Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and fourteenth. Cut corpse

814: Cutting Corpse

At this level, Tongtian knew that what Liu Hao entrusted was clearly one of the three flowers, the divine flower, and he also broke into a cold sweat for Liu Hao. How could he not know how difficult it was? As Hongjun's direct disciple, Hongjun never kept any secrets from them in this regard.

Among the Sanqing, Lao Tzu's good and evil corpses were all beheaded with Sanhua as a sustenance. When it was Yuanyuan's turn, he could only beheaded with Sanhua as sustenance. The evil thoughts were still unavailable after countless attempts, so I had to give up ;Tongtian, contrary to the original, his evil corpse was cut off with Sanhua as his sustenance, and his good intentions completely failed.

Among Liu Hao's divine flowers, Baihu Liu Hao's body has already solidified, but he has only experienced half of it, and he has only completed the easiest half. Next, if he wants to complete it, he must let Baihu Liu Hao The absorption of Shenhua requires the complete transformation of the two. This is the most difficult point.

It should be noted that the divine flower is originally a collection of monks' soul energy, not to mention other things, even absorbing it is extremely difficult, like a tug-of-war match, tug-of-war between yourself and yourself, how can there be any victory or defeat with nearly equal strength? Once stalemate, it is bound to fail, and this is the most difficult part.

At this moment, Liu Hao already felt the stalemate, but fortunately he didn't sink into it. On the contrary, he was still comprehending the way of the three corpses, hoping to give the white tiger Liu Hao more help.

"The incarnation of evil thoughts is a collection of desires. Will you behave pervertedly and kill if you don't agree? Isn't that the evil that releases desires?"

Liu Hao fell into another problem again. He felt that evil thoughts were simply his blackened self. Do he really want to release such a self?

This idea of ​​his is a tug of war, whether it is the moral standard or reason in his heart, it is all involving him, preventing the evil side from succeeding.

"The evil corpse that the hateful thoughts cut off is still me, but it's just that I act more simply!"

With self-persuasion again, Liu Hao felt more and more that this should be the case, following this thinking, he began to open his eyes.

"Desire after release doesn't mean you lose your reason?"

"I haven't heard of any powerful evil corpse becoming a big devil!"

"That's right, demon!"

"Isn't the so-called evil corpse a kind of demon?"

"Demon, is it really evil? Say yes, say no! They also have their own bottom line, but the moral standards and time are a little different!"

"So that's it! It's just that the interests are different! Just like the evil corpse I cut out, it also stands on the human race, with a lower bottom line. It may be very indifferent to some people who died in the human race, but it is even more tyrannical towards the enemy!"

"This is who I am! He may not be respected by the human race, and may even be disgusted by him, but his contribution to the human race will definitely not be less!

On the contrary, the unscrupulousness of the self will make the enemy feel terrible. This is "evil". To anyone, he is just a person who acts perversely, but to the whole human race, is he "good" or "good"? "Evil" needs to be explained by later generations! "

Liu Hao thought about this, but felt that his evil thoughts were very useful, not to mention the human race, even himself, he also needs such a face that sings a bad face. Blindly kindness will only make people grasp the bottom line, and then be tempted crazily On the contrary, once you have this incarnation of evil thoughts, once your bottom line is tested by others, you will release it. After a few times, you will never dare to trample on your bottom line.

With this idea, above Qingyun, the white tiger Liu Hao began to win the tug-of-war. This idea not only convinced himself, but also convinced the kindness and obsession in his heart. Rationality no longer had the idea of ​​embarrassing desire, and began to release water.

In just a few breaths, Tongtian saw that the white tiger Liu Hao in Liu Hao's divine flower had completely absorbed the divine flower, and the entire body of the white tiger Liu Hao began to appear. The divine flower had changed from a solid lotus flower to a whole An illusory flower, supporting Liu Hao who was dressed in white, whirled faintly.


A seemingly invisible voice sounded in the small courtyard,

Mei'er and Xiaodouzi, who were drawing talismans, turned their heads to take a look.

"Sister, sister, there are two teachers!"

"Yeah, really! That master in vain seems to be very strict!"

"Yes, yes! I was a little scared when I saw it!"

The conversation between Meier and Xiaodouzi was heard by Tongtian. He smiled sarcasticly, but he was thinking in his heart that if Dijun met Liu Hao next time, he might really lose face. If he was unlucky, It is impossible to say that he has to receive the lunch box again. If so, Di Jun will most likely be reincarnated, and he will have no face to wait for the summon of the Yaozu again.

