Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and twelve. War horn

812. War Horn

Liu Hao also knows Di Jun's mentality, but he is not afraid of this, so what if he knows that Di Jun will soon step into the quasi-sage? In today's battle, his desire to kill the corpse has become stronger and stronger. Perhaps he can step into the quasi-sage faster than Di Jun. At that time, it is not certain who will suppress who.

The two had their own thoughts, facing each other from a distance, looking at each other silently, and slowly inserting the sword in their hands into the sheath.

Down below, the vast green dragon has already wiped out all the water demon cannon fodder in the waters of the Black River after all this tossing. It slowly raised its head and swam leisurely upwards. The whole dragon's head gradually approached Liu Hao and stopped at Liu Hao's feet. , looking straight in the direction of Di Jun, but a dragon's head is ten thousand times larger than the Golden Crow that Di Jun opened. Even when Di Jun saw it, he had to sigh that the pressure was not small.

The "green dragon" formed by turning the imaginary into reality with the "green dragon talisman" looks like a real dragon in appearance, and because of the "green dragon", the coercion is even greater. In front of Zhuan', there is a high probability of losing.

The only flaw is that Liu Hao's 'Blue Dragon Talisman' can only be maintained for a limited time, but even so, if he really fights with Di Jun, this 'Blue Dragon' can still give him a headache. After thinking about it, Di Jun couldn't help but deal with it if he was seriously injured. Now he is clear that the human race in front of him can really fight him to the death.

"Human race! Hmph!"

Di Jun repositioned the position of the human race in his heart. After this battle, he no longer regarded the human race as nothing in the past.

"Oh? Do you look down on the human race? It seems that the demon emperor not only has a problem with Nuwa Empress, but also is very unhappy with Daode Tianzun!"


Di Jun was instigated by Liu Hao, and he hated him so much that he didn't want to talk to Liu Hao anymore. If he really went on, he couldn't explain it clearly with ten mouths.

He flicked the cannon, put away the real fire around him, took a deep look at Liu Hao, and turned his head to fly towards the ancient lich battlefield.

Liu Hao didn't stop him, he sneered, and seeing Di Jun disappear into the sky, he turned around and returned.

When I arrived at my small courtyard, I heard the endless shouts coming from the direction of the Great Wall. At this moment, the tens of millions of people shouted happily, celebrating this hard-won victory, and even more so on the back of their overwhelming self-confidence. Engraving a seal, I have never felt so lucky to be born as a human race like I am today.

Hearing these cheers, Liu Hao smiled slightly, shook his head and sighed. He didn't know whether the confidence he passed on to the human race was a blessing or a curse, but he knew that the human race needed such self-confidence, but he hoped that the human race would not become To be arrogant, to really think that through cultivation, one can rival the Demon Emperor, is the real disaster.

"Forget it, there is no explanation, just let it be, at least the cultivation base of the human monks has improved, and they can still fight against the middle and lower classes of the monster race! As for the masters of the monster race, the ancestral land of the human race is not bad, and there is nothing to be afraid of !"

Shaking his head again, Liu Hao didn't bother to think about it. He also knew that Di Jun would never give up. After ten days and a half a month, the number of water monsters in the Black River would increase again. The indefinite war, the confidence given to the race today, will not really show its effect until then.

On the other hand, the water monster side of the monster race cannot be as rampant as before. When Liu Hao cast the 'Blue Dragon Talisman', he kept a lot of water monsters in order to scare the newcomers through the mouths of these water monsters. Under the counterbalance, one should be more brisk when fighting again.

"Without the 'horn' spiritual treasure, it will be much more difficult for the Yaozu to organize. Even if they change to other treasures, they will certainly not be as effective as the 'horn', right?"

Sitting cross-legged at the tea table, Liu Hao took out the 'horn' spirit treasure, and penetrated into it with his spiritual sense, the smile on his face gradually rose, and at the end, he burst out laughing.

"'The Horn of War'! What a pleasant surprise, 40 restrictions, actually entered the top grade, hahaha, this is a big profit!"

The meaning of the "war horn" is self-evident. It was originally a "spiritual treasure" for war. At the beginning, it was in the hands of Qilin, the ancestor of the three clans.

