Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and thirteen. The way of the world?

813. The Way of the World?

On this day, Tongtian came again, still leading Honghaier by his side, and this little guy became his exclusive Taoist boy in the earth fairy world.

"Boy Liu, you have fought against Emperor Jun, and now you are well-known in the world of the earth and immortals. Even if I am in Dongsheng Shenzhou, I can also hear your reputation. I am really happy and congratulated!"

"Hahaha, it was also Dijun's carelessness. I guess when he came out, he forgot that he was no more than Daluo Jinxian Daoguo!"

"Hahaha, this is your 'luck'! I think you should kill your corpse now, right? Why? Could it be that you have other ideas?"

Liu Hao smiled, he really had other ideas.

During this period of time, Liu Hao comprehended the "Way of Time" obtained from the trading of time, combined with the "Way of Space" he had learned before, deduced the "Way of Time and Space", and incorporated it into his own Dao Fruit, so he wondered if he could walk Take the 'way of the world'.

It's a pity that Liu Hao borrowed his knowledge and still couldn't get in, but the corpse cutting was also delayed, and now it's a bit overwhelming.

In the face of Tongtian's inquiry, Liu Hao did not intend to hide his secrets. He stated his considerations one by one, but in exchange for Tongtian's strange eyes.

"Boy, you are very ambitious. Do you know that the 'Way of the World' can be comprehended by the Da Luojin Immortal Status? Do you know that the Way of the World involves three thousand laws?"

Liu Hao nodded, Tong Tian's weird eyes became more and more weird.

"Since you know it, then you have mastered the Three Thousand Rules?"

There was a bang in Liu Hao's mind, and then he smiled wryly. He really had a higher heart than the sky, and he took it for granted.

A world, even if it is a prototype, needs the support of the Three Thousand Ways of Law, otherwise it is just an illusion. The reason why Liu Hao was able to create the prototype of the world is because of his three thousand talismans, but even so, the prototype of the world is very weak. Fragile, belonging to the kind of world that can be broken at the same level of cost, such a prototype of the world can only be regarded as an entry point, and it is far from the real prototype of the world.

With Tongtian's explanation, Liu Hao understands that the real embryonic form of the world must be the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Dao Fruit, or in other words, the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Dao Fruit is the real prototype of the world. No wonder Tongtian looked at him with strange eyes.

"It's a good thing you reminded me today, otherwise, hehe..."

Liu Hao shook his head and laughed, but the gratitude in his heart came from the heart. If the other party hadn't reminded him, he would have wasted countless energy on this and did such useless work.

"Don't be like this, it's not useless for you to understand it, at least three thousand ways, you are familiar with a lot, right?"

Seeing Liu Hao nodding, Tongtian continued to talk;

"Furthermore, your comprehension of the Three Thousand Ways will also greatly promote your killing of corpses. These days, you should be a little bit overwhelmed, right?"

Liu Hao nodded again, thinking in his heart whether he would continue to study after the corpse was chopped off? When you reach the quasi-sage, you can comprehend the three thousand laws. Perhaps your own way of the world is really promising, and it doesn't seem to delay the practice of killing the three corpses at all.

Seemingly seeing what Liu Hao was thinking, Tong Tian nodded approvingly, but he did not elaborate on the specific meaning. What Liu Hao thought was also a road, but it was much more difficult. Comprehension of the Three Thousand Laws is not at the same level at all, regardless of the difficulty, it takes a huge amount of time;

How Liu Hao chooses is Liu Hao's business. Tongtian is not his master, so there is no reason to talk about it. At that time, Tongtian will not be a human being inside and outside.

Liu Hao doesn't know today, but he will understand later when he comprehends it. It's enough for him to wake up himself, Tong Tian doesn't bother to care about it.

These days, Tongtian has gone around all the squares and cities in the Earth Immortal Realm, distributing countless jade slips of formations, which can be regarded as achieving his goal of spreading the way of formations to the prehistoric. Tao himself taught that the relationship between luck and prehistoric times is much closer.

This gave him a feeling, as if after that day, Jiejiao really became a part of the Great Desolation.

As a saint, how can he not know that the appearance of this feeling means that the truth is like this.

It also means that since that day, it is impossible for him to become extinct in the prehistoric world, and even if he falls again, the dragon of luck that cuts off teaching will not dissipate.

If Liu Hao knew, he would tell Tongtian that until now, Jiejiao has truly integrated into the prehistoric sentient beings, and he has truly fulfilled Pangu's obligation to open up the world: to preach to all sentient beings.