Among Qingyun, Baihu Liu Hao opened his eyes, nodded towards Tongtian, and then dispersed his figure. When he reappeared, it was clearly another divine flower, but compared with before, this divine flower now It seems that there is a little more agility, like a living thing, and it starts to absorb the energy of the outside world autonomously.

After chopping off the evil corpse, Liu Hao always had a strange feeling in his heart. He felt that his control over the Zanpakuto had changed a lot. It seemed that his control had become stronger, but at the same time he seemed to be out of his control.

It took quite a while for Liu Hao to get rid of this weirdness. It wasn't because he was out of his control, but because of the appearance of the White Tiger Liu Hao's incarnation, which made the Zanpakuto the White Tiger Liu Hao's weapon; It's not an illusion, but that I have a higher fit with it, and there is a feeling that it doesn't distinguish between you and me, like using an arm, with ease.

Cutting off evil thoughts also means that Liu Hao has stepped into the quasi-sage, and he has stepped into the peak of the early quasi-sage at one time. After a while, he will be able to step into the middle-stage quasi-sage. He can also be regarded as a powerful one, and now he is not afraid to face the Bodhisattva of Great Strength, the kind who can smash the opponent head-on.

Of course, Liu Hao also knows that this is an illusion. Stepping into the quasi-sage, the combat mode is completely different. To put it simply, it is no longer a collision of energy, but a collision of "Tao", a confrontation of laws, This is the true strength of the quasi-sage.

For example, the strongest blow of a big Luo Jinxian, the quasi-sage does not need to resist at all, and can be transformed into laws at will, such as introducing this attack power into other spaces, such as dividing this power into countless numbers, or dividing the force The deprivation of various elements in the book, etc., are all methods used in quasi-holy warfare.

If you want to confront Zhunsheng head-on, except for the Lingbao, there is basically no way to attack other attacks.

Therefore, only the quasi-sage can be called a powerful saying. If you don't become a quasi-sage, you don't know the power of a quasi-sage at all.

To put it more clearly, that is, the quasi-sage attacks at will, and it also brings the power of the world. When you swing a knife, you can evolve Fengshuihuo, just like a world killing you, it is not something that mere power can resist.

Don't think that the power of the ancestral witch power is pure power. Among them, the law of power is bound to be carried. Otherwise, how can it resist an attack from the power of the world?

After being familiar with the new power model, Liu Hao opened his eyes, but he couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

"Congratulations, fellow daoist!"

Tong Tian chuckled, Liu Hao also laughed, and then he was startled again.

"Fellow Daoist also beheaded the corpse?"

"Hahaha, but it was discovered by you that it was a coincidence that Pindao cut off the evil thoughts, and it was also because of Pindao's propagating the way of the formation. With the addition of luck, it will happen when it happens, which is not lost on me. Acting in the name of the Hierarch!"

In Tongtian's explanation, Liu Hao didn't feel that the other party was lying, but he didn't know that Tongtian had already thought about this statement.

"Same joy, same joy! When the catastrophe comes, it will be easier for monks to improve their morality or kill corpses! We are TOEFL!"

"Hahaha, that's why the catastrophe makes people love and hate it! Even so, I dare not say that I escaped the catastrophe!"

"Of course! The second conferment of the gods, I think it is even more terrifying than in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. I don't know if the saints in the last period will join it. If the saints really join in, let alone beheading a corpse, it will be the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and it will be the peak of the quasi-sage." I dare not say that I can save my life!"

"This is unpredictable! The only thing we can do is take one step at a time. For us, improving our cultivation base is the kingly way. The higher the cultivation base, the more life-saving power will be improved a lot!"

"Extremely extreme! Compared with the Daluo Jinxian fruit status, you can truly have a sliver of self-protection power if you become a quasi-sage!"

"Hahaha! Drinking this cup together is only for celebration!"


The two clinked a glass and laughed again.

Tong Tian didn't stay much longer, and after he and Hong Hai'er left, Liu Hao calmed down to comprehend the way of quasi-sage, the more he comprehended, the more he discovered the power of quasi-sage.

Taking Liu Hao today as an example, it is a simple matter for Liu Hao to build in Youzhou Fang City, not to mention a few steps such as gravity talisman compression, fire talisman calcination and so on.

A quasi-sage, whether he is enlightened or anything else, cannot get rid of the law of comprehension. The three thousand ways correspond to the three thousand laws. For example, the great way of the earth corresponds to the law of the earth.

