, the Tiger Soul Knife moved a little towards Di Jun, and then the faintly revealed 'Sun Palace' emitted a bright light, and it would take advantage of it. The superior Tiger Soul Knife resisted and paused in the void.

Di Jun was very angry in his heart, he used the 'Sun Palace' to resist the opponent's slash, which was already a failure for him, but it would be even more embarrassing for him if he didn't use it, if he was slashed by Liu Hao again, his prestige would be completely destroyed fall.

You know, one time it can be said that you accidentally fell into Liu Hao's way, and once again, it became inevitable. Once the middle and lower level monsters with low vision have formed a concept, it will be extremely difficult to regain their prestige. Therefore, Di Junming knew that his use of the "Sun Palace" would be despised by those powers on the ancient Lich battlefield, and he still used it. Compared with being despised by these powers, the basic disk of the Yaozu is what he cherishes the most .

On the other side, Liu Hao also knew that Di Jun used the defensive treasure, but he didn't make any noise. It was just a fight, and blaming others for using Lingbao was just a child's play. However, so far, he has no intention of following up immediately.

When Zhanpakudao was slashing towards the Yaodi Sword, Liu Hao also took a look at the 'Yaodi Sword' from the corner of his eyes, but the style was very familiar, it was clearly carved out of the same mold as the 'Xuanyuan Sword', the only difference was the engraving on it The words are different. On the Xuanyuan Sword, mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars are engraved, while on the Demon Emperor Sword, there are countless forms of demon tribes carved on it. With just one glance, Liu Hao knew that the Demon Emperor Sword in Di Jun's hand was against the demon tribe. The restraint is bound to be no small.

"Interesting. When the 'Xuanyuan Sword' was refined, it was called the 'Witch Slaying Sword'. Could it be that the sword in Di Jun's hand also has the effect of the 'Monster Slaying Sword'?"

Such a thought flashed through Liu Hao's mind, but he didn't intend to stop at all. The two of them were fighting close to each other, and the real fire of the sun didn't have much influence on him. Taking this opportunity, he used the 'Doo of the Sword' that he hadn't used for a long time. Let's try it again, and see if our "kendo" level is effective in the prehistoric.

With an idea in mind, the speed of the Tiger Soul Knife in Liu Hao's hand also accelerated a bit, slashing towards Di Jun like rain hitting plantains.

The tinkling sound of the collision was heard a million miles away, causing many great powers in the world to stop all movements in their hands and turn their eyes to look sideways. For them, they were not only observing the strength of the returned Emperor Jun, but also watching him. The strength of Liu Hao of the human race.

It was beyond Liu Hao's expectations, and it seemed more reasonable. Liu Hao slashed rapidly. Although Di Jun was a little slower, he was still able to resist. Thinking about it, it was reasonable. Di Jun didn't know how much he had survived. Over the years, it doesn't matter whether you are proficient in eighteen kinds of weapons or not. Since you have a sword equipped, it can't be used as a show.

He didn't know that Di Jun was also very depressed. He was caught by Liu Hao and could only resist. He has been passive until now. It was broken by Liu Hao.

Knowing is one thing, but wanting to fight back is another.

Liu Hao's slashing was really too fast, and he was already stronger than him, so he had to devote all his energy to deal with it. When he saw Liu Hao slashing, the happy smile on his face made Di Jun even more incompetent and furious. The other party seems to find a new toy in general for various tests.

It is said to be long, but in fact it is only a dozen breaths. During these dozen breaths, Liu Hao has hacked and slashed tens of thousands of attacks. Yes, we can only know that the two are colliding from the continuous sound. Who made the two of them not move at all?

After a dozen more breaths, Liu Hao sped up again and again, and Dijun's pressure became more and more intense. He almost couldn't keep up with the rhythm several times. The spirit is helping the defense.

Di Jun also knew that Liu Hao would break through his defenses sooner or later, and at that time, he would probably be cut a hundred thousand miles away. If this was the case, he would really lose all face. The emperor's faith is really about to be lost in the minds of the Yaozu.

He couldn't afford to lose, and he didn't dare to lose.

Thinking of this, Di Jun shouted loudly, and the real fire of the sun burst out all over his body suddenly, and it exploded a hundred times in an instant.

At the beginning, Liu Hao only felt a little dryness and heat, but soon realized that the "sun fire" was not easy, from dry heat to scorching heat, but after a while, Liu Hao also knew that he had better not touch it head-on, seeing the fire expanding more and more, the sun is really hot The golden burning cloud rushed towards him, stepped back, and then dodged past, and reappeared, already outside the hundredfold skyrocketing fire.

"Di Jun, this is your trump card? It's really disappointing!"

Liu Hao spoke fragrantly, as if he had returned to the state of mind when he first stepped into the practice. While fighting his opponent, he talked all kinds of trash very smoothly.

After hearing this, Di Jun was very annoyed. How could there be such a flamboyant opponent in the prehistoric battle? Each of them has a status, and if they don't die, they will save some face for each other.

Liu Hao's words, in Di Jun's view, were no different from tearing face apart, and there was an attitude that today it's either you die or I live.

In the past, Di Jun was really not afraid, but now Honghuang is no longer what it used to be, the demon clan is not the one who suppressed the world, and Di Jun is not the mighty demon emperor of the universe;

The most uncomfortable thing was that Di Jun felt that he could not get any benefits from a death fight with Liu Hao. It was not because he had no confidence. As a demon emperor, how could he not have any cards?

It's that he has other thoughts in his heart, he finally returned, and he cherishes it so much, how could he easily fight the enemy to the death? In addition, he knew that once he fought Liu Hao to the death, even if he won, he would be surrounded by other forces. At that time, his Emperor Jun would be beheaded by others, and all thoughts would be gone.

Of course, there is another factor that is unknown to others, and it is also the most uneconomical factor that Di Jun thinks. In his opinion, what kind of noble person is Di Jun? How can you fight to the death with a mere human race?

I thought so, but I was a little bit stuck in front of me.

If you come here in a mighty way, if you return in a disheveled manner, will the Demon Emperor lose face? What would the monster race below think of him?

This made him choose not to leave or stay, and he was even more depressed to death. He forced Liu Hao to drive away, but he didn't catch up. He was thinking about how to escape.

Liu Hao didn't care about these, and was forced to engage in melee combat. He still swung the tiger soul knife in his hand, and slashed down towards Dijun. As if leading an ocean, the Emperor Jun Jinwu pointed directly at the sky.

He still underestimated the Emperor Jun Jinwu, and the phantom of the vast ocean fell, but in a short while, it was evaporated by the Golden Crow. If it wasn't for the shock caused by the light of the knife in the 'Sun Palace', Liu Hao would have thought that his knife was not at all. No achievements.

"That's right, it's the 'True Sun Fire'. When it's drowned out by the sea, it's not the 'True Sun Fire'! It seems that my 'Sun Talisman' is still not enough to understand, and I need to go to the Sun Star to see if I have a chance. Just the situation!"

Thoughts flashed in Liu Hao's mind, but the smile on his face did not decrease at all.

The battle between him and Di Jun seemed huge, but in fact, both of them knew each other well, and it wasn't even a warm-up. How can he let go of tens of millions of human troops?

After slashing this knife, Liu Hao didn't continue. Di Jun saw it and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He really didn't want to continue and return to the prehistoric. You can step into the quasi-sage, and at that time, facing Liu Hao again, it will be a situation of suppression. This is what he thought in his heart, and today's hatred can be regarded as written down.

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