Tongtian hasn't understood the truth yet, but it won't be long. After Tongtian understands these things, his cultivation will definitely improve a lot. For him, this is the real trick.

In the chaos, Hongjun knew this, and he sighed in various ways. He only felt that Tongtian is a fool. Was surpassed by Tongtian.

Speaking of it, Lao Tzu is also depressed. As early as in ancient times, he felt in the dark that his way of alchemy should be passed on. In fact, he is also doing it. Preaching Shennong is a huge attempt, but Lao Tzu has not fully realized it. Attack, only spread the human race, and ignored the other races of the prehistoric.

It's fine if it's another saint. Who told me that I was transformed by Pan Gu's primordial spirit, and all living beings in the prehistoric and famine, under certain circumstances, are all Pan Gu, so how could he be biased?

Laozi spread the foundation of alchemy to the human race, forming the foundation of farmers and doctors, and he has achieved his goal. For him, the benefits are also great, which makes him stand out among the Sanqing, one level higher than other saints grade.

Now, Tongtian has caught up and surpassed Lao Tzu, but it is hard to predict what will happen next.

But Yuanshi Tianzun is in a difficult situation. It's not that he is instigating, but that he attaches too much importance to his footsteps and talent, so that whether it is his jade-clear immortality or the way of refining weapons, he hides them and spreads them a little bit. What came down was also revealed unintentionally by the disciples, and it is even more difficult to affect Honghuang. Today, his method of refining weapons is not as popular as other powerful ones, which makes him have nothing to do with Pangu's knowledge, but little Pangu. In fact, if you don't wake up in the future, you will definitely fall behind Lao Tzu and Tong Tian.

Of course, this is something to say later, let’s not mention it for the time being, even if Hongjun knew it clearly, he would not be able to instruct him, so he could only let Yuanshi Tianzun realize it by himself.

But right now, Tongtian felt that Liu Hao was about to drive a high-speed train towards the south wall. So nasty?

But he didn't know that in his heart, there was already a trace of jealousy towards Liu Hao.

As a saint, how could Tongtian fail to see how long Liu Hao had practiced? It should be noted that the time for him to reach the heavens to prove the Daluo Jinxian Daoguo was much longer than Liu Hao. Just this point also made him feel unwilling to admit defeat, and as time passed, he had the jealousy just now.

Xu Shi knew that he shouldn't be like this, Tong Tian Mie killed the jealousy in his heart, raised his head and said to Liu Hao;

"You are approaching the day of killing the corpse, do you have good or evil thoughts?"

What Tongtian meant was to ask Liu Hao which of the three corpses he was about to cut off, thinking that he would make a point out of compensatory thoughts.

Liu Hao didn't think too much, and answered casually;

"It seems that there are good thoughts and evil thoughts, but I want to cut out the evil thoughts first. Regarding the good thoughts, I feel that they are not perfect!"

Tong Tian rolled his eyes again when he heard that, good guy, is it really possible to go to heaven? Why does it sound like you can cut out both good and evil corpses at once?

"Do you know what 'evil' is?"

"Do you read 'evil'?"

Liu Hao murmured, regarding "evil", he has cheats. In the world of Naruto, he absorbed the whole of Hokage's "evil" with his Zanpakuto, and his understanding of it has already penetrated into the bone marrow. Liu Hao knew what the real "evil" was after seeing the "evil" of the "sprite".

In the past, Liu Hao would only think that 'greed', 'jealousy', 'tyranny', etc. were the real evils, and only after he became a 'monster' did he let Liu Hao know how superficial his previous definition was.

The so-called 'evil' is nothing more than a position. There are two ends of interests. The 'good' of the winner is the 'evil' of the loser. It is just a difference in position. What if it is a win-win situation? Those who gain more want more, and greed is evil, and those who gain less, envy is also evil.

Good and evil are always one.

Knowing this made Liu Hao very troubled. Cutting off evil thoughts does not mean that his mind is clear. As long as the thoughts are still there, there will still be evil thoughts anytime and anywhere. Will he have to cut off the evil again at that time? 'read? It's just inexhaustible?

What's more, does the thought of 'evil' that is cut off really represent 'evil'? Obviously not, there will also be a lot of good thoughts in the 'evil corpse', and by then, will it still be my own 'evil corpse'?

Liu Hao didn't know that after muttering, he sank into his own thinking, stepped into the scope of philosophy, and completely forgot about Tongtian in front of him.