Later, he gave it to the mammoth mammoth. After the Dragon and Han catastrophe, this "war horn" has been going around in the hands of the elephant clan. The rise of the monster clan, the elephant clan joined the monster clan, so it was reused. I don't want it to fall to Liu Hao hands.

"I entered the human race, and the monster race wants to get it back, hehe..."

Knowing the usefulness of the 'war horn', Liu Hao will not let go.

This Spirit Treasure was born at the right time, it is very fragile in terms of offense and defense, it is only a bit stronger, but the real use is in the war, once it is blown, it can not only stimulate the 'morale', but also add a 'buff' to the side , such as slightly increasing physical strength, increasing physical strength, increasing self-healing ability, etc.

It's also because the monsters don't understand the way of battle formation, and the usefulness of the "war horn" has not been developed to the extreme. Under the command, the transformation of the battle formation is the real power. Being able to change formations and switch between offense and defense is the kingly way to greatly increase combat effectiveness. This effect alone is enough to increase the combat effectiveness of the human army several times.

Don't think that this is already the limit of the 'war horn', it still has a real function, that is 'covering', any imitation 'war horn', as long as it belongs to your own side, can cover it, making it a An independent 'clone' generally commands a region of sergeants, which is equivalent to giving every general on the front line the command and authority, so that it can be ever-changing and targeted for attack or defense.

This is the real horror of the 'war horn'. The monster race still has too few brains, and they can't exert the true power of the 'war horn' at all.

After refining the 'war horn', Liu Hao immediately opened the 'manager's station' in Wen Palace to state the benefits of this treasure, and then gave it to Jiang Ziya for use.

"The monster clan will not let it go. The next time the water monster launches an attack, there will inevitably be a powerful monster from the monster clan who will come to sit in charge, so don't wait lightly!"


The generals left one by one, and Liu Hao left Jiang Ziya and Li Jing behind.

"The imitation of the 'War Horn' needs to be arranged as soon as possible. I predict that the water demon will come again in a month at most, and the war will not exceed three months. During this period, it is not only a time for us to relax, but also a time for us to strengthen our training! "

Both Jiang Ziya and Li Jing nodded. What Liu Hao said was not much different from what they had guessed.

"Teacher, in this battle, Baijia is already familiar with itself. The next time, the combat power is bound to increase a lot! As for the training of sergeants, the three immortals of 'tiger, deer and sheep' arranged by the teacher before have passed down the 'three chariot power' satin body. In the next battle, the average combat power of human soldiers can be increased by about two ranks, and at that time, three or two human soldiers can resist ordinary little monsters together!"

As the commander in chief, Jiang Ziya knew the most about the people below. His explanation made Liu Hao much happier. He was glad that Sun Wukong brought the three monsters of "tiger, deer and sheep", and even more fortunate that he thought of "three chariots". Thanks to the world of 'under one person'.

"Li Jing, these days, you must hurry up and train your soldiers to fight in battle formations. With the merit of the 'war horn', the training effect will definitely increase a hundred times, so don't slack off!"

"Yes! Daojun! Pharmacist should do his best!"

"Billions of water monster bones have been collected, and there is no shortage of refining materials. Using these water monster bone spurs to refine more arrows will be more effective by relying on the Great Wall. Can those monks in Youzhou Fang City make arrangements?"

"The quantity is too large, it's still troublesome!"

Jiang Ziya also knows that the best solution is to spread the art of refining weapons to human soldiers, but he dare not do it. Liu Hao is equally aware of not daring to make any moves.

"Gongjia has a unique method of refining weapons, may it be rushed?"

"Teacher, although there are many craftsmen, those who can refine weapons alone are still too few!"

Liu Hao nodded slightly, and suddenly remembered the assembly line of the earth. He frowned, feeling a bit in a dilemma. Right now, this method is definitely the best solution, but once the "assembly line" spreads, opponents are likely to form The opposite effect is that it will reduce the dependence of Gongjia practitioners on manual work. If things go on like this, it is impossible to say that Gongjia practitioners will slack off.

But after thinking about it, Liu Hao felt that he was a little unfounded. Even if the assembly line was born, the real craftsmen would still stand out. Moreover, among the many assembly line workers, many craftsmen would inevitably be born. Such a comparison Underneath, there seems to be nothing wrong.

Moreover, it may be said that many professionals will be born because of this, and it can be regarded as pointing out another path for workers.