After becoming a quasi-sage, the way of the earth that Liu Hao understood in the past has also been converted into laws. In the past, when manipulating the earth, he either used talismans or his own strength, etc., but now it does not need to be like this. In Liu Hao's eyes, it is like a big net. After comprehending the laws of it, it is equivalent to understanding a part of this big net. By manipulating this part, he can affect the whole earth and use it for his own use.

Just like casting Youzhoufang City before, now Liu Hao only needs to step on it lightly, and he can make the land within hundreds of thousands of kilometers uplift and become a wall. He only needs to change the structure of the soil, It can make them stronger and more steadfast, without any need for gravity fires, and the city walls of Youzhou Fang City can be more than a hundred times stronger than they are today.

This is like the quasi-sage can change the molecular density of objects, making them more compact, and the soil will be transformed into solid stone. In this process, the energy input into it is very little, and brute force is basically two concepts , it's no wonder that compared with Daluo Jinxian, there is a gap between the quasi-sage and Da Luo Jinxian.

To change another example, in the past, if Liu Hao wanted to control the Heihe River, he had to sink himself into it, use his Azure Dragon talent to roll the water and stir up the waves;

Now, you only need to stand on the surface of the water, gently lift a corner of the water net, and you can shake the surrounding waters, and step on the corner of the water net lightly, you can shake the entire water net, and spread, it is a huge wave, easy Incomparable.

This is the use of the law, clever and ingenious, see through the essence of affairs, use the power of the world itself to fluctuate the energy of the world, and at a small cost, you can launch a far more powerful attack than Da Luo Jinxian.

"Fortunately, Dijun was impulsive. If he had sent a quasi-sage of the demon clan to come, he might have been on the spot! It's really luck!"

Knowing the strength of the quasi-sage, Liu Hao is also rejoicing. It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. If you don't go deep into it, you will only be blind. What a blessing.

He didn't know that although he was a little arrogant, but with the three innate treasures in his hands, even if he was facing Zhunsheng's early stage, he was hit suddenly at the time of Daluo Jinxian Daoguo, maybe Zhunsheng would be angry on the spot if he was not careful , Of course, this matter is impossible to happen now, but it is not without advantages, that is, it will not expose its own treasure and attract many powerful people to covet it.

Or maybe it was because he had a little bit of self-protection ability after he arrived at Zhunsheng. Liu Hao also knew that some treasures should also show up, such as the Xuanwu Seal, and the Xuanwu Dojo in the North Pole should also be opened, and integrated into the prehistoric. After this, I can use the treasure of Xuanwu Seal with peace of mind.

"The land of the extreme north! It seems a little far away!"

It’s really not that far away. The Earth Immortal Realm, plus the newly-appeared Buzhou Mountain Zhongzhou, and the land of each continent are very vast. However, compared with the four seas, they are a bit small. All the lands in the fairy world add up to a hundred times larger.

The prehistoric world was broken, not because the broken land disappeared, but because these lands scattered into the starry sky and became stars, but more land sank into the sea, compressing the land, making the earth and fairy world tight today. Once a blessed land appears, almost It's about to break the head scramble.

In ancient times, some blessed lands today are just places where some little demons lived. The real master saw it, and didn't even have the intention to stop and check.

Even if he entered the quasi-sage, Liu Hao couldn't imagine what the Dojo of Xuanwu Dazun would look like. Not to mention that the dojo of Hunyuan Saint level is like a world. What should the dojo look like?

What is the size?

Is it comparable to a continent in the Earth Immortal Realm, or is it comparable to the size of the entire Earth Immortal Realm continent today?

Is there such a thing as the sea?

And how to integrate into the prehistoric?

Is he manipulating it to connect it with the earth of the immortal world? Or just open it?

If it is enough to simply open it, then how will such a piece of land belong in the future?

Will it form a new practice civilization?

Are there any living beings in it?

If so, what is their cultivation base? Will it have a huge impact on Honghuang's major forces today?

Wait, wait, etc. Liu Hao has to consider these issues now, and he is also thinking about whether to bring other people to act together. This is not a joke. He wouldn't be surprised either.

If there are so many Hunyuan Saint levels, maybe he will let himself fall into the opponent's hands as soon as he opens it, and life and death will not be controlled by himself. He doesn't want to take this risk.

Moreover, since Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa already knew about it, it seems reasonable to bring them along, doesn't it? Anyway, with a thigh by my side, the safety is also guaranteed; although this will give them some merit, but compared with life, what is it?

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