Originally, he was already at the critical point of beheading the corpse, but now he was immersed in it. Above his head, Qingyun began to appear and roll, and three flowers began to emerge. Among them, a white phantom appeared above the divine flower. When Liu Hao saw it, he would shout loudly, this white phantom was clearly the white tiger Liu Hao in his Zanpakutao.

There are many ways to kill the three corpses. The most obvious and convenient one is to rely on the innate spiritual treasure, which is much easier to cut off. The second method is to use merit as a guide, and gather merit to become the incarnation of the three corpses , such as Zhun Ti's golden body of evil thoughts;

The last method is also Hongjun's method of beheading the three corpses, that is, using the three flowers as the guide, the three flowers are the incarnation of the three corpses, this is the most difficult, but it is also the most convenient for the three corpses to be united, it is the same origin And out, naturally easy to fit.

At this time, Liu Hao was using Sanhua as a guide, but Hongjun didn't tell him that he was just ignorantly sinking into enlightenment, and instead chose the best mode of killing three corpses because of this, which was a blessing in disguise.

As Liu Hao deepened his comprehension, Liu Hao's phantom of the white tiger above the divine flower became more and more solid. You will find that the whole body is nothing more than the upper body, and the lower body has gradually joined together, and there is no distinction between each other.

At this time, Liu Hao had completely sunk into his own thoughts.

"If you cut off the evil thoughts, is that still me? What about the evil thoughts? Is it a clone or an incarnation?"

"If it's an incarnation and has self-awareness, is it still me?"

The so-called three corpses are also the id, ego and superego.

When Liu Hao fell into such thoughts, he opened up the philosophical thinking of "Id, Ego and Superego".

"That's right, the superego is a 'partial consciousness', a conscience and inner moral standards, and a collection of 'goodness', with its own bottom line;

The ego is "mostly conscious", responsible for dealing with the problems of the real world, and is the incarnation of reason, the complete self, no matter good or evil, more self-interested, in other words, it is one's own "obsession".

The id is the 'complete subconscious mind', a collection of desires, representing the 'evil' thoughts, and releasing one's own desires. "

After redefining the three corpses, Liu Hao's mind became clearer.

"The superego is for the 'good'. People live in the world and are affected by the environment. The various legal rules of the society are always awakened in their hearts, so they form a bottom line in their hearts. This bottom line is not only laws and regulations, but also laws and regulations. There is a moral standard in this heart.

This is "goodness", not only to benefit people, but also to dissolve in the world, "goodness" is more about not doing evil! "

As Liu Hao's thought appeared, a haze also rose above the 'Qi Hua', and then a faint phantom began to sit cross-legged on it, and Tongtian saw it, and realized that what Liu Hao just said was true, it was really true Both the good and the evil corpses have senses, comparing the two, the 'evil' corpse is clearer, and now it has turned the imaginary into reality.

Liu Hao didn't stop thinking.

"That's the case with the superego, but what about the id? It's no wonder that obsession is the hardest to get rid of. It is completely rational, and it is almost an existence in legends. If good and evil are not cut, but obsessions want to be cut off, it is almost impossible, that is, good and evil. Go, will you really be completely rational?"

Liu Hao finds it too difficult to think about it. People are not machines, let alone AI. Having thoughts means that new ideas pop up all the time. Every time an idea pops up, good and evil are generated from it, purifying oneself and making it completely rational It is almost like a dream. This is not something that can be achieved with great perseverance and great wisdom. It is no wonder that so far, the saints in the heavens have only been able to kill Lao Tzu. Even Lao Tzu, it is only possible rather than certain. For other saints, this may be difficult.

"Perhaps, obsession with this matter really requires 'luck'!"

This idea flashed in Liu Hao's mind, but before his eyes, he began to think about himself.

"I am a collection of desires. All evil is the product of desires. Under desires, one wants to get something. If you want to get something, you want to get it, whether it is from the world or from the world. Whether it is in the hands of others, it is all 'evil', energy is conserved, if you get it, it means others lose it, this is the real 'evil'!"

Above the three acres of Qingyun, among the divine flowers, the body of the white tiger Liu Hao has been completely solidified. He is wearing a white robe that looks like weaving feathers, and there are faint black patterns on it. On the back, one can clearly see a giant white tiger embroidered on it, with an elegant figure, exuding a faint evil spirit, and with scarlet eyes, it is not the slightest difference from the real thing.

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