With this in mind, Liu Hao made a decision, and explained to Jiang Ziya and Li Jing, both of them had bright eyes and more confidence in their hearts.

"I will inform Lu Ban about this matter. Professional matters should be left to professionals, and the two of you can help from the side!"

Jiang Ziya and Li Jing were all right, and they knew that the reason why Liu Hao did this was to transfer this merit to the members of the Luban Gong family, and they had no intention of grabbing credit.

"The real benefit of the 'assembly line' is not here. It is more about mass production of products, which can not only speed up, but also reduce costs, and the promotion of various tools for workers will be much faster.

Just like 'Quyuanli', since its birth, there are still very few people who can actually make it. Once many parts are handed over to the assembly line for production, and then these parts are taken back for assembly, it is bound to make 'Quyuanli' popular in the entire Tang Dynasty and the whole world. When the human race in the Earth Immortal Realm spreads, by then, the food production will increase greatly. This is the real merit! "

Liu Hao's words made the spirit of Lu Ban who came here soar, he got the method, and rushed back to experiment.

The war consumes too much material. Tens of millions of soldiers are stationed in Youzhou. Even Datang is very difficult. Fortunately, Liu Hao gave Li Shimin 'corn' before. After more than two years of promotion, it is now widely used in Youzhou. In order to spread the word, this is why there has been no food shortage so far. However, Liu Hao also knows that if the war with the Yaozu continues like this, problems will arise sooner or later.

Fortunately, it was the Yaozu who were facing the war, otherwise the Tang Dynasty would have been in chaos, and the words like "warrior must die" would have spread.

In the face of the demon clan's attack, any human race knows that once the front line of Youzhou is overwhelmed by the demon clan, most of the human race will be reduced to the rations of the monster clan. Gritting your teeth to support the idea.

How could Liu Hao not understand this? Fortunately, due to the war in Youzhou, almost all the aristocratic families were afraid of danger, so they sold their land cheaply and moved away. As a result, most of the land in Youzhou fell into the hands of the imperial court, which was then distributed to frontline soldiers by the imperial court, and then sublet by soldiers. Cultivating the farmers as a whole has greatly supplemented the food gap. Otherwise, whether Datang can survive until now is still a big problem.

So far, Liu Hao can't control much. He has also released 'potatoes and sweet potatoes' one by one, and now they have been spread throughout Youzhou. When the water monster attacks next time, the food can be harvested. At the same time, there is no fear of others.

As for meat, Liu Hao felt a little taboo, but those human soldiers couldn't control it. The dead monsters showed their original shape. They were fish and shrimp, and they were edible things. After the war, there was no shortage at all, but these human soldiers Soldiers keep up with nutrition, and speed up the exercise of "three-car power".

Youzhou has become a huge barracks. Various factories have been established under Gongjia, and a steady stream of tools are produced, and the surplus is also sold to other regions by merchants. Tang's high-speed operation has greatly improved the national strength, which Li Shimin did not expect.

The war already had a great promotional effect, and the productivity was greatly released during this period. The huge demand of the military made it easy to sell grain in other regions of the Tang Dynasty. Money, and the ability to buy daily necessities, also made the enthusiasm of the craftsmen high, and the commodities were greatly circulated. It is no wonder that there is a saying that "war is the biggest impetus".

This is also a huge benefit for Liu Hao. As a result, the promotion of the way of a hundred schools of thought has been accelerated by more than ten times. Not to mention other things, the sales of books have also increased by a hundred times during this period, and the literacy rate of the people is also on the rise. Substantial improvement and a solid foundation also laid the necessary conditions for the grand occasion of the way of a hundred schools of thought in the future.

Once the three months passed, more than one billion water monsters gathered in the Black River, which was much less than what Liu Hao expected, but after thinking about it, I found it very reasonable.

Beiju Luzhou is so big, the nearby water monster has already entered Heihe last time, and now it is basically reduced to bones. If you want to move the water monster later, the distance will inevitably be much farther, and the difficulty will inevitably increase, even if it is a high-level The speed of Yaozu transportation is also much slower, which gives the human race more opportunities to take a breath. Not to mention other things, the production of grain in Youzhou also makes Liu Hao and his party feel relieved. They have food in their hands and don’t panic. , that is why